Read The Vision Master Page 18

After dinner was over, he called Carol.

  "Sorry to disturb your dinner out with your family" he told her when she answered.

  "That’s okay. We're about done anyway. Daddy has a meeting tonight."

  "I know.” He told her about what his father had said and about the meeting. "See if you can go with him."

  He overheard Carol's and her father's muffled conversation. Her father didn't like it, he thought it was too soon, plus he didn't like the whole idea of her working alone with Liam. Carol's response was Liam had grown considerably in his gift and nothing like what happened before would happen again and, besides, so had she in hers. Together they'd be stronger than any one average Master. His retort was she had no idea yet of what an average Master was capable. She shot back that Liam was now more than average; he could prove it tonight at the meeting if need be, and then let the Circle decide. There was a moment of silence over the phone. Liam knew Carol had presented a sound argument. If he proved himself, her father would have to accept the other Circle member's decision. She was betting that Liam could and that they'd agree. He heard her father sigh and agree to her offer.

  "He said…"

  "I know. I heard everything. How do you propose I prove it?"

  "You'll think of something, I'm sure. I'll see you there."

  As he hung up, he realized that he had just the idea. He went back to the kitchen where his father was finishing his after dinner coffee.

  "I just talked to Carol and she's going with her dad. You go along on your own. I'll pick up Drew and Scott and meet you there. Oh, one more thing. I know it's customary for one member, at least, to attend remotely by visioning in. Gran explained it all to me — ‘to insure the Circle is never completely wiped out should some disaster happen, at least one member participates from a distance and can quickly escape by breaking the connection before anything happens him’. But could you arrange it so that everyone is actually there tonight?"

  "That would be against policy Liam, you know that. In addition, Drew and Scott don't know about the Circle. Or do they?"

  "No, they don't, exactly. They know about Initiates, Masters, and Watchers; they know that we work for somebody but not exactly whom. Carol and I want them on board as Watchers and, besides, I'm confident that in time, with the Circle's help, they can each be Initiates by themselves, instead of having to do things together. As for the policy, I understand its need, and support it, but I don't think it will be compromised tonight."

  "What are you planning, Liam?"

  "Just trust me, okay Dad? ‘Need to know’, but you will know soon."

  His father acquiesced and called his brother Del, who was the one scheduled to be the remote member tonight, and told him of the change of plans, that he needed to actually be at the meeting and that the reason why would be explained to him at the meeting.

  "There. You better have a good explanation tonight, Liam."

  "Thanks, Dad. You'll see it'll be okay," he assured him. At least I hope so!

  He then called the brothers and asked them if they could come over and spend the night.

  "Aren't we a little old for a pajama party, Liam?" Drew snickered.

  "Nah, I just haven't seen you wear that one piece zip-up with the bunny feet in ages. You were so sexy in it!"

  "That’s gay, Liam."

  "You know I’m not. But would it bother you?"

  "No, why would it? Who you fancy is your business. But it might be important to Carol."

  Liam laughed. "Not to worry. Actually, the sleep-over is just an excuse to get you and Scott out of your house so we can go do something without having to explain to your folks."

  "Well, we're always up for an adventure. So what is it that we're not explaining to our 'rents?"

  "That’s a surprise. Just be here in an hour. And bring your PJs if you still wear them. Oh! Don't forget Teddy Bear, I remember how you couldn't go to sleep without him the last time you slept over!"

  "Liam, that was six years ago - when we were ten."

  Just before he hung up, Liam said, still laughing, "Oh, my! I guess you are a big boy now, aren't you? Tick, tock, clock's a-running. Be here in fifty minutes, okay?"

  His next call was to this Grandmother. When she answered he explained to her what he planned to do tonight, and the part he wanted her to play. She laughed at the novelty of his idea, and assured him that it would surprise everyone and convince them of his abilities - if he could successfully pull it off. As she rang off, she told him, "I believe in you, Liam. This will be fun. I just hope I can keep a straight face and not show your hand!"

  His parents and sisters left, with his father going to drop them off at the Cineplex to see a movie on his way to the meeting, leaving Liam at home alone, just minutes before the brothers arrived.

  "What’s up, Liam?" Scott asked as Liam let him in. Drew, who had his old stuffed teddy bear in his arms, followed him.

  "Teddy wants an adventure too!" he told Liam, who started laughing at the sight of it.

  "Geez, Drew, you'll do anything for a joke, won't you? Sure, he can stay here while we go out. Come to my room, guys, and I'll tell you where we're going."

  He explained to them that he was going to take them to meet the people he and Carol worked with. He wouldn't tell them anymore than that, except he'd be taking them by a vision. They would find themselves with him outside the city, in the country, standing in front of an old garage next to an old house.

  "Once we're there, just follow me and do as I say. Your being there is going to surprise everyone, some might even act a little upset, but just keep your mouths shut and don't do anything unless I say so, okay? We've got about an hour to kill until then, so let's go watch some TV until it's time to leave," he told them, turning on his set, and refusing to answer any of their questions.

  A little after an hour later, when he felt confident that all the Circle members should have arrived at Dr. Smith's, he told the brothers that it was time to go. Both Drew and Scott watched as he closed his eyes and seemed as if going into a trance. Both felt his mind connect with theirs, an act now familiar to them as they'd both felt the same sensation with each other during their joint visioning practices. This time, however, both noticed something new.

  "Look! I see a color all around him!" Scott exclaimed. "It's his aura! It's Jade..."

  "…green!" Drew finished, now realizing they were standing in front of the barn-like garage Liam had described to them earlier.

  "That was wicked!" Scott whispered. "Your aura, was so...intense!"

  Both boys were staring at him, their eyes nearly bugging out of their faces.

  "Really?" I've never really seen it, myself. Now, follow me and don't forget what I told you."

  He opened the door to the garage and shut it behind them once they were all in. He walked over to the cabinet at the back of the garage and, opening it, pushed the shelving so that it swung open on its hidden hinges. He motioned the astonished brothers to follow him down the spiral staircase.

  At the bottom he stepped into the meeting room with Drew and Scott close behind him, still in a state of awe at what they were experiencing.

  "There you are Liam" Smith started to say. Then he noticed Liam wasn't alone. "Who are they, and why are they here?" he demanded.

  "These are the cousins we've told you about," Liam's dad explained.

  "I don't remember the Circle agreeing to invite them here!" Smith spat out to Liam's father.

  "Well, if they're not welcome here, then let's go somewhere else," Liam said.

  In an instant everyone suddenly found themselves at Liam's grandmother's house, five sitting around the kitchen table while the rest, all five, were seated in the living room. They all immediately stood up, except Liam and his grandmother, who remained seated on the loveseat. Those in the kitchen came out to the living room and Smith demanded to know what was going on.

  "What are you two playing at?" Smit
h demanded, glancing back and forth between Liam and his grandmother.

  "I just decided to bring everybody here," Liam told him.

  "You and how many others were in this trick?" Smith asked, looking around the room.

  "Just me."

  "Impossible. Nobody can envision ten people, split into two groups, into two different locations at the same."

  "Actually, three locations; I'm tonight's remote member. I first envisioned myself and my cousins to your place, Dr. Smith, from my house. From there I had to revision all of us here along with the rest if you. We’re all still at your place. Well, most of us – I and these two here (gesturing at Drew and Scott) are still at my house.”

  “Unheard of!", "Amazing!", "This is a first!" the others exclaimed in unison, as Smith stood in the middle of the room staring at Liam.

  Liam looked over at his father, who hadn't said a word, but who was smiling broadly at his son, silently mouthing the words, "Well done!" to him.

  Smith sat down hard on the sofa behind him. He sat mute, starring, almost glaring, at Liam, who thought he also detected in Smith's eyes a little envy and, was there a hint of fear?

  He returned Smith's stare, their eyes locked.

  "Sorry if I upset anyone, I just wanted my cousins to be somewhere they'd feel welcomed. So why don't we just have the meeting here?"

  "I'm not staying here a minute longer!" Smith announced as he closed his eyes.

  Liam felt Smith attempting to disengage from his vision and take himself back to the meeting room. He decided to demonstrate his growing talent to Smith even further. He increased his concentration on his vision of Smith where he sat.

  Smith found, frustrated, that he couldn't leave. The boy actually seemed able to stop him! This boy could be dangerous, he realized. "Okay, Liam. It looks like you want me to stay. Let's have your meeting then."

  "Thank you, Dr. Smith. Let me introduce you to my cousins."

  After Liam and Carol presented their wish for an assignment, and the members, after questioning the brothers as to what talent they had experienced separately, and together, declared them qualified Watchers, decided that any discussion on a mission would have to wait until the next meeting so that they could each have time to digest what had happened tonight. Liam acquiesced. He wanted everyone to fully realize that he was no longer an Initiate, they'd now have to consider him a full Master, their equal. He was sure they'd give him a meaningful assignment this time. How could they not?

  "Does anyone have a problem meeting next Friday?" he asked. There were no objections, which was unusual as usually somebody's schedule precluded back-to-back weekly meetings. He couldn't help but believe they'd deferred to him because of what he'd done.

  "May we leave now, Liam?" Smith asked with a touch of sarcasm.

  "Allow me, Sir". Closing his eyes, he returned everyone back to the Circle Room, sitting as they had been, with him and the cousins standing at the bottom of the spiral stairs.

  "Well, Goodnight all," he announced as everyone at the table watched him and the brothers vanish. Most sat there slack jawed. His father smiled, smugly. Gran simply laughed aloud.

  He, Drew, and Scott sat on his bed. The brothers were dumbfounded. They didn't know how to process everything they'd just experienced, it had been like one of those crazy night dreams where so many different things happen so fast that there's no way to focus on any one element of the dream to make any sense out of it.

  "Man, I'm blown away!" Drew admitted.

  "Can every Master do what you did tonight?" Scott asked Liam, with awe in his voice.

  "Don't know."

  "From the way all the others reacted, I'm betting not," Drew surmised.

  Liam just shrugged his shoulders. "Listen guys, tonight took a lot of effort. I'm feeling pretty wiped out. I'd like to get some sleep, if you don't mind."

  "Sure, Liam, get some rest," Drew told him.

  The boys got off the bed and sat, one on Liam's beanbag, the other in his desk chair, and watched as he stretched out on his bed, not bothering to undress or get under the covers. He was exhausted. He was sound asleep in seconds.

  Chapter Nineteen: Another Surprise

  “Every great work, every accomplishment, has been brought into manifestation through holding the vision.”