Read The Vampire's Vision Page 5

  "You can what?" Olivia said.

  "When I drank that detective's blood I… I think I could read his mind. It felt like I was him, and I could see his memories through his eyes." Kara stared at the pool of bile and blood on the paved gravel in the alley.

  The sound of sirens and the red and blue lights blared into the alley on all sides. Olivia pulled out her wallet from her pocket and removed some single-serve wipes. She threw one over to Kara, and then opened one up for herself.

  "We need to clean ourselves up and get out of here, and then we can talk more about what happened."

  Kara looked at Olivia's bloody face and mouth, and she could feel the same blood drying on her face and chin. If anyone saw them as they were now, it would be difficult to explain. "Right," she replied.

  Kara and Olivia both wiped themselves off as best they could, and then fixed their hair so they passed for competent but pale adult humans.

  "How do I look?" Kara asked.

  "Good enough. What about me?"

  "Great, for the most part." The two of them had a laugh. "Hey, how did you have your things on you? Wouldn't they have taken that when they brought you in?"

  "If they had of put me in one of the holding cells I imagine they would have, but they threw me into an interrogation room right away, and because of James they didn't get me registered into the police system. It probably would have been hard to register my belongings without who they belonged to, or they could just be lazy pricks. They did take all my cash though, including what was meant for Vasha from James' safe, the bastards." Olivia took one last moment to pull her hair back into a ponytail, and then turned around. "Come on, let's go."

  Along the way back to Olivia's place, Kara asked her why they had been torturing her, or if it was just for some kind of twisted amusement. Olivia said that they were trying to get information on Vasha after they found out that she worked for her. She was lucky to lose only one of her incisors over it.

  After arriving at Olivia's apartment, Olivia went to her washroom to take a look at herself and fix everything as best she could. Kara went straight to the couch, dropped the backpack to the side, and flopped down in it. She was exhausted, mentally and physically, from everything that had happened.

  "God damn it, this stinks," Olivia shouted.

  Kara opened her eyes and could see Olivia looking in her mirror. She was in varying states of smiling and was examining what she looked like with the missing tooth.

  "If I see that detective again, I'm going to do more than drain his blood."

  "Gideon should be able to fix it for you," Kara said.

  "Yeah, I know," Olivia replied. "At least Vasha will cover the expenses."

  After brushing her hair again and fixing herself as much as possible, Olivia went to her room to change. She came back out with a green tank top and new jeans on. She went to the couch and sat right on top of Kara.

  "Oof," Kara grunted when Olivia landed.

  "Am I too heavy for you?" she said with a devious smile.

  "Yes," Kara replied, sticking her tongue out.

  Olivia's jaw dropped in mock horror. "You little brat," she said as she pushed her friend's shoulder.

  Olivia got up and the two sat beside each other. Olivia leaned over and gave Kara a hug. "Thank you for saving me, Kara."

  "Was there ever any doubt? I know you'd do the same for me."

  "Of course."

  The two sat in silence, resting for a brief moment while they had the chance. It had been a long day for both of them.

  "So, you can read minds now?" Olivia asked after a few minutes.

  "I don't know. It was an odd experience to say the least. I saw images flashing through my mind, and when I closed my eyes it was like I was looking through someone else's. I realised that it was Simmons because he was talking with James, the person we met this morning. He gave him the address of Raymond and the others. I don't know why he gave James the address, but I doubt it was for something good."

  "We should warn them about it," Olivia said.

  "You can, I'm going to sleep. I did nothing but run around all day to save you." Kara closed her eyes and leaned back in the couch.

  "I know it must have been hard for you, to take blood from the living again."

  "He deserved it. Besides, I'm sure he'll survive. He seemed like a stubborn one."

  "Just like every man," Olivia chuckled. "Thank you, Kara. I don't know how I'll ever repay you."

  "I told you not to worry about it. If you want to you can buy me and Raymond supper at Kalie's."

  "Kalie's?" she shouted with a big grin on her face. "We haven't been there in forever. I'll get their meatball Sammie," she stated with an excited fervor. "God, I loved that place. Why haven't we gone there in so long?"

  Kara opened her eyes to give Olivia a skeptical look. "Because you're the only one who likes the food." She sat back and closed her eyes again. "Raymond helped me out in confirming you were in the police station, so I told him we'd all eat there."

  "Geez, you travelled all over the place, didn't you?"

  "Mmm-hmm," Kara replied.

  "You even went to see Vasha. What did you think of her?"

  "She is everything that you said she was and more. Did you know that she can suppress psychic powers?" Kara asked, eyeing Olivia.

  Olivia raised her brow. "Really?" Kara nodded. "That's impressive. I wish she would show me, maybe then you wouldn't have to come to my rescue." Olivia smiled. "So, she helped you out? How?"

  "She gave me a tablet with blueprints of the precinct and your location on it, as well as those vials of blood we lost."

  Olivia sat up straight. "Where's the tablet?"

  "In that backpack," Kara replied, pointing at the bag on the floor.

  Olivia reached inside the backpack and pulled out the tablet. She faced the camera downwards on her lap, and then motioned to Kara to be silent. Kara raised her brow, confused by Olivia's request.

  "Aww, it's broken. It must have been damaged in your fight with the detective," Olivia said, making Kara more confused. Olivia tore the tablet apart like paper. The screen shattered and the circuits became exposed.

  "Liv what—?" Kara started, but Olivia once more motioned to stay silent, this time with more urgency.

  Olivia took the tablet and threw it into her fireplace. Then she doused it with kerosene and threw a lit match inside, making it burst into flames. After a few moments, the heat rose and the tablet began melting. Olivia went back to the couch and sat back down.

  "Do you mind explaining what that was about?"

  "You're too trusting, Kara. Vasha probably bugged the tablet."

  Kara's eyes widened, but then she nodded. "Given what you've told me about her, that does make sense. Still, I was going to use that to play games," Kara said with a pout.

  Olivia snickered. "You can play Candy Crush on your phone."

  "Why would she bug the tablet? What could she find out about me that she doesn't already know?"

  "I've seen her use the information she gets as blackmail, or to find information on who you care about, that sort of thing."

  "Why do you work for her if she's like this?"

  "I never said she was a saint. It pays the bills, and even though she can be manipulative and kind of a bitch sometimes, she's got connections we just don't have. If you're on her good side, it's far more beneficial than the other way around."

  Kara wanted to tell Olivia about how Vasha was just going to leave her to rot, but no matter how she thought of phrasing it, she felt it would result in an argument.

  "You look like you have something to say."

  Kara shook her head. "No, no."

  "C'mon Kara, spit it out. I already told you, she's just my employer. You're my friend." Olivia placed her hand on Kara’s leg and gave it a squeeze.

  "Vasha only helped me because I offered her a favour. Otherwise she was just going to leave you in the precinct."

  Olivia groaned and got up from the couch. "Kar
a, now you owe her a favour? That was the worst thing you could have done." Kara didn't say anything. She just looked sheepish as Olivia paced the room. "She might force you do something illegal so that she can use it for blackmail afterwards. Ugh!" she shouted with a stomp of her feet. "There's nothing we can do about it now, we'll just have to cross that bridge when we come to it."

  "Sorry," Kara squeaked.

  Olivia went back to the couch. "No, it's not your fault. You were concerned about me. I can't be angry about that. For now, let's get some rest and we'll figure out what to do with James and whatever errand that detective sent him on. I'm texting Damien to be on alert and that we'll talk to them about why tomorrow."

  "Good. Finally," Kara croaked, lying out on the couch again.

  "You're going to stay the night?"

  "If that's alright with you."

  "Of course it is, but don't sleep on the couch. Sleep in my bed."

  "Yay! Thanks Olivia," Kara said with a smile.

  The two went into Olivia's room and slept soundly after the long, arduous day they had. The next morning, they went to Vasha's restaurant to see if she could help in finding James.

  Olivia entered first, with Kara following behind her. Olivia waved to the bodyguards and they waved back with big smiles on their faces, until they noticed Kara.

  "Where's the boss?"

  "She's in the kitchen, Olivia. Nice to see you safe, we were worried there for a bit."

  "No little psychic detective is going to keep me down, but if it wasn't for my friend Kara I'm not sure what would have happened. You must have met Kara, right?" Olivia motioned towards Kara, who grinned and waved to the bodyguards.

  "Yeah, we've met," they replied with wary looks.

  Olivia peered at the guards, then at Kara, and then walked past them. As they headed to the kitchen, she leaned in and whispered to Kara, "What was that about?"

  "I may have had to bind them when I first showed up to speak with Vasha. It could have hurt their pride a bit." Olivia laughed, and Kara joined in.

  They were still smiling when they entered the kitchen, where they could see many different chefs and cooks working away at stoves and ovens, shouting orders and preparing for the lunch rush. In the corner of the kitchen they could see Vasha, working alone, with her hair tied in a low ponytail.

  Olivia and Kara weaved their way between the chefs and cooks to Vasha, and as they approached her she was wiping her hands off. She turned towards them with a bright smile on her face.

  "Olivia my dear, so glad to see you safe!" she shouted above the din. She pulled Olivia in and gave her a kiss on either cheek.

  "Vasha, it's so rare to see you in the kitchen these days. Is there a special occasion?"

  Vasha looked at Olivia as if she had two heads. "Of course there is: you're back." Olivia and Kara were both dumbfounded. "I'm preparing your lunch," she said simply.

  "Oh," Olivia replied.

  Vasha looked disappointed. "You do not seem enthused."

  "Well, it's just that we have important business. I wish we could stay and eat, but we won't be able to."

  "Ah, I see. Well, what is this important business you need to attend to? If you've come to me, I assume you need my help?"

  Kara was shocked. Vasha was acting like a completely different person now that Olivia was here. She’d felt like a viper ready to strike the other day, and now she was giving off the air of an old friend or motherly figure. Kara was still wary and tense. Even the thought of a conversation with Vasha sparked her fight or flight response. How can I trust someone who acts so differently person to person?

  "Yes, we have reason to believe that the psychic detectives holding me hostage sent James Moore to attack a house some of our kind are living in. We need your help locating James so we can find out why the detectives sent him and to stop him from attacking our friends."

  Vasha looked away in thought. "And how was it that you came across this information?"

  "I overheard them interrogating him in the room next to mine," Olivia lied.

  Vasha gave Olivia a look similar to the one she gave Kara the other day to kill her powers. "I know when you lie, Olivia," she seethed.

  Olivia glanced back to Kara, looking for permission, or guidance. Kara nodded. She turned back to Vasha. "Kara read the detective's mind."

  Vasha leaned on the kitchen's counter and peered at Kara. "I learn something new about you every day, it seems. Fascinating," she said in the same ecstasy-ridden tone, sending chills down Kara's spine again. She couldn't be sure, but she thought Olivia shuddered as well. "So, I will say to you what I said to young Kara here the other day: I gain nothing by helping you, so why should I?"

  There was a slight pause before Olivia said, "Consider it a favour, and I'll owe you one in return."

  "Liv!" Kara shouted.

  "You already work for me, so a favour has no meaning," Vasha replied curtly.

  Kara pursed her lips, took a breath, and stepped forward. "What about another one from me? Now that I can read minds I'm much more useful."

  Olivia gave Kara a dirty look, but she just shrugged her shoulders.

  "While that is tempting, I've found it difficult to force people into favours in bulk. They usually never accept the actual number owed. It's easiest to keep it to just one." Vasha went back to chopping vegetables, obviously checking out of a conversation that now bored her. "I'm afraid, my dears, that I won't be able to offer my assistance at this time."

  While Vasha's tone was light and conversational, Kara felt an undertone of distaste which forced all thoughts of rebuttal from her mind. She believed that if they pressed further they risked the viper striking them.

  Olivia and Kara apologized, and then left the premises in a hurry. They were on their own to find and stop James before he did who knows what to their friends.