Read The Vengeance of the Vampire Bride Page 45

Page 45


  I gently wiped a tear away, relishing the thought that I had caused this pain, but it was still not enough. “Do not cry. Vlad always discards the women he loves. Even I will one day not be in his favor. ”

  “Are you so certain?” Her tone was a little clipped, but she managed to not let the bitterness and hurt in her eyes seep into her words.

  Nodding, I answered, “Yes. I am quite certain. ”

  “You are wrong. Of that I am certain now. You are different and you hold the power to persuade him to have mercy. ” Surprising me, she threw herself onto my lap, gripping my sides with her hands. “Please, I implore you! Do not let him turn me away. Not now! I have done all he ever desired. I helped him attain his wealth, I helped him find his victims, I did everything he ever desired. I killed for him! I have opened my veins, my heart, my soul to him. Do not let me fall from his favor!”

  I laid my hand upon her dark hair as her body shuddered with her tears. “You must prove to him that you will bow to my wishes as your mistress and obey me. ”

  “How do I do that? What should I do?” Her voice was thick and raw with emotion. “Tell me!”

  “I do not know,” I lied.

  Rising up, she clutched my hands. “Please, tell me what I can do. ”

  Lightly touching her face, I stared into her eyes. I sensed my triumph over her was near. “A grand gesture of loyalty would pacify him, I’m certain. ” I knew she had married an older man who had granted her all his wealth upon his death. Money, power and lust were all she truly held dear.

  She nodded her head, licking her lips, her lashes fluttering as tears coursed down her flushed cheeks. “Perhaps, I could. . . ” she hesitated, her eyes sweeping over the room.


  “I don’t want to grow any older than I am now. My beauty will fade. ” She lightly touched her face.

  “I know. ”

  Chewing on her bottom lip, she held my hand tightly. She was trembling. “Do you love me?”

  I was a little taken aback, but I answered, “As a sister. ” I had not anticipated that she would possibly try to seduce me.

  She released my hand so she could cradle my face in her hands. “I wish for nothing more than to be your eternal sister and to be with you and Vlad forever. Nothing in this world compares to that desire. I would give you anything, all that I possess, to be with you. ”

  I gently took her hands and lowered them to her lap. “I have a husband. I need no other lover. ” A blatant lie, but I did not wish for her seduction attempt to go any farther.

  Averting her eyes, I could see she was surprised at my rebuff. Teardrops shimmered on her eyelashes as she fell into silence. From the pursing of her lips and the nervous movement of her eyes, I was certain she was slowly falling into my trap.

  “I will give you all my wealth as a symbol of my loyalty to you,” she whispered.

  I almost smiled, but resisted the urge. “That is certainly generous. ”

  “I intend to serve you loyally beyond the grave. I will give you control of my wealth as I give myself to him as a dowry of sorts. I am certain that this gesture will please him. ” Now that her decision had been made, she began to regain her composure. I could see that she was confident that her gesture would be well-received. I was certain Vlad would have found it a suitable display of her devotion if he had cared for her at all anymore.

  “I think you are correct. He is a man who must have absolute loyalty. ”

  Pressing her lips firmly against my cheek, she clung to me. I was startled by her sudden embrace, but wrapped my arms around her.

  “We shall speak to Sir Stephan,” she whispered in my ear.

  “Yes. ” I smiled into her hair as I rubbed her back, consoling her. The hollowness within me spoke, so I tilted my head and bit into her neck to feed.

  Chapter 22

  The Journal of Countess Dracula

  October 13, 1820

  The Dosza Palace

  It has been nearly a week since the ring was cursed and Vlad has not reappeared in my dreams, or in my new rooms. I truly believe the curse has worked. It is a tremendous relief considering how many times I dreamed of Vlad in my bed defiling me. I am sorely tempted to return to the castle and lop off his head. Yet, I do not want to face the sisters. I left them behind to starve. I am as much a villain as Vlad. It wounds me that I am such a coward that I dare not release them from their prison. I cannot allow anyone to uncover what I have done to Vlad.

  Should I be discovered, I fear that my death would swiftly follow. . .

  “Life is far too complicated,” Magda sighed as she lightly powdered my face in an attempt to give me a more mortal complexion.

  We were discussing our difficult relationships as Magda helped me prepare for the baroness’ ball. She was certainly no longer just my maidservant, but she also one of my dearest friends. Her allegiance to me was solidified by the sharing of my blood, but her loyalty had been unwavering even when she had been bound to Vlad. I trusted her implicitly and I felt that trust was returned.

  “Adem loves you. ” I was certain that this was the truth. Now that I was aware of their growing romance, I could see the affection in his eyes whenever she entered the room.

  “Yes, but he is such a noble man he cannot bring himself to sever all ties with Saadat. He wishes to speak to her and be at peace with her before he continues with me. ” Anger tinged her words, but heartbreak sang in her dark eyes.

  “It shall be. I know it. ”

  Finishing my makeup, she peered at me thoughtfully. “Perhaps. I just wish that the world was a simpler place and that for just a moment all was perfect. ”

  I smiled at her. “Now you sound like me. ”

  With a little laugh, she shook her head. “If only. I am not the bright star you are. I do not shine as fiercely as you. I find it difficult to believe that you are the one who is dead. You are the one full of light. ”

  Her words were startling, but also touching. Standing, I flung my arms about her, holding her close. “You are such a dear person, Magda. You are my light. ”

  “Do not cry!”

  How well she knows me! Already the tears were forming. She dabbed at the corners of my eyes with the silk handkerchief she plucked from my vanity.

  “I won’t!”

  “Do not ruin all my hard work. You look flushed with life and quite lovely. You shall be the fairest at the ball. ”

  Tonight was the grand masked ball that Csilla was throwing in celebration of the change of the seasons. Once the winter came, social events would wane. The elite of Buda were abuzz with excitement at this one last grand affair before the harsh weather descended upon us.

  Laura and I had conspired on our costumes and we were pleased with the results. My gown was a deep orange and adorned with silk leaves in shades of red and yellow. My mask was made of the same silk leaves. My hair was loose with silk flowers and gold wire wrapped about the curls. My necklace was gold with glittering rubies and matching earrings dangled from my ears. I was pleased with the effect. Laura’s costume nearly matched mine, save hers was a soft yellow and adorned with orange and brown leaves. We were sister goddesses of autumn and quite pleased with our attire. I could not wait to see her in her completed costume when she arrived later with her family.

  “The last ball I attended here was fraught with drama and hidden intrigues. ” I pondered this as wrapped my lacy shawl about my shoulders. It perfectly matched my dress. “I would like for this one to be fun and frivolous. ”

  “Do you believe that you will get your wish?” Magda smoothed out my skirt and straightened my petticoats that were heavily embroidered with gold thread.

  “No. ” I laughed and twirled away from her. “I am certain something horrible will occur and I shall want to slay them all. But until that moment, I vow to enjoy my night. ”


  A short while later I joi
ned the first of the guests in the ballroom. The small orchestra the baroness was patron of was already playing sweet music under the sparkling chandeliers. I scanned the costumed guests with some interest. I knew many now by name due to the baroness’ constant social engagements. It was difficult to discern who a few people were due to their ornate costumes, but I spotted Frida speaking with that gossiping witch, Borbála. Already they were casting venomous looks about and talking like conspirators.

  “They’re a nasty pair, aren’t they?”

  “Percy!” I turned and flung my arms about him.

  He grinned behind his raven mask and clasped my hands warmly once I released him from my impulsive embrace. “You should have hidden your hair. I knew immediately who you are. ”

  “I’m not really trying to deceive anyone,” I admitted. “I decided it is best to be out in the open where all can see I am above the gossip. ”

  “It has been fairly cruel. ” He winced slightly. “Apparently, I do seem to be a part of it. ”

  “You’re a handsome man and my husband has been away for a long time. It is only natural that tongues will wag about illicit affairs. Though for a time the gossip was about you and dear Laura. ”

  Percy shook his head, his blond hair glimmering in the candlelight. He was dressed a bit plainly compared to other partygoers. His attire was completely black and raven feathers adorned his collar and shoulders. I rather liked the whole affect and his beautiful blue eyes shone behind his mask with a gentleness I had come to appreciate. “I regret that I gave false hope to Sir Stephan and his wife. I know Laura was aware that my interest was only as her friend, but her parents were incensed. I hear they have returned to their quest to marry her to that horrible Dietrich. ”