Read The Vengeance of the Vampire Bride Page 16

Page 16


  “Of course, he was. It is his very nature,” Astir agreed. “To him, being cruel is like breathing to a mortal. He needs it to survive. It is his very life essence. ”

  I threw myself into the chair that Ignatius had inhabited the first night I had met him. I longed for his comforting touch. “I did not wish for this to happen. ”

  “What did you wish? For Ignatius to denounce his mistress, kill Vlad, and rush away with you? To abandon all he holds dear and upholds as his sacred duty?”

  My tears clouded my vision as I peered at the horrible creature lounging so casually across from me. “I love Ignatius. I love him with all my heart. Is it so wrong to want to be with him?”

  “Oh, yes. Very wrong,” Astir declared with a chuckle. “And endlessly amusing. ”

  “I am so very glad that my tortured existence amuses you so!”

  “It certainly does,” Astir agreed, his grin widening.

  “You sent Magda and Adem to spy upon me and learn my secrets so you can torment me! You’re a foul beast!”

  “I sent Adem to protect you and Magda to take care of you. I only had your best interests at heart. ” Astir sniffed, insulted.

  “You lie! How could you have my best interests at heart if you come here to toy with my emotions and mock me?”

  Astir suddenly loomed over me. His curls hung about his face, framing his flaming eyes. “I do not lie, dear Countess. I sent them to do as I said. But I also instructed Adem to discover why your husband was missing. Which he did. I only did that to make certain that you are taken care of, my lovely little vampire. You charm me. I find you infinitely compelling with your passion and zest for freedom. ”

  Staring up at him, I could not move. My fingers dug into the arms of the chair as I felt myself transfixed by his fiery gaze.

  Bending ever closer, Astir angled his head, his golden curls aflame in the light from the fire in the fireplace. “Let me tell you a story, my little Countess Dracula. My guards sent word that you alone left the castle and set up residence in Bistri?a. They were uncertain as to why you left so swiftly alone when Count Dracula had told them you would be traveling together to Vienna. This turn of events immediately piqued my curiosity. I found it odd that Vlad would allow you to travel alone with the vampire hunters so ardently pursuing the undead. I was worried for your safety and could not fathom what his newest scheme could possibly be. I sent messengers to the castle, but they could not locate its whereabouts. It was if it had vanished. Only Vlad Dracula’s power could hide the castle from prying eyes. Therefore, concerned at this turn of events, I sent Adem. He was immediately enthralled with you, which is understandable. You are a little spark of life. ”

  “You flatter me,” I muttered.

  “Don’t interrupt! I am not done with my story,” Astir chided, waving his long finger before my face. “Adem reported that Vlad was nowhere to be seen and that you were on a quest to find Erzsébet. Odd, I thought. I told him to discover the fact of the matter. You were quite wily and he could not compel you to impart the truth. It was not until I sent Magda upon Adem’s request that he was finally able to persuade you to drop the ward on the castle so he could find it and enter it. ”

  “I did not ward the castle! Are you mad?” I exclaimed, daring to gaze up into his face. “I do not have that power and you said yourself that only Vlad Dracula could hide it from prying eyes!”

  To my shock, Astir straddled my lap, laid his hands on the back of the couch on either side of me, and began to laugh.

  “Remove yourself!” I attempted to shove him off, but his body felt like a granite statue.

  “Dear Countess Dracula, you now possess his power. You admitted that he willed his power to you! It was you who warded the castle so none could enter it, trapping the gypsies inside along with the ravenous Brides. ”

  “No!” I gasped. “No!”

  “The gypsies only escaped once you lowered the ward so that Adem and Magda could enter. Adem did say that the Brides feasted on a few of them, but most appeared to have fled once they were able. ”

  I clutched my hands to my bosom, unable to accept the veracity of his words.

  “The Brides were hungry and Adem and Magda barely escaped them. When Vlad gave you his power, he gave you dominion over them as well. Admit it, dearest Countess Dracula, you wanted your sin to remain hidden from the eyes of the world. ”

  My eyes wide with horror and shock, I nodded my head. I knew his words were the truth, but it was difficult to accept that I could wield such power. Yet, I had wanted no one to enter the castle and witness my terrible deed. I had desired for the Brides to remain in the castle with Vlad. That I had trapped the gypsies with the ravenous Brides filled me with remorse.

  “I see you believe me,” he said with satisfaction.

  “Yes, but I did not know…” I shoved at his chest again, claustrophobic.

  With a laugh, he tumbled to the floor and lounged there. “Do you now see what a wondrous, fabulous creature you are? How amazingly complicated you have made the lives of everyone around you? I am now forced to decide where my allegiance lies. ”

  “I do not understand,” I whispered in fear.

  “Do I go to the castle and rescue Vlad?” Astir tilted his head as though considering the action. “Or do I inform his Mistress so she may retrieve him?”

  “Please, do not. He will kill the Brides and attempt to enslave me once again! I cannot bear it!” I covered my face with my trembling hands. “I cannot bear to be his whore again!” I dared not weep. I had fed and blood would fill my tears. I forced myself to regain my composure, my anger and terror twisting within me. Lowering my hands, I said in a calmer tone, “Astir, please do not free him. All I desire is to live my own life, choose my own way, love who I choose to love, and share my body with whom I wish. I do not wish to be Vlad’s slave. Even though a dark part of me calls out for him, I do not wish to be in his dominion. ”

  Astir reclined on his elbows as he scrutinized my expression and words. With a light shrug, he said, “Very well. I shall not. Therefore, I choose to side with you. After all, you are a Mistress now. Your blood is powerful and you are now a force to be reckoned with. ”

  “Oh, thank you, Astir!” I gasped with joy. “Oh, thank you so very much!”

  With inhumane grace, he lifted himself from the floor and slid back onto the sofa. “Now let us speak candidly. ”

  “Very well. ”

  “You may return to Buda now. The vampire hunters have been satisfied that they have eradicated the vampire scourge from the city and have departed. It is safe for you to return if you promise you will not kill and will feed with discretion. You will not seek out my haven, for you are not welcome there. ”

  I gaped at him. “What?”

  “You reek of power. I think it best that you hide yourself from any other vampire or supernatural creature that would wish to know how you have obtained such great power in such a little time. ”

  Daring to look into his flaming eyes, I implored, “Teach me to hide it. ”

  “I may be able to, but that shall take time. Therefore, you are not allowed into my haven. Understood?”

  “Yes,” I snorted.

  “You can do as you wish with Vlad’s minions. They were his and now they are yours. Just do nothing that will bring attention to your true nature. I advise you to cultivate the lifestyle of a mortal countess to the best of your ability. Vlad was a fearsome vampire, but a respected member of the aristocracy in Buda. None knew of his true nature unless he willed it. You must follow his example. ”

  “Very well. That is what I had planned to do anyway,” I said, chaffing under his edicts.

  “And you must not pursue Ignatius. If he discovers what has happened, it will cause great turmoil instantly. He will be forced to tell his Mistress what has become of Vlad. He is loyal first to her. ”

  I gave Astir a fierce glare. “And if he com
es to me?”

  “We shall deal with it then. Stay in Buda. Do not rush after Ignatius. Do not risk your life until you are more established. ” Astir lightly tapped my chin. “Do as I say and you can return to Buda. ”

  “And if I do not?”

  “I will keep you lost in the mountains until you relent,” Astir answered.

  I believed his threat and did not doubt he was capable of doing such a thing. Angry, yet excited, I grudgingly accepted his terms.

  “We shall depart tomorrow night,” Astir decided. “That should give Magda sufficient time to pack your things and prepare. ”

  I smiled at the thought of returning to the city. To be far away from the castle and Vlad would be wonderful.

  “Do you know what I told our dear Count Dracula when he told me about you?”

  I shrugged slightly though I was truly intrigued.

  “That you would be the ruin of him. I said, ‘Vlad, you silly man, you should never love a redhead. They are fire made manifest. She’ll destroy you. ’ And I was right,” Astir said, gloating a bit.

  “What did he answer you?” I asked, curious.