Read The Vicomte de Bragelonne Page 21



  De Wardes and De Guiche selected their horses, and then saddled themwith their own hands, with holster saddles. De Guiche, having two pairsof pistols, went to his apartments to get them; and after having loadedthem, gave the choice to De Wardes, who selected the pair he had madeuse of twenty times before, the same, indeed, with which De Guiche hadseen him kill swallows flying. "You will not be surprised," he said, "ifI take every precaution. You know the weapons well, and, consequently, Iam only making the chances equal."

  "Your remark was quite useless," replied De Guiche, "and you have doneno more than you are entitled to do."

  "Now," said De Wardes, "I beg you to have the goodness to help me tomount; for I still experience a little difficulty in doing so."

  "In that case, we had better settle the matter on foot."

  "No; once in the saddle, I shall be all right."

  "Very good, then; so we will not speak of it again," said De Guiche, ashe assisted De Wardes to mount his horse.

  "And now," continued the young man, "in our eagerness to kill eachother, we have neglected one circumstance."

  "What is that?"

  "That it is quite dark, and we shall almost be obliged to grope about,in order to kill each other."

  "Oh!" said De Guiche, "you are as anxious as I am that everything shouldbe done in proper order."

  "Yes; but I do not wish people to say that you have assassinated me, anymore than, supposing I were to kill you, I should myself like to beaccused of such a crime."

  "Did any one make a similar remark about your duel with the Duke ofBuckingham?" said De Guiche, "it took place precisely under the sameconditions as ours."

  "Very true; but there was still light enough to see by; and we were upto our middles, almost, in the water; besides, there were a good numberof spectators on shore, looking at us."

  De Guiche reflected for a moment; and the thought which had alreadypresented itself to him became more confirmed--that De Wardes wished tohave witnesses present, in order to bring back the conversation aboutMadame, and to give a new turn to the combat. He avoided saying a wordin reply, therefore: and, as De Wardes once more looked at himinterrogatively, he replied, by a movement of the head, that it would bebest to let things remain as they were. The two adversaries consequentlyset off, and left the chateau by the same gate, close to which we mayremember to have seen Montalais and Malicorne together. The night, as ifto counteract the extreme heat of the day, had gathered the cloudstogether in masses which were moving slowly along from the west to theeast. The vault above, without a clear spot anywhere visible, or withoutthe faintest indication of thunder, seemed to hang heavily over theearth, and soon began, by the force of the wind, to be split up intofragments, like a huge sheet torn into shreds. Large and warm drops ofrain began to fall heavily, and gathered the dust into globules, whichrolled along the ground. At the same time, the hedges, which seemedconscious of the approaching storm, the thirsty plants, the droopingbranches of the trees, exhaled a thousand aromatic odors, which revivedin the mind tender recollections, thoughts of youth, endless life,happiness, and love. "How fresh the earth smells," said De Wardes; "itis a piece of coquetry of hers to draw us to her."

  "By-the-by," replied De Guiche, "several ideas have just occurred to me;and I wish to have your opinion upon them."

  "Relative to?"

  "Relative to our engagement."

  "It is quite time, in fact, that we should begin to arrange matters."

  "It is to be an ordinary combat, and conducted according to establishedcustom?"

  "Let me first know what your established custom is."

  "That we dismount in any particular plain that may suit us, then fastenour horses to the nearest object, meet each without our pistols in ourhands, afterward retire for a hundred and fifty paces, in order toadvance on each other."

  "Very good: that is precisely the way in which I killed poor Follinentthree weeks ago, at Saint-Denis."

  "I beg your pardon, but you forget one circumstance."

  "What is that?"

  "That in your duel with Follinent you advanced toward each other onfoot, your swords between your teeth, and your pistols in your hands."


  "While now, on the contrary, as I cannot walk, you yourself admit thatwe shall have to mount our horses again and charge; and the first whowishes to fire will do so."

  "That is the best course, no doubt; but it is quite dark; we must makeallowance for more missed shots than would be the case in the daytime."

  "Very well; each will fire three times; the pair of pistols alreadyloaded, and one reload."

  "Excellent! Where shall our engagement take place?"

  "Have you any preference?"


  "You see that small wood which lies before us?"

  "The wood which is called Rochin?"


  "You know it, then?"


  "You know that there is an open glade in the center?"


  "Well, this glade is admirably adapted for such a purpose, with avariety of roads, by-places, paths, ditches, windings, and avenues. Wecould not find a better spot."

  "I am perfectly satisfied, if you are so. We have arrived, if I am notmistaken."

  "Yes. Look at the beautiful open space in the center. The faint lightwhich the stars afford seems concentrated in this spot; the woods whichsurround it seem, with their barriers, to form its natural limits."

  "Very good. Do, then, as you say."

  "Let us first settle the conditions."

  "These are mine: if you have any objection to make, you will state it."

  "I am listening."

  "If the horse be killed, its rider will be obliged to fight on foot."

  "That is a matter of course, since we have no change of horses here."

  "But that does not oblige his adversary to dismount."

  "His adversary will, in fact, be free to act as he likes."

  "The adversaries, having once met in close contact, cannot quit eachother under any circumstances, and may, consequently, fire muzzle tomuzzle."


  "Three shots and no more will do, I suppose?"

  "Quite sufficient, I think. Here are powder and balls for your pistols;measure out three charges, take three balls; I will do the same; then wewill throw the rest of the powder and the balls away."

  "And we will solemnly swear," said De Wardes, "that we have neitherballs nor powder about us?"

  "Agreed; and I swear it," said De Guiche, holding his hand towardheaven, a gesture which De Wardes imitated.

  "And now, my dear comte," said De Wardes, "allow me to tell you that Iam in no way your dupe. You already are, or soon will be, the acceptedlover of Madame. I have detected your secret, and you are afraid I shalltell others of it. You wish to kill me, to insure my silence; that isvery clear; and, in your place, I should do the same." De Guiche hungdown his head. "Only," continued De Wardes, triumphantly, "was it reallyworth while, tell me, to throw this affair of Bragelonne's upon myshoulders? But, take care, my dear fellow: in bringing the wild boar tobay, you enrage him to madness; in running down the fox, you give himthe ferocity of the jaguar. The consequence is, that, brought to bay byyou, I shall defend myself to the very last."

  "You will be quite right in doing so."

  "Yes; but take care; I shall work more harm than you think. In the firstplace, as a beginning, you will readily suppose that I have not beenabsurd enough to lock up my secret, or your secret rather, in my ownbreast. There is a friend of mine, who resembles me in every way, a manwhom you know very well, who shares my secret with me; so, prayunderstand, that if you kill me, my death will not have been of muchservice to you; while, on the contrary, if I kill you--and everything ispossible, you know--you understand?" De Guiche shuddered. "If I killyou," continued De Wardes, "you will have secured two mortal enemies toMadame, who will do their very utmo
st to ruin her."

  "Oh! monsieur," exclaimed De Guiche furiously, "do not reckon upon mydeath so easily. Of the two enemies you speak of, I trust most heartilyto dispose of one immediately, and the other at the earliestopportunity."

  The only reply De Wardes made was a burst of laughter, so diabolical inits sound, that a superstitious man would have been terrified by it. ButDe Guiche was not so impressionable as that. "I think," he said, "thateverything is now settled, Monsieur de Wardes; so have the goodness totake your place first, unless you would prefer me to do so."

  "By no means," said De Wardes. "I shall be delighted to save you theslightest trouble." And putting his horse into a gallop, he crossed thewide open space, and took his stand at the point of the circumference ofthe cross roads which was immediately opposite to where De Guiche wasstationed. De Guiche remained motionless. At the distance of a hundredpaces, the two adversaries were absolutely invisible to each other,being completely concealed by the thick shade of elms and chestnuts. Aminute elapsed amid the profoundest silence. At the end of the minute,each of them, in the deep shade in which he was concealed, heard thedouble click of the trigger, as they put the pistols on full cock. DeGuiche, adopting the usual tactics, set his horse into a gallop,persuaded that he should render his safety doubly sure, both by themovement, as well as by the speed of the animal. He directed his coursein a straight line toward the point where, in his opinion, De Wardeswould be stationed; and he expected to meet De Wardes about half way;but in this he was mistaken. He continued his course, presuming that hisadversary was impatiently awaiting his approach. When, however, he hadgone about two-thirds of the distance, he saw the place suddenlyilluminated, and a ball flew by, cutting the plume of his hat in two.Nearly at the same moment, and as if the flash of the first shot hadserved to indicate the direction of the other, a second report washeard, and a second ball passed through the head of De Guiche's horse,a little below the ear. The animal fell. These two reports proceedingfrom the very opposite direction to that in which he expected to find DeWardes, surprised him a great deal; but as he was a man of amazingself-possession, he prepared himself for his horse falling, but not socompletely, however, that the toe of his boot escaped being caught underthe animal as it fell. Very fortunately, the horse in its dying agoniesmoved so as to enable him to release the leg which was less entangledthan the other. De Guiche rose, felt himself all over, and found that hewas not wounded. At the very moment he had felt the horse totteringunder him, he placed his pistols in the holsters, afraid that the forceof the fall might explode one at least, if not both of them, by which hewould have been disarmed, and left utterly without defense. Once on hisfeet, he took the pistols out of the holsters, and advanced toward thespot where, by the light of the flash, he had seen De Wardes appear. DeGuiche had at the first shot, accounted for the maneuver, than whichnothing could have been simpler. Instead of advancing to meet Guiche, orremaining in his place to await his approach, De Wardes had, for aboutfifteen paces, followed the circle of the shadow which hid him from hisadversary's observation, and at the very moment when the latterpresented his flank in his career, he had fired from the place where hestood, carefully taking his aim, and assisted instead of beinginconvenienced by the horse's gallop. It has been seen that,notwithstanding the darkness, the first ball had passed hardly more thanan inch above De Guiche's head. De Wardes had so confidently relied uponhis aim, that he thought he had seen De Guiche fall; his astonishmentwas extreme when he saw that he still remained erect in his saddle. Hehastened to fire his second shot, but his hand trembled, and he killedthe horse instead. It would be a most fortunate chance for him if DeGuiche were to remain held fast under the animal. Before he could havefreed himself, De Wardes would have loaded his pistol and had De Guicheat his mercy. But De Guiche, on the contrary, was up, and had threeshots to fire. He immediately understood the position of affairs. Itwould be necessary to exceed De Wardes in rapidity of execution. Headvanced, therefore, so as to reach him before he should have had timeto reload his pistol. De Wardes saw him approaching like a tempest. Theball was rather tight, and offered some resistance to the ramrod. Toload it carelessly would be to expose himself to lose his last chance;to take the proper care in loading it would be to lose his time, orrather it would be throwing away his life. He made his horse bound onone side. De Guiche turned round also, and, at the moment the horse wasquiet again, he fired, and the ball carried off De Wardes' hat from hishead. De Wardes now knew that he had a moment's time at his owndisposal; he availed himself of it in order to finish loading hispistol. De Guiche, noticing that his adversary did not fall, threw thepistol he had just discharged aside, and walked straight toward DeWardes, elevating the second pistol as he did so. He had hardlyproceeded more than two or three paces, when De Wardes took aim at himas he was walking, and fired. An exclamation of anger was De Guiche'sanswer; the comte's arm contracted and dropped motionless by his side,and the pistol fell from his grasp. De Wardes observed the comte stoopdown, pick up the pistol with his left hand, and again advance towardhim. His anxiety was excessive. "I am lost," murmured De Wardes, "he isnot mortally wounded." At the very moment, however, that De Guiche wasabout to raise his pistol against De Wardes, the head, shoulders andlimbs of the comte seemed all to give way. He heaved a deep-drawn sigh,tottered, and fell at the feet of De Wardes' horse.

  "That is all right," said De Wardes; and, gathering up the reins, hestruck his spurs into his horse's sides. The horse cleared the comte'smotionless body, and bore De Wardes rapidly back to the chateau. When hearrived there, he remained a quarter of an hour deliberating withinhimself as to the proper course to be adopted. In his impatience toleave the field of battle, he had omitted to ascertain whether De Guichewere dead or not. A double hypothesis presented itself to De Wardes'agitated mind; either De Guiche was killed, or De Guiche was woundedonly. If he were killed, why should he leave his body in that manner tothe tender mercies of the wolves? it was a perfectly useless piece ofcruelty, for if De Guiche were dead, he certainly could not breathe asyllable of what had passed; if he were not killed, why should he, DeWardes, in leaving him there uncared for, allow himself to be regardedas a savage, incapable of one generous feeling? This last considerationdetermined his line of conduct.

  De Wardes immediately instituted inquiries after Manicamp. He was toldthat Manicamp had been looking after De Guiche, and, not knowing whereto find him, had retired to bed. De Wardes went and woke the sleeperwithout any delay, and related the whole affair to him, which Manicamplistened to in perfect silence, but with an expression of momentarilyincreasing energy, of which his face could hardly have been supposedcapable. It was only when De Wardes had finished that Manicamp utteredthe words, "Let us go."

  As they proceeded, Manicamp became more and more excited, and inproportion as De Wardes related the details of the affair to him, hiscountenance assumed every moment a darkening expression. "And so," hesaid, when De Wardes had finished, "you think he is dead?"

  "Alas! I do."

  "And you fought in that manner, without witnesses?"

  "He insisted upon it."

  "It is very singular."

  "What do you mean by saying it is singular?"

  "That it is so very unlike Monsieur de Guiche's disposition."

  "You do not doubt my word, I suppose?"

  "Hum! hum!"

  "You do doubt it, then?"

  "A little. But I shall doubt it more than ever, I warn you, if I findthe poor fellow is really dead."

  "Monsieur Manicamp!"

  "Monsieur de Wardes!"

  "It seems you intend to insult me."

  "Just as you please. The fact is, I never could like those people whocome and say, 'I have killed such and such a gentleman in a corner; itis a great pity, but I killed him in a perfectly honorable manner.' Ithas a very ugly appearance, M. de Wardes."

  "Silence! we have arrived."

  In fact, the open glade could now be seen, and in the open space lay themotionless body of the dead horse. To the righ
t of the horse, upon thedark grass, with his face against the ground, the poor comte lay, bathedin his blood. He had remained in the same spot, and did not even seem tohave made the slightest movement. Manicamp threw himself on his knees,lifted the comte in his arms, and found him quite cold, and steeped inblood. He let him gently fall again. Then, stretching out his hand andfeeling all over the ground close to where the comte lay, he soughtuntil he found De Guiche's pistol.

  "By Heaven!" he said, rising to his feet, pale as death, and with thepistol in his hand, "you are not mistaken, he is quite dead."

  "Dead!" repeated De Wardes.

  "Yes; and his pistol is still loaded," added Manicamp, looking into thepan.

  "But I told you that I took aim as he was walking toward me, and firedat him at the very moment he was going to fire at me."

  "Are you quite sure that you have fought with him, Monsieur de Wardes? Iconfess that I am very much afraid that it has been a foulassassination. Nay, nay, no exclamations! You have had your three shots,and his pistol is still loaded. You have killed his horse, and he, DeGuiche, one of the best marksmen in France, has not touched even eitheryour horse or yourself. Well, Monsieur de Wardes, you have been veryunlucky in bringing me here; all the blood in my body seems to havemounted to my head; and I verily believe that since so good anopportunity presents itself, I shall blow out your brains on the spot.So, Monsieur de Wardes, recommend your soul to Heaven."

  "Monsieur Manicamp, you cannot think of such a thing!"

  "On the contrary, I am thinking of it very strongly."

  "Would you assassinate me?"

  "Without the slightest remorse, at least for the present."

  "Are you a gentleman?"

  "I have given a great many proofs of it."

  "Let me defend my life, then, at least."

  "Very likely; in order, I suppose, that you may do to me what you havedone to poor De Guiche."

  And Manicamp slowly raised his pistol to the height of De Wardes'breast, and, with arms stretched out, and a fixed, determined look onhis face, took a careful aim. De Wardes did not attempt a flight; he wascompletely terrified. In the midst, however, of this horrible silence,which lasted about a second, but which seemed an age to De Wardes, afaint sigh was heard.

  "Oh," exclaimed De Wardes, "he still lives! Help, De Guiche, I am aboutto be assassinated!"

  Manicamp fell back a step or two, and the two young men saw the comteraise himself slowly and painfully upon one hand. Manicamp threw thepistol away a dozen paces, and ran to his friend, uttering a cry ofdelight. De Wardes wiped his forehead, which was covered with a coldperspiration.

  "It was just in time," he murmured.

  "Where are you hurt?" inquired Manicamp of De Guiche, "and whereaboutsare you wounded?"

  De Guiche showed him his mutilated hand and his chest covered withblood.

  "Comte," exclaimed De Wardes, "I am accused of having assassinated you:speak, I implore you, and say that I fought loyally."

  "Perfectly so," said the wounded man; "Monsieur de Wardes fought quiteloyally, and whoever may say the contrary will make me his enemy."

  "Then, sir," said Manicamp, "assist me, in the first place, to carrythis poor fellow back, and I will afterward give you every satisfactionyou please; or, if you are in a hurry, we can do better still; let usstanch the blood from the comte's wounds here, with yourpocket-handkerchief and mine, and then, as there are two shots left, wecan have them between us."

  "Thank you," said De Wardes. "Twice already in one hour I have seendeath too close at hand to be agreeable; I don't like his look at all,and I prefer your apologies."

  Manicamp burst out laughing, and Guiche, too, in spite of hissufferings. The two young men wished to carry him, but he declared hefelt himself quite strong enough to walk alone. The ball had broken hisring-finger and his little finger, and then had glanced along his side,but without penetrating deeply into his chest. It was the pain ratherthan the seriousness of the wound, therefore, which had overcome DeGuiche. Manicamp passed his arm under one of the comte's shoulders, andDe Wardes did the same with the other, and in this way they brought himback to Fontainebleau, to the house of the same doctor who had beenpresent at the death of the Franciscan, Aramis' predecessor.