Read The Valiant Wolf’s Diaries, Book 7: The Missing Animals Page 3

the other wild animals from this world. He spent the whole day at the mine, mining ores and other resources.

  - “Where will we start from? Do you think Steve wants to travel to other cities? Does he have a plan?” Oopa asked.

  - “Calm down Oopa, I know you’re very excited for this trip but we don’t know what’s going to happen.” I said.

  - “Steve always plans ahead, he is very smart. There’s no doubt he will take the best decisions for us.” Elly said.

  - “I agree. Let’s wait and see what he has to offer!” I said.

  - “Oh, I just want to know already!” Oopa said.

  - “We all are Oopa, maybe not as much as you. Personally, I also want to go out and have a new adventure like Steve stated yesterday.”

  - “Totally. The monster spawns are weaker and they can’t form hordes anymore. This journey will be safer and better than ever.” Elly said.

  - “I hope we can find our precious children on our way…” Susi said.

  - “Honey, I’ve already told you before. Let them go. They’ll come back once they’ve fulfilled their wish to travel around the world. Trust me; Tasha and Lobo are doing just fine. Now, we should get ready for our trip because it might be soon.” I said.

  I know Susi just wants to be with our children, but they’re grownups. They can take care of themselves, and they deserve the chance to show it off.

  Day 13

  Steve worked hard again to ensure the materials and resources needed for this trip. And in the afternoon, he gathered us to reveal his master plan.

  - “Okay, I have got some good news for you!” Steve said.

  - “Here it comes! The plan will be revealed!” Oopa was more excited than ever.

  - “I want to know where the wild animals have gone. A few days ago, I was actually looking for an Ocelot because I heard they keep the Creepers away. I didn’t find a single one, but I know how tricky it can be to run into those creatures. But that was not the only issue – I actually noticed that ALL the other wild animals had disappeared. I thought I was getting paranoid, but it seems I was right all along. Now, I want to find out if anything happened to our world after we destroyed the monster hordes. I don’t hold the answers for these questions, but maybe we can find them ourselves if we go out there.”

  - “Great! We’re totally going out on an adventure!” Oopa said.

  - “Yes we are, Oopa. Now it’s just a matter of time.” I said.

  - “Anyway, get ready. First, we’ll pass by Kami’s village and talk to him. I haven’t seen him in a long time… Perhaps he can fill us in with some information regarding the missing animals. Next, we’ll go to Epheral City. An old friend of mine, Jeremy, lives there. Epheral city is far from the village but we may get there fast if I ride Pegasus and you tag along. Do you think you can keep up? I bet you can!” Steve said.

  - “Totally, Steve! Lead the way and we’ll be right behind you!” Oopa said.

  - “Oopa, Steve can’t understand you.” I said.

  - “I know, but sometimes I feel like he does!” Oopa said.

  - “Haha, you may be right. So, a journey it is.” I said.

  - “A journey, huh… Who would have thought a few weeks ago that we’d be going out again?” Elly said.

  - “I’m just glad we actually have a new objective to complete.” I said.

  Day 14

  Finally, two weeks after I started writing my diary again, we’re off on a new journey to search for the wild wolves – as well as the other wild animals – which have gone missing from this world. Where could they be? What happened to them? Is this related to the monster hordes, we defeated a year ago? If so, how can we fix things up?

  We had too many questions with no answers at all. Steve was the one who lead our party, but even he didn’t know anything about our journey. He was moved by a hunch, by a desire to solve this enigma.

  - “I haven’t seen Jeremy in years… Gee! I wonder how he is.” Steve said. “Jeremy is the first friend I made when I started on this server. That was a long, long time ago. We had a lot of fun building some projects and other things. Eventually, I moved out of the city where we lived, the city of Gaspar, and decided to live my own life. Jeremy did the same, but he moved to the city of Epheral because he said it was bigger and had more things to do. I have never been to Epheral city before, but I heard it is huge.”

  - “Where is Epheral city? I have never heard of it.” Susi said.

  - “It must be really far from the villages, honey. Just think about it… In all of our travels, we’ve never run into any cities or other humans, other than the villages and their leaders. Therefore, the cities must be even farther.” I said.

  - “I have seen human cities before. They’re always crowded with people and structures and such. It is not a pleasant view, I can guarantee you.” Oopa said.

  - “Is it dangerous for us?” Elly asked. “I have always lived with villagers and the only human I’ve met was Steve.”

  - “Probably not, because we are Steve’s wolves. Humans are nice, overall.” Oopa said.

  - “Well, just stick with Steve and we should be fine. Our priority now is to find out where the wild animals are at.” I said.

  Day 15

  We reached Kami’s village, the enchanter, one day after leaving our home. Travelling is faster when Steve is riding his horse Pegasus.

  - “Hello Kami, long time no see!” Steve said to his friend who is a villager.

  - “Oh Steve! What a pleasant surprise. The wolves are here with you too! Oh Elly, I see you’re doing great. Please, come in.” Kami said.

  - “So, how’s it going Kami?” Steve asked him.

  - “Ah, the usual. We’re doing just fine. The last time you came here was four months ago, right just to check if everything is okay?”

  - “Yeah, I think so. I also visited the other villages and everyone was just fine.” Steve said.

  - “Good, good! So, would you like to have any items of yours enchanted?” Kami asked.

  - “No Kami, thank you. In fact, I am here to ask you a question.” Steve said.

  - “Sure, go ahead. What’s your question?” Kami said.

  - “Kami, have you noticed anything weird or unusual with the wild animals from this world?” Steve said. “Have you SEEN them? Because I have not seen wild animals for a while now.”

  - “You mean, the animals such as cows, pigs, sheep, etc.?” Kami said. “To be honest, no. I haven’t seen them in a while too, but since we don’t really depend on them, I didn’t pay much attention to it.”

  - “I see. Well, I don’t know what happened but I can’t seem to find them. Wolves, pigs, cows, ocelots… everything. They’re gone from the world, as if the monster hordes had anything to do with them.” Steve said.

  - “Yes, the monster hordes… The world has been a peaceful place ever since you defeated them.” Kami said.

  - “Now I want to find out what happened to the regular mobs. I want to find them.” Steve said.

  - “I understand. Very well, I will see how I can help you. Unfortunately I don’t have any useful information for you; therefore I may not be of much help. Either way, you can always count on us for any assistance that you may require in the future.” Kami said.

  - “Thank you Kami, I really appreciate it.” Steve said.

  - “Now please come on in, you all must be tired. Let me prepare something for you to eat.”

  Day 16

  Steve and Kami talked a lot about the current events. They’ve been discussing what could have led to this sudden disappearance of all wild animals.

  - “And have you seen any other humans coming to the village, Kami?” Steve asked him.

  - “Not at all, Steve. The only human who has set foot on this village is you. The other villagers haven’t noticed anything strange, either.”

  - “The more I think about it, the weirder it gets.” Steve said. “Wild animals disappearing, no one to blame… The monster hordes are weak and useless; they could
n’t have done anything in this case.”

  - “I agree. The Zombie Leader doesn’t have any power or influence over the world nowadays. Your victory over his hordes has weakened him for a long time. Maybe it will take decades before he can rebuild his monster army.”

  - “Speaking of which, where is the Zombie Leader?” Steve said.

  - “After losing the battle and all of his powers, he fled. I haven’t heard of him ever since. But even after ayear that is not enough time for a Leader to recover his powers.” Kami said.

  - “Very well. Then, we should consider the natural environment as the cause. Is there anything wrong with the biomes of some sort?” Steve said.

  - “Not that I know of, no.” Kami said. “The environment is normal. No other changes have been noted.”

  - “This missing animal things is a puzzle…” Steve said. “Nothing seems out of place, and yet the world is upside down. Wild animals must spawn everywhere often, and they’re nowhere to be seen!”

  - “I understand your frustration, Steve. Sadly, there’s nothing I can do. I am looking for answers just like you.” Kami said.

  - “Yep, we must work together once again Kami.” Steve said. “I am going to Epheral city tomorrow, to seek answers from other humans maybe there are animals in that city.”

  - “Is it that city to the north?” Kami said.

  - “Yeah. It is very far from here but we may get there really fast with Pegasus.” Steve said.

  - “Sure, horses always come in handy. And I hope you find the answers you’re looking for. When you do, please come back to me and let me know because I am also curious.” Kami said.
