Read The Valiant Wolf’s Diaries, Book 7: The Missing Animals Page 1

  The Valiant Wolf’s Diaries, Book 7: The Missing Animals

  Copyright 2016 Mark Mulle

  Author’s Note

  This short story is for your reading pleasure. The characters in this "Minecraft Adventure Series" such as Steve, Endermen or Herobrine...etc are based on the Minecraft Game coming from Minecraft ®/TM & © 2009-2013 Mojang / Notch

  Table of Contents

  Day 1

  Day 2

  Day 3

  Day 4

  Day 5

  Day 6

  Day 7

  Day 8

  Day 9

  Day 10

  Day 11

  Day 12

  Day 13

  Day 14

  Day 15

  Day 16

  Day 17

  Day 18

  Day 19

  Day 20

  Day 21

  Day 22

  Day 23

  Day 24

  Day 25

  Day 26

  Day 27

  Day 28

  Day 29

  Day 30

  About the Author

  Other books by this Author

  Day 1

  Ah, my dear diary. It’s been a whole year. Time flies! I remember the last day I wrote about my daily life as if it was yesterday.

  A year ago, I, the Wolf Boris and my lovely family and friends, were on a race against time in order to fight the Zombie horde. The good old times… That was a fight I’ll never forget. After we defeated the creepy creatures and returned home along with Steve, he built us a big house and several other structures.

  During this year of peace, we’ve lived better than ever; I honestly couldn’t have asked for a better life. Tasha and Lobo grew up, and now they’re no longer cubs. My two babies are adult Wolves who can take care of themselves.

  Tasha and Lobo have been asking me recently to go on a new adventure by themselves. I think spending a year at home without anything new or exciting to do have been a terrible experience for them.

  Susi, my wife, has opposed their plan, and so have I. But on the other hand, I also believe they’re too young to simply settle down like us, and going on an adventure is always a good experience for young wolves like them.

  As for Oopa and Elly, they’ve been together ever since we defeated the horde. They are a beautiful wolf couple and we’ve remained great friends. Steve is also a good friend of ours, and he never stops working.

  Day 2

  Living in peace is a great thing. Truly, I haven’t felt like this in years.

  Back in the days when we lived in the forests, every day was a different struggle. We had to find our own food, water, supplies, shelter… It wasn’t easy.

  Then one day, I met Oopa and he introduced me to Steve. I was scared at first with the idea of being tamed, and living with this newly discovered creature known as human. Afterwards, I grew fond of him, and I realized that was the best decision I have ever made in my life.

  My life agrees with me – Susi has never been happier. Of course it wasn’t easy… The first three months were chaotic! Who could foresee that we’d have to fight hundreds of Zombies and take down their very leader in order to restore peace in Minecraftia? I am telling you, I couldn’t!

  The challenges were tough, but we managed to make it through by working together. Our family bond is stronger than anything else, and our friends are always by our side. We’ve succeeded not because we’re strong, but because we are united.

  Fast forward a year later and here I am writing about my life again in this new part of my diary. I really wonder what’s coming next? For now, I just want to enjoy my life with my wife and children. Well, they’re not really children anymore, and they don’t have the same idea as we do.

  I don’t know what Tasha and Lobo are planning, but they’re not going to stay quiet until they’ve achieved what they want. Oh well, I guess they’re just like their dad after all…

  Day 3

  Today, Susi and I talked with Oopa and Elly about our kids. Tasha and Lobo spent the day along with Steve at the forest.

  - “Tasha and Lobo keep telling me they want to leave this place. I don’t know what to do with those two anymore!” Susi said.

  - “Relax, Susi. They’re young adults! Of course they wish to see the world and find new adventures.” Elly said.

  - “But Elly, you know how dangerous it can be outside. We’ve experienced that first hand. What if the hordes come back? What if they run into those monsters and beasts all by themselves? I can’t let them take that risk!” Susi said.

  - “Susi, I am afraid of letting them go, too.” I said. “On the other hand, I don’t think it is right for us to keep them here forever. They’re young and they also deserve a chance to explore the world, just like we did. By the way, we met each other during those trips.” I said.

  - “Maybe, Boris… But things were different back then! The world is a dangerous place nowadays.” Susi said.

  - “I know. Just think about what we’ve been through last year: Tasha and Lobo are adults. They have proven their own valor, we should reconsider our decision.” I said.

  - “I will think about it… I just can’t help it.”

  - “I know, honey. We’re their parents, and we want the best for them. I know how hard it can be to let them go out.”

  - “It’s natural, Susi. You two are great parents and you’ve taken care of Lobo and Tasha, who grew up to be valiant and intelligent wolves.” Oopa said.

  - “Okay… I will reconsider.” Susi said.

  I know how hard it must be for Susi to let our children go, but Lobo and Tasha deserve a chance to live a new adventure. They’re just too young to settle down here.

  Day 4

  Today, we talked with Lobo and Tasha and asked them what they had in mind for their future.

  - “We’ve been talking about your plans, and we want to hear from you what exactly you want.” I asked them.

  - “Well dad, we are just tired of this place! We want to go on an adventure. We want to explore, find new biomes, new cities, other humans and wolves!” Lobo said.

  - “Yes, dad. This place is boring… We can’t live here for the rest of our lives. We want to be free to choose!” Tasha said.

  - “Alright… We know that’s what you want, but are you sure?” Susi asked them. “This place is safe. We’ve got all we want – food, shelter, everything provided by Steve.”

  - “We love our home, mom. But we also want to do something else.” Lobo said.

  - “We want to travel, go on a new journey.” Tasha said.

  - “Okay, kids. I don’t see an issue with that, but you have to promise me you’ll be very careful on your journey and will come back home if things get dangerous.” I said. “You just have to ask or your mother’s permission”.

  - “Okay, thanks dad! What do you say, mom?” Lobo asked her.

  - “I… Okay. If that’s what you two want, I can’t say no. But please promise me the same. If things go south, return immediately. Do you both understand?” Susi asked them.

  - “Yes!” They answered.

  - “Very well. When do you plan on leaving?” I asked them.

  - “Tomorrow, if possible!” Tasha said.

  - “Woah, tomorrow? Isn’t that a bit too early…” I said.

  - “But dad, you just told us to go!”

  - “Alright, okay. Then go get ready for this journey of yours, if that’s what you two really want.” I said.

  - “Thanks mom and dad!” They said. Lobo and Tasha were happier than ever.

  - “Kids t
hese days… I guess they just want freedom.” I said.

  - “I hope they make a safe trip.” Susi said.

  - “Honey, they’ll be okay. We trained them ourselves, remember? They’re strong and capable!” I said.

  - “You’re right, Boris. I trust in our children.” Susi said.

  Day 5

  Today Tasha and Lobo left home.

  - “Take good care, Tasha and Lobo. Remember what you promised us.” I said.

  - “We will, dad. If things get bad, we’ll come back home.” Lobo said.

  - “Exactly. Watch out for your sister, will you? And you take good care of your brother.” Susi said.

  - “Okay mom. Thanks again, and see you two soon!”

  - “Have a nice trip, kids!” Oopa said.

  - “I’ll miss your company. Take care!” Elly said.

  - “Thanks guys, we’ll be back soon!” Lobo said. They both left the small village built by Steve early in the morning, and we just watched them over as they walked further into the forest.

  - “And there they go. They’re free now.” I said.

  - “Stay safe, kids…” Susi said.

  In the afternoon, Steve came by and spoke with us.

  - “Uh, there are two missing wolves! Where are they?” He looked at us. “Are they going to come back?”

  We barked at Steve.

  - “Alright then! Well, I better go back to