Read The Vengeance of the Vampire Bride Page 4

Page 4


  His distinct laugh filled the room as he bit into my throat. I felt my blood gushing into his demanding mouth. The pleasure of his bite elicited a moan from my lips as I felt his power overwhelming my senses. I wrapped my fingers around his, attempting to pry them free of my flesh. I struggled to escape him, but he pinned me with horrific ease. His fingers twisted in my hair as he licked my throat.

  “Release me,” he whispered. “Release me, and I shall have mercy on you. ”

  “No,” I gasped, my fingers trembling as I gripped at his hand.

  My body was my betrayer. He was my first. The one who taught me pleasures of the flesh. The first to ever fill me and make me writhe with desire. My blood was his blood and it made me whimper as his hand slid down between my thighs.

  “Release me, and I shall be yours. And you shall be mine. ”


  I awoke, thrashing in the bed, my arms and legs fighting against a phantom. I was alone in my bed, my room dark. Faint sunlight crept around the edges of the shutters only to be caught in the thick curtains. The weak illumination revealed a room just as I had left it the night before. My bedclothes were strewn about the bed and my nightgown was tangled around my waist.

  My body raged with dark arousal, begging for release.

  “Damn you to hell, Dracula!” I muttered angrily.

  I curled up on the bed, pulling the covers about me. As I lay shivering, my body aching, I cried with frustration. That Vlad could still illicit such strong passion within me filled me with despair.

  Covering my face with my hands, I forced my thoughts toward Ignatius. In my mind, I drew forth his image and his voice. I remembered the gentleness of his hands and the sweet caress of his kisses. I thought of his long hair whispering against my face and breasts as he kissed me. I remembered his long body pressed against mine while we made love for the first time. I had been liberated by his touch, not enslaved to it.

  I filled my mind with my lost paramour and my love for him pressed away the dark terror of my dream. I drifted to sleep imagining his presence beside me.

  I did not dream of Vlad again.


  I had yet to dress and was seated at my desk writing letters when there was a gentle knock on the door. I quickly donned my robe and tossed back my hair from my face. I was flustered by the thought of feeding off of a willing male I did not have to draw into my thrall. I hoped fervently it would not be a repeat of Katya’s unsettling attempted seduction.

  “Who is it?”

  “Adem. ”

  I unlocked the door and drew it wide for the two men to enter. Adem was dressed in his elegant black uniform and despite his imposing appearance, smiled pleasantly at me.

  The young man accompanying him wore a more subdued version of his superior’s garb, also with black with blue symbols along his sleeves. The very tall, lanky guard’s gaze wandered around the room nervously as he tried not to regard me directly. His sandy colored hair fell in soft curls around his brow and his keen brown eyes had flecks of green within their depths. I always like to study people’s eyes. They do say much about the mind lingering behind them.

  “This is Enre, my dear Countess. He would be honored if you were to feed from him tonight,” Adem explained, his hand resting on the younger man’s shoulder.

  “It would be my pleasure,” Enre said gallantly, then bowed deeply before me.

  “I thank you for the generous offer of your blood. ”

  It was terribly awkward standing before the two men, both of them waiting eagerly for me to feed from the younger one. Usually I had to draw my victims into my power, luring them with beauty, sensuality and lust. Tilting my head, I regarded them with curiosity, unsure of how to proceed.

  Adem recognized my uncertainty and quickly urged Enre forward. Falling to his knees before me, Enre leaned his head to one side, tugged back his hair with one hand and exposed his neck.

  My gaze shifted to Adem. “I just. . . feed?”

  “Yes, Countess. His blood is yours. ”

  “Take what you will, my mistress,” Enre urged.

  I could see the desire in his eyes, much like Katya’s. Whereas Katya had been flagrant with her passions, he was completely docile.

  My long hair fell over one shoulder as I leaned over him, the firelight dancing along my deep red curls. My lips close to Enre’s, my eyes staring into his, I smiled.

  “Thank you,” I softly murmured.

  Squeezing his eyes shut, his breath came in short rasps of anticipation as he awaited my bite.

  My gaze drifted to the pulse in his neck and the hunger welled up within me. My teeth ached as my fangs descended, sharp as little daggers behind my lips. My hands gripping his hair and his shoulder, I struck. It was glorious to feel my fangs sink deep into his flesh, blood welling up in the wounds. I began to suckle, drinking the elixir that would grant me life, beauty and power for yet another night.

  Flushed and restored, I extracted my fangs from his neck, my tongue snaking across the wounds so they might heal. Cradling his head against my bosom, I leaned down once more to kiss his cheek.

  “Thank you, Enre,” I said, and released him.

  I ran my tongue over my lips, licking away the remnants of my feeding. I straightened my robe and gown before tucking my hair back from my face.

  “You may go, Enre,” Adem said, dismissing the guard.

  I glanced toward them to see Adem helping Enre to his feet. Blushing at the sight of the swelling in Enre’s trousers, I busied myself collecting my letters, directing my gaze to the wax seals I had so carefully created on each one.

  Once the door had shut behind my willing meal, I turned, holding out the letters to Adem. “Please see that these are delivered to Buda. And should Astir ask, they merely inform the Baroness and Sir Stephan that my anger against them is now assuaged. The letters also state that Vlad has restored them to his good graces, seeing as I no longer want their heads on platters. ”

  Adem arched an eyebrow, obviously not understanding.

  “I am a vampire because of them. They conspired against me and my family and delivered me to Vlad. ”

  “Your husband. ”

  “Yes,” I answered, feeling my face flush even more.

  “Prince Vlad, Count Dracula of Wallachia, is your husband, but you are furious with his minions for delivering you to his castle?” Adem raised both eyebrows, his keen dark eyes observing the expression upon my face.

  Slightly lowering my gaze, I sighed. “Vlad killed my family in a rage and made me his Bride. It was nearly a year ago and it is difficult. . . to forgive. ”

  Tucking the letters into his coat, Adem inclined his head. “Not to intrude into your private affairs-“

  I laughed, amused at his words. “Excuse me, sir, but did you not deliver one of your men so that I could feed? I do believe you are most certainly involved in my most private of affairs. It seems of little consequence for you to know that I do hate those who betrayed my family to Vlad. ”

  Adem began to speak, but thought better of it.

  “I live a complicated life,” I said in a tone that held a tinge of my anger.

  “I see. ” Adem studied my expression, then stepped back to the door. “I shall make sure your letters are posted. ”

  “Thank you. ”

  “Is there anything else you desire tonight?”

  My anger was gone now, rushing out like a dark tide that would return later. I felt the stark loneliness threatening to return.

  “Yes. I would like to ride tonight. Please arrange to have a horse saddled for me. ”

  Adem nodded and moved to exit. “I will come with you. ”

  I started to protest, then thought better of it. “Yes, of course. ”

  “Where are we going, may I ask?”

  “To find the resting place of the Countess Dolingen,” I answered. I watched his expres
sion, curious to see if he knew Erzsébet.

  Inclining his head slightly, his expression delivering neither confirmation nor a denial of his knowledge of Vlad’s betrayed first wife, he slipped out of my room.

  Chapter 3

  I could not help but find myself distraught and desperately missing Magda, my former maid, as Katya assisted me with my bath and dressing. Magda had always performed her duties with just the appropriate amount of care and attention to detail, while allowing me to retain some sense of privacy and dignity. Katya, however, fawned over me, fussed with my hair and clothing, attempted to bathe me and at one point, overtly bared her throat to me.

  At last I lost my temper. I took her by the shoulders and shook her. “If I desire to feed from you, I will do it! Do not try to seduce me!”

  To my dismay, she burst into tears and flung herself into my arms, sobbing hysterically. I was tempted to toss her onto the floor, but thought better of it. Her father’s assistance was imperative to my long stay at his hotel. I willed her to sleep and dropped her onto the bed to slumber while I rode with Adem.

  I straightened my hat, fluffed my curls and smoothed out the wrinkles from my long, navy blue riding dress. I rather liked the austere design with its high collar and tight cuffs. The hem of my petticoat had precious delicate tucks and navy blue ribbons. I had only worn it a few times in Buda and it brought me fond memories. Vlad had insisted that I ride with my brother, Andrew, during his visit and had approved of the outfit when I had first appeared in it. His admiration had made me blush, but now infuriated me. Reflecting upon my time in Buda, I felt a pang of sorrow mixed with anger, for I suspected every kindness was a grand manipulation.