Read The Wallet of Kai Lung Page 20


  Related by Kai Lung at Shan Tzu, on the occasion of his receiving a very unexpected reward.

  "There are certainly many occasions when the principles of the MandarinChan Hung appear to find practical favour in the eyes of those who formthis usually uncomplaining person's audiences at Shan Tzu," remarked KaiLung, with patient resignation, as he took up his collecting-bowl andtransferred the few brass coins which it held to a concealed place amonghis garments. "Has the village lately suffered from a visit of oneof those persons who come armed with authority to remove by force orstratagem such goods as bear names other than those possessed by theirholders? or is it, indeed--as they of Wu-whei confidently assert--thatwhen the Day of Vows arrives the people of Shan Tzu, with one accord,undertake to deny themselves in the matter of gifts and free offerings,in spite of every conflicting impulse?"

  "They of Wu-whei!" exclaimed a self-opinionated bystander, who hadby some means obtained an inferior public office, and who was, inconsequence, enabled to be present on all occasions without contributingany offering. "Well is that village named 'The Refuge of Unworthiness,'for its dwellers do little but rob and illtreat strangers, and spreadevil and lying reports concerning better endowed ones than themselves."

  "Such a condition of affairs may exist," replied Kai Lung, withoutany indication of concern either one way or the other; "yet it is anundeniable fact that they reward this commonplace story-teller's toooften underestimated efforts in a manner which betrays them either tobe of noble birth, or very desirous of putting to shame their lessprosperous neighbouring places."

  "Such exhibitions of uncalled-for lavishness are merely the signs of anill-regulated and inordinate vanity," remarked a Mandarin of the eighthgrade, who chanced to be passing, and who stopped to listen to KaiLung's words. "Nevertheless, it is not fitting that a collection ofdecaying hovels, which Wu-whei assuredly is, should, in however smalla detail, appear to rise above Shan Tzu, so that if the versatile andunassuming Kai Lung will again honour this assembly by allowing hiswell-constructed bowl to pass freely to and fro, this obscure andotherwise entirely superfluous individual will make it his especial carethat the brass of Wu-whei shall be answered with solid copper, and itsdebased pewter with doubly refined silver."

  With these encouraging words the very opportune Mandarin of the eighthgrade himself followed the story-teller's collecting-bowl, observingclosely what each person contributed, so that, although he gave nothingfrom his own store, Kai Lung had never before received so honourable anamount.

  "O illustrious Kai Lung," exclaimed a very industrious and ill-cladherb-gatherer, who, in spite of his poverty, could not refrain frommingling with listeners whenever the story-teller appeared in Shan Tzu,"a single piece of brass money is to this person more than a blockof solid gold to many of Wu-whei; yet he has twice made the customaryoffering, once freely, once because a courteous and pure-mindedindividual who possesses certain written papers of his connected withthe repayment of some few taels walked behind the bowl and engagedhis eyes with an unmistakable and very significant glance. This factemboldens him to make the following petition: that in place of the notaltogether unknown story of Yung Chang which had been announced theproficient and nimble-minded Kai Lung will entice our attention with thehistory of the Mandarin Chan Hung, to which reference has already beenmade."

  "The occasion is undoubtedly one which calls for recognition to anunusual degree," replied Kai Lung with extreme affability. "To that endthis person will accordingly narrate the story which has been suggested,notwithstanding the fact that it has been specially prepared forthe ears of the sublime Emperor, who is at this moment awaiting thisunseemly one's arrival in Peking with every mark of ill-restrainedimpatience, tempered only by his expectation of being the first to hearthe story of the well-meaning but somewhat premature Chan Hung.

  "The Mandarin in question lived during the reign of the accomplishedEmperor Tsint-Sin, his Yamen being at Fow Hou, in the Province ofShan-Tung, of which place he was consequently the chief official. In hisconscientious desire to administer a pure and beneficent rule, he notinfrequently made himself a very prominent object for public disregard,especially by his attempts to introduce untried things, when fromtime to time such matters arose within his mind and seemed to promiseagreeable and remunerative results. In this manner it came about thatthe streets of Fow Hou were covered with large flat stones, to the greatinconvenience of those persons who had, from a very remote period, beenin the habit of passing the night on the soft clay which at allseasons of the year afforded a pleasant and efficient resting-place.Nevertheless, in certain matters his engaging efforts were attended byan obvious success. Having noticed that misfortunes and losses are muchless keenly felt when they immediately follow in the steps of an earlierevil, the benevolent and humane-minded Chan Hung devised an ingeniousmethod of lightening the burden of a necessary taxation by arrangingthat those persons who were the most heavily involved should be made thevictims of an attack and robbery on the night before the matter becamedue. By this thoughtful expedient the unpleasant duty of parting from somany taels was almost imperceptibly led up to, and when, after the lapseof some slight period, the first sums of money were secretly returned,with a written proverb appropriate to the occasion, the public rejoicingof those who, had the matter been left to its natural course,would still have been filling the air with bitter and unendurablelamentations, plainly testified to the inspired wisdom of theenlightened Mandarin.

  "The well-merited success of this amiable expedient caused the MandarinChan Hung every variety of intelligent emotion, and no day passedwithout him devoting a portion of his time to the labour of discoveringother advantages of a similar nature. Engrossed in deep and very sublimethought of this order, he chanced upon a certain day to be journeyingthrough Fow Hou, when he met a person of irregular intellect, whomade an uncertain livelihood by following the unassuming andcharitably-disposed from place to place, chanting in a loud voice setverses recording their virtues, which he composed in their honour. Onaccount of his undoubted infirmities this person was permitted a greaterfreedom of speech with those above him than would have been the case hadhis condition been merely ordinary; so that when Chan Hung observed himbecoming very grossly amused on his approach, to such an extent indeed,that he neglected to perform any of the fitting acts of obeisance,the wise and noble-minded Mandarin did not in any degree suffer hiscomplacency to be affected, but, drawing near, addressed him in a calmand dignified manner.

  "'Why, O Ming-hi,' he said, 'do you permit your gravity to be removedto such an exaggerated degree at the sight of this in no way strikingor exceptional person? and why, indeed, do you stand in so unbecomingan attitude in the presence of one who, in spite of his depravedinferiority, is unquestionably your official superior, and could,without any hesitation, condemn you to the tortures or even tobowstringing on the spot?'

  "'Mandarin,' exclaimed Ming-hi, stepping up to Chan Hung, and, withoutany hesitation, pressing the gilt button which adorned the official'sbody garment, accompanying the action by a continuous muffled noisewhich suggested the repeated striking of a hidden bell, 'you wonder thatthis person stands erect on your approach, neither rolling his loweredhead repeatedly from side to side, nor tracing circles in the dustof Fow Hou with his submissive stomach? Know then, the meaning of theproverb, "Distrust an inordinate appearance of servility. The estimableperson who retires from your presence walking backwards may adopt thatdeferential manner in order to keep concealed the long double-edgedknife with which he had hoped to slay you." The excessive amusement thatseized this offensive person when he beheld your well-defined figure inthe distance arose from his perception of your internal satisfaction,which is, indeed, unmistakably reflected in your symmetricalcountenance. For, O Mandarin, in spite of your honourable endeavoursto turn things which are devious into a straight line, the matters uponwhich you engage your versatile intellect--little as you suspect thefact--are as grains of the fine
st Foo-chow sand in comparison with thatwhich escapes your attention.'

  "'Strange are your words, O Ming-hi, and dark to this person yourmeaning,' replied Chan Hung, whose feelings were evenly balanced betweena desire to know what thing he had neglected and a fear that his dignitymight suffer if he were observed to remain long conversing with a personof Ming-hi's low mental attainments. 'Without delay, and with an entireabsence of lengthy and ornamental forms of speech, express the omissionto which you have made reference; for this person has an uneasy insideemotion that you are merely endeavouring to engage his attention tothe end that you may make an unseemly and irrelevant reply, and therebyinvolve him in an undeserved ridicule.'

  "'Such a device would be the pastime of one of immature years, and couldhave no place in this person's habit of conduct,' replied Ming-hi, withevery appearance of a fixed sincerity. 'Moreover, the matter is onewhich touches his own welfare closely, and, expressed in the fashionwhich the proficient Mandarin has commanded, may be set forth asfollows: By a wise and all-knowing divine system, it is arranged thatcertain honourable occupations, which by their nature cannot becomeremunerative to any marked degree, shall be singled out for specialmarks of reverence, so that those who engage therein may be compensatedin dignity for what they must inevitably lack in taels. By thisrefined dispensation the literary occupations, which are in general thehighroads to the Establishment of Public Support and Uniform Apparel,are held in the highest veneration. Agriculture, from which it ispossible to wrest a competency, follows in esteem; while the variousbranches of commerce, leading as they do to vast possessions and theattendant luxury, are very justly deprived of all the attributesof dignity and respect. Yet observe, O justice-loving Mandarin, howunbecomingly this ingenious system of universal compensation has beendebased at the instance of grasping and avaricious ones. Dignity, richesand ease now go hand in hand, and the highest rewarded in all mattersare also the most esteemed, whereas, if the discriminating provision ofthose who have gone before and so arranged it was observed, the directcontrary would be the case.'

  "'It is a state of things which is somewhat difficult to imagine ingeneral matters of life, in spite of the fair-seemingness of yourwords,' said the Mandarin thoughtfully; 'nor can this rather obtuse andslow-witted person fully grasp the practical application of the systemon the edge of the moment. In what manner would it operate in the caseof ordinary persons, for example?'

  "'There should be a fixed and settled arrangement that the low-mindedand degrading occupations--such as that of following charitable personsfrom place to place, chanting verses composed in their honour, that ofmisleading travellers who inquire the way, so that they fall into thehands of robbers, and the like callings--should be the most highlyrewarded to the end that those who are engaged therein may obtainsome solace for the loss of dignity they experience, and the meanintellectual position which they are compelled to maintain. By thisdevice they would be enabled to possess certain advantages and degreesof comfort which at present are utterly beyond their grasp, so that inthe end they would escape being entirely debased. To turn to the otherfoot, those who are now high in position, and engaged in professionswhich enjoy the confidence of all persons, have that which in itself issufficient to insure contentment. Furthermore, the most proficientand engaging in every department, mean or high-minded, have certainattributes of respect among those beneath them, so that they mightjustly be content with the lowest reward in whatever calling theyprofessed, the least skilful and most left-handed being compensated forthe mental anguish which they must undoubtedly suffer by receiving thegreatest number of taels.'

  "'Such a scheme would, as far as the matter has been expressed, appearto possess all the claims of respect, and to be, indeed, what wasoriginally intended by those who framed the essentials of existence,'said Chan Hung, when he had for some space of time considered thedetails. 'In one point, however, this person fails to perceive howthe arrangement could be amiably conducted in Fow Hou. The one whois addressing you maintains, as a matter of right, a position ofexceptional respect, nor, if he must express himself upon such a detail,are his excessively fatiguing duties entirely unremunerative...'

  "'In the case of the distinguished and unalterable Mandarin,' exclaimedMing-hi, with no appearance of hesitation, 'the matter would ofnecessity be arranged otherwise. Being from that time, as it were, thecontroller of the destinies and remunerations of all those in Fow Hou,he would, manifestly, be outside the working of the scheme; standingapart and regulating, like the person who turns the handle of thecorn-mill, but does not suffer himself to be drawn between thestones, he could still maintain both his respect and his remunerationunaltered.'

  "'If the detail could honourably be regarded in such a light,' said ChanHung, 'this person would, without delay, so rearrange matters in FowHou, and thereby create universal justice and an unceasing contentmentwithin the minds of all.'

  "'Undoubtedly such a course could be justly followed,' assented Ming-hi,'for in precisely that manner of working was the complete schemerevealed to this highly-favoured person.'

  "Entirely wrapped up in thoughts concerning the inception and manner ofoperation of this project Chan Hung began to retrace his steps towardsthe Yamen, failing to observe in his benevolent abstraction of mind,that the unaffectedly depraved person Ming-hi was stretching out hisfeet towards him and indulging in every other form of low-minded andundignified contempt.

  "Before he reached the door of his residence the Mandarin overtookone who occupied a high position of confidence and remuneration in theDepartment of Public Fireworks and Coloured Lights. Fully assured ofthis versatile person's enthusiasm on behalf of so humane and charitablea device, Chan Hung explained the entire matter to him without delay,and expressly desired that if there were any details which appearedcapable of improvement, he would declare himself clearly regarding them.

  "'Alas!' exclaimed the person with whom the Mandarin was conversing,speaking in so unfeignedly disturbed and terrified a voice that severalwho were passing by stopped in order to learn the full circumstance,'have this person's ears been made the object of some unnaturallylight-minded demon's ill-disposed pastime, or does the usuallywell-balanced Chan Hung in reality contemplate so violent and un-Chinesean action? What but evil could arise from a single word of the changewhich he proposes to the extent of a full written book? The entire fixednature of events would become reversed; persons would no longer be fullyaccountable to one another; and Fow Hou being thus thrown into a mostunendurable state of confusion, the protecting Deities would doubtlesswithdraw their influence, and the entire region would soon be given overto the malicious guardianship of rapacious and evilly-disposed spirits.Let this person entreat the almost invariably clear-sighted Chan Hungto return at once to his adequately equipped and sumptuous Yamen, andbarring well the door of his inner chamber, so that it can only beopened from the outside, partake of several sleeping essences of unusualstrength, after which he will awake in an undoubtedly refreshed stateof mind, and in a condition to observe matters with his accustomeddiamond-like penetration.'

  "'By no means!' cried one of those who had stopped to learn the occasionof the incident--a very inferior maker of unserviceable imitationpigtails--'the devout and conscientious-minded Mandarin Chan Hung speaksas the inspired mouth-piece of the omnipotent Buddha, and must, forthat reason, be obeyed in every detail. This person would unhesitatinglycounsel the now invaluable Mandarin to proceed to his well-constructedresidence without delay, and there calling together his entire staff ofthose who set down his spoken words, put the complete Heaven-sentplan into operation, and beyond recall, before he retires to his innerchamber.'

  "Upon this there arose a most inelegant display of undignified emotionson the part of the assembly which had by this time gathered together.While those who occupied honourable and remunerative positions veryearnestly entreated the Mandarin to act in the manner which had beensuggested by the first speaker, others--who had, in the meantime, madeuse of imagined figures, and thereby discov
ered that the proposed changewould be greatly to their advantage--raised shouts of encouragementtowards the proposal of the pigtail-maker, urging the noble Mandarin notto become small in the face towards the insignificant few who were everopposed to enlightened reform, but to maintain an unflaccid upper lip,and carry the entire matter through to its destined end. In the courseof this very unseemly tumult, which soon involved all persons presentin hostile demonstrations towards each other, both the Mandarin andthe official from the Fireworks and Coloured Lights Department foundan opportunity to pass away secretly, the former to consider well thevarious sides of the matter, towards which he became better disposedwith every thought, the latter to find a purchaser of his appointmentand leave Fow Hou before the likelihood of Chan Hung's scheme becamegenerally known.

  "At this point an earlier circumstance, which affected the futureunrolling of events to no insignificant degree, must be made known,concerning as it does Lila, the fair and very accomplished daughterof Chan Hung. Possessing no son or heir to succeed him, the Mandarinexhibited towards Lila a very unusual depth of affection, so marked,indeed, that when certain evil-minded ones endeavoured to encompasshis degradation, on the plea of eccentricity of character, the writtenpapers which they dispatched to the high ones at Peking contained noother accusation in support of the contention than that the individualin question regarded his daughter with an obvious pride and pleasurewhich no person of well-balanced intellect lavished on any but a son.

  "It was his really conscientious desire to establish Lila's welfareabove all things that had caused Chan Hung to become in some degreeundecided when conversing with Ming-hi on the detail of the scheme; for,unaffected as the Mandarin himself would have been at the prospect ofan honourable poverty, it was no part of his intention that the adorableand exceptionally-refined Lila should be drawn into such an existence.That, indeed, had been the essential of his reply on a certain and notfar removed occasion, when two persons of widely differing positionshad each made a formal request that he might be allowed to presentmarriage-pledging gifts to the very desirable Lila. Maintaining anenlightened openness of mind upon the subject, the Mandarin had repliedthat nothing but the merit of undoubted suitableness of a person wouldaffect him in such a decision. As it was ordained by the wise andunchanging Deities that merit should always be fittingly rewarded,he went on to express himself, and as the most suitable person wasobviously the one who could the most agreeably provide for her, thetwo circumstances inevitably tended to the decision that the one chosenshould be the person who could amass the greatest number of taels. Tothis end he instructed them both to present themselves at the end ofa year, bringing with them the entire profits of their undertakingsbetween the two periods.

  "This deliberate pronouncement affected the two persons in question inan entirely opposite manner, for one of them was little removed from acondition of incessant and most uninviting poverty, while the other wasthe very highly-rewarded picture-maker Pe-tsing. Both to this latterperson, and to the other one, Lee Sing, the ultimate conclusion of thematter did not seem to be a question of any conjecture therefore, and,in consequence, the one became most offensively self-confident, andthe other leaden-minded to an equal degree, neither remembering theunswerving wisdom of the proverb, 'Wait! all men are but as the black,horn-cased beetles which overrun the inferior cooking-rooms of the city,and even at this moment the heavily-shod and unerring foot of Buddha maybe lifted.'

  "Lee Sing was, by profession, one of those who hunt and ensnare thebrilliantly-coloured winged insects which are to be found in variousparts of the Empire in great variety and abundance, it being his dutyto send a certain number every year to Peking to contribute to theamusement of the dignified Emperor. In spite of the not too intelligentnature of the occupation, Lee Sing took an honourable pride in allmatters connected with it. He disdained, with well-expressed contempt,to avail himself of the stealthy and somewhat deceptive methods employedby others engaged in a similar manner of life. In this way he had, fromnecessity, acquired agility to an exceptional degree, so that he couldleap far into the air, and while in that position select from a passingband of insects any which he might desire. This useful accomplishmentwas, in a measure, the direct means of bringing together the person inquestion and the engaging Lila; for, on a certain occasion, when LeeSing was passing through the streets of Fow Hou, he heard a greatoutcry, and beheld persons of all ranks running towards him, pointingat the same time in an upward direction. Turning his gaze in the mannerindicated, Lee beheld, with every variety of astonishment, a powerfuland unnaturally large bird of prey, carrying in its talons thelovely and now insensible Lila, to whom it had been attracted by themagnificence of her raiment. The rapacious and evilly-inspired creaturewas already above the highest dwelling-houses when Lee first beheld it,and was plainly directing its course towards the inaccessible mountaincrags beyond the city walls. Nevertheless, Lee resolved upon aninspired effort, and without any hesitation bounded towards it with suchwell-directed proficiency, that if he had not stretched forth his handon passing he would inevitably have been carried far above the desiredobject. In this manner he succeeded in dragging the repulsive andcompletely disconcerted monster to the ground, where its graceful andunassuming prisoner was released, and the presumptuous bird itselftorn to pieces amid continuous shouts of a most respectful and engagingdescription in honour of Lee and of his versatile attainment.

  "In consequence of this incident the grateful Lila would oftendeliberately leave the society of the rich and well-endowed in orderto accompany Lee on his journeys in pursuit of exceptionally-preciouswinged insects. Regarding his unusual ability as the undoubted cause ofher existence at that moment, she took an all-absorbing pride in suchdisplays, and would utter loud and frequent exclamations of triumph whenLee leaped out from behind some rock, where he had lain concealed, andwith unfailing regularity secured the object of his adroit movement. Inthis manner a state of feeling which was by no means favourable tothe aspiring picture-maker Pe-tsing had long existed between the twopersons; but when Lee Sing put the matter in the form of an explicitpetition before Chan Hung (to which adequate reference has already beenmade), the nature of the decision then arrived at seemed to clothethe realization of their virtuous and estimable desires with an air ofextreme improbability.

  "'Oh, Lee,' exclaimed the greatly-disappointed maiden when her lover hadexplained to her the nature of the arrangement--for in her unassumingadmiration of the noble qualities of Lee she had anticipated that ChanHung would at once have received him with ceremonious embraces andassurances of his permanent affection--'how unendurable a state ofthings is this in which we have become involved! Far removed from thisone's anticipations was the thought of becoming inalienably associatedwith that outrageous person Pe-tsing, or of entering upon an existencewhich will necessitate a feigned admiration of his really unpresentableefforts. Yet in such a manner must the entire circumstance complete itscourse unless some ingenious method of evading it can be discovered inthe meantime. Alas, my beloved one! the occupation of ensnaring wingedinsects is indeed an alluring one, but as far as this person hasobserved, it is also exceedingly unproductive of taels. Could not somemore expeditious means of enriching yourself be discovered? Frequentlyhas the unnoticed but nevertheless very attentive Lila heard her fatherand the round-bodied ones who visit him speak of exploits which seemto consist of assuming the shapes of certain wild animals, and in thatguise appearing from time to time at the place of exchange withinthe city walls. As this form of entertainment is undoubtedly veryremunerative in its results, could not the versatile and ready-wittedLee conceal himself within the skin of a bear, or some other untamedbeast, and in this garb, joining them unperceived, play an appointedpart and receive a just share of the reward?'

  "'The result of such an enterprise might, if the matter chanced to takean unforeseen development, prove of a very doubtful nature,' repliedLee Sing, to whom, indeed, the proposed venture appeared in a somewhatundignified light, although, with refined consideration, he
withheldsuch a thought from Lila, who had proposed it for him, and alsoconfessed that her usually immaculate father had taken part in such anexhibition. 'Nevertheless, do not permit the dark shadow of an inwardcloud to reflect itself upon your almost invariably amiable countenance,for this person has become possessed of a valuable internal suggestionwhich, although he has hitherto neglected, being content with a smallbut assured competency, would doubtless bring together a serviceablenumber of taels if rightly utilized.'

  "'Greatly does this person fear that the valuable internal suggestionof Lee Sing will weigh but lightly in the commercial balance againstthe very rapidly executed pictures of Pe-tsing,' said Lila, who had notfully recalled from her mind a disturbing emotion that Lee wouldhave been well advised to have availed himself of her ingenious andwell-thought-out suggestion. 'But of what does the matter consist?'

  "'It is the best explained by a recital of the circumstances leading upto it,' said Lee. 'Upon an occasion when this person was passing throughthe streets of Fow Hou, there gathered around him a company of those whohad, on previous occasions, beheld his exceptional powers of hurtlinghimself through the air in an upward direction, praying that he wouldagain delight their senses by a similar spectacle. Not being unwillingto afford those estimable persons of the amusement they desired, thisone, without any elaborate show of affected hesitancy, put himselfinto the necessary position, and would without doubt have risenuninterruptedly almost into the Middle Air, had he not, in making thepreparatory movements, placed his left foot upon an over-ripe wampeewhich lay unperceived on the ground. In consequence of this reallyblameworthy want of caution the entire manner and direction of thisshort-sighted individual's movements underwent a sudden and completechange, so that to those who stood around it appeared as though he weremaking a well-directed endeavour to penetrate through the upper surfaceof the earth. This unexpected display had the effect of removing thegravity of even the most aged and severe-minded persons present, and forthe space of some moments the behaviour and positions of those who stoodaround were such that they were quite unable to render any assistance,greatly as they doubtless wished to do so. Being in this manner alloweda period for inward reflexion of a very concentrated order, it arosewithin this one's mind that at every similar occurrence which he hadwitnessed, those who observed the event had been seized in a likefashion, being very excessively amused. The fact was made even moreundoubted by the manner of behaving of an exceedingly stout andround-faced person, who had not been present from the beginning, but whowas affected to a most incredible extent when the details, as they hadoccurred, were made plain to him, he declaring, with many references tothe Sacred Dragon and the Seven Walled Temple at Peking, that he wouldwillingly have contributed a specified number of taels rather thanhave missed the diversion. When at length this person reached his ownchamber, he diligently applied himself to the task of carrying intopractical effect the suggestion which had arisen in his mind. By anarrangement of transparent glasses and reflecting surfaces--which, wereit not for a well-defined natural modesty, he would certainly be temptedto describe as highly ingenious--he ultimately succeeded in bringingabout the effect he desired.'

  "With these words Lee put into Lila's hands an object which closelyresembled the contrivances by which those who are not sufficientlypowerful to obtain positions near the raised platform, in the Halls ofCelestial Harmony, are nevertheless enabled to observe the complexionsand attire of all around them. Regulating it by means of a hiddenspring, he requested her to follow closely the actions of aheavily-burdened passerby who was at that moment some little distancebeyond them. Scarcely had Lila raised the glass to her eyes than shebecame irresistibly amused to a most infectious degree, greatly to thesatisfaction of Lee, who therein beheld the realization of his hopes.Not for the briefest space of time would she permit the object to passfrom her, but directed it at every person who came within her sight,with frequent and unfeigned exclamations of wonder and delight.

  "'How pleasant and fascinating a device is this!' exclaimed Lila atlength. 'By what means is so diverting and gravity-removing a resultobtained?'

  "'Further than that it is the concentration of much labour ofcontinually trying with glasses and reflecting surfaces, this person istotally unable to explain it,' replied Lee. 'The chief thing, however,is that at whatever moving object it is directed--no matter whether aperson so observed is being carried in a chair, riding upon an animal,or merely walking--at a certain point he has every appearance of beingunexpectedly hurled to the ground in a most violent and mirth-provokingmanner. Would not the stout and round-faced one, who would cheerfullyhave contributed a certain number of taels to see this person manifest asimilar exhibition, unhesitatingly lay out that sum to secure the meansof so gratifying his emotions whenever he felt the desire, even withthe revered persons of the most dignified ones in the Empire? Is there,indeed, a single person between the Wall and the Bitter Waters on theSouth who is so devoid of ambition that he would miss the opportunity ofsubjecting, as it were, perhaps even the sacred Emperor himself to theexceptional feat?'

  "'The temptation to possess one would inevitably prove overwhelming toany person of ordinary intelligence,' admitted Lila. 'Yet, in spite ofthis one's unassumed admiration for the contrivance, internal doubtsregarding the ultimate happiness of the two persons who are nowdiscussing the matter again attack her. She recollects, somewhat dimly,an almost forgotten, but nevertheless, very unassailable proverb, whichdeclares that more contentment of mind can assuredly be obtained fromthe unexpected discovery of a tael among the folds of a discardedgarment than could, in the most favourable circumstances, ensue fromthe well-thought-out construction of a new and hitherto unknowndevice. Furthermore, although the span of a year may seem unaccountablyprotracted when persons who reciprocate engaging sentiments areparted, yet when the acceptance or refusal of Pe-tsing's undesirablepledging-gifts hangs upon the accomplishment of a remote and not veryprobable object within that period, it becomes as a breath of windpassing through an autumn forest.'

  "Since the day when Lila and Lee had sat together side by side, andconversed in this unrestrained and irreproachable manner, the greatsky-lantern had many times been obscured for a period. Only aninsignificant portion of the year remained, yet the affairs of Lee Singwere in no more prosperous a condition than before, nor had he found anopportunity to set aside any store of taels. Each day the unsupportablePe-tsing became more and more obtrusive and self-conceited, even tothe extent of throwing far into the air coins of insignificant valuewhenever he chanced to pass Lee in the street, at the same time urginghim to leap after them and thereby secure at least one or two pieces ofmoney against the day of calculating. In a similar but entirely oppositefashion, Lila and Lee experienced the acutest pangs of an ever-growingdespair, until their only form of greeting consisted in gazing into eachother's eyes with a soul-benumbing expression of self-reproach.

  "Yet at this very time, when even the natural and unalterable powersseemed to be conspiring against the success of Lee's modest andinoffensive hopes, an event was taking place which was shortly toreverse the entire settled arrangement of persons and affairs, andinvolved Fow Hou in a very inextricable state of uncertainty. For, notto make a pretence of concealing a matter which has been already in partrevealed, the Mandarin Chan Hung had by this time determined to act inthe manner which Ming-hi had suggested; so that on a certain morningLee Sing was visited by two persons, bearing between them a very weightysack of taels, who also conveyed to him the fact that a like amountwould be deposited within his door at the end of each succeeding sevendays. Although Lee's occupation had in the past been very meagrelyrewarded, either by taels or by honour, the circumstance which resultedin his now receiving so excessively large a sum is not made clear untilthe detail of Ming-hi's scheme is closely examined. The matter thenbecomes plain, for it had been suggested by that person that the mostproficient in any occupation should be rewarded to a certain extent,and the least proficient to another stated extent, the original amountsbeing
reversed. When those engaged by Chang Hung to draw up the variousrates came to the profession of ensnaring winged insects, however, theydiscovered that Lee Sing was the only one of that description in FowHou, so that it became necessary in consequence to allot him a doubleportion, one amount as the most proficient, and a much larger amount asthe least proficient.

  "It is unnecessary now to follow the not altogether satisfactorycondition of affairs which began to exist in Fow Hou as soon as thescheme was put into operation. The full written papers dealing with thematter are in the Hall of Public Reference at Peking, and can be seen byany person on the payment of a few taels to everyone connected withthe establishment. Those who found their possessions reduced therebycompletely overlooked the obvious justice of the arrangement, andimmediately began to take most severe measures to have the order putaside; while those who suddenly and unexpectedly found themselvesraised to positions of affluence tended to the same end by conductingthemselves in a most incapable and undiscriminating manner. And duringthe entire period that this state of things existed in Fow Hou thereally contemptible Ming-hi continually followed Chan Hung about fromplace to place, spreading out his feet towards him, and allowing himselfto become openly amused to a most unseemly extent.

  "Chief among those who sought to have the original manner of rewardingpersons again established was the picture-maker, Pe-tsing, who now foundhimself in a condition of most abject poverty, so unbearable, indeed,that he frequently went by night, carrying a lantern, in the hope thathe might discover some of the small pieces of money which he had beenaccustomed to throw into the air on meeting Lee Sing. To his pangs ofhunger was added the fear that he would certainly lose Lila, so thatfrom day to day he redoubled his efforts, and in the end, by using falsestatements and other artifices of a questionable nature, the party whichhe led was successful in obtaining the degradation of Chan Hung and hisdismissal from office, together with an entire reversal of all his plansand enactments.

  "On the last day of the year which Chan Hung had appointed as the periodof test for his daughter's suitors, the person in question was seatedin a chamber of his new abode--a residence of unassuming appearance butundoubted comfort--surrounded by Lila and Lee, when the hanging curtainswere suddenly flung aside, and Pe-tsing, followed by two persons of lowrank bearing sacks of money, appeared among them.

  "'Chan Hung,' he said at length, 'in the past events arose whichcompelled this person to place himself against you in your officialposition. Nevertheless, he has always maintained towards you personallyan unchanging affection, and understanding full well that you are one ofthose who maintain their spoken word in spite of all happenings, he hasnow come to exhibit the taels which he has collected together, and toclaim the fulfilment of your deliberate promise.'

  "With these words the commonplace picture-maker poured forth thecontents of the sacks, and stood looking at Lila in a most confident andunprepossessing manner.

  "'Pe-tsing,' replied Chan Hung, rising from his couch and speaking in sosevere and impressive a voice that the two servants of Pe-tsing at oncefled in great apprehension, 'this person has also found it necessary, inhis official position, to oppose you; but here the similarity ends,for, on his part, he has never felt towards you the remotest degree ofaffection. Nevertheless, he is always desirous, as you say, that personsshould regard their spoken word, and as you seem to hold a promisefrom the Chief Mandarin of Fow Hou regarding marriage-gifts towardshis daughter, he would advise you to go at once to that person.A misunderstanding has evidently arisen, for the one whom you areaddressing is merely Chan Hung, and the words spoken by the Mandarinhave no sort of interest for him--indeed, he understands that all thatperson's acts have been reversed, so that he fails to see how anyoneat all can regard you and your claim in other than a gravity-removinglight. Furthermore, the maiden in question is now definitely andirretrievably pledged to this faithful and successful one by my side,who, as you will doubtless be gracefully overjoyed to learn, hasrecently disposed of a most ingenious and diverting contrivance for anenormous number of taels, so many, indeed, that both the immediate andthe far-distant future of all the persons who are here before you arenow in no sort of doubt whatever.'

  "At these words the three persons whom he had interrupted again turnedtheir attention to the matter before them; but as Pe-tsing walked away,he observed, though he failed to understand the meaning, that they allraised certain objects to their eyes, and at once became amused to amost striking and uncontrollable degree."