Read The Village Cafe Page 11

to bite at me. The rage inside consumed me and I transformed into a demon. I looked at the vampires that were biting at me and watched them burst into flames. Growling I rose and grabbed all the vampires I could get my hands on and bit into them. Each one burst into flames and their screeching echoed through the night.

  “It’s a setup.” I heard Rosella‘s voice in my head.

  “Ariana attacked the others underground. We came here to get you guys.” Miranda finished.

  The four of us fled the club and followed the twins. The battle that raged before us there was unspeakable. There were about a hundred vampires. The werewolves, the twins, Mortakie and Helena were hard at work taking care of the vampires. The four of us joined in the skirmish. In the midst of tossing aside vampires I saw Eraina leave in a hurry. I ran away and followed Eraina back to the club. She slipped in through the side entrance in the back. Transforming back to my human form I entered the club. It was covered in ashes from the burnt vampires..

  “I know you are here Ariana. Show yourself, I will not run.” Eraina said looking around.

  “You look so much like your mother. It‘s quite nausiating.” Ariana said stepping out of the shadows behind Eraina. She turned to face her Aunt.

  “Your time here is done Ariana.”

  “You are not the master of me. No one is. I say when my time is done!”

  “Your time is now. I will end you.”

  “And how do you propose to do that Eraina. You have no conception of the powers you possess and I am tired of waiting for you to figure them out. Mortakie and the others spent so many centuries trying to protect you from me and your demise.”

  “You plan to destroy me then?” Ariana just smiled. “I am your flesh and blood. If it were my mother would you have done the same?”

  “Foolish niece, of course I would have. Did you think you were going to change my mind or turn me from my evil ways? I am the embodiment of evil and I grow tired of seeing good rule the world.”

  “What would you do if evil won?” Eraina asked.

  “I would destroy the world, blanket it in eternal darkness. A world where evil can walk freely and thrive. I grow tired of good.”

  “It is time for you to rest now Ariana.”

  “I am a force of nature that cannot be stopped. A child of darkness must be born from my womb in order to end my existence.” Ariana said as she grabbed Eraina by the hair and tilted her head to the side exposing her neck. “I have no such child and over the centuries my power has grown. Now I can destroy you and become Mother Nature.” Ariana said as she bared her fangs and dug them into Eraina’s neck. Eraina tried desperately to fight her off but Ariana was too strong. A blinding light engulfed the club as a woman clothed in white with long brown hair stepped out of it.

  “You cannot kill her Ariana.” The apparition warned. Ariana let go of Eraina and turned to the woman behind her. Eraina fell to the floor motionless.

  “Well Erica I just did and now I will destroy you.” Ariana went to lung at her but Erica put up her hand as a bright light shot out of her arm blinding Ariana. She put her hands up to shield her stinging eyes.

  “I cannot see.” Ariana screeched.

  “And you never will.” Erica said as she looked up at me. Our eyes locked for a brief second and in that moment it was clear what had to be done. Ariana had tasted Eraina’s blood and her light was coursing through Ariana’s veins. I had to take the darkness out of her before it could overpower the light. I lunged at Ariana and sank my fangs into her neck. She cried out in pain and tried to struggle free from my grasp. I could feel the heat on my hands as the light began to come out.

  “Pull away now Devilynn before you take the light into you.” Erica said. Ariana pushed me to the ground and turned in my direction. Her eyes were black and full of hatred as she slowly made her way toward me. I watched transfixed as the color of her eyes changed to blue then white. Ariana stopped and looked at her hands. Light was emanating from them and quickly spread throughout her body. Ariana turned to Erica as she started to disinigrate.

  “You kill me Erica and you upset the balance of nature.” Ariana said in a low raspy voice. Erica just smiled at her.

  “A child of darkness was born and has destroyed you, Mother Nature.” Erica said as Ariana burst into flames. Her body burned for a few moments before the flames extinguished themselves turning Ariana into ashes. Erica stepped forward and flapped her ivory wings spreading the ashes throughout the club. Slowly I rose to my feet as Ariana’s blood coursed through my veins filling me with power that frightened yet fascinated me. Erica turned her attention to Eraina who was still lying on the floor. Erica knelt down beside her and cradled her in her arms. Eraina opened her eyes.

  “Mother.” Eraina managed to gasp.

  “My baby girl. How beautiful you are.” Erica said smiling at her daughter. I walked over to them.

  “Is Eraina going to die?” I asked. Erica looked up at me.

  “We all have a light inside of us and as long as we keep that light we can never be destroyed.” Erica said as she bit her wrist with her fangs and let the blood drip onto Eraina’s lips. Eraina took hold of her mother’s arm and drank only what she needed to survive.

  “Sleep now my child.” Erica said as she lay Eraina back down on the floor. Erica rose as Mortakie walked into club. He could barely stand but he was alive. Mortakie sensed Eraina was in danger and fled to the club to be by her side. Mortakie staggered over to Eraina and lay down beside her. Erica turned to me and held out her hand to stop me from getting any closer to her.

  “You are the child of darkness now. If you were to come any closer to me you would end up like my sister Ariana. The balance is safe now.”

  “I thought the child had to be born from Ariana to be evil.”

  “A child of darkness must be born every millennium regardless of who the mother is. That is the way it has always been and will always continue to be.” Erica said as she disappeared in a blinding ray of light.

  “Are you guys going to be alright?’

  “We will now. Thank you Devilynn.”

  “Thank your wife Mortakie. It was all her. I just came along for the ride.”

  I left the club and headed back toward the abandoned tunnel to help the others. When I got there everyone was gone, there was no trace of the battle that had raged only a few hours ago.

  “There isn’t many of us left now.” Rick said as he came up behind me. I turned and jumped into his arms.

  “We got Ariana. She’s dead.”

  “Yeah we figured as much. One minute we were outnumbered by the strength of these vampires then the next they were powerless and we destroyed them. I guess Ariana gave them more power. We just finished cleaning up the mess.” Rick said as he kissed my lips.

  “Eraina and Mortakie are safe.” I said as we left the station and headed back to my place.



  .The next evening Rick and I rose from the closet and went into the living room to see Mortakie and Eraina were sitting on the sofa holding each other. I knelt down before them and looked at Eraina.

  “Erica, your mother, what is she?” I asked.

  “My mother is something that has been unheard of, a vampiric angel. There are many others like her who have guarded their children throughout the duration of their eternity.” Eraina said. The children of darkness and light are created to keep the balance of good and evil but when they die they become a weaker form of themselves. I always thought that when a vampire was destroyed by the sun or by fire that they ceased to exist entirely. That was far from the truth. The spirit would ascend or descend to its proper place and remain there until they are to be reborn and I always thought vampires had no soul. They are not the walking dead that books and movies claim them to be but a more complex version of humans. Vampires are the closest thing to God and Satan that the
world will ever see.

  “This is so strange. All of it.” Rick said as he took my hand and helped me to my feet. Mortakie rose and helped Eraina up.

  “That is the way of the world Rick. God has made it that way. No one ever truly knows the truth. Like humans, vampires are at the mercy of a power they do not comprehend. Come to the roof with us, we want to show you something.” Mortakie said as he and Eraina walked out the door.

  We walked up to the roof to find both sets of twins, Athena, Helena. The rest were gone. They spread themselves throughout the world to live out what was left of their destined lives. It turned out that no matter what you did, vampire or human, you are not more powerful then the forces of good and evil.

  “Could we possibly be the only vampires left in this world?” Miranda asked as she held her sister tight.

  “Ariana has made quite a mess of things. I have not felt the presence of a good vampire in so long. I am sure Ariana has kept some of the more powerful and evil vampires alive but we will not know until we track them down.” Helena said as she put her arms around Mortakie and Eraina. The war was inevitable and fast approaching. The good guys were seriously outnumbered. A week later we all packed up and left to Europe to see if we could find some existence of vampires, werewolves or half-breeds. An army had to be rebuilt one way or another.


  Thanks so much for taking the time to read this story. I hope the