Read The Vengeance of the Vampire Bride Page 7

Page 7


  In a rage, I charged, knocking it off its feet and onto the rubble. Gripping its large head with my hands, I smashed it against the marble stones, screaming into its face. Its horrible mouth snapped at me as it thrashed, trying to toss me off. I clutched its skeletal body between my thighs to pin it as I tried to kill the beast. My gloved fingers dug into its disgusting flesh as I persistently drove its head against the marble stones. I felt and heard its head crack open. At last, its arms and legs stilled and the rotting stink of its brains and blood filled the air, making me retch. I staggered away, my blood pouring out on the ground.

  Near me, Adem hacked away at the wounded ghoul, finally decapitating it. The head rolled away as the body fell to the ground. The stink was unbearable. Adem stumbled toward me, then fell to his knees.

  “Forgiveness, Countess. I failed. You are wounded. ”

  “I am healing,” I answered, trembling with pain. “But they were powerful. ” I collapsed to the ground, my hands pressed against my wounds as I willed my body to heal.

  “Yes. ” Adem dragged in great droughts of air into his lungs. The wound on his arm was savage and bone and muscle glistened in the moonlight. As I watched, his flesh began to knit together.

  “Are you certain you are human?” I asked.

  “A cursed human, but a human, yes,” he assured me.

  I rested my head against his shoulder, feeling my flesh healing. The pain was beginning to dissipate. “Why cursed?”

  “A story for another time,” he said softly. “Forgive me for failing you. ”

  “Do not worry yourself. I am truly embarrassed that I could not effectively protect myself. ” I sighed. “I am an incompetent vampire. ”

  “Do you know why they had the advantage over us?”

  “No. ”

  “We were trapped in this ruin. They had us constantly on the defensive. ”

  Regarding our surroundings, I saw that he was correct.

  “If I could have lured them out into the open, the matter would have been settled much more efficiently. But I dared not leave your side. ” He hesitated, then gazed at me directly. “Vlad never taught you to fight, to defend yourself, did he?”

  “No. I wanted him to, but he always dismissed my requests. ”

  Adem motioned to the dagger lying near us. “You don’t know how to use that weapon, do you?”

  “No. Nor a sword. ”

  “I shall teach you then,” Adem decided. “And teach you how not to be cornered by your enemy. ”

  “I am sorry I caused us both to be wounded. ”

  Laughing, Adem shook his head. “Ghouls are terribly powerful when in a graveyard. Death feeds them and fills them with power, much like blood does with a vampire. We were immediately at a disadvantage. ”

  “What I know of my own powers and how to defend myself, I learned from my vampire mother, Cneajna. I truly do not know as much as I should about my own abilities. ” My tattered sleeves were soaked with my blood, but my wounds were nearly completely healed now. Sadly, I plucked at the lace at my cuffs. “I have much to learn. ”

  “I shall do my best to teach you what I do know. ”

  The reek of the ghoul corpses was overwhelming, causing my eyes to sting. “We should go now. She is not here. ”

  “Agreed. ”

  Adem slid easily to his feet and offered his hand to me. I took it gratefully as he pulled me up. Together we walked across the abandoned graveyard, leaving the gruesome bodies behind.

  “What will happen to the ghouls?” I asked. “Will they burn in the sun like vampires?”

  “Thankfully, yes. ”

  We reached the horses and Adem helped me onto my steed. I reeked of the ghouls’ foul blood and my fine dress was in shreds. I was sure I looked the sad sight.

  “Do not fret, Countess Dracula. Should she be nearby, we can find her. ”

  With a weary sigh, I shook my head. “She is gone. I feel it. He has taken her from me and I am alone. ” I felt close to tears.

  “I am here. Perhaps that is little solace considering all that has happened to you, but I will protect you and be your friend. ” Adem gazed at me solemnly, but a slight smile turned up the edges of his scarred lips.

  “How can I trust you?” I asked, feeling morose. “Astir sent you. ”

  “How can you not?” he answered with a sudden, wide grin. “Lord Astir sent me. ”

  I laughed at his response and shook my head. “Very well, dear friend, let us return to the hotel so I may bathe and restore myself. ” I thought of Katya slumbering in my bed and was grateful that the convenient little thing would provide an adequate feeding to restore my lost strength.

  Spurring on my horse, I raced back down the path toward my haven with Adem following close behind.

  Dear Lord Astir,

  As you requested, I have arrived and offered my services to Countess Dracula. She has accepted me as her guardian and as her friend. I find her just as you described: passionate, impulsive, and charming. She is also very secretive despite her penchant to speak freely and with little reservation despite our fresh acquaintance. I have noted that she looks away when speaking of her husband. I suspect all is not as she claims. I shall not press her for further information until we are better acquainted.

  Your loyal servant,


  May 11, 1820

  Dearest Adem,

  Always faithful. You delight me. As soon as you ascertain what has befallen Count Dracula, please dispatch a message immediately.

  As for the situation in Buda, it seems close to resolution. We shall keep that to ourselves until we know what our little Countess is so secretive about.


  Chapter 4

  The Journal of Countess Dracula

  May 21, 1820

  The Golden Krone Hotel, Bistri?a

  I woke to hear the bells ringing, summoning the parishioners to worship at the church near the hotel. Lying in my bed, shrouded in darkness, I listened to the creak of the wagons rolling down the street as the faithful passed on their way to the services. I could hear the families talking while they walked by the hotel and thought of my own family now long dead. I longed to attend services again with my mother, father, sister and brother. I would willingly endure a boring sermon if only I could see my mother’s rapt attention on the words of the priest as she clutched her rosary in her hand.

  Curled up under my covers, I soon heard singing and the sound of the hymns caused me to shiver with discomfort. I would not dare to enter a church for fear of God’s holy wrath pouring down upon me.

  I am damned. Utterly damned.

  I was overcome with tears at the thought of my beloved Ignatius, torn away from God, his church, and the sunlight. He is all that is good and bright in my life and I know not where he is. Astir sent me a short message two days ago stating once more that Ignatius’s whereabouts are unknown. I am heartbroken.

  And the dreams. . . the dreams. . . they continue. . .

  After scribbling in my diary for a short period, I fell asleep. This time I was aware that I was trapped in a dream when I felt Vlad’s strong hands against my flesh. I immediately tried to awaken as I saw my covers slowly swell upwards to take on the shape of his body. His long hair poured over my thighs and I could feel his mustache and beard against my skin.

  In my dream, I slammed my hand over and over against my cheek, trying to wake myself. I cried out for mercy as he bit deeply into the delicate, hidden spot between my legs. The pleasure of his bite filled me and my hands fluttered over the blanket covering his head. Writhing, I tried to escape my dream, crying out for assistance.

  Dracula’s sharp fangs slid out of my flesh as his tongue and lips found the places that brought me the greatest pleasure. I flailed as I tried to push him away from me. I always hated him for the way he could make me writhe and cry out.

  “Vlad!” I sobbed.

  One strong, muscled arm pushed out from my covers and his hand settled over my heart. It was racing beneath his fingers. I pressed my feet against his hips, trying to push him from me. But, God help me, I struggled with my resolve. I was gasping and shuddering with sweet agony as his tongue seduced me.


  Like a snake striking, he rose swiftly from beneath the covers, his hips pressed hard against mine. He hovered over me, his muscled chest, neck, and mouth stained with my blood. His green eyes flashed red.

  “Release me, and I shall make love to you as before,” he whispered.

  “No, never!”

  “Come to me. Restore me. Release me, my love. ” His mouth found mine in a smoldering kiss.

  “No!” I gasped against his lips. “No. This is my life! You are but a phantom! You are not real!”

  Laughing his rich, dark laugh, he lowered his head. “Are you so certain?” His teeth bit savagely into my throat.

  I woke screaming.

  It was only seconds before Adem burst into my room, his sword in his hand. He must have been sleeping, for he was barefooted and clad only in trousers. I was horrified to see the deep and terrible scars that covered his chest and arms. Circling the room, he soon realized I was alone.

  Shivering under my covers, I pressed my face into my pillows, stifling sobs.

  “I heard you cry out,” Adem finally said, mystified.