Read The Vengeance of the Vampire Bride Page 70

Page 70


  “What is the defense of Countess Dracula?” Ilinca said, her gaze drifting toward me.

  “State your defense, Countess Dracula,” Jenci directed.

  I did not plan to stand, but I felt a surge of power wrapping about me and I was forced to my feet. I gave the little man a shocked look, but he only smiled knowingly. Once again, I had underestimated someone.

  “I have no defense. I cannot disprove what she has said,” I confessed. “The castle is far from here and Vlad travels extensively. I beg that you delay your judgment until he returns to Buda. ”

  “So you can flee while they wait for a dead vampire to come to your rescue?” Cneajna scoffed.

  “You only wish to see her die out of jealousy,” Ignatius said in a deadly voice.

  I glanced at him with concern, suddenly afraid of what he may do.

  “We should send a party to the castle to investigate,” Rebekah suggested.

  “I will go,” Zsa Zsa called out.

  Ignatius abruptly stood up, his chair flung back. Before he could speak, a voice said, “There is nothing there for you to see, little one. ”

  It was Vlad’s voice. Its origin was from behind me.

  I whipped about and stared in surprise as his form unfurled from the shadows. Smiling as he drew near me, he bowed his head slightly to the gathering of vampires. Clad in black trousers, a burgundy shirt, and black waistcoat, he was they very essence of sophistication. His long auburn hair fell loose around his shoulders and his mustache and beard were elegantly trimmed. He did not look like a man who had been withered in a coffin for more than half a year.

  “Vlad!” Cneajna exclaimed. She seemed unable to comprehend his sudden appearance.

  Frankly, neither could I.

  He caught my hand, kissed it, then pressed a kiss to my lips, which were still parted in surprise. “My beautiful wife, how lovely to see you. ”

  “Count Dracula, an unexpected, but pleasant surprise to see you tonight. It appears the allegations of your death were not true,” Ilinca called out from her throne.

  “I have been reported dead many times over the years. Each time, those reports were untrue. ” Lightly, he rubbed my cheek with the back of his fingers. “My dear wife has done nothing wrong. In truth she has been my most accomplished progeny. ”

  “Vlad, she tried to murder you!” Cneajna rushed across the room. “She is a liar! A thief! An adulteress!”

  I dared not move or speak. I was so very afraid. I could only stare into Vlad’s face, and I was dimly aware of her approach out of the corner of my eye. She was almost upon us when Vlad flicked a hand and she was tossed to the ground by the essence of his power.

  “Do not defy me,” he growled.

  “She staked you, stole your blood, and left you! I am your faithful wife!” Cneajna sobbed in despair as she crawled to her feet. “I cared for you in her absence!”

  The vampires of the House of Gavril watched with their cold, glittering eyes. I could feel the tension mounting in the air as they watched the display of defiance by Vlad’s own Bride.

  “My true wife stands next to me,” Vlad declared.

  “Is there truth in Princess Cneajna’s words?” Gavril asked abruptly. The command of his voice drew all attention to him. “Is Princess Cneajna speaking the truth when she says Countess Dracula attacked you and left you drained?”

  Taking my hand, Vlad guided me to the thrones. As I passed Ignatius and Laura, I gazed at them longingly. Laura was stricken with fear, but Ignatius looked relieved though tense. Returning my gaze to Ilinca and Gavril, I saw them studying Vlad with keen interest.

  Cneajna threw herself at Vlad’s feet, clutching at his hand. “Tell them! Tell them of her betrayal! I am faithful and loyal to you always! She is nothing but a whore!”

  Shoving her away, Vlad gazed up at Gavril. “No, she lies out of jealousy. I was tending to my estate in the Carpathian Mountains and sent my wife to Buda to live in comfort in the home of one of my human acquaintances. While I was traveling, Cneajna took it upon herself to try to eliminate the woman she regards as her usurper. ”

  “Are you aware that Countess Dracula proclaimed that she loves Father Ignatius?” Gavril asked, his brows low over his eyes.

  Vlad laughed. “Yes, I am aware. I have many Brides and mortal mistresses. She has a lover. Isn’t that the state of things for many aristocratic marriages?” Vlad arched his brows. Then the smirk upon his lips faded away as his expression grew fierce. “Though my understanding is that she was forced to reveal her secret liaison to prove her truthfulness before the House of Gavril. I did not realize that my treaty would include the interrogation of my wife. Let me make it abundantly clear that she is my one and only wife. She carries my name and she is due all the respect you have given me. ”

  Ilinca tilted her head as she thoughtfully regarded me. “I see. ”

  Cneajna surged forward, but Vlad caught her about the waist and hurtled her away. “As you can see, I had difficulties at my country estate to deal with. I guess I was not firm enough in my edicts to the other Brides. ”

  Gavril tapped his chin thoughtfully with one finger, then said, “One of our concerns since the appearance of your beloved wife in the city has been her presence. It is filled with great power, yet she is quite young. Our esteemed hostess, Borbála, informed us that Glynis has only been a vampire for a little over a year. Therefore, how is she so powerful?”

  “She stole his blood!” Cneajna screeched. “He is lying to you! He wants to protect her at all costs!”

  “I gave her my blood and power,” Vlad responded. “Once I decided she was to be my one true wife, I deemed it wise that she should be infused with the power to defend herself. ”

  “So she is her own Master?” Ilinca asked.

  “Yes,” Vlad answered with a slight shrug. “But we are man and wife. Our powers enhance one another. Now that the truth has been revealed, I will take my wife home with me. ”

  Ilinca and Gavril exchanged looks. I wondered if they could speak silently to one another for Gavril suddenly nodded, then stood. “This trial is at an end. The charges against Countess Dracula are ruled to be erroneous and therefore are dismissed. Count and Countess Dracula, I hope that we shall continue to be allies and work together to keep the city of Buda free from outside forces. ”

  Vlad bowed, his hand tightening on my arm. “We thank you for your swift edict on the matter and we bid you a good night. ” Turning to leave, he began to pull me after him.

  “No!” I cried out, wrenching free. I would not allow him to ensnare me once again. I would never return to servitude. I would rather die than be enslaved by him. I flung myself at the feet of Gavril and Ilinca. “If I am my own Master, than I swear that should you accept my fealty I will be your most ardent supporter. I own my own property within the city and I am my own woman. ”

  “Glynis,” Vlad said, his tone warning.

  “I wish to establish my own house within your city. The House of Wright. Allow me this and I shall always be your ally. ” I could hear the desperation in my voice, but I could not stop the torrent of words from my mouth. “Vlad has given me sovereignty over myself. You witnessed the moment. I beg of you to accept that declaration and my house. ”

  “My wife is angry over my absence and does not know what she is saying,” Vlad said tersely.

  “I do know!” I gazed up at Ilinca, appealing to the kindness I had witnessed in her eyes. “Acknowledge me as your ally and grant me permission to establish my house. ”

  Cneajna began to laugh as she pulled herself up from the floor. “Kill her! She is defying her own Master!”

  “There has been enough death in the city,” Ignatius said, stepping forward. “Many vampires have died in the overthrow of Baatar. Let it end now. Vlad declared Glynis a Master, therefore she is free to establish her own house. She has proven she can live in discretion and has always come
to you when called. I ask of you, Gavril and Ilinca, in the name of our Immortal Beloved, allow her to swear her allegiance to you. ”

  “Should you return my overwrought wife to me, I will not only keep my treaty with you, I will help you spread your power across the river to Pesth and beyond,” Vlad said swiftly.

  Gavril settled back in his throne, his hands clasped over his waist, his face thoughtful. “Upon careful consideration, it appears that your house is in disarray, Vlad Dracula. Your wives are battling each other and you have allowed them to usurp you. Your strength lies here,” Gavril said, pointing to me. “She is your greatest asset. Without her, your house is of little consequence to me. You have disappointed me with your weakness. So let us be done with this quarrel. Lady Glynis Wright, I acknowledge the House of Wright within the city of Buda and welcome you to our new alliance. ”

  Smiling with joy, I rose and curtsied. “I swear I shall support your throne against all your enemies. ” I discreetly glanced at Vlad as he stood beside me, his green eyes burning with red fires.

  “Then it is settled,” Vlad said at last. “Very well. I just have one request before I depart. ”