Read The Wager Page 9

  “I’m glad we did this,” Kacey said. “Before all the crazy wedding stuff. It’s nice just to be with everyone.”

  Grandma snorted as she pulled out another match. Travis backed away while she waved it in the air. “Crazy wedding stuff is right. And don’t think I forgive you two for inviting Petunia.”

  Travis groaned. “She’s your sister.”

  “She’s a disappointment!” Grandma thrust her fist into the air.

  “What did she do?” Char asked, even though Jake was shaking his head no and Travis was waving frantically behind Grandma.

  “What did she do?” Grandma asked. “What did she do?”

  “She’s repeating herself.” Jake groaned. “Bad sign. Quick, get her another margarita.”

  Grandma smacked him on the back of the head and approached Char. “My sister called me a harlot.”

  Char bit her lip to keep from laughing.

  “At my own wedding!”

  Jake raised his hand. “Grandma, you do realize she only called you that because you were on the table—”

  “Ssh!” Grandma waved him away. “She’s a prude and she only wears white.”

  Char frowned. “Why only white?”

  Jake groaned next to her but she ignored him.

  Grandma threw the match into the bonfire and shook her head. “She says red’s the color of the devil.”

  “And black?”

  “The color of hell.”

  “Blue?” Char had to ask.


  “Well, that’s silly.”

  “It is,” Grandma agreed. “What she needs is to get a man, but she’s so terrified of them that she’s stayed single. All those years.” She shook her head and tsked.

  “All those cats,” Kacey sang from behind Grandma.

  “Your future,” Travis nodded, “if you don’t take our advice and go out with Jace.”

  “Jace?” Grandma whipped around. “You invited him to the wedding?”

  “Fair is fair,” Kacey nodded. “I mean, we want to even out the odds with all the couples, right?”

  Grandma glared and then began wringing her hands together.

  Char scooted closer to Jake. “I think we’re missing something.”

  “Don’t look at me! I’m as clueless as you.”

  At that, Grandma snorted. “Yes, he is. Tell me, did you get any wedding preparation done today?”

  Jake coughed and looked away.

  “Two days!” Grandma held up two fingers. “And Char, don’t forget to request those extra days off with your boss. We don’t want you getting fired.” She winked at Jake.

  “Very funny,” he grumbled.

  “I think we’re ready!” Travis announced from a few feet behind them.

  “Me first!” Grandma charged toward him with her one match and lit it. After a few seconds the firework shot into the sky and cracked.

  Fireworks, and they were all for her.

  Char giggled and tried to get comfortable in the sand. She felt fingertips graze her shoulder and then Jake was pulling her into his arms. She leaned back against him and sighed as he whispered in her hair. “Happy Birthday, Cinderella.”

  “Thanks, Charming.”

  “Can I take off your shoes now?”

  “Not a chance.”

  He tensed behind her.

  “But you can hold my hand.”

  “Even better.” His hands engulfed hers from behind as he held them in the safety of his embrace.

  It was the perfect moment.

  Until they heard sirens.

  “Uh, Grandma?” Travis scratched his head. “You did get a license from the fire department to set off fireworks on the beach, right?”

  Grandma’s silence was answer enough.

  Everyone jumped to their feet and made a run for it. All the while Grandma yelled, “I’m not going back to the slammer!”

  Luckily they made it safely into the house just as the fire truck and cops showed up on the beach. They turned off all the lights and locked the door.

  “On that note,” Grandma sighed happily, “Shall we all go to bed?”

  “Yes.” Travis growled, pulling Kacey against him.

  Kacey pulled away. “Not until the wedding, hot shot… enjoy the couch.” She slapped his stomach and winked, but Travis wasn’t having any of it. He pulled her into his arms and kissed her soundly, pushing her against the wall.

  “Close your eyes,” Jake whispered in Char’s ear. “Last time I kept them open too long I saw tongue—haven’t been the same ever since.”

  He let out a grunt when Char smacked him on the stomach and made her way to the bedroom.

  “Oh, and Char? You and Jake can take the loft.” Grandma waved good night and walked off.

  “But…” Char called to her. “Aren’t there more rooms?”

  “Nope,” Jake murmured under his breath. “Looks like you’re stuck with me. Look on the bright side. It’s still your birthday; maybe you’ll get lucky.”

  He moved away before Char could hit him. “And maybe you’ll survive the night without getting castrated.”

  “Not what you said last time.”

  Char glared. “You really want to bring up last time when I’m this close to knives and matches?”

  Jake nodded and backed away. “I’ll just go take a shower and see if I can’t find you something to wear to bed.”

  Chapter Nineteen

  He was fine.

  Fine, fine, fine.

  Way too many fines in that sentence. Sure, Jake was doing a stellar job of convincing himself that being in the same room with Char wasn’t going to kill him. It was like junior high camp all over again. Except this time, he knew exactly what he was missing out on while the girl slept far, far, away from him.

  He ran his fingers through his hair and tried to focus on the task at hand: finding Char some clothes. Then again, no clothes were always an option. He smirked, then remembered her threat and continued his search.

  Opening up the top dresser door, he found some boxers and a t-shirt he used to wear in high school. Those would work.

  By the time he had climbed the stairs to the loft he had almost convinced himself that it wasn’t a big deal. “Almost” being the key word.

  Char was already lying on the bed, her legs crossed and her arms behind her head, causing her breasts to push against her dress in such a dizzying way that Jake had to close his eyes for a brief second. Take that back—not like junior high camp, not at all.

  “I found you clothes.” He threw them toward her face. Okay, so maybe kind of like junior high camp after all, since he was still bullying the girls he liked. Where had his game gone? Out the window, that’s where.

  “Thanks,” Char muttered, pulling the clothes off her face. “Hey, I remember this shirt.” She laughed and held it up to her chest. “Man of the Year, huh?”

  Jake scratched his head and looked away. “Yeah, well, that was a long time ago.” He had been voted Man of the Year in high school, which basically to a hormonal teenage guy meant he was some sort of sexual god sent down to give attention to all girls within his vicinity. They’d loved that shirt. Every time he wore it—well, let’s just say every time he wore it, he was tardy to class.

  “I hated this shirt.” Char put it on the bed and sighed.

  “You hated it?” Jake took a seat next to her and grabbed the shirt. Had he really been that small? Hell, back in the day he’d thought he was a cut, muscled god. Pathetic, really. The shirt wouldn’t even fit him now.

  “Hated it.” Char leaned back on her arms. “I thought it was stupid that people voted on something so silly and that girls took it so seriously. Like, oh my gosh! Did you see Jake Titus today? He’s so hot and he’s wearing the shirt. You know what that means!”

  “Shit, how’d you know?”

  “Everyone knew.” Char laughed. “If you wore the shirt, it meant you were ready for a little… extracurricular make out session behind the gym. Girls would go to
their lockers, add lipstick, hike up their skirts, and just wait for you to pick them. So yeah, I hated that shirt.” She sighed. “Not that much has changed, though. At least now you get your pick without the shirt, right?”

  He didn’t really know what to say to that. Was he supposed to agree? Or just lie his ass off? Because technically and sadly, she was right.

  “Anyway, I need to change.” She looked at him pointedly.

  He didn’t move.

  “So…” She nodded toward the door.

  Jake shrugged. “I can close my eyes if you’re being that much of a prude, but let me just justify my actions for a brief moment here…”

  “Oh please do.” Char turned to him and crossed her arms, again causing her breasts to spill over her dress. Good Lord, she had a nice body. He licked his lips and looked away so he could concentrate.

  “One.” He held up a finger. “I’ve seen you naked like four times in my life.”


  “Four.” He confirmed. “Once when we were in sixth grade. I was supposed to be in my room when you and Kace changed for the pool. Instead, I snuck over to the guest room and peaked through the door.”


  “Hey, I’d just discovered I liked girls.”

  “Versus what? Mice?”

  “Cute.” Jake scowled. “The second time.” He waved two fingers in front of her face, and she pushed his arm away but he kept talking. “Junior high camp. You and Kacey thought I was asleep and you changed into pj’s. I swear ever since then I can’t even look at blue and white stripped underwear without getting a—”

  “Stop.” Char moved to stand. “I think it’s safe to say I know where that was going.”

  “A huge smile”—Jake winked—“on my face. Gotta love stripes. Anyway, the third time was in high school when you tried out for the basketball team and hit the showers early because you had to go home sick.”

  “You do realize that you sound like a Peeping Tom, right?”

  Jake shrugged. “And you realize that guys are desperate enough to not give a shit how creepy we sound. We hear ‘naked’ and all bets are off.”

  “Which brings us full circle. You want me to trust that you won’t watch when really we both know you will, so let’s get it over with.”


  “Stand up.”

  He wasn’t really sure he could, or should, for that matter.

  “Or sit.” Char moved to straddle his legs. Holy shit, was this really happening? Was she going to—?

  “I think you’re under the false impression that I don’t know how guys think.”

  “Well I—”

  “And because of that little mishap, and you know, for all those times you watched me like the creepy, horny little high schooler you were…”

  She grabbed his hands and placed them on either side of her thighs.

  “… you don’t get to watch.”

  Did that mean he could touch?

  She ran his hands from her thighs all the way up her sides, stopping right below her breasts, and then she lifted his hands to her chest and up to her face. “Feel that, Jake Titus?”

  Hell yeah, he felt that.

  He felt his eyes flare with desire as his body hummed with need to have her.

  “Now you don’t have to watch.” Char stepped away. “You and your perverted little mind can imagine. Now, out.” She pointed to the door and crossed her arms.

  Was she serious?

  She wanted him to stand? Right now? And actually walk to the door? And close it behind him? Without…

  “I’m waiting.” She winked.

  Well played, damn it.

  With difficulty he rose to his feet and slowly shuffled out of the room. It wasn’t until the door clicked shut behind him that he managed to exhale, and even then he had to lean against the wall so he didn’t collapse in a pool of his own unsatiated lust.

  “Things go well?” a voice called from down the hall.

  Travis walked slowly toward him and smirked. “Ah, so you’ve finally lost it.”

  “Huh?” Was he sweating? What the hell! When had a woman ever affected him like this!

  “Your game, skills, wooing magic, ability to charm a nun out of her skirts—”

  “Point made,” Jake interrupted.

  “So…” Travis crossed his arms. “You and Char, huh?”

  Jake was silent.

  “Don’t do it.”

  “Clearly, I’m not doing anything. That’s the damn problem,” Jake muttered.

  Travis swore. “Just… don’t do anything rash before the wedding, okay? I can’t even imagine how pissed Kacey would be if she found out you were trying to dally with her best friend and maid of honor.”

  “There was no dallying, believe me.” Was that bitterness seeping out of his every word?

  “Good.” Travis slapped him on the back. “Because I’ve already got someone lined up for her. Someone stable who doesn’t date chicks with names like Jak-Jak or Honey.”

  “What the hell’s that supposed to mean?” Jake pushed away from the wall.

  “It means,” Travis stepped closer to him, “stay the hell away from her. You just want her because she’s playing hard to get. The minute she makes it easy, you’ll be gone, and I’m going to have to deal with two hysterical women, not to mention Grandma, on the happiest day of my life. Just… Jake, for once in your life, leave it alone, okay?”

  What the hell? A pain hit him sharp in the gut. Was it disappointment? Guilt? Shame? He wasn’t really sure, but the last thing he wanted was to continue to let everyone down in his life. He backed away and sighed.

  “She’s not my type anyway.”

  Travis rolled his eyes. Yeah, he wouldn’t believe himself either, mainly because he was lying his ass off.

  “And,” he shrugged. “We’re too good as friends. I wouldn’t want to ruin that. Never actually had a friend that was a girl; I mean we can only count Kacey for so long. I just wanted to do something nice for her birthday. That’s all, I swear.”

  “Really?” Travis’s eyes narrowed.

  “Of course.” Jake forced a smile. “Besides, you know I love blondes.”

  “Travis!” Grandma yelled from the other room. “Couch! Now!”

  “No sleeping anywhere near Kacey until after the wedding. Grandma’s orders,” Travis mumbled. “If you hear a man weeping in the middle of the night, ignore it.”

  Jake winced. “At least you only have less than two weeks left of torture.”

  “Right. Tell that to my—”

  “Travis!” Grandma yelled again.

  Mumbling an oath, Travis made his way down the stairs and toward the couch. Jake turned back toward the door and knocked.

  Char was already in the bed with the lights off. Disappointed, Jake took off his shirt and pants. Clad only in his boxers, he lay down on the bed and pulled the throw blanket over his body.

  She had fallen asleep. How could she sleep at a time like this? Wasn’t her body still humming with desire? Did she have no feelings for him whatsoever? And why the hell did he care? With a yawn he attempted to close his eyes and sleep.

  Chapter Twenty

  Char wiped a warm tear from her eye and tried to keep herself from making too much noise as she sniffled under the blanket.

  It was pathetic, really.

  She was crying over Jake Titus—again.

  Only this time, he hadn’t been rude, just honest. It still hurt like hell. It still made her want to drown her sorrows in ice cream and have a good cry, not that any of that would fix anything.


  A good friend.

  And he liked blondes.

  She wasn’t sure why it hurt so much to get rejected again. Maybe it was because of the way he’d kissed her or how sweet he’d been to her today. Then again, it had been her birthday. He was just trying to be nice because it was quite possible, that underneath all that vanity and whorishness, Jake was actually a decent guy.
r />
  He just wasn’t her guy.

  Careful not to make any noise, Char pulled her phone out from underneath the blankets and texted Kacey.

  Excited to meet Jace!

  There. Sent. She would move on, because if she didn’t she really would be the crazy cat lady, still waiting on Jake to open his damn eyes and proclaim his undying love. Her chances of that happening were probably just as good as Brad leaving Angelina for her.

  With a sigh she set her alarm for six so she could get up in time to run back to her apartment and change for work. Alarm set, she tucked the phone back underneath the blankets and tried to fall asleep.

  * * *

  The sound of Maroon 5 jolted Char awake so abruptly that she almost fell off the bed. In fact, she totally would have except a warm muscular leg was pinning her to the mattress. Somehow, in the middle of the night, she’d thrashed all the covers off of her body and was now firmly planted underneath 185 pounds of lean male muscle.

  Maybe she should just enjoy the moment since it would never happen again?

  His breathing deepened. When Char tried to pull free, Jake’s arm snaked around her waist and pulled her firmly against his body.

  With a moan he pressed his nose into her hair and sighed. Holy crap. Frantic, she looked around the room, then realized she still had her cell phone in her hand. One-handed she pressed a few icons on her screen and turned on the really annoying alarm clock that made people wake up screaming—you know, payback and all that. She pressed it and held it close to his ear.

  The minute the alarm went off his eyes snapped open, but he didn’t move. Instead he stared directly into her eyes as if she was some sort of dream. His pupils dilated and his breathing picked up. Every muscle on top of her tensed. Char could swear she heard his heartbeat as he continued to stare at her.

  And then, as if snapping himself out of his stupor, he jerked back and looked away. “Thanks for that wake up call. That didn’t make me want to murder you on the spot.”

  “Anytime,” Char snorted. “You were sleeping like the dead.”

  “I was warm.”

  “You were using me as a blanket.” Char pointed out, standing.