Read The Valiant Wolf’s Diaries, Book 7: The Missing Animals Page 5

safe there.”

  We had no other choice but return to Kami, where we would be in peace.

  Day 23

  During our trip, Steve wondered what happened to the people of Epheral city.

  - “This can’t be normal. Epheral city was, as far as I know, a normal place to live. All of sudden, they’re scared to death of animals, won’t let any inside the city, and even worse – they will even threaten other humans just for getting close to the city with animals!”

  - “I knew there was something wrong with the city.” I said. “The city is not normal and Steve knows it.”

  - “That’s too bad… Steve’s friend Jeremy was our best chance to find the wild animals, and now we must keep our distance from him!” Oopa said.

  - “The citizens must have gone through some sort of bad experience to hate animals so much.” Elly said.

  - “But what kind of experience? Passive mobs, such as cows, pigs and sheep are totally friendly toward humans. They wouldn’t hurt them even if they wanted to. Besides, there’s no way someone could control or tame them to do such a thing.” I said.

  - “I have no idea… Whatever it is, it’s definitely something bad enough to turn them crazy.” Elly said.

  Day 24

  We got to Kami’s village after travelling for two days.

  - “Oh, Steve and the wolves! Welcome back. I wasn’t expecting you to return so soon! What happened to your quest?” Kami said.

  - “Kami, I have got some crazy news for you.” Steve said.

  - “Oh? What happened?” Kami said.

  - “We stopped by Epheral city, but we barely made it out in one piece.” Steve said. “The citizens are completely out of their minds!”

  - “How come?”

  - “First, the guards wouldn’t let us in because of the wolves. They say the city has a no-animal rule. I had to build a wooden hut to keep the wolves and Pegasus safe while I visited the city. Then, I went after Jeremy, my old friend, and even he was acting weird. He told me to get away and to not bring any animals to the city.”

  - “This is a weird story… Why would they do that?” Kami said.

  - “That’s not even the worse part. I returned to my hut, to think about what happened the previous day. And you know what they did? They came from the city holding swords and whatnot, and they threatened me and the wolves! They told us to go away and to never come back. We had to leave in a hurry!”

  - “Unbelievable… This is a scary story, Steve.” Kami said. “Any idea why they’re so afraid of animals?”

  - “I don’t know. But it must have something to do with the animal’s disappearances, right?” Steve said.

  - “Maybe. And what do you want to do now?”

  - “I don’t know… I really want to find out what is going on, but it’s too dangerous to get anywhere around Epheral. I am still thinking.” Steve said.

  - “Oh, I might have what you’re looking for, Steve. Wait right here.” Kami said. “I’ll be working something on my enchantment table, feel free to take a rest.”

  Kami worked all day on his enchantment table, while Steve took the day off to review what had happened in Epheral. He cannot believe everything that has transpired in Epheral City.

  Day 25

  Today, Kami had a gift for Steve.

  - “Hey Steve, take this.” Kami said, handing him a Diamond sword

  - “A Diamond sword? Woah, Kami, are you sure?” Steve asked him.

  - “Yes, Steve. This is my gift foryou; it is a very special Diamond sword. And do you know why? Because it has a very special effect attached to it. I’ve developed this unique enchantment during my studies after you defeated the zombie hordes. With this enchantment, you can paralyze any creature you touch with the sword, without actually hurting them. In other words, this sword was not made to defeat anyone, but rather to protect you from them. I believe you can use this sword to enter Epheral city without hurting anyone and find out what’s going on.” Kami said.

  - “Thank you so much, Kami! This is an outstanding gift.” Steve said.

  - “Don’t mention it. You deserve it, after everything you’ve done for us.” Kami said. “And I also have an idea on how you can get inside without alerting them: get yourself some Invisibility Potions.”

  - “Invisibility Potions?” Steve asked.

  - “Yes! Boko the alchemist villager can brew them for you. I heard he’s been developing stronger potions for a while. You should go pay him a visit and ask for the potions. I’m sure your mission will be even easier with them.”

  - “That’s a brilliant plan, Kami!” Steve said. “I was thinking about breaking through the gate somehow, but this is much better.”

  - “You’re welcome, Steve. I’m glad I could have offered you some help.” Kami said.

  - “That’s more than just some help! You’ve done great. Really, I was out of ideas on how to resolve this, so thanks for the heads up. I hope we can find out what they’re doing in Epheral!” Steve said. “I’m going to Boko’s village now. We should get there tomorrow at night if I’ll ride Pegasus.”

  - “Sure, have a safe trip.” Kami said. “Say hello to Boko for me!”

  - “I will. Thanks again Kami!” Steve said.

  We left the village, heading to Boko’s place.

  Day 26

  We reached Boko’s village today, and Steve talked with him.

  - “Howdy, Boko! Long time no see!” Steve said.

  - “Steve! What a surprise. I am very happy to see you! And the wolves are with you. That’s great!”

  - “I’m glad to see you too, Boko.” Steve said. “I’ve just left Kami’s village to come see you.”

  - “Oh, Kami. And how has he been?” Boko asked.

  - “He is just fine; in fact he sent you his regards.” Steve said.

  - “Good to know! And what brings you to our humble village?” Boko said.

  - “Kami told me you could help me with something. Let me explain to you everything.” And Steve told Boko the whole story from the very beginning.

  - “I understand, Steve, you’re absolutely right; the wild animals have disappeared from the face of Earth. I haven’t seen a chicken in months!” Boko said.

  - “Exactly. And now, the people of Epheral city are acting weird and such. I want to investigate.” Steve said.

  - “Sure, sure! I agree. And that’s where the Invisibility Potions come, correct?” Boko said.

  - “Yes. I’ll sneak into the city, with Kami’s sword in case they catch me, and I want to know what they’re doing with the citizens.” Steve said.

  - “Very well. There are plenty of materials and other resources, I can use to make Invisibility Potions and I’ll brew some spectacular Splash potions with them. I’ll be right back!” Boko said.

  - “Thank you so much, Boko, your Invisibility Potions will come in handy!” Steve said.

  Now we just had to wait for Boko’s potions and Steve would find a way inside Epheral city to discover what is going on with its citizens.

  Day 27

  Boko worked all night on his concoctions all night and came out from his room only this morning with the potions in hand.

  - “At last! My potions are ready. I’ve crafted 15 of them, they’re Invisibility Splash potions. Durable and reliable, I can guarantee you!” Boko handed them over.

  - “Thank you very much! You have no idea how helpful this will be.” Steve said.

  - “Oh Steve, come on! We villagers are the ones who should be thankful for having you as a friend. You and your valiant wolf pack took care of the monster hordes a long time ago, releasing us from the evil claws of the Zombie Leader. We owe you a lot, so whenever you need anything please stop by. It will be my honor to help!” Boko said.

  - “Thanks again, we will!” Steve said.

  - “You’re welcome. I hope you put them to good use! Each potions should last for at least 15 minutes or more.” Boko said.

  Now I should get going because Epheral city ain?
??t near.” Steve said, mounting on Pegasus. “Are you ready guys? Then, good bye and thank you again Boko!” Steve said.

  - “Good bye and have a safe trip, guys!” Boko said.

  We left the village and headed to Epheral city, where we would put Kami’s plan in action. With Kami’s enchanted sword and Boko’s invisibility potions, we would get inside the city without attracting any attention.

  Day 28

  During our trip to the city of Epheral, Steve talked with us about his plans.

  - “So this is what I have in mind, guys.” Steve said. “First, I will stop before getting to the main gates and I’ll use one of these Invisibility Potions, right? Next, we’ll sneak into the city through a hole that I’ll make on the wall. I should make it as far from the main entrance as possible. Once inside, we’ll search everywhere for any clues regarding the citizen’s weird behavior toward animals. Every 15 minutes, I will use a new potion to keep us invisible. I only have 15 so we shouldn’t stay in there longer than 3 hours and a half.”

  - “Sounds like a solid plan.” Oopa said. “I am totally ready!”

  - “I am ready, too.” I said. “I want to find out what the citizens are hiding.”

  - “We ought to find out why these people hate us and the other animals.” Elly said.

  - “And when we do, what next?” Susi said.

  - “Steve should know how to handle it. He’s the one with the good plans.” I said.

  - “I hope he does know what to do at the right time.” Elly said.

  - “He always do, Elly.” I said. “But when he does, we’ll have to make sure to give him a hand – better yet, give him a paw and help him in his quest.”

  - “And we’ll be there for that!” Oopa