Read The Wallet of Kai Lung Page 3


  It was very late when Ling again reached the small room which he hadselected as soon as he reached Canton, but without waiting for food orsleep he made himself fully acquainted with the times of the forthcomingexaminations and the details of the circumstances connected with them.With much satisfaction he found that he had still a week in which torevive his intellect on the most difficult subjects. Having becomerelieved on these points, Ling retired for a few hours' sleep, but roseagain very early, and gave the whole day with great steadfastness tocontemplation of the sacred classics Y-King, with the exception of ashort period spent in purchasing ink, brushes and writing-leaves. Thefollowing day, having become mentally depressed through witnessingunaccountable hordes of candidates thronging the streets of Canton,Ling put aside his books, and passed the time in visiting all the mostcelebrated tombs in the neighbourhood of the city. Lightened in mindby this charitable and agreeable occupation, he returned to his studieswith a fixed resolution, nor did he again falter in his purpose. On theevening of the examination, when he was sitting alone, reading by theaid of a single light, as his custom was, a person arrived to see him,at the same time manifesting a considerable appearance of secrecyand reserve. Inwardly sighing at the interruption, Ling neverthelessreceived him with distinguished consideration and respect, setting teabefore him, and performing towards it many honourable actions with hisown hands. Not until some hours had sped in conversation relating tothe health of the Emperor, the unexpected appearance of a fiery dragonoutside the city, and the insupportable price of opium, did the visitorallude to the object of his presence.

  "It has been observed," he remarked, "that the accomplished Ling, whoaspires to a satisfactory rank at the examinations, has never beforemade the attempt. Doubtless in this case a preternatural wisdom willavail much, and its fortunate possessor will not go unrewarded. Yetit is as precious stones among ashes for one to triumph in suchcircumstances."

  "The fact is known to this person," replied Ling sadly, "and the thoughtof the years he may have to wait before he shall have passed even thefirst degree weighs down his soul with bitterness from time to time."

  "It is no infrequent thing for men of accomplished perseverance, butmerely ordinary intellects, to grow venerable within the four wallsof the examination cell," continued the other. "Some, again, becomeafflicted with various malignant evils, while not a few, chiefly thosewho are presenting themselves for the first time, are so overcome onperceiving the examination paper, and understanding the inadequatenature of their own accomplishments, that they become an easy prey tothe malicious spirits which are ever on the watch in those places; and,after covering their leaves with unpresentable remarks and drawingsof men and women of distinguished rank, have at length to be forciblycarried away by the attendants and secured with heavy chains."

  "Such things undoubtedly exist," agreed Ling; "yet by a due regard paidto spirits, both good and bad, a proper esteem for one's ancestors, anda sufficiency of charms about the head and body, it is possible to becloseted with all manner of demons and yet to suffer no evil."

  "It is undoubtedly possible to do so, according to the ImmortalPrinciples," admitted the stranger; "but it is not an undertaking inwhich a refined person would take intelligent pleasure; as the proverbsays, 'He is a wise and enlightened suppliant who seeks to discoveran honourable Mandarin, but he is a fool who cries out, "I have foundone."' However, it is obvious that the reason of my visit is understood,and that your distinguished confidence in yourself is merely a gracefulendeavour to obtain my services for a less amount of taels than I shouldotherwise have demanded. For half the usual sum, therefore, this personwill take your place in the examination cell, and enable your versatilename to appear in the winning lists, while you pass your moments inirreproachable pleasures elsewhere."

  Such a course had never presented itself to Ling. As the person whonarrates this story has already marked, he had passed his life beyondthe influence of the ways and manners of towns, and at the same timehe had naturally been endowed with an unobtrusive highmindedness. Itappeared to him, in consequence, that by accepting this engaging offerhe would be placing those who were competing with him at a disadvantage.This person clearly sees that it is a difficult matter for him toexplain how this could be, as Ling would undoubtedly reward the servicesof the one who took his place, nor would the number of the competitorsbe in any way increased; yet in such a way the thing took shape beforehis eyes. Knowing, however, that few persons would be able to understandthis action, and being desirous of not injuring the estimable emotionsof the obliging person who had come to him, Ling made a number ofpolished excuses in declining, hiding the true reason within himself. Inthis way he earned the powerful malignity of the person in question,who would not depart until he had effected a number of very disagreeableprophecies connected with unpropitious omens and internal torments, allof which undoubtedly had a great influence on Ling's life beyond thattime.

  Each day of the examination found Ling alternately elated or depressed,according to the length and style of the essay which he had writtenwhile enclosed in his solitary examination cell. The trials each lasteda complete day, and long before the fifteen days which composed the fullexamination were passed, Ling found himself half regretting that he hadnot accepted his visitor's offer, or even reviling the day on which hehad abandoned the hereditary calling of his ancestors. However, when,after all was over, he came to deliberate with himself on his chances ofattaining a degree, he could not disguise from his own mind that he hadwell-formed hopes; he was not conscious of any undignified errors, and,in reply to several questions, he had been able to introducecurious knowledge which he possessed by means of his exceptionalcircumstances--knowledge which it was unlikely that any other candidatewould have been able to make himself master of.

  At length the day arrived on which the results were to be made public;and Ling, together with all the other competitors and many distinguishedpersons, attended at the great Hall of Intellectual Coloured Lightsto hear the reading of the lists. Eight thousand candidates had beenexamined, and from this number less than two hundred were to be selectedfor appointments. Amid a most distinguished silence the winning nameswere read out. Waves of most undignified but inevitable emotion passedover those assembled as the list neared its end, and the chances ofsuccess became less at each spoken word; and then, finding that hiswas not among them, together with the greater part of those present, hebecame a prey to very inelegant thoughts, which were not lessened by therefined cries of triumph of the successful persons. Among this confusionthe one who had read the lists was observed to be endeavouring to makehis voice known, whereupon, in the expectation that he had omitted aname, the tumult was quickly subdued by those who again had pleasurablevisions.

  "There was among the candidates one of the name of Ling," said he, whenno-noise had been obtained. "The written leaves produced by this personare of a most versatile and conflicting order, so that, indeed, theaccomplished examiners themselves are unable to decide whether theyare very good or very bad. In this matter, therefore, it is clearlyimpossible to place the expert and inimitable Ling among the foremost,as his very uncertain success may have been brought about with theassistance of evil spirits; nor would it be safe to pass over hisefforts without reward, as he may be under the protection of powerfulbut exceedingly ill-advised deities. The estimable Ling is told toappear again at this place after the gong has been struck three times,when the matter will have been looked at from all round."

  At this announcement there arose another great tumult, several cryingout that assuredly their written leaves were either very good or verybad; but no further proclamation was made, and very soon the hall wascleared by force.

  At the time stated Ling again presented himself at the Hall, and washonourably received.

  "The unusual circumstances of the matter have already been put forth,"said an elderly Mandarin of engaging appearance, "so that nothingremains to be made known except the end of our despicable efforts tocome
to an agreeable conclusion. In this we have been made successful,and now desire to notify the result. A very desirable and notunremunerative office, rarely bestowed in this manner, is lately vacant,and taking into our minds the circumstances of the event, and the factthat Ling comes from a Province very esteemed for the warlike instinctsof its inhabitants, we have decided to appoint him commander of thevaliant and blood-thirsty band of archers now stationed at Si-chow, inthe Province of Hu-Nan. We have spoken. Let three guns go off in honourof the noble and invincible Ling, now and henceforth a commander inthe ever-victorious Army of the Sublime Emperor, brother of the Sun andMoon, and Upholder of the Four Corners of the World."