Read The Vanishing of Betty Varian Page 3

  CHAPTER III The Tragedy

  Doctor Herbert Varian stood slightly apart from the rest of the group,his observant eyes taking in all the details of the peculiar situation ofhis brother's house. His eye traversed back over the short distance theyhad already come, and he saw a narrow, winding and exceedingly steeppath. At intervals it was a succession of broken, irregular steps, rockyand sharp-edged. Again, it would be a fairly easy, though stony footway.But it led to the house, and had no branch or side track in anydirection.

  "Everything and everybody that comes to this house has to come by thispath?" he demanded.

  "Yes," said Minna Varian, and added, complainingly, "a most disagreeablearrangement. All the servants and tradespeople have to use it as well asourselves and our guests."

  "That could be remedied," suggested Varian, "a branch, say----"

  "We'll never do it," said Minna, sharply. "I don't like the place wellenough to buy it, though that is what Fred has in mind----"

  "No, don't buy it," advised her brother-in-law. "I see nothing in itsfavor except its wonderful beauty and strange, weird charm. That's a gooddeal, I admit, but not enough for a comfortable summer home."

  He turned and gazed out over the open sea. From the high headland theview was unsurpassable. The few nearby boats seemed lost in the greatexpanse of waters. Some chugging motor boats and a dozen or so sailingcraft ventured not very far from shore. North, along the Maine coast, hesaw only more rocky promontories and rockbound inlets.

  Turning slowly toward the South, he saw the graceful curve of HeadlandHarbor, with its grouped village houses and spreading array of summercottages.

  "I never saw anything finer," he declared. "I almost think, Minna, afterall, you would be wise to buy the place, and then, arrange to make itmore getatable. A continuous flight of strong wooden steps----"

  "Would spoil the whole thing!" exclaimed Claire Blackwood. "Oh, DoctorVarian, don't propose anything like that! We Harborers love this place,just as it is, and we would defend it against any such innovations. Ithink there's a law about defacing natural scenery."

  "Don't bother," said Minna, carelessly; "we'll never do anything of thesort. I won't agree to it."

  "That's right," said her sister-in-law. "This is no place to bring upBetty. The girl has no real society here, no advantages, no scope. She'llbecome a savage----"

  "Not Betty," Minna Varian laughed. "She's outdoor-loving and all that,but she has nothing of the barbarian in her. I think she'd like to go toa far gayer resort. But her father----"

  "Where is her father?" asked Doctor Varian, impatiently. "It will be darkbefore we get to our picnic. Why don't they come?"

  He gave a loud view-halloo, but only the echoes from the rocky heightsanswered him.

  "I knew it!" and Minna Varian began to wring her hands. "He and Betty arequarreling,--I am sure of it!"

  "What do you mean, Min? What's this quarreling business about?"

  "They've always done it,--it's nothing new. They adore each other, butthey're eternally disagreeing and fighting it out. They're quite capableof forgetting all about us, and arguing out some foolish subject while wesit here waiting for them!"

  "I'll go and stir them up," the doctor said, starting in the direction ofthe house.

  "Oh, no, Herbert. It's a hard climb, and you've enough walking ahead ofyou."

  "I'll go," and Ted Landon looked inquiringly at Mrs Varian.

  "Oh, what's the use?" she said; "they'll surely appear in a minute."

  So they all waited a few minutes longer and then Janet Varian spoke up.

  "I think it's a shame to keep us here like this. Go on up to the house,Mr Landon, do. Tell those two foolish people that they must come on orthe picnic will proceed without them."

  "All right," said Ted, and began sprinting over the rocks.

  "I'm going, too," and Claire Blackwood followed Landon.

  "We may as well all go, and have our picnic on our own verandah," saidMinna, complainingly, and though Doctor Varian would have preferred thatto any further exertions, he did not say so.

  "It's always like this," Minna's querulous voice went on; "whenever westart to go anywhere, somebody has to go back for something and they'reso slow and so inconsiderate of other people's feelings----"

  "There they go," interrupted Doctor Varian as the two latest emissarieswent up over the rocks. "Now the house will swallow them up!"

  "Oh, Herbert, don't say such awful things," wailed Minna; "you soundpositively creepy! I have a feeling of fear of that house anyway,--Ibelieve it would like to swallow people up!"

  "Ought we to intrude?" Claire Blackwood laughingly asked of Landon, asthey neared the house; "if Betty and her father want to quarrel, theyought to be allowed to do so in peace."

  "Oh, well, if they insist, we'll go away again, and let them have it outcomfortably. Queer thing, for Daughter and Dad to make a habit ofscrapping!"

  "I take Mrs Varian's statements with a grain of salt," said Claire,sagely. "She's not awfully well balanced, that woman, and I doubt ifBetty and her father are half as black as they're painted. Shall we ringthe bell or walk right in?"

  But this question needed no answer, for as they mounted the steps of theverandah and neared the open front door, they were confronted by thesight of Mr Frederick Varian sprawled at full length on the floor of thehall.

  "Oh, heavens, what is the matter?" cried Claire; "the man has had astroke or something!"

  Landon went nearer, and with a grave face, stooped down to the prostratefigure.

  "Claire," he whispered, looking up at her with a white face, "Claire,this man is dead."

  "What? No,--no! it can't be----"

  "Yes, he is,--I'm almost certain,--I don't think I'd better touchhim,--or, should I? It can do no harm to feel for his heart,--no, it isnot beating,--what does it mean? Where's Miss Varian?"

  "Think quickly, Mr Landon, what we ought to do." Claire Blackwood spokeearnestly, and tried to pull herself together. "We must be careful to dothe right thing. I should say, before we even think of Miss Betty weshould call Doctor Varian up here----"

  "The very thing! Will you call him, or shall I?"

  Considerately, Landon gave her her choice.

  With a shuddering glance at the still figure, Claire said, "You call him,but let me go with you."

  They stepped out on the veranda, and Landon waved his hand at the groupof waiting people below him.

  Then he beckoned, but no one definitely responded.

  "I'll have to shout," Ted said, with a regretful look. "Somehow I hateto,----" the presence of death seemed to restrain him.

  But of necessity, he called out, "Doctor Varian,--come here."

  The distance was almost too far for his voice to carry, but because ofhis imperative gestures, Herbert Varian said: "Guess I'll have to go.Lord! What can be the trick they're trying to cut up? I vow I won't comeback here! I'll eat my picnic in your dining-room, Minna."

  "As you like," she returned, indifferently. "I hate picnics, anyway. Butfor goodness' sake, Herbert, do one thing or the other. If you'd reallyrather not go to the woods, take your baskets, and we'll all go back tothe house. It's getting late, anyway."

  "Wait a bit," counseled the doctor. "You people stay here, till I go upto the house, and see what's doing. Then if I beckon you, come alongback, all of you. If I don't break my neck getting up there!"

  "Don't go, Father," begged Eleanor; "let me go. What in the world canthey want of you?"

  "No,--I'll go. I suppose there's a leak in the pipes or something."

  Herbert Varian went off at a gait that belied his recalcitrant attitude,and as he neared the house, he could see the white faces and grave air ofthe two that awaited him.

  "What's the great idea?" he called out, cheerily.

  "A serious matter, Doctor Varian," replied Landon. "An accident, orsudden illness----"

  "No!" the doctor took the remaining steps at a bound. "Who?"

/>   For answer, Landon conducted him inside the hall, and in an instantVarian was on his knees beside the stricken man.

  "My God!" he said, in a hoarse whisper, "Frederick's dead!"

  "A stroke?" asked Landon, while Claire Blackwood stood by, unable tospeak at all.

  "No, man, no! Shot! See the blood,--shot through the heart. What doesit--what can it mean? Where's Betty?"

  "We don't know," Claire spoke now. "Doctor Varian, are you sure he'sdead? Can nothing be done to save him?"

  "Nothing. He died almost instantly, from internal hemorrhage. But howunbelievable! How impossible!"

  "Who shot him?" Landon burst out, impetuously; "or,--is it suicide?"

  "Where's the pistol?" said the doctor, looking about.

  Both men searched, Landon trying to overcome his repugnance to such closeassociation with the dead, but no weapon of any sort could be found.

  "I--I can't see it,----" Varian wiped his perspiring brow. "I can't seeany solution. But, this won't do. We must get the others up here. Oh,heavens, what shall we do with Minna?"

  "Let me go down, and take her home with me," suggested Claire Blackwood,eager to do anything that might help or ease the coming disclosure of thetragedy.

  "Oh, I don't know,----" demurred Varian. "You see, she's got to know,--ofcourse, she must be told at once,--and then,--she'll have to look afterBetty,--where is the child? Anyway, my wife is a tower ofstrength,--she'll be able to manage Mrs Varian,--even if she has violenthysterics,--which, of course, she will!"

  "Command me, Doctor Varian," said Landon. "I will do whatever youadvise."

  "All right; I'll be glad of your assistance. Suppose you go back to thepeople down there on the rocks, and then,--let me see,--suppose you tellmy wife first what has happened; then, ask her to break the news to MrsVarian,--she'll know how best to do it. Then,--oh, Lord,--I don't knowwhat then! They'll have to come back here,--I suppose,--what else canthey do? I don't know, Mrs Blackwood, but your idea of taking Mrs Varianaway with you is a good one. If she'll go."

  "She won't go," said Claire, decidedly, "if she knows the truth. If Itake her, it'll have to be on some false pretense,----"

  "Won't do," said Varian, briefly. "We've got no right to keep her inignorance of her husband's death. No; she must be told. That girl ofmine, too,--Eleanor, she hasn't her mother's poise,--she's likely to goto pieces,--always does, in the presence of death. Oh, what a moil!"

  "Here's another thing," said Landon, a little hesitantly. "What about theauthorities?"

  "Yes,--yes,----" the doctor spoke impatiently, "I thought of that,--whoare they, in this God-forsaken place? Town Constable, I suppose."

  "I don't know myself," said Landon. "County Sheriff, more likely. ButClark's a good, sensible sort. Say we send him down to the village----"

  "Oh, must it be known down there right away?" cried Claire. "Before evenMrs Varian is told! Or Betty. Where is Betty?"

  "Betty is somewhere in the house," said Doctor Varian in a low voice. "Weknow that. Now, let that question rest, till we decide on our first move.I think, Landon, you'd better do as I said. Go and tell my wife, and,while she's telling Mrs Varian and my daughter, Eleanor, you can take MrClark aside and tell him. Then,--then, I think, you'd all better comeback here to the house. We'll send Clark on that errand later,--or, wecan telephone."

  Landon started on his difficult descent and on his even more difficulterrand.

  "Can't you,--can't you put Mr Varian somewhere--somewhere----" Clairebegan, incoherently.

  "I'm not supposed to move a body until the authorities give permission,"said Doctor Varian, slowly. "It would seem to me, that in this verypeculiar and unusual case, that I might,--but, that's just it. I've beenthinking,--and the very mysteriousness of this thing, makes it mostnecessary for me to be unusually circumspect. Why, Mrs Blackwood, haveyou any idea what we have ahead of us? I can't think this mystery will besimple or easily explained. I don't----"

  "What do you think----"

  "I don't dare think! Isn't there a phrase, 'that way madness lies'? Well,it recurs to me when I let myself think! No,--I won't think,--and I begof you, don't question me! I'm not a hysterical woman,--but there aretimes when a man feels as if hysterics might be a relief!"

  "Then let's not think,----" said Claire, tactfully, "but let me try to behelpful. If Mrs Varian is coming here,--do you advise that we--cover--MrVarian with----"

  "With a sheet, I suppose,--do you know where to find one?"

  "No, I've never been upstairs,--and then, after all, isn't a sheet evenmore gruesome than the sight as it is at present? How about a darkcover?"

  "Very well,--find one." The Doctor spoke absorbedly, uncaring.

  Glancing about, Claire noticed a folded steamer rug, on the end of thebig davenport in the hall, and fetching that, she laid it lightly overthe still form.

  "Now, about Betty,----" said the doctor, coming out of his brown study."She is in the house,--probably hiding,--from fear,----"

  "Oh, do you think that? Then let us find her!"

  "We can't both go. Will you remain here and meet the others or shall Istay here while you go to look for the girl?"

  Claire Blackwood pondered. Either suggestion was too hard for her toaccept.

  "I can't,----" she said, at last. "I'm a coward, I suppose,--but I can'tsearch this great, empty house,--for Betty. And, if she were in it, shewould surely come here to us,----"

  Doctor Varian looked at her.

  "Then I'll go," he said, simply. "You stay here."

  "No!" Claire grasped his arm. "I can't do that either. Oh, Doctor Varian,stay here with me! Think,--these are not my people,--I'm sympathetic, ofcourse, but, I'm terrified,--I'm afraid----"

  "There's nothing to fear."

  "I can't help that,--I won't stay here alone. If you leave me, I shallrun down the path to meet them."

  "Then I'll have to stay here. Very well, Mrs Blackwood, they'll arrive ina few moments,--we'll wait for them together."

  And then Varian again fell to ruminating, and Claire Blackwood, sick withher own thoughts, said no word.

  At last they heard footsteps, and looked out to see the little processionheaded by the two sisters-in-law.

  Janet Varian was half supporting Minna, but her help was not greatlyneeded, for the very violence of Minna's grief and fright gave her a sortof supernormal strength and she walked uprightly and swiftly.

  "Where's Frederick?" she demanded, in a shrill voice as she came up thesteps,--"and where's Betty? Where's my child?"

  Her voice rose to a shriek on the last words, and Doctor Varian took herby the arm, giving her his undivided attention.

  "Be careful now, Minna," he said, kindly but decidedly; "don't lose yourgrip. You've a big trouble to face,--and do try, dear, to meet itbravely."

  "I'm brave enough, Herbert, don't worry about that. Where's Fred, I say?"

  "Here," was the brief reply, and Varian led her to her husband's body.

  As he had fully expected, she went into violent hysterics. She cried, shescreamed, then her voice subsided to a sort of low, dismal wailing, onlyto break out afresh with renewed shrieks.

  "Perhaps it's better that she should do this, than to control herself,"the Doctor said; "she'll soon exhaust herself at this rate, and may inthat way become more tractable. I wish we could get her to bed."

  "We can," responded his wife, promptly. "I'll look after that. Give alook at Eleanor, Herbert."

  The harassed doctor turned his attention to his daughter, who wascontrolling herself, but who was trembling piteously.

  "Good girl," said her father, taking her in his arms. "Buck up, Nell,dear. Dad's got a whole lot on his shoulders, and my, how it will help ifyou don't keel over!"

  "I won't," and Eleanor tried to smile.

  Claire Blackwood approached the pair.

  "Doctor Varian," she said, "suppose I take your daughter home with me forthe night,--or longer, if she'll stay. It might relieve you and your wifeof a little care, and I'll be good to
her, I promise you. And, if I may,I'd like to go now. I can't be of any service here, can I? And as MissEleanor can't either, what do you think of our going now?"

  "A very good idea, Mrs Blackwood," and the doctor's face showed gratefulappreciation. "Take one of the young men with you, and leave the otherhere to help me."

  "We'll take John Clark," Claire decided, "and Ted Landon will, I know, beglad to stand by you."

  The three departed, and then the sisters-in-law left the room and wentupstairs, Minna making no resistance to Janet's suggestions.

  Left alone with the dead, Doctor Varian and young Landon looked at eachother.

  "What does it all mean?" asked the younger man, a look of absolutebewilderment on his face.

  "I can't make it out," returned the other, slowly. "But it's a prettyawful situation. Now the women are gone, I'll speak out the thing thattroubles me most. Where's Betty?"

  "Who? Miss Varian? Why, yes, where is she? She came for her camera, youknow. She--why, she must be in the house."

  "She must be,--that is,--I can't see any alternative. I understandthere's no way out of this house, save down the path we took."

  "No other, sir."

  "Then if the girl's in the house,--she must be found."

  "Yes,----" and Landon saw the terrible fear in the other's eyes, and hisown glance responded. "Shall we search the rooms?"

  "That must be done. Now, I'm not willing to leave the body of my brotherunattended. Will you watch by it, while I run over the house, or theother way about?"

  "I'll do as you prefer I should, Doctor Varian,--but if you give me achoice, I'll stay here. I've never been in the house before, and I don'tknow the rooms. However, I want to be frank,--and, the truth is, I'drather not make that search,--even if I did know the rooms."

  "I understand, Mr Landon, and I don't blame you. I've never been in thehouse before either,--and I don't at all like the idea of the search, butit must be made,--and made at once, and it's my place to do it. So, then,if you'll remain here, I'll go the rounds."

  Ted Landon nodded silently, and sat down to begin the vigil he had beenasked to keep.

  Herbert Varian went first upstairs to Minna's room, and opening the doorsoftly, discovered the widow was lying quietly on her bed. Janet, sittingby, placed a warning forefinger against her lip, and seeing that thepatient was quiet, Varian noiselessly closed the door and tiptoed away.

  He stood a moment in the second story hall, looking upward at a closeddoor, to which a narrow and winding staircase would take him.

  Should he go up there,--or search the two lower stories first? He lookedout of a window at the foot of the little stair.

  It gave West, and afforded no view of the sea. But the wild andinaccessible rocks which he saw, proved to him finally that there was noway of approach to this lonely house, save by that one and only path hehad already climbed. He sighed, for this dashed his last hope that Bettymight have left the house on some errand or some escapade before herfather had reached it.

  With vague forebodings and a horrible sinking at his heart, he began toascend the turret stair.