Read The Village of Gerard's Cliff Page 22

Chapter XXI

  Allie found a space one block from her new apartment, and parked her blue Dodge. She hopped out, grabbed the two bags of clothes from the back seat, and walked briskly down the street toward her new home. The old brick building, painted a taupe color, with white trim and dark green shutters appealed to her for several reasons. It was close to the ocean, the rent was reasonable, and the month to month lease allowed her to be flexible with her decisions concerning the inn.

  She opened the front door, and walked up the two flights of stairs. There are advantages to renting furnished, she thought. Allie unlocked the door to her apartment, and walked into the small front room. Closing the door behind her, she placed her bags on the floor, and stood still, pleased that, at first glance, it looked exactly as the landlord had described it to her over the phone. She took a deep breath and looked around her. The refurbished apartment was painted a soft, golden yellow, with a sofa and chair slip-covered in a co-ordinated floral pattern. The side tables and other furniture were stained a dark oak. She could just glimpse a sliver of the ocean through the back window. The living room led directly to the kitchen, and she could see a small table to the left of the doorway.

  Allie walked over to the chair next to the back window, and sat down, suddenly aware of the silence. She turned her head to look at the ocean again, vowing to explore the beach as soon as she could. Maybe the sight of the ocean would erase this emptiness that had overtaken her after Connor had left. Her family in Virginia, full of concern for her, called often to check on her, and planned on coming up as soon as she was settled in the apartment. Ben and Tilda did their best to keep her engaged in conversation. They even accompanied her back to the ruins of the inn, despite her protests, declaring that it would be too overwhelming for her to go alone. In truth, she would have rather gone there with Connor. She had assumed it would be the two of them, going back together, holding hands as they climbed through the rubble, looking for whatever could have survived the fire.

  Connor. Only two days since he'd reluctantly released her and driven off. And to her it had felt like an eternity. She recalled his beautiful eyes, reassuring her, as his warm hands cradled her face. He had called the next night, and she had propped up on Ben's sofa with a glass of wine, snuggling with the afghan, as they talked for hours. She couldn't get enough of his warm, deep voice over the phone. She pictured him leaning back on his sofa, his legs crossed, an elbow on the arm rest, and the side of his head resting on his thumb and forefinger. He had even managed to make her laugh several times, and she could tell that it pleased him. She knew he wanted to come back to Gerard's Cliff, but wasn't sure if he least not until this case had been wrapped up.

  Allie picked up the bags that held her only possessions, and carried them into the bedroom. She took out the jeans, and pull-over sweater, and other items that Connor had gotten for her, and placed them in the bureau drawer. The other bag held the only salvageable pieces from the inn...five of her blue patterned dishes, and three picture frames. What was left of the inn would be bulldozed, the land cleared by this time tomorrow. Then, she would have to make a decision on the next step. She walked back to the kitchen and stacked the plates on top of the white ones already in the cupboard. She propped the small, pictureless frames on the side table in the living room.

  She needed to make a list. After getting the notebook and pen from the bag, she sat down at the kitchen table, and wrote down everything she needed to buy, for herself and the apartment. List in hand, she grabbed her coat, feeling energized, and eager to get on with turning her apartment into a cozy home. Walking across the living room, she was startled to hear urgent knocking at her front door. Puzzled, Allie peered through the peephole, and was surprised to see Tilda's distorted face. She opened the door.

  "Tilda, how sweet of you to..." Allie started, but Tilda was already in the apartment, with Ben close behind, his hands around her waist. Allie closed the door, puzzled, and turned to the couple.

  "Now, need to stay calm." Tilda wrung her hands, looking as if she were going to burst into tears at any moment. "Ben, you tell her."

  "Tell me what?" Panic rose in her throat and her eyes widened as she turned and stared at Ben. "What's wrong? Tell me!"

  "Allie, Connor's been shot. He's at a hospital" He turned to Tilda for help.

  " Bethesda, Maryland, sweetie. Oh...dear." Seeing Allie's face turn white, Tilda grabbed her arm. "He's asking for you, Allie. He's going into surgery now. His brother called us a few minutes ago and we rushed over here. Oh dear...oh dear." Tilda had tears streaming down her cheeks.

  "He went with a group of officers to arrest two men, and was ambushed." Ben finished for her. "It's pretty bad, Allie. His family is with him, but he wants you."

  "Ben, can you drive me to the airport?" Allie felt amazingly calm. They both nodded their heads, Tilda sniffling, as Allie ran to the phone, dialed the operator and was connected to the closest airport, a thirty minute drive, at best. She booked a flight to Washington National Airport, about eleven miles from Bethesda. "I'll grab my things. The flight's in an hour. Tilda, do you still have the number his brother called from?" Tilda nodded and started rifling though her coat pocket. "Call him back and tell him I'm arriving at 7:30, if you would. Oh - ask him to tell Connor." As Tilda rushed to the phone, Allie ran into her room to throw together the little she had to take with her.

  Allie felt numb as they raced down the stairs. Getting to Connor was the only thing on her mind. The flight was five hours long. Then, after a taxi ride, she figured she should be at the hospital by eight that night.

  The three of them rode in silence, packed together in the front seat of Ben's old pickup. After what seemed like an eternity to her, Ben pulled in to the drop-off lane in front of the airport.

  "Are you sure we can't come in with you?"

  "No, I'll be fine. I can't thank you enough." Allie hugged them both, as Tilda's eyes welled up with tears.

  She entered the bustling airport, and bought her ticket at the desk, relieved to see that her flight was running on schedule. Allie boarded the plane, carrying her one small bag, which she set in her lap. She leaned her head back and closed her eyes, her hand resting over her heart. The plane taxied, then rose, turning toward the south, Connor, and her inexorable fears.