Read The Vampire Across the Hall Page 2

  Chapter 3

  One evening there was a knock on the door and there he stood. “Sorry to disturb you Daisi, but I wondered if you had any sugar.”

  I laughed out loud, “Sugar? You’ve got to be kidding? C’mon in, I’ll get you a cup.”

  Madden held out his hand and there surrounded by his long white fingers was a small cup, our eyes met and we both laughed.

  “Take a seat” I pointed to the couch.

  “Thanks” he folded his long lanky limbs onto my lounge as I took the cup and filled it with sugar. I was feeling cheeky and to keep the light mood I made a joke

  “So Madden, why do I only see you at night? Are you what? Some sort of vampire or something?” I giggled.

  He sprang to his feet, overturning the couch violently; I dropped the cup of sugar in shock and tiny white granules sprinkled to the floor in a light clatter. The birds chirped loudly and urgently, Madden took one threatening step towards me, I cowered, frightened out of my mind

  “How did you know?” His voice boomed through my little cave, shaking the windows with its volume.

  “I was joking, just joking” I stuttered, trying desperately to look behind me for a weapon of some sort. Visions of vampire movies and TV shows tumbled through my head, words like, wood, stake, cross. Madden stared directly into my eyes, I couldn’t move, my feet were nailed to the floor, but my hands were busy behind my back frantically trying to find anything for protection. Finally I found two knives and held them out in a crude cross.

  Madden laughed and laughed, he took a step forward, “now don’t be silly little Daisi chain.”

  I found my voice, “Are you going to eat me?”

  Madden laughed louder, he doubled over in mirth and then stopped laughing abruptly.

  “I just want some sugar, sugar.” He reached out and took the knives from my hand. When he lifted his gaze I could move, I stepped further away and bumped into the fridge.

  “I’m sorry, I broke your cup, I’ll replace it, promise, I’ll just fill it and you can have your sugar and go away, OK? Look my cup is bigger than your cup and it will take more sugar and…” I was babbling and he knew it.

  He gently took my hand and led me to the sofa.

  “I’m sorry I startled you, I won’t eat you, I promise, cross my heart.” He laughed at the old saying, “Sit down. Let me explain”

  I sat , careful not to upset him, my mind was racing with too many thoughts, I was terrified, I definitely wasn’t interested in explanations, I was more interested in escape.

  Madden knelt down and met my eyes; a strange feeling of calm enveloped me. “No he wouldn’t eat me.” I felt strangely safe and still, his brown eyes filled my gaze and his voice surrounded me in soft musical cadences.

  “Yes I am a vampire and I am compelled to tell my story to those who discover my secret. It is an old tale, a distressed human, turning to an ancient curse for comfort. Three years ago my partner, I cannot say her name, left me for another man. I was distraught, self destructive, it was my fault, I had cheated but this time she did not forgive me. I drowned my guilt in alcohol and drugs and frequented dark places. One night I was at the Sandringham hotel, you know, the one just south of here.”I nodded “A band was playing to a sweaty drunken crowd. I joined them, swaying to the grungy beat. All I could see were black t shirts, wet with sweat clinging to the slender backs of young men and women.

  The band was terrible, loud drums, unturned screeching guitars, but I didn’t care, I was one with the swaying crowd. Then I saw her, a splash of red in the sea of black, the bass guitarist leading the crowd’s rhythm. She was tall, white haired, her eyes glowed, they fell upon me and all the darkness in my heart seemed to flow towards her- my pain was released in a torrent of relief and she smiled at me.

  When the band finished she approached, her white hair streaming behind her like a bridal veil. “My name is Eliza” she whispered, “come”. I followed her outside, she turned and embraced me, our bodies entwined together pressed against each other, her red lips soft against mine, her eyes growing expanding….”

  Madden stopped, “Am I boring you?”

  I was dazed an image of a white haired woman in red embracing him like a fairytale witch danced in front of my eyes. I looked at him blankly.

  He grinned, “mmm I guess not, well, long story short, we went back to my place, she was gone in the morning and I suddenly became very sensitive to sunlight.”

  “Daisi?’ He clicked his fingers in front of my face, “Daisi?”

  Madden filled a cup with sugar. “Thanks for the sugar, Daisi chain.” And leaving the stunned Daisi on the couch, he walked out the door.