Read The Village Cafe Page 7

the first time in all his vampiric beauty. He was no longer a vision of horror and disgust to me. I reveled in this new feeling for a few more minutes before I opened my mouth to speak. Quickly and in a hoarse voice I told them what I had done. Rick slammed his hand on the couch before rising and walking away. Helena took a seat next to me and put her arm around me.

  "What you did was very brave and quite stupid. You could have been killed."

  "No you don't understand Helena. It was so natural to me; I felt the same way when I bit Dine's neck. Either way it didn't matter to me if I lived or die. A small part of me was hoping it would kill me so everyone would be left alone. But now I have Tanya's thoughts too. Do you know all the info I can give you on this chick Ariana and what she's up too."

  "We know quite well who she is and what her plans are."

  "Eraina this is not the time."

  "Is it ever Helena? Have you people not learned from the past what secrets can do to a person."

  "Eraina you hold onto this anger but what's done is done."

  "No Mortakie. I am done. If you are in need of some truth from all you have seen Devilynn please feel free to come see me."

  "We will tell her the truth in time."

  "When Helena? She keeps company with Athena and Leviticus yet she has no idea of who they are." Helena rose and looked into Eraina's eyes.

  "That is enough!"

  I looked pass them to see Rick at the other end of the station with his head against the wall. Rising I walked over to him and put my hand on his shoulder.

  "I know you wanted to be the one to turn me but I had no choice. I wanted to die. All I could see when she was draining me was your face and that made me want to live." Rick moved away from the wall and turned to face me.

  "Really?" Smiling I nodded. Rick took me in his arms and held me tight. "Oh Devilynn I want us to be together. I've missed you so. Wanted you so. Needed you." I pulled away from Rick and placed my hand over his lips. His eyes bore into mine and I could see the happiness and sorrow that engulfed him. Pulling my hand away I kissed his lips. Rick pulled me closer to him as his lips closed over mine. We kissed for some time.

  "You two should get a room." I pulled away from Rick and turned to face Belinda. Most of her wounds had healed. She smiled at me and I hugged her tightly.

  "Ouch! My ribs are still killing me." We laughed and walked back toward the others. Mortakie and Helena were talking in the corner with Athena while Eraina spoke with Leviticus on the other side. I tried to scan their minds but one by one they slammed the doors shut locking me out. Turning toward Eraina and Leviticus I watched Eraina sob as Leviticus embraced her tightly.

  "What's going on Rick?"

  "There is a great mess that has to be cleared and much planning to be done. The elders did not anticipate this."

  "Nobody did." Belinda shrugged as she left to help the other werewolves toss bodies into the flames. The others made their way over to us.

  "I am truly sorry for my behavior Devilynn. My life as a vampire has not been an easy one." Eraina smiled as she embraced me.

  "We are also truly sorry for keeping the truth from you." Helena said smiling.

  "And I am truly sorry for causing my wife so much pain." Mortakie said kissing Eraina’s forehead.

  "Well I'm sorry I didn't do this sooner. I feel awesome." The others laughed easing the mounting tension.

  "You must have a million questions." Leviticus said as he wrapped his arms around Eraina. I nodded before doubling over in pain. The pit in my stomach grew larger as a hunger ripped through me. I felt my eyes burning and my fangs rip through my gums. My skin was on fire. Rick put his hand on my shoulder. Consumed by an uncontrollable hunger I grabbed his arm and sank my teeth in. His blood gushed into my mouth as he cried out in pain. Mortakie tried to pull me off of him. I let go of Rick and sank my fangs into Mortakie and drank some of his blood before Leviticus took hold of me. He gripped me tight as the hunger raged inside me. A growl escaped my lips as I tried to struggle free.

  "Hold her for a bit longer. The hunger will subside." Helena cautioned as she attended to Rick and Mortakie. Eraina looked at me with fear in her eyes.

  "Why is this happening to her?"

  "Devilynn is a vampire now Eraina. When the hunger strikes it is hard to control. She needed blood."

  "A vampire never attacks their own."

  "If I remember correctly Rick you attacked Miranda and Rosella in the same fashion." Helena said as she helped them onto the sofa.

  "These new breeds are quite amazing." Athena commented as she stood behind Eraina and looked at me. The pain in the pit of my stomach began to subside as the blood in my veins began to run at a much slower pace. Leviticus sensed that I was calm and released me. Shaking the cobwebs from my head I walked over to Mortakie and Rick.

  "I'm sorry. I don't know what came over me." Mortakie nodded as Rick rose and hugged me.

  "It's alright love. It's alright."

  "I wish we had answers for you Devilynn but our war was a long time ago and vampires have evolved since then."

  "Mortakie is right. I think it is time that you and Rick plan a little trip to see the world and find others like yourself and learn what they have learned."

  "Why Helena? You guys would know more about us then anyone."

  "No Devilynn. We know some but not enough. If you wish to know your past then we can help you but now you must be concerned with your future."

  "In the upcoming war you have the right to choose which side you are willing to aid. If there is goodness in your soul then you will be guided by your heart but if there is evil, persuasion of a clever vampire would bring you down." Eraina said as she looked at Mortakie before turning away. I looked at all of them as the fogginess set in my head. They talked in so many riddles it was hard to figure out what they meant.

  "Who are these half-breeds Ariana is hunting?" Everyone stopped what they were doing and turned toward me. Eraina's eyes clouded over with sorrow as well as Athena's.

  "They are children born of a single vampire parent weaker than those who were born from two vampire parents." Eraina said.

  "Oh that makes sense. She wants to get rid of the weakest links before going after the elders. Besides you guys are there any others?" I asked turning to Helena.

  "We have not been able to locate them. I have tried for so long but there are no answers."

  "They must be werewolves then Helena. You guys couldn't find Athena and Leviticus until Belinda showed up." I finished.

  "Well we found them. Athena and I saw Belinda in the tunnels not long after she was dumped there. After a few weeks we took her in and helped her as best as we could. Belinda stumbled onto Rick while she was out stalking her killer." Leviticus added.

  "Belinda and I talked for some time and her story intrigued me. We needed a decoy to dispose of this threat to us and you were perfect for the job."

  "Geezz thanks Rick, you could have got me killed. Oh wait you did, all of you did. Thanks." I threw my hands up in surrender and turned away. Eraina walked up behind me and whispered in my ear.

  "Betrayal is an evil thing, it can eat away at your goodness until you are consumed by the devil himself. Keep your heart pure my child, inside you know what is right." I turned toward Eraina and held her tight. I could feel a light radiate from her soul as it crept into mine. My skin started to burn and when I looked down at my arm it started to turn red. Screaming I pushed Eraina away and fell to the ground. The fire raged inside of me trying to push it's way out. I felt my head and back split open at the same time as my nails grew black and long before my eyes. Once the burning stopped I rose and looked at everyone. Their expressions were of awe and fear. Eraina turned from me and ran away.

  "What is wrong with me?" Even my voice had changed to a deeper pitch.

  "Devilynn listen to me. You must calm down. Will yourself back into your human f
orm." Mortakie coaxed.

  "Human form. What the hell is wrong with her?" Rick screamed finally sounding like his old self.

  "You can do it Devilynn. Just relax." Mortakie continued.

  “Relax? What is everyone talking about? Why do I sound like this?”

  “You’ve transformed into a demon.” Belinda said.


  “Please calm yourself down Devilynn. It will only get worse. You are still young to all of this. Please.” Helena coaxed. I looked around at everyone and saw their faces, heard their voices echoing in my head.

  I closed my eyes and slowly turned around forcing my heart to beat a little slower and my blood to run a bit smoother. My skin stopped burning as the wings and horns disappeared. When I was sure I was normal again I opened my eyes and judging from everyone's expression I was myself again.

  "Okay now that was a bit wild. Too wild for me. I have to go." I said as I turned and ran away. I could hear them calling me to come back but their voices faded away as I made my way up to the surface and back to my apartment an hour before sunrise. Quickly I taped dark sheets to my bedroom window and pulled my bed to the darkest corner of the room. Thoughts crept into my head and I pushed them out knowing well enough they weren't mine. Deciding that the bed was not a good idea I turned around and went into my closet with a blanket, a pillow, my journal and a flashlight. I sat there writing and crying as the first rays of sunlight danced across my bedroom floor through the dark sheets. Turning away from the