Read The Vengeance of the Vampire Bride Page 56

Page 56


  I glanced over my shoulder at Laura. “I was going to speak with you tonight when I rose. ”

  “You do love her more!” Csilla sobbed, tears coursing down her cheeks. “You love her more! You brought her back and butchered her parents so they could not interfere!”

  Sliding out of the bed, I set my bare feet against the cold floor and regarded Csilla with barely contained anger. I was sick of the games we played with each other, yet I needed her to remain alive for a bit longer. Should she die so quickly after Sir Stephan, I was afraid that even more suspicion would be cast upon me and Laura.

  “Their deaths were unexpected. ” I almost blurted out the truth of Laura’s accidental rising, but realized this would be a serious mistake. Watching my tongue, I fashioned my response. “Laura rose earlier than expected. She killed them, but she has now regained her senses. ”

  Tears flowed down Csilla’s cheeks as she gazed at us. “I want to please you, but you turn me away for her! Why her?”

  “She was dying. ” I stood and took hold of Csilla’s cold, damp hands. The life in her was slowly draining away and she would soon join Sir Stephan in the world beyond life. “I had to make a choice. She will be our sister. ”

  Csilla continued to sob, a heart wrenching sound. Her black eyes rested upon my face as her fingers tightened around mine. “I am sorry for my outburst, but I am stricken with the thought of displeasing you in anyway. ”

  “You please me, Csilla. With your hospitality and your friendship. ” I gently touched her soft dark hair with one hand. “All will be well. This was merely an unexpected development. ”

  Looking toward Laura, Csilla said, “I could arrange for the suite next to this one to be freshened up. She could move there. ”

  “Jealousy cannot abide in the House of Dracula,” I said firmly.

  “She is your Bride and I am merely your human hostess,” she spat out.

  “There are many Brides of Dracula,” I reminded her.

  “But you are the one he wants. ” Yanking her hands from mine, she turned away. “I am twisted inside. I feel torn apart whenever I sleep. Why will you not grant me the final kiss?'

  “Csilla, it will happen in time. As I take your life and you weaken, the doorway to your new existence is opening. I cannot make you into what I am until you die. ”

  “Then kill me quicker!” Csilla spun about. “Kill me quicker so the dreams may cease and I will be with you. ”

  Despite my drowsy condition, my mind grasped her words as a threat. “What are you dreaming?”

  Her fingers clutched my shoulders as she drew uncomfortably close to me. “I dream of him. Of Vlad. He calls to me out of the darkness. ” Her voice dropped into hushed tones. “He tells me all is forgiven if I will obey him. ”

  I swallowed hard against the constriction of my throat. “What does he ask of you?”

  Csilla’s fingertips traced over my collarbone to my throat. They fluttered there like butterflies against my skin. Her mouth was so near to mine, I could feel her warm breath when she spoke. Beneath her lowered lashes, her dark eyes were dangerous and seductive. “To bring you to him. ”

  I was staggered by her words though I had anticipated them. The curse upon the ring had kept him from me, but not from those around me. I had been foolish to believe he would be so easily dissuaded from his attacks. I turned my gaze away from her, trying to organize my thoughts and fight away the growing panic within me.

  “In my dreams, I see the castle. I hear him calling out from within it. He promises such lovely things. ” Her hand slid into my hair and she rested her forehead against mine. “He promises to exalt me and to love me above all others if I bring you to him. ”

  “And what will you do?” I asked.

  “He’s lying,” she said, bitterly. “I know it. ”

  I gripped her face tightly with one hand. “Do you?”

  “You have broken away from him, haven’t you?” Her tone was savage. “He never forgave me! He never forgives! I wanted it to be true, but he does not forgive! If he does not want me, do you, Glynis? Do you?”

  “Yes,” I answered, releasing her. “I want you. He does not. I came here to establish a life without him. He has fought to reclaim me, but I will not bow to him ever again. I went against his wishes by being here with you and promising you a place at my side. ” How easily I mixed the truth with lies.

  “Of course!” She laughed with relief. “Of course! You are building your own House of Dracula! If you are defying him, then you must want me. ” Fear drained away from her as she grabbed my hands and kissed them ardently.

  “I could not tell you the truth. I am sorry, but I will not be under his control ever again. ”

  “I am relieved in so many ways that I will be with you and not him. I loved him for so very long, yet to know that he has not forgiven me, it has hardened my heart. But to know that you would defy him to be my friend, to make me your Bride, I am touched so deeply. ” Tears of relief trailed over her flushed face.

  I was no fool. The Baroness Dosza’s only desire was to be immortal and forever beautiful. If Vlad would not grant her wish, then she would embrace me immediately as her only chance at fulfilling her desires. I wanted to slap her, but instead I let her press kisses to my hands in gratitude.

  “Dear Countess Dracula, I will do as you wish and I will be your faithful child forever. I promise you this. ” Her eyes fleetingly flicked to Laura, but she directed her full gaze to me. “I will do whatever you desire and shall always be at your side. ”

  I touched her cheek and her hand folded over mine, pressing her face into my palm. Her eyes closed with rapture; she was a lovely, beautiful, selfish woman. “Your loyalty has already been confirmed. All shall be well,” I promised.

  She pressed her lips against mine in an ardent kiss. The gesture unnerved me and I slid my lips away from hers, over her cheek, to bite into her neck. She swooned against me as I drank, holding her close.

  I could not help but think I have complicated my life beyond salvation.


  I awoke nestled between the two sleeping women. For a moment I thought I was in the castle sleeping with Cneajna, but then I saw the serene face of the baroness and remembered. She seems content with my bites for now, but as a woman who uses her feminine wiles to obtain what she desires, I am not certain how much longer I can keep up my farce. I understand that it is Laura’s nature to love other women, but I feel that Csilla is only trying to bed me so that she can be my favorite. It disturbs me that she would think me so low as to give her favor for sexual gratification. Besides, I do not regard my own sex as romantic interests.

  Perhaps it is not my womanly wiles which have seduced Katya and Csilla. Perhaps it is my vampiric nature. They were both corrupted by Vlad. He feasted on both of them, shaping them to his desires. Perhaps I am not a woman in their eyes, but merely a vampire. A vampire who can give them the pleasure of the bite and the promise of immortality.

  I am uncertain of those two women, but I am sure that Laura will stay by my side because of who I am as a person, not because I am a vampire.

  Perhaps I should not write these words, but can my life become any more complicated than it is?

  I fear that the answer is simply yes.

  Chapter 28

  The Journal of Countess Dracula

  November 29, 1820

  The Dosza Palace

  Upon rising tonight, I fed from Csilla before sending her to her rooms. Laura was surprised by her presence, but said nothing. I then summoned Katya, who bared her throat for Laura. Though I hovered over Laura like a worried mother, I was pleased when she took only a few sips. It appears she will not struggle with the madness of the hunger as I did. But then again, Vlad kept me half-starved.

  Almost immediately thereafter we were inundated with visitors. Many of our peers desired to see Laura and express their condolences over the d
eaths of her family. But they were also keen to ogle the girl who had been inadvertently buried alive. Brice was given the difficult task of sending away the callers that had dared to venture out in the cold. To my dismay, I was told Borbála was among one of the first to visit.

  As Adem had anticipated, the authorities arrived to speak with Laura. I accompanied her downstairs to the parlor where two policemen awaited us. Her pale complexion and demure aura immediately had both men trying to comfort her while questioning her. I sat in silence listening to their inquiries, prepared to impose my will upon them if need be. Perhaps Laura’s own powers are already manifesting, for neither man looked at me while speaking to her. Both appeared completely beguiled by her. They departed after a short interview, both obviously satisfied with her story. Neither seemed to notice that she had not cried when speaking about her dead parents.

  I was impressed.

  “Are all men so easy to persuade?” she asked once they were gone.

  “You did control them!” I gaped at her in surprise.

  “It was astoundingly easy. I merely thought in my mind that they should see me as a timid little mouse and tried to project that image. I even heard their thoughts as I was controlling them. ”