Read The Vengeance of the Vampire Bride Page 23

Page 23


  “I understand. I shall make sure you are accommodated,” Brice answered smoothly.

  “Also, if you could send word to the Baroness that I have arrived early that would be greatly appreciated,” I continued. “I would like to see her as soon as she arrives. We have much to discuss. ”

  Brice inclined his head. “Very well. ”

  “Also, could you have my family laid in state within the palace chapel?” I would not be able to enter to visit them, but it felt appropriate that they should be in the house of God.

  “Yes, madam. Of course,” he answered.

  The two maids finished their tasks, took up their silver candelabras, and hurried from the room. Just as they departed, Adem’s men entered carrying my traveling trunks. Immediately, Magda instructed the men to follow her into the bedroom with their burden.

  “Thank you so much for your kindness,” I said to Brice, dismissing him with a slight smile.

  “It is a pleasure to serve. ” He bowed, then withdrew from the room.

  As the door clicked shut, Adem approached me. “The rooms are secure. All the windows have locks. The drapes are doubled so no sunlight will penetrate. The only door into the suite is that one. ”

  “She does tend to have hidden spaces in her walls, Adem. ”

  “Astir informed me of that as well. I shall examine all the walls and furnishing carefully. I do suspect she would not dare to spy on you for fear of Vlad Dracula. ”

  “She should fear me more than he,” I declared.

  “That she should,” he agreed with a smirk. “I will escort Katya back to Astir’s haven then return before the sun rises. You do need to feed, so you may take one of my men. ”

  “I would rather stay with the countess,” Katya grumbled from across the room. She was gazing up at a painting of nymphs dancing in a grove. In some ways she reminded me of the fae. She was beautiful, beguiling, and dangerous. Her blood was sweet and she was willing to offer herself to me, but my inability to control her mind would be my undoing if I kept her about.

  “You need to go with Adem,” I informed her.

  “Please! I beg of you! Do not turn me away! I want to be with you! I want to serve you! And when Count Dracula returns, I will give myself to both of you!” she wailed, throwing herself at my feet, clasping her arms around my knees.

  Adem reached down to pluck her off the floor, but I stopped him with a gesture. With a sigh, I took her hands and pulled her to her feet. Tears glistened on her face and her lips were trembling.

  “Katya, listen to me. Astir has a haven, a safe place full of wondrous delights. Vlad corrupted you and I know your desires are not. . . ” I faltered.

  “Please, let me serve you. I know that horrible woman hates me,” she said venomously, glaring at Magda as she stepped into the sitting room, “but I swear I will serve you faithfully. ”

  “She’s worthless. She can’t clean or mend properly. She’s lazy,” Magda responded dismissively.

  Releasing Katya’s hands, I forced myself to not acknowledge the heartbreak in her gaze. “Take her to Astir, Adem. ”

  A dismal sob burst from the girl as Adem took hold of her shoulders and guided her from the room. I could feel her eyes upon me as she was led away and she wept openly.

  “She’s worthless,” Magda declared.

  “Vlad broke her. Corrupted her. It is his sin that has festered in her soul and made her into what she is,” I answered tersely.

  “Yes, but that is not your sin. Why should you be punished for what he has done? You cannot keep her near you. She’s like a moth to the flame. ”

  The guards strode from my bedroom and bowed. “Will you have any further need of us?” one asked.

  I was hungry and ill-tempered. “Yes, find Enre and send him to me. ”

  They acknowledged my request with the slight bob of their chins before departing.

  “I shall arrange for your bath to be drawn. ” Magda also left.

  Suddenly exhausted, I flung off my traveling coat, bonnet, and gloves and reclined on the divan. Perhaps it was the stress of the journey and all that had come before, but once again I felt despair fill me. Despite being in the home of my enemy that I would exact my revenge upon, I felt helpless and alone. All my life I had desired to make choices for myself in all matters of life. Now that I was free of Vlad, I found myself adrift. I craved revenge against those who conspired against my family, but I also felt the yearning for my home in England. How lovely to see my brother Andrew and his dear wife once more! And yet, if I were to leave for England, I would risk never seeing my beloved Ignatius again. How I miss him! Yearn for him!

  Feeling close to tears, I waited for Enre to arrive.

  Hunger was clawing away at my senses. I wondered if Astir transporting me over such a great distance had adversely affected me. Though I had yet to feed tonight, the hunger seemed almost unbearable. I needed to feed soon before my temper became any shorter and I committed a foolhardy act. I began to regret sending Katya away as I waited for Enre. I was still furious with him for being such an idiot and forcing my hand with Katya’s father. I was not certain I could forgive him. Once I fed from him, I would decide his fate for I felt betrayed by his foolishness.

  Enre arrived shortly thereafter, nervous, pale, and unsure of my intentions. I motioned for him to approach and he did so slowly. He clutched his turban in his hands and lowered his chin as he stopped before me.

  “My lady, I sincerely apologize for the trouble my actions have caused,” he said, his voice trembling.

  I noted how young he was, probably not much older than I. I knew all too well how youth could bring about a person’s downfall. Hadn’t my own impetuous nature led me on a terrible journey of destruction? Of course, my impulsive nature had also led me to Ignatius. It was difficult to be angry when I realized this truth.

  “Your apology is accepted,” I decided. “I do suggest that you do not allow yourself to be swayed by beautiful women when your duty is to protect me, or there will be dire consequences. ” I was actually uncertain as to whether or not Astir would allow me to punish the guard, but I rather enjoyed threatening him into compliance. Dealing with Katya was most difficult and I had a terrible premonition that I was not yet finished with the girl.

  “I pledge that I will not be so remiss in my duties again. ”

  “I need to feed,” I informed him.

  He promptly tilted his head, his eyes lifting toward the ceiling. As I laid my hand on his shoulder, I noted he was trembling. How vulnerable he was before me. I could kill him and he understood his predicament, yet he willing yielded his flesh. Luckily, my anger against him was diminished and all I desired now was his blood. My teeth grew long and sharp as I took him in my arms, pulling him down so I could bite. When I drew in the first of his blood into my mouth, he ceased to shake and fell against me in a swoon. I drank deeply, feeling the blood rushing down my throat to revitalize my flesh.

  Finished, I released him and he fell to his knees, his head bowed.

  “You may go now,” I said, licking my lips and savoring the flavor of his blood.

  Once he had departed, I strode toward my new bedroom, flushed with life and restored. Magda arrived soon after Enre departed with several maids trailing behind her carrying buckets of hot water. They filled the bronze bath in my room as Magda unpinned my hair. The maids cast furtive glances in my direction before they left my room. Even though they had been roused from their slumber to serve me, they seemed more interested in me than irritated by the late hour. The last one to leave curtsied before shutting the door.

  “Do they know what I am?” I asked Magda.

  “I’m not certain, but from their chatter it appears they are well aware that your husband is the lover of the Baroness. I think they are a little scandalized by you being her guest,” Magda answered.

  Helping me out of my dress and petticoats, Magda con
tinued: “I had the distinct impression that they are all in awe of Vlad and of you. I do not know if it is because they know you are vampires or if it is merely because you are a mysterious pair. ”

  “Servants talk. Soon all of Buda will know I am here,” I mused.

  “Most certainly by tomorrow night you will have many inquiries into your stay,” Magda agreed.

  As I finished disrobing, she checked the warmth of the water. Satisfied, she poured a few oils and salts that she had collected from my traveling case into the steaming bath.

  “I wonder how long it shall take for Sir Stephan to come groveling out of his den,” I wondered aloud.

  Magda smirked. “Oh, I’m certain he shall be here as soon as the sun sets. ”

  With a sigh of pleasure, I slid into the bath. “Oh, it is heavenly to be here. ”

  “Enjoy your bath,” Magda said as she gathered my discarded garments and hurried into her room where she had my traveling trunks stored.

  Closing my eyes, I sank deeper into the hot water. Baths have always been my favorite indulgence. There was a slight knock on the bedroom door and Adem’s voice called out my name.

  “Enter,” I said, not really caring if he saw my nakedness or not.

  Adem strode into the room then stopped short as he saw me resting in my bath. He quickly spun on his heel, facing away from me. “Forgive me. I thought you said to enter. ”