Read The Void of Mist and Thunder Page 28

  Benson—A servant of Reginald Chu in the Fourth Reality.

  Bermuda Triangle—The most concentrated area of Chi’karda in each Reality. Still unknown as to why.

  Billy “The Goat” Cooper—Tick’s biggest nemesis at Jackson Middle School.

  Blade of Shattered Hope—A weapon created by Mistress Jane that allows her to harness the power of dark matter and utilize the linking of her Alterants to sever a Reality from existence.

  Bryan Cannon—A fisherman in Reality Prime.

  Bugaboo Soldiers—The nemeses of the Fifth Reality, these assassins are bent on taking over their world. Often dressed as clowns, they are very unstable.

  Chi’karda—The mysterious force that controls Quantum Physics. It is the scientific embodiment of conviction and choice, which in reality, rules the universe. Responsible for creating the different Realities.

  Chi’karda Drive—The invention that revolutionized the universe by harnessing, magnifying, and controling Chi’karda. It has long been believed that travel between Realities is impossible without it.

  Chu Industries—The company that practically rules the world of the Fourth Reality. Known for countless inventions and technologies, including many that are malicious in nature.

  Command Center—Master George’s headquarters in the Bermuda Triangle, where Chi’karda levels are monitored, and to where his many nanolocators report various types of information.

  Darkin (Dark Infinity) Project—A menacing, giant device created by Reginald Chu of the Fourth Reality to manipulate others’ minds. Destroyed by Tick.

  Denter—A robot built by Chu Industries that is like a bulldozer with metal fists sporting spikes at the ends.

  Earwig Transponder—An insect-like device inserted into the ear that can scramble listening devices and help track its host.

  Edgar Higginbottom—Tick’s father.

  Entropy—The law of nature that states all things move toward destruction. Related to fragmentation.

  Factory, The—Located in the Thirteenth Reality, it is where Mistress Jane “manufactures” her abominable creations.

  Fangen—A creature created by Mistress Jane, utilizing the twisted and mutated version of Chi’karda found in the Thirteenth Reality. Formed from a variety of no fewer than twelve different animals, the short and stocky creatures are bred to kill first and ask questions later. They can also fly.

  Fifth Army, The—Sato’s fighting unit, made up of people from the Fifth Reality.

  Firekelt—Creation of Mistress Jane. A monster covered in hundreds of cloth-like strips that ignite on demand.

  Fourth Dimension—Another dimension that is as different from ours as the oceans are from outer space. Hardly understood, and with limited research available, because it’s never been explored before, the Fourth is breached when Tick and Mistress Jane battle it out after the incident with the Blade of Shattered Hope. The Void of Mist and Thunder is spawned from this dimension.

  Fragmentation—When a Reality begins losing Chi’karda levels on a vast scale, it can no longer maintain itself as a major alternate version of the world and will eventually disintegrate into nothing. Its cause is related to entropy.

  Frazier Gunn—A loyal servant of Mistress Jane.

  Frupey—Nickname for Fruppenschneiger, Sofia’s butler.

  Gnat Rat—A malicious invention of Chu Industries in the Fourth Reality. Releases dozens of mechanical hornets that are programmed to attack a certain individual based on a nanolocator, DNA, or blood type.

  Grand Canyon—A satellite location of the Realitants. Second only to the Bermuda Triangle in Chi’karda levels. Still unknown as to why.

  Grand Minister—Supreme ruler of the Fifth Reality.

  Great Hall—A room within Mistress Jane’s castle that has a high concentration of Chi’karda.

  Gretel—A Realitant taking refuge in the Third Reality.

  Grinder Beast—An enormous, rhinoceros-like creature with dozens of legs in the Tenth Reality.

  Halters—A weapon that shoots out tiny darts laced with a paralyzing serum.

  Hans Schtiggenschlubberheimer—The man who started the Scientific Revolution in the Fourth Reality in the early nineteen-hundreds. In a matter of decades, he helped catapult the Fourth far beyond the other Realities in terms of technology.

  Haunce, The—A mysterious, ghostly, powerful being made up of billions upon billions of soulikens.

  Henry—A boy from the Industrial Barrens in the Seventh Reality.

  Hillenstat—A Realitant doctor from the Second Reality.

  Jimmy “The Voice” Porter—A Realitant from the Twelfth Reality. Has no tongue.

  Karma—A mysterious force that has been studied for years by a team within the Realitants, led by Gretel. Its powers are unpredictable, but it’s believed to heighten the strength of good or evil, depending on who wields it.

  Katrina Kay—A Realitant from the Ninth Reality.

  Kayla Higginbottom—Tick’s younger sister.

  Klink—Guard of the Execution Exit at the End of the Road Insane Asylum.

  Klint Tanner—A man living in the Twelfth Reality who helps gather data for the Realitants.

  Kyoopy—Nickname used by the Realitants for Quantum Physics.

  Ladies of Blood and Sorrow—A mysterious society of women loyal to Mistress Jane.

  Lazbots—A robotic device of Chu Industries outfitted with incinerating lasers.

  Lemon Fortress—Mistress Jane’s castle in the Thirteenth Reality.

  Lisa Higginbottom—Tick’s older sister.

  Lorena Higginbottom—Tick’s mother.

  Mabel Fredrickson—Tick’s great-aunt. Lives in Alaska.

  Master George—The leader of the Realitants.

  Metaspide—A vicious robotic creature from the Fourth Reality that resembles a spider.

  Mistress Jane—A former Realitant and ruler of the Thirteenth Reality, she wields an uncanny power over Chi’karda. Since the accident in which she was “melded” with fragments of the Dark Infinity weapons, her power has increased tenfold.

  Mordell—The leader of the Ladies of Blood and Sorrow.

  Mothball—A Realitant from the Fifth Reality.

  Ms. Sears—Tick’s favorite librarian.

  Muffintops—Master George’s cat.

  Multiverse—An old term used by Reality Prime scientists to explain the theory that Quantum Physics has created multiple versions of the universe.

  Nancy Zeppelin—A Realitant from Wisconsin in Reality Prime.

  Nanolocator—A microscopic electronic device that can crawl into a person’s skin and forever provide information on their whereabouts, Chi’karda levels, etc.

  Nonex—When Alterants meet, one disappears and enters the Nonex. A complete mystery to the Realitants.

  Norbert McGillicuddy—A post-office worker in Alaska who helped Tick and his dad escape an attack by Frazier Gunn.

  Paul Rogers—A Realitant from Florida in Reality Prime.

  Phillip—Owner and operator of the Stroke of Midnight Inn in the Sixth Reality.

  Pick—Master George’s nickname for a major decision in which Chi’karda levels spike considerably. Some Picks have been known to create or destroy entire Realities.

  Priscilla Persiphone—A Realitant from the Seventh Reality.

  Quantum Physics—The science that studies the physical world of the extremely small. Most scholars are baffled by its properties and at a loss to explain them. Theories abound. Only a few know the truth: that a completely different power rules this realm, which in turn rules the universe: Chi’karda.

  Quinton Hallenhaffer—A Realitant from the Second Reality.

  Rager—An advanced weapon that harnesses extreme amounts of static electricity. When unleashed, it collects matter in a violent, earthen ball that can shatter whatever gets in its way.

  Realitants—An organization sworn to discover and chart all known Realities. Founded in the 1970s by a group of scientists from the Fourth Reality, who then used Barrier Wa
nds to recruit other quantum physicists from other Realities.

  Reality—A separate and complete version of the world, of which there may be an infinite number. The most stable and strongest is called Reality Prime. So far, thirteen major branches off of Prime have been discovered. Realities are created and destroyed by enormous fluctuations in Chi’karda levels. Examples:

  Fourth—Much more advanced technologically than the other Realities due to the remarkable vision and work of Hans Schtiggenschlubberheimer.

  Fifth—Quirks in evolution led to a very tall human race.

  Eighth—The world is covered in water, due to much higher temperatures that were caused by a star fusion anomaly triggered in another galaxy by an alien race.

  Eleventh—Quirks in evolution and diet led to a short and robust human race.

  Thirteenth—Somehow a mutated and very powerful version of Chi’karda exists here.

  Reality Echo—An object that literally exists in two Realities at once, making the object indestructible.

  Reginald Chu—Tick’s science teacher in Reality Prime. Also the person in the Fourth Reality who founded Chu Industries and turned it into a worldwide empire. They are Alterants of each other.

  Renee—An inmate at the End of the Road Insane Asylum.

  Ripple Quake—A violent geological disaster caused by a massive disturbance in Chi’karda.

  Rutger—A Realitant from the Eleventh Reality.

  Sally T. Jones—A Realitant from the Tenth Reality.

  Sato—A Realitant from Japan in Reality Prime.

  Sato Tadashi—Former Grand Minister of the Fifth Reality, killed by the Bugaboo soldiers. An Alterant of the Realitant Sato.

  Shockpulse—An injection of highly concentrated electromagnetic nanobots that seek out and destroy the tiny components of a nanolocator, rendering it useless.

  Shurric—Short for Sonic Hurricaner, this weapon is the more powerful version of the Sound Slicer. Shoots out a heavily concentrated force of sound waves, almost too low for the human ear to register but powerful enough to destroy just about anything in its direct path.

  Sleeks—Creations of Mistress Jane. Wispy and strong, lightning fast. They guard the forest that surrounds the Factory.

  Slinkbeast—A vicious creature that lives in the Mountains of Sorrow in the Twelfth Reality.

  Snooper Bug—A hideous crossbreed of birds and insects created by the mutated power of the Chi’karda in the Thirteenth Reality. Can detect any known weapon or poison and can kill with one quick strike of its needle-nosed beak. Pets of Mistress Jane.

  Sofia Pacini—A Realitant from Italy in Reality Prime.

  Soulikens—An imprint or stamp on Reality, created by natural energy and Chi’karda, that becomes a lingering piece of one’s self that will never cease to exist.

  Sound Slicer—A small weapon outdated by the much more powerful Shurric.

  Spinner—A special device that shoots out a circular plane of laser light, displaying video images on its surface.

  Squeezers—A grenade that shoots out strong wires that contract and curl up.

  Tick—Nickname for Atticus Higginbottom.

  Tingle Wraith—A collection of microscopic animals from the Second Reality, called spilphens, that can form together into a cloud while rubbing against each other to make a horrible sound called the Death Siren.

  Tollaseat—Mothball’s father, from the Fifth Reality.

  Void of Mist and Thunder—An elusive, mysterious, extremely dangerous entity that has been trapped within the Fourth Dimension since before mankind.

  Voids—Tick’s name for the monstrous creations that are spawned from the Void of Mist and Thunder.

  Waterkelt—Creation of Mistress Jane. A monster made completely out of water.

  William Schmidt—A Realitant from the Third Reality.

  Windasill—Mothball’s mother, from the Fifth Reality.

  Windbike—An invention of Chu Industries, this vehicle is a motorcycle that can fly, consuming hydrogen out of the air for its fuel. Based on an extremely complex gravity-manipulation theorem first proposed by Reginald Chu.

  Winking—The act of traveling between or within Realities by use of a Barrier Wand. Causes a slight tingle to the skin on one’s shoulders and back.

  Discussion Questions

  1. Tick has to make some really difficult decisions in this book, many of which relate to working with the two people he sees as his mortal enemies: Chu and Mistress Jane. Could you work with someone you hate in order to bring about the greater good? What would that be like?

  2. This last book is full of adventure and peril. Which scene did you think was the most intense? Were you ever scared that one of the four best friends would die? How would you react in such scary situations?

  3. The bond of friendship between Tick and his friends becomes stronger throughout the series. Why do you think that is so? How do their experiences together create that special bond? Do you have someone you are not related to that you’d be willing to risk your life for?

  4. How did you feel about Master George throughout the series? How did his death affect you? Did it seem inevitable? Do you believe that the next generation is now ready to take over the Realitants?

  5. How do you feel about the role of Karma in the story? Is it symbolic of anything to you? Do you believe in any kind of higher power that might give you just the nudge you need when you need it the most?

  6. At the end of the book, Tick makes an incredible and ultimate sacrifice to save the world. Would you have had the courage to do the same thing? How do you think he felt?

  7. What is your interpretation of what Tick has become at the end of the book? How powerful is he? What do you think his role will be with the Realitants? What would a typical day be like for him?

  8. What do you think awaits the Realitants in the future?



  James Dashner, The Void of Mist and Thunder

  (Series: The 13th Reality # 4)




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