Read The Wallet of Kai Lung Page 17


  When Kai Lung, the story-teller, made an end of speaking, he wasimmediately greeted with a variety of delicate and pleasing remarks, allpersons who had witnessed the matter, down even to the lowest type ofMiaotze, who by reason of their obscure circumstances had been unable tounderstand the meaning of a word that had been spoken, maintainingthat Kai Lung's accomplishment of continuing for upwards of three hourswithout a pause had afforded an entertainment of a very high and refinedorder. While these polished sayings were being composed, together withmany others of a similar nature, Lin Yi suddenly leapt to his feet witha variety of highly objectionable remarks concerning the ancestors ofall those who were present, and declaring that the story of Lingwas merely a well-considered stratagem to cause them to forget theexpedition which they had determined upon, for by that time it shouldhave been completely carried out. It was undoubtedly a fact that thehour spoken of for the undertaking had long passed, Lin Yi havingcompletely overlooked the speed of time in his benevolent anxiety thatthe polite and valorous Ling should in the end attain to a high andremunerative destiny.

  In spite of Kai Lung's consistent denials of any treachery, he could notbut be aware that the incident tended greatly to his disadvantage inthe eyes of those whom he had fixed a desire to conciliate, nor didhis well-intentioned offer that he would without hesitation repeat thedisplay for a like number of hours effect his amiable purpose. How thecomplication would finally have been determined without interruption isa matter merely of imagination, for at that moment an outpost, who hadbeen engaged in guarding the secrecy of the expedition, threw himselfinto the enclosure in a torn and breathless condition, having runthrough the forest many li in a winding direction for the explicitpurpose of warning Lin Yi that his intentions had become known, and thathe and his followers would undoubtedly be surprised and overcome if theyleft the camp.

  At this intimation of the eminent service which Kai Lung had renderedthem, the nature of their faces towards him at once changed completely,those who only a moment before had been demanding his death particularlyhailing him as their inspired and unobtrusive protector, and in allprobability, indeed, a virtuous and benignant spirit in disguise.

  Bending under the weight of offerings which Lin Yi and his followerspressed upon him, together with many clearly set out desires for hisfuture prosperity, and assured of their unalterable protection on allfuture occasions, Kai Lung again turned his face towards the lanternsof Knei Yang. Far down the side of the mountain they followed hisfootsteps, now by a rolling stone, now by a snapping branch of yellowpine. Once again they heard his voice, cheerfully repeating to himself;"Among the highest virtues of a pure existence--" But beyond that pointthe gentle forest breath bore him away.