Read The Vanishing of Betty Varian Page 8


  The Herbert Varians went back to their summer home, and Minna, left alonewith her companion and her secretary, began what she called her campaignto find Betty.

  Some people thought Mrs Varian a little affected mentally by her awfulgriefs, but those who knew her best read in her determination andpersistence a steady aim and felt a slight hope of her success.

  "Anything in the world I can do, dear," Claire Blackwood said to her,"command me. I'll go to the city for you or do errands or anything Ican."

  "No," said Minna, "there's nothing you can do. Nothing anybody can do.I'm only afraid that if I get no encouragement in my efforts, I will losemy mind,--and that's what I'm trying to guard against. I follow mynurse's directions as to exercise, diet and all that, but I feel as if Icould only keep my brain from flying to pieces by hanging onto my hope ofeventually finding my child."

  "And you will," Claire said, earnestly, though she voiced a belief thatshe was far from feeling, "Oh, Mrs Varian, you will!"

  "You see," Minna went on, "I've a new theory now. I think that maybeBetty killed her father accidentally----"

  "That is a new idea."

  "Yes; I know it's almost incredible,--but what idea isn't? Say Mr Varianwent suddenly insane,--and I can't think of any other way,--and attackedBetty with a revolver. Say, trying to protect herself, it went off andkilled him,--perhaps the weapon was in his hands, perhaps in hers,--andthen, the child, in an agony of fear or remorse, ran away,--I don't knowhow she got away,--but, don't you see, Mrs Blackwood, she must have leftthe premises somehow,--or----"

  "Or they would have found her by this time,--yes, of course."

  "Now, I've offered ten thousand dollars reward for any information thatwill lead to finding Betty,--dead or alive. Mr Granniss thinks it willbring no results, but I can't help hoping. And if it doesn't,--what can Ido?"

  "You're going to employ a detective, aren't you? These local authoritiesare not capable of managing a case like this."

  "Yes; Mr Granniss advises a Mr Wise,--but I can't see what any detectivecan do. There's nothing to detect, as I can see."

  "That's just it. We can't see,--but the trained detective can."

  "Here is your mail, Mrs Varian," said Granniss, coming into the room,"will you run it over?"

  Minna glanced at the letters, mostly notes of sympathy, or letters ofadvice from would-be helpful friends, but there was one that caused herto exclaim in amazement.

  "Oh, Rodney," she cried, "will you look at this!"

  So great was her agitation that Claire Blackwood went in search of thenurse, for she feared some emotional outburst beyond her power tocontrol.

  The disturbing letter was a plain looking affair, on ordinary letterpaper, and it read:

  "Mrs Varian.

  We have your daughter safe. We are holding her for ransom. Your reward does not tempt us at all but if you are ready to pay one hundred thousand dollars, you may have your child back. If not, you will never see her again. There must be no dickering, no fooling, and, above all, no police interference. I will not go into details now, but if you want to take up with this offer put a personal in any of the large Boston papers, saying, "I agree," and all directions will be sent to you as to how to proceed. But if you tell the police or allow any detective to know anything about this deal, it is all off. Don't think you can fool us, we have eyes in the back of our heads and any insincerity or breach of faith on your part will result in sad results to your daughter. To carry this thing through you must trust and obey us implicitly and any lapse will mean far deeper trouble than you are in now."

  The letter was not signed, nor was it dated. The postmark was Boston, andit had been mailed the day before.

  "It's a fake," Granniss declared, at once.

  "I don't think so," said Claire Blackwood, "it sounds real to me----"

  "I don't care whether it's real or not," Minna interrupted, excitedly. "Imean I don't care whether anybody believes it's real or not. I'm going toanswer it at once, and I'm going to agree to everything they say, and I'mnot going to tell the police or a detective or anybody,--and I'm going toget Betty back."

  Her face was radiant with joy, her eyes shone and she was smiling for thefirst time since that awful day of the double tragedy.

  "Now, look here, Mrs Varian," began Granniss, who was convinced the wholeletter was a mere attempt to get money under false pretenses, "youmustn't throw away a hundred thousand dollars in that fashion!"

  "Why not? It is a lot of money, but I have the sum and it means gettingBetty back! What is any sum of money,--even my whole fortune, againstthat?"

  "But it doesn't surely mean getting her back. If I thought it did I'dfeel just as you do about it----"

  "Oh, it does,--it does!" Minna cried, her face still transfigured withhappiness. "I know it,--I feel it--something in my heart tells me that itis true,--and, you see, it explains everything. These people kidnappedBetty,--abducted her, and now they're holding her for ransom,--andthey'll get it,--and I'll get Betty! They don't want her, you see, butthey do want the money. And they'll get it!"

  "I agree with Mrs Varian," Claire said, quite convinced by Minna'sconfidence in the good faith of the letter writer.

  "But it's too absurd!" insisted Rodney. "You know,--Mrs Varian, you mustknow, that I want to find Betty quite as much as you do,--no, I won'tqualify that statement. I love her as much as you can. But I don'tbelieve for one minute that that letter is genuine. I mean, I don'tbelieve the man who wrote it has Betty, or ever saw her! Why, think aminute. Of all the theories regarding Betty's disappearance, abduction isthe least believable. How could any one abduct Betty that day,--how couldthe kidnapper get into this house, and out again,--with Betty,--when somany people were about, watching?"

  "I don't know how it was done," Minna said, doggedly, "but it's a chance,and I'm going to take it. You can't stop me, Rodney. You've no authorityto say what I shall do with my own money. I've a right to try thisthing----"

  "But, oh," said Claire, "suppose it should be a fake! Not only you'd loseall that money,--but think of your disappointment!"

  "The disappointment would be no worse than things are at present."

  "Oh, yes, it would. If you follow up that letter and pay all that sum,and then get nothing in return, it would just about kill you."

  "It would just about kill me not to take the chance," returned Minna."Now, I suppose I still have the right to order my own movements. I shallat once send the personal to the Boston paper,--I'll put it in several,so he'll be sure to see it,--and then, I'll await his further advice.Will you send the messages, Rodney, or must I do it myself?"

  "Of course, I am at your orders, Mrs Varian." Rod gave her his winningsmile, "But, at least, let's think it over a bit."

  "No; send the word at once. We can talk it over afterward."

  There seemed to be no way out, so Granniss went off to do her bidding.

  Even then, he had half a mind to pretend to send the word but really towithhold it. On reflection, he concluded he had no right to do this. Buthe remembered that Minna had not bound him to secrecy, though, of course,it was implied.

  So with the letters to the Boston papers went also one to Pennington Wisebegging him to come at once to investigate the remarkable case of BettyVarian, and telling him frankly of the strange letter just received.

  That same afternoon a telegram came for Mrs Varian.

  Granniss opened it, as was his custom, and its contents so surprised himthat he nearly succumbed to the temptation to keep it from Mrs Varian.

  But, he reconsidered, he had no right to presume on his position asconfidential secretary, so with grave fears of its effects he handed itto her.

  "Dear Mother," it ran; "I am all right, and if you do just as you agree, I will soon be with you again. Please obey implicitly. "Betty."

  "From her!" Minna
cried, and fainted.

  Nurse Fletcher soon revived her, but she was in a shaken, nervous state,and could stand no contradiction or disapproval.

  "Now you see, Rodney," she cried triumphantly, "it is all right! Here isword from Betty herself--oh, my darling!" and she fell to kissing theyellow paper, as if it were the face of her child.

  "But, Mrs Varian," Granniss hesitated to correct her but felt he must,"that may not be from Betty, you know. Anybody could send a telegramsigned with Betty's name."

  "Rodney!" Minna's eyes blazed with anger, "why do you try every way tomake me miserable? Why dash every cup of joy from my lips? You seem tohope that we never find Betty! I can't understand your attitude, butunless you are more helpful,--yes, and more hopeful,--I don't think wecan get along together."

  But Granniss knew that he must stand by this distracted woman. Anothersecretary might have more leniency and less judgment, which would be abad thing for Minna's interests. No, even at risk of letting her beimprudent, he must stand by her, and protect her all he could against herown wrong decisions.

  "Oh, yes, we'll get along all right, Mrs Varian," he said, trying totreat the matter lightly. "You can't get rid of me so easily,--and, too,you know that I want to believe all this quite as much as you do. But youmust admit that a telegram is not like a letter. It might be faked."

  "Well, this isn't," said Minna, contentedly, still caressing the papermissive.

  "Let's consider it," said Rod. "It doesn't sound to me like Betty'sdiction. Would she use the word 'implicitly'?"

  "Why not?" Minna stared at him. "And, too, she wrote it under compulsion,most likely. Oh, my darling child,--at the mercy of those ruffians! Yet,I make no doubt they're good to her. Why should they harm my baby? Theyonly want the ransom money, and that they shall have. I'm glad it's alarge sum, it makes me more sure I'll get Betty."

  Granniss was in despair. He felt the awful responsibility of Mrs Varian'swild determination, but he couldn't see anything to do about it.

  To report to Doctor Varian was not his duty, and though he thought it washis duty to tell the story to the police, Minna had exacted his promisenot to do so, and he had given it. After all, it was her money,--if shechose to give it up so easily, it was not his affair. And, too, hecouldn't help a lurking hope that it might be all true and might resultin Betty's restoration to her sorrowing mother,--and, to himself. For heknew, now that the opposing influence of her father was removed, if Bettyshould ever be found, she would some day be his wife. He trusted in herfaith and loyalty to himself as he believed in his own to her.

  And yet, he couldn't approve of Minna's wholesale compliance with theexorbitant demands of people who might be and probably were mereswindlers. He was thinking these things over when Mrs Varian came to him.

  "I want you to go right down to New York," she told him, "and get me ahundred thousand dollars in cash. Now, don't raise objections, for Ishould only combat them, and it takes my strength so to argue with you.My husband's fortune is mine. There is no one to dictate to me how Ishall use it. I want,--I insist upon this sum in cash, or some sort ofbonds or securities that may be cashed by anybody, withoutidentification. Oh, you know what I mean,--I want the money in such shapethat these kidnappers will take it willingly. Of course, they won'taccept checks or notes. Go on, now, Rodney, get off at once, and get backas soon as you can. And I want some man to stay in this house whileyou're away. I'm not exactly timid, but I've never stayed nights in ahouse without a man in it,--beside the butler, I mean,--and I'm sure youcan invite some friend who would be willing to come. Perhaps Mr Landon.He's so nice, and I'd try to make it pleasant for him in any way I could.There are plenty of books, and with good cigars, he might be contented."

  "Oh, he'd be contented, all right; but Landon's gone off on a littletrip. He won't be back for several days. How'd you like to have North?Probably he'd come."

  "Very well,--if he's perfectly willing. I'd hate to bore him. You'll beback,--when?"

  "I'll have to be away two nights,--if North can't come, there's youngClark,--he's a good sort."

  "I hate to ask it of any of them, but I hate worse to stay alone. I'd getnervous and I shouldn't sleep at all."

  "That's all right, Mrs Varian, I know how you feel about it, and I'll getsomebody."

  Granniss was as good as his word, and, finding that Lawrence North wasglad to do anything in his power to help Mrs Varian, it was arranged thathe should visit at Headland House until Rodney could get back from NewYork.

  "But promise me," Granniss said, "that if you get further letters fromthe kidnappers you won't do anything definite until I return."

  "I can't," said Minna, thoughtfully. "I wouldn't promise, anyway, but, asyou must see for yourself, I can't do anything till I get that money."

  "I suppose not," Granniss agreed, and went off. During a sociable andchatty evening, Minna told North about the letter from the abductors.

  "Oh Mrs Varian," he exclaimed, "you don't believe it, do you? I onlywonder you haven't had several. It's a common way of crooks to attempt toget money."

  "But this rings so true," Minna defended herself, and showed him theletter.

  North studied it.

  "It sounds plausible enough," he said, "but how is it possible? How couldanyone have kidnapped the girl?"

  "Now, look here, Mr North, don't say over and over again, 'how could he?'You know somebody or something is responsible for Betty's disappearanceas well as for Mr Varian's death. Don't think for a minute that myanxiety about my daughter in any way obliterates or lessens my grief atmy husband's death. But, as you must see, nothing can bring Mr Varianback. While,--something may bring Betty back! Can you wonder, then, thatI catch at any straw,--believe in any hope,--take up with any suggestionon the mere chance of getting my child back? If they had asked for mywhole fortune, I should pay it--on the chance!"

  "Yes," North spoke slowly,--"I see how you feel about it,--but you oughtto have some proof that they really have your Betty."

  "I've thought about that," Minna shuddered, "but, I've read of thesecases, and--when they send a proof--sometimes, it's a--a finger--youknow----"

  "Oh, now, now, don't be morbid! I don't mean anything of that sort. Butif they would give you a bit of her hair, or a scrap of her ownhandwriting----"

  "But how can I demand that? How can I ask for it?"

  "You just wait for their next instruction. If they are sincere in thisoffer, if they really have Miss Betty and are really ready to negotiate,they must tell you what to do next. And, Mrs Varian, I advise you to doit. It may be a wrong principle, but your case is exceptional,--and,since you've showed me this letter, I can't help feeling it's the realthing. For one thing, you can see it's written by at least a fairly welleducated man. I mean, not by the common, ignorant class. Moreover, thevery audacity of demanding such enormous ransom, indicates to my mindthat the writer can perform his part of the bargain. A mere crook,writing a fake letter, would never dream of asking such a sum. How areyou going to manage the payment?"

  "If you mean the method of handing it over, I don't know. I shall do asI'm directed. If you mean how shall I obtain the cash, I've asked MrGranniss to bring it up from New York for me."

  "Is he going to travel home with that sum on his person!"

  "Yes, he said he had no fear in that direction."

  "Oh, no; since no one knows of it, he runs little risk."

  Meantime, Rodney Granniss, in New York, was putting through his errandsin record time.

  He attended to the money matter, and by the aid of some influentialfriends of the Varian family, he obtained the desired sum in cash andunregistered bonds.

  Then he went to see Pennington Wise.

  That astute detective declared himself too busy to accept any newcommission. But after Granniss had personally told the astonishingdetails of the case, Wise was unable to resist the temptation toundertake its investigation.

  "The way you put it, Mr Granniss," he said, "it sounds like an impossiblecondition. I can't se
e any explanation at all, but, as we know, there_must_ be one. The obvious solution is a secret passage, but since youtell me there is none, I feel I must go up there and see for myself whatcould have happened."

  "Then you'll come?"

  "Yes,--I'll drop all else, and go straight off. We won't travel together,though. You go ahead, right now, and I'll follow soon. And, by theway,--you're carrying that money with you?"


  "Let me take it. It's far safer so."

  Rod Granniss opened his eyes wide. Was this strange man asking him totransfer his trusted errand to him?

  Wise laughed. "I can't say I blame you for not wanting to hand it over.But, this I do tell you,--it will be safe with me,--and it may not bewith you."

  "Why, nobody knows I have it!"

  "Even so. I strongly advise your letting me take it,--but you must do asyou choose."

  "You'll get it safely up to Mrs Varian?" Granniss said, reluctantlyproducing the rather bulky parcel.

  "Yes, I will,--and if I don't,--I'll make the loss good."

  He looked meaningly at the younger man, and, flushing a little, Rodneysaid, "That's right,--Mr Wise. I couldn't make it good if I lost it. Takeit."

  And with no further security than the detective's word, Granniss handedover the money.

  He went to his train in a most perturbed spirit. Had he done right ornot? It all depended on the fidelity of the detective. To be sure,Granniss had every confidence in him, but the sum of money was so largethat it might well prove a temptation to hitherto impeccable honesty.

  He boarded his train, still uncertain of the wisdom of his course, andmore uncertain as to what Mrs Varian would say.

  But, he reasoned, if they were to employ the services of one of the bestand best known detectives in the country, it was surely right to obey hisfirst bit of advice.

  This thought comforted Granniss somewhat, and he was further comforted byan event which took place that night, and which proved the wisdom of thedetective's advice.

  Granniss was asleep in his lower berth when the merest feeling of acautious movement above awakened him.

  He could hear no sound, but through half-dosed eyes, he saw the occupantof the berth above crawl silently down and stealthily reach for Rodney'sclothes, which were folded at the foot of the berth.

  Interested rather than afraid, Granniss watched the performance, keepinghis own eyes nearly closed. It was too dark for him to see the marauder,who worked entirely by feeling, and who swiftly examined the clothing ofhis victim and then turned his attention to his bag.

  Still Granniss made no sign, for he preferred to see the chagrin of therobber rather than to interrupt him at his work.

  The bag yielded nothing of interest, and then the upper berth man camealong and slipped his hand under Granniss' pillow.

  Deftly done as it was, Rodney shot out his own hand and grabbed the wristof the other. But it was twisted away from him, and in an instant the manwas back in his own berth.

  Rod thought it over, and concluded to raise no outcry. In the morning hewould see who his visitor was, and then take such steps as he thoughtbest. He fell asleep, and when he awoke the sun was up and his would-berobber had disappeared.

  Chagrined at his own stupidity in over-sleeping, but rejoiced at thesafety of Mrs Varian's money, Granniss went on with his journey home.

  But, when he found on the floor of the car a handkerchief that had beenunder his pillow, he realized that a still further search for treasurehad been made beneath his sleeping head.