Read The Village Cafe Page 3

tale! This was all a mistake and there is no way I can fix it but I’m going to make damn sure it doesn’t happen again. So whatever Rick told you about me you can just forget it.”

  Belinda’s green eyes began to glow as her gaze mesmerized me. I tried to make my body move but it would not listen. You can’t escape fate. No one can. Just accept it and embrace it. Please stay for a while. Her eyes returned to normal as my brain turned to mush.

  “Come, let us sit on the sofa and have a nice chat.” I unwillingly followed her into the living room and sat down. She pulled out a cigarette and lit it. She took a long drag and exhaled a cloud of smoke before offering me one. I shook my head as she leaned back against the sofa and stared up at the ceiling.

  “Trust me. I feel awkward holding you against your will like this but you left me no choice. I can free you if you promise not to run.” She turned to look at me as I forced my head to nod. Her eyes glowed for a split second and the spell was broken. I jumped up and Belinda was in front of me blocking the entrance to the kitchen.

  “I wanted to get you an ashtray.”

  A growl escaped her lips as she moved closer and sniffed me. Satisfied that I was telling the truth she went and sat back down. I entered the kitchen and grabbed an ashtray all the while contemplating if I should grab a knife. I returned from the kitchen with an ashtray. Belinda smiled as she took the ashtray and flicked off the remnants of ashes from her cigarette. Leaning over I grabbed her pack of cigarettes and took one. I hacked from the first drag.

  “So what do you need me for?” I choked as I ditched out the cigarette.

  “It’s hard to explain.” Belinda said looking toward the door. I turned to see Rick standing in the doorway of my apartment with the bubbly twins. They entered and made themselves comfortable. The girls sat on the floor while Rick leaned up against the wall smiling at me. I turned around and looked out the window, it had grown dark.

  “Three years ago I went with some friends to a Goth club in Manhattan where I met a guy named Dine. I don’t remember much after that but I woke up in a subway tunnel surrounded by other werewolves. They were once vampires themselves but they were murdered by their own kind.”

  “How do you murder a vampire?” I asked.

  “Vampires are a higher form of humans but none the less human. If a group of vampires were to drain another vampire it causes temporary death. The last of the blood that is left mutates the vampire into a werewolf.” Mortakie said as he entered my apartment and sat on the recliner. The twins nuzzled his legs. I rolled my eyes.

  “Dine must pay for the crimes he has committed but we need him to confess.” Rick said.

  “I really don’t like the sound of this.” I grabbed another cigarette and lit it. I hacked again and took another drag.

  “You haven’t smoked in over five years.”

  “I know Rick. I’m trying to kill myself as quickly as possible so I won’t have to be in your presence any longer.” The twins giggled and Mortakie shook his head.

  “I understand that this is all difficult to comprehend in such a short time but if you cannot trust in Rick then trust in me.”

  “Listen Mortakie, no offense but why would I trust you? You’re practically the god father of the undead legion.”

  “Please Devilynn. Help me.” Belinda begged taking hold of my hand and staring into my eyes. Her emerald orbs glistened as water swelled within them.

  “I have to get Dine to confess then right?” I asked looking at all of them. Mortakie nodded. “Ok let’s do this.”

  “Miranda, Rosella please dress Devilynn. The night wanes and so does our time.” Every fiber in my being told me to run but I felt bad for Belinda and wanted to help her. I figured either way I was dead so which every way came fastest was fine with me. I entered the Goth club alone. The club was dark and full of smoke; a tortured woman sang with sensual acoustics obeying her every cry. Bodies glided into me as I made my way to the bar and took a seat. I looked around as a strobe light came on as the tempo changed to a hard thumping techno beat. The smoke disappeared as the masses moved in fast angry motions in tune with the music.

  I jumped when the bartender tapped me on the shoulder and handed me a drink. I turned around and looked at the tall glass filled with a crimson liquid.

  “What’s this!” I shouted over the loud music. The bartender leaned over the bar and shouted in my ear.

  “It is compliments of the gentleman standing to your far right!”

  I pulled away and looked to see a man with short black hair and blue sunglasses staring at me. He was dressed in a black t-shirt and pants. He was about 6’2 with a medium build. He had a square jaw and full lips that spread open in a smile revealing a set of white perfect teeth. Smiling I raised my glass and pretended to take a sip. I looked around and caught sight of Sarah and Thomas dancing with their eyes fixated on me.

  "You're new!" I tuned to my left.

  "Yeah, I decided to try something different!" I smirked.

  "You here alone?" He smiled.

  "That's some question to ask a girl without introducing yourself first!"

  "I'm Dine! I own this club!"

  "I'm Devilynn!" Dine took hold of my hand and gently kissed it.

  "Charmed!" I tried to pull my hand away but he kept hold of it. "I won't bite. Unless you want me to!"

  "The night is young!" I smiled as he let go of my hand.

  "Would you like to dance?"

  "Sure!" I said as I hopped off the barstool. As we made our way to the middle of the dance floor the tempo changed to a slow beat. Dine took me in his arms and held me close. His lips caressed my cheek and I tilted my head back offering my neck to him. His lips parted and I could feel his fangs on my flesh. Quickly I grabbed his head and pulled it aside and sank my teeth into his neck. His skin was soft and warm. Dine clutched my head and my teeth pierced his flesh and blood trickled into my mouth. I drank some of his blood out of fear. Mortakie warned me that vampires have very heightened senses and could tell when a person is afraid or lying by any slight change in the body. I pulled his face to mine and kissed him. Dine’s fangs pierced my lip. I pulled away and looked at Dine. He licked my blood off his lips.

  "I would love to taste more of you." He said in my ear.

  "Is there somewhere more private?" I shouted in his ear.

  "We can go to my office downstairs!" He took hold of my hand and led me to the back of the club. We headed down these long stairs into the basement. Dine led me into a room with a desk and a few couches. We sat in a large black velvet couch facing each other.

  "So are you a real vampire Dine or just pretending?"

  "Do you believe in vampires?"

  "I am one." I replied.

  "Ha! Sure you are honey."

  "I pierced your skin and tasted your blood and you tasted mine." I argued.

  "If you were a vampire then you’d know I’m one. No, you’re just another one of these teens that chase fairy tales. You’re obsessed with the sensuality a vampire represents and nothing more." He scoffed.

  "You’re seriously mistaken Dine."

  "Am I? Then tell me why you’re here? Really." He smiled.

  "Actually I was trying to find my sister. She's been missing for three years now and her friends said this was the last place they saw her before she disappeared. Her name is Belinda." Dine moved back momentarily then regained his composure.

  "So many beautiful women grace my establishment every night it is hard to keep track."

  "Really, they said the two of you were hot and heavy when she was here."

  "I wish I could help you." Dine said removing his sunglasses. He looked into my eyes and I quickly looked away.

  "Well I thank you for your time Dine. I have to go now." I went to rise but Dine grabbed my hand and pulled me back down. I looked into his glowing red eyes. He opened his mouth to reveal two long laterals a
nd two short canine fangs.

  "You have tasted my blood. A part of me is in you now and I can't let you leave. You must join me or die." He warned.

  "If I promise to join you will you tell me about my sister and what happened to her?"

  "Belinda was a lot like you, hungry for adventure but she was more submissive. That is until I sank my teeth into her neck. She fought me off pretty well. It took six of us to drain her, feed her, then drain her again until she was dead."


  "We like to play with humans from time to time. Belinda wasn’t strong enough to join my army."

  "But she fought you off?"

  "I mean that she could not be trusted. Belinda would be easily swayed by the other side and we can't have that but you, you are different. You’re aggressive and the darkness within you is so sweet and inviting. You hold sorrow to you like an old friend. Your constant misery is intoxicating."

  "How do you know all of that?"

  "From your blood and I plan to find out more. A deal is a deal." Dine opened his mouth wide and I offered my neck to him. I felt his breath as his fangs neared my neck. Reaching down I pulled a small wooden stake from my boot and stabbed him in the chest. Dine lurched back and howled in pain. I got up and ran out of the room. I rushed up the stairs as several guys came out of another room and ran into Dine's office. Sarah and Thomas met me at the top of the stairs.

  "You heard him confess. Now go kill him."

  "You drove the stake through his heart?" Thomas asked.


  "We have to leave now."