Read The Vengeance of the Vampire Bride Page 60

Page 60


  Ignatius bowed his head, then joined me. Ignatius’s hand enfolded mine. Lifting my head, I smiled at him warmly. He kissed my forehead, then returned his gaze to the ceremony before us.

  The House of Gavril slowly gathered around the siblings. Ilinca and Gavril placed one drop of the Immortal Beloved’s blood upon their lips and kissed of each member of their house. Each vampire licked the blood from their lips as they solemnly formed a circle about their leaders. Finally, Gavril placed the last of the blood upon his mouth, leaned over, and kissed Ilinca.

  It was in that moment I knew who Ilinca’s forbidden love was without any doubt.

  Their kiss was far from the chaste kiss of siblings. I winced while attempting not to display any outward signs of my disgust. I could never imagine kissing my brother Andrew in such a manner. The passion between Gavril and Ilinca was undeniable as was the tenderness of Gavril’s hands as he cradled Ilinca’s face, yet the sight made me feel slightly ill.

  Beside me, Laura widened her eyes while Ignatius averted his.

  The two vampires were lost in their passion for a short time. When they parted it was with great reluctance and their eyes did not stray from each other.

  “Let us remember always this night. . . ” Gavril intoned.

  Hearing their dismissal in his tone, his progeny drifted away into the snowy night. As Zsa Zsa departed, she touched Ignatius’s hand lightly, giggled, then her form melded into a raven. On dark wings, she took flight and vanished.

  Rebekah and Jenci bowed their heads to Ignatius as they strolled past us. Ignatius acknowledged them with a slight smile. We followed the vampires into the night, leaving Ilinca and Gavril in each other’s embrace.

  During our return journey to the Dosza Palace, we were seized with a playful spirit. Laura snatched snow from a tree branch and lobbed it at me and Ignatius before dashing off with a gleeful laugh. With a merry chuckle, Ignatius flung snow after her, the cold white chunks showering her as she fled. I snatched up handfuls of snow and chased her.

  The three of us wound through the trees, tossing snowballs, and laughing. It was a great pleasure to see the two people I loved so much enjoying each other’s presence. Gripping Laura’s hands, I spun her about. We tilted back our heads and the stars above swirled around like a carousel. Our fingers slipping free, we fell into the cold white drifts, giggling. Ignatius reached down and plucked us from the snow.

  Together, arm and arm, we walked toward the palace.

  “An introduction is required,” Laura chastised me. Her face was flushed and she looked like the mortal girl I had befriended.

  “Laura, this is Ignatius, the great love of my life. Ignatius, my fledgling, Laura. ”

  Ignatius bowed to Laura and kissed her hand. His dark blue eyes studied her before he straightened. “Newly born, I see. ”

  “I have much to tell you,” I conceded.

  “Yes, you do,” Ignatius agreed. His tone was light, but the gravitas woven through it took a bite out of my joy. Noticing the alteration of my expression, he drew me close, kissed me, then swung me about.

  My laughter returned and we plunged through the falling snowflakes toward the palace.

  Adem was waiting for us in the foyer when we returned. He bowed to Ignatius. “I see that all is well. ”

  “We have sanctuary in the city. The treaty stands. For now we are safe. ” I lightly squeezed his forearm as I strolled past the guard.

  Laura trailed in my wake. “The other vampires were absolutely frightening. I have quite a lot to learn apparently. ”

  “You are young. You will learn,” Ignatius promised her as he fell into step with her.

  Adem walked behind us as we descended on the parlor where we commonly entertained guests. I flung myself onto the couch and collapsed against the pillows. Ignatius leaned over to kiss me before sinking down beside me. Laura studied our interaction from her perch on a nearby chair.

  “Then it appears that we have avoided any potential fallout from Laura’s resurrection,” Adem noted from where he stood near the door. “The mortal authorities are satisfied as well. ”

  “Thank goodness! I cannot bear any more drama!” I stroked Ignatius’s long hair as he reclined against me. “Now that Ignatius is welcomed into the city, we can at last enjoy our lives. ”

  “Nothing is ever quite as simple as you would like,” Ignatius reminded me. “I am very glad to have returned to find you safe. I thank you for that, Adem. ”

  “I beg your pardon. ” I frowned at Ignatius.

  “It is not so difficult as you may think,” Adem responded wryly.

  I cast a pout in Adem’s direction. “Is this a conspiracy against me? I do believe I have done well for myself despite a few missteps. ”

  Ignatius gestured toward Laura with the tilt of his head. “Misstep is a simplified description of what has occurred. ”

  “Have you considered how difficult it has been to exist in this world with very little instruction? I have done the very best I can. ” I stomped my foot despite being seated.

  Adem smiled with amusement at my action, the scar on his lip making an odd crease along its fullness.

  “Despite all that has happened, we are all safe and sound. Is that not enough?” I glowered at both men pointedly.

  The sudden pounding of hard notes on the piano in the corner startled us. I looked over to see Astir seated at the instrument. Observing that his audience was now paying attention, he began to play a little melody. His long fingers lightly tapped along the black keys, his face unusually somber.

  “Oh, my little darlings. Lady Glynis may not be regarded as an enemy of the House of Gavril, but how much longer before they truly began to wonder as to the exact location of a certain Count Vlad Dracula?” He punctuated his words with firm, harsh notes.

  “Must you always steal away my happiness?” I frowned at the fallen angel with disdain.

  Ignatius rested his hand upon my knee. “He speaks the truth. For now Gavril is satisfied that you are not conspiring against him, but he is quite certain that Vlad is. Vlad’s absence is a cause for great concern. All of Vlad’s actions are performed in accordance to his grandiose plans. He has been known to set events in motion years before he actually attacks. His absence can only be regarded as a ploy in some grand plot. ”

  As Ignatius spoke, Astir accompanied his words with a slightly off key melody. “Exactly right. How long before Gavril and Ilinca began to regard you with suspicion again?”

  I almost protested that I had nothing to hide, but realized this was not the truth at all. I had much to hide. I felt the corner of my lips turn downward as I pondered the possible consequences for the entombment of Vlad. What would Gavril and Ilinca do to me? Would they side with Vlad against me and punish me?

  “May I ask why Vlad Dracula is a cause for such concern? He is a bit terrifying to behold, yes, but is he as powerful as Gavril and Ilinca?” Laura asked timidly.

  Ignatius arched one eyebrow as he folded his arms over his chest. His face wore a somber expression as he regarded Laura. “May I speak freely before her, Glynis?”

  “She knows some of what has happened, but not all. ”

  “Your mistress struck down Vlad Dracula and imprisoned him within his own coffin. He is alive, but drained of life and power. What she has done has caused complications. My own Mistress would judge her harshly if she knew what Glynis has done. ”

  “Gavril and Ilinca are his sworn allies, so this would cause difficulties as well,” Astir added, his hands still drifting over the keys of the piano as he played.

  “I did what I had to do to escape. I will not feel regret for my actions despite the ramifications. ”

  Adem inclined his head in concurrence, but said, “Yes, but now we wait for the truth to be revealed. ”

  “Will it be?” Laura wondered.

  “Oh, yes. A vampire such as Vlad Dracula has ma
de a notable impression among many powerful creatures. His lack of presence in the city of Buda has already been noted. ” Astir pounded away on the piano dramatically. “It is only a matter of time before someone discovers what has happened. ”

  “No one can find the castle,” I said confidently. “I have kept it hidden. ”

  “But for how long?” Astir arched his brows high on his forehead, the notes he was playing becoming ominous.

  I shifted uncomfortably. Ignatius lightly stroked the back of my neck with his fingers to soothe me.

  “The reality is,” my love started in a somber tone, “that Vlad will find a way to rise if we do not kill him. And we cannot kill him. ”

  “Why ever not?” Laura demanded. “We should go and slay him immediately so none may find out what Glynis did!”

  Astir slammed his hands down on the keys of the piano and stood up. “Because should he die, he will return. Dracula can never truly die. ”

  I gaped at the fallen angel in disbelief. “You lie!”

  “No. He does not. Dracula is no mere vampire. ” Ignatius glanced toward Adem. “Should we divulge all?”

  “Too much has been kept from her in the past. Speak the truth of it,” Adem answered tersely.