Read The Wanderer; or, Female Difficulties (Volume 3 of 5) Page 15


  Juliet, who perceived that the windows were still crowded with company,contentedly kept her place; and, taking up the second volume of theGuardian, found, in the lively instruction, the chaste morality, and theexquisite humour of Addison, an enjoyment which no repetition can cloy.

  In a short time, to her great discomposure, she was broken in upon byIreton; who, drawing before the door, which he shut, an easy chair, casthimself indolently upon it, and, stretching out his arms, said, 'Ah ha!the fair Ellis! How art thee, my dear?'

  Far more offended than surprised by this freedom, Juliet, perceivingthat she could not escape, affected to go on with her reading, as if hehad not entered the building.

  'Don't be angry, my dear,' he continued, 'that I did not speak to youbefore all those people. There's no noticing a pretty girl, in public,without raising such a devil of a clamour, that it's enough to put a manout of countenance. Besides, Mrs Ireton is such a very particular quiz,that she would be sure to contrive I should never have a peep at youagain, if once she suspected the pleasure I take in seeing you. However,I am going to turn a dutiful son, and spend some days here. And, by thatmeans, we can squeeze an opportunity, now and then, of getting a littlechat together.'

  Juliet could no longer refrain from raising her head, with amazement, atthis familiar assurance: but he went on, totally disregarding the rebukeof her indignant eye.

  'How do you like your place here, my dear? Mrs Ireton's rather qualmish,I am afraid. I never can bear to stay with her myself; except when Ihave some point to carry. I can't devise what the devil could urge youto come into such a business. And where's Harleigh? What's he about?Gone to old Nick I hope with all my heart! But you,--why are youseparated? What's the reason you are not with him?'

  Yet more provoked, though determined not to look up again, Juliet fixedher eyes upon the book.

  Ireton continued: 'What a sly dog he is, that Harleigh! But what thedeuce could provoke him to make me cut such a silly figure before LordMelbury, with my apologies, and all that? He took me in, poz! I thoughthe'd nothing to do with you. And if you had not had that fainting fit,at the concert; which I suppose you forgot to give him notice of, thatput him so off his guard, I should have believed all he vowed and swore,of having no connection with you, and all that, to this very moment.'

  This was too much. Juliet gravely arose, put down her book, and said,with severity, 'Mr Ireton, you will be so good as to let me pass!'

  'No, not I! No, not I, my dear!' he answered, still lolling at his ease.'We must have a little chat together first. 'Tis an age since I havebeen able to speak with you. I have been confounded discreet, I promiseyou. I have not told your secret to a soul.'

  'What secret, Sir?' cried Juliet, hastily.

  'Why who you are, and all that.'

  'If you knew, Sir,' recovering her calmness, she replied, 'I should nothave to defend myself from the insults of a son, while under theprotection of his mother!'

  'Ha! ha! ha!' cried he. 'What a droll piece of dainty delicacy thee art!I'd give a cool hundred, this moment, only to know what the deuce putsit into thy little head, to play this farce such a confounded length oftime, before one comes to the catastrophe.'

  Juliet, with a disdainful gesture, again took her book.

  'Why won't you trust me, my dear? You sha'n't repent it, I promise you.Tell me frankly, now, who are you?--Hay?'

  Juliet only turned over a new leaf of her book.

  'How can you be so silly, child?--Why won't you let me serve you? Youdon't know what use I may be of to you. Come, make me your friend! onlytrust me, and I'll go to the very devil for you with pleasure.'

  Juliet read on.

  'Come, my love, don't be cross! Speak out! Put aside these dainty airs.Surely you a'n't such a little fool, as to think to take me in, as youhave done Melbury and Harleigh?'

  Juliet felt her cheeks now heated with increased indignation.

  'As to Melbury,--'tis a mere schoolboy, ready to swallow any thing; andas to Harleigh, he's such a queer, out of the way genius, that he's likenobody: but as to me, my dear, I'm a man of the world. Not so easilyplayed upon, I promise you! I have known you from the very beginning!Found you out at first sight! Only I did not think it worth whiletelling you so, while you appeared so confounded ugly. But now that Isee you are such a pretty creature, I feel quite an interest for you. Sotell me who are you? Will you?'

  Somewhat piqued, at length, by her resolute silence, 'Nay,' he added,with affected scorn, 'don't imagine I have any view! Don't disturbyourself with any freaks and qualms of that sort. You are a fine girl,to be sure. Devilish handsome, I own; but stilltoo--too--grave,--grim,--What the deuce is the word I mean? for mytaste. I like something more buckish. So pray make yourself easy. Ishan't interfere with your two sparks. I am perfectly aware I shouldhave but a bad chance. I know I am neither as good a pigeon to pluck asMelbury, nor as marvellous a wight to overcome as Harleigh. But I can'tfor my life make out why you don't take to one or t'other of them, andput yourself at your ease. I'm deadly curious to know what keeps youfrom coming to a finish. Melbury would be managed the easiest; but Istrongly suspect you like Harleigh best. What do you turn your back for?That I mayn't see you blush? Come, come, don't play the baby with a manof the world like me.'

  To the infinite relief of the disgusted Juliet, she now heard theapproach of some footstep. Ireton, who heard it also, nimbly arose,and, softly moving his chair from the door, cast half his body out ofthe window, and, lolling upon his elbows, began humming an air; as iftotally occupied in regarding the sea.

  A footman, who entered, told Juliet that his lady desired that she wouldcome to the parlour, to play and sing to the company, while theybreakfasted.

  Juliet, colouring at this unqualified order, hesitated what to answer;while Ireton, turning round, and pretending not to have heard what wassaid, maliciously, made the man repeat, 'My lady, Sir, bid me tell MissEllis, that she must come to play and sing to the company.'

  'Play and sing?' repeated Ireton. 'O the devil! Must we be bored withplaying and singing too? But I did not know breakfast was ready, and Iam half starved.'

  He then sauntered from the building; but the moment that the footman wasout of sight, turned back, to say, 'How devilish provoking to beinterrupted in this manner! How can we contrive to meet again, my dear?'

  The answer of Juliet was shutting and bolting the door.

  His impertinence, however, occupied her mind only while she was underits influence; the insignificance of his character, notwithstanding themalice of his temper, made it sink into nothing, to give way to the newrising difficulty, how she might bear to obey, or how risk to refuse,the rude and peremptory summons which she had just received. Ought I,she cried, to submit to treatment so mortifying? Are there no boundariesto the exactions of prudence upon feeling? or, rather, is there not amental necessity, a call of character, a cry of propriety, that shouldsupersede, occasionally, all prudential considerations, howeverurgent?--Oh! if those who receive, from the unequal conditions of life,the fruits of the toils of others, could,--only for a fewdays,--experience, personally, how cruelly those toils are embittered byarrogance, or how sweetly they may be softened by kindness,--the race ofthe Mrs Iretons would become rare,--and Lady Aurora Granville might,perhaps, be paralleled!

  Yet, with civility, with good manners, had Mrs Ireton made this request;not issued it as a command by a footman; Juliet felt that, in herpresent dependent condition, however ill she might be disposed formusic, or for public exhibition, she ought to yield: and even now, thehorror of having another asylum to seek; the disgrace of seeming driven,thus continually, from house to house; though they could not lessen herrepugnance to indelicacy and haughtiness, cooled all ardour of desirefor trying yet another change; till she should have raised a sufficientsum for joining Gabriella; and softening, nay delighting, the futuretoils to which she might be destined, by the society of that cherishedfriend.

  In a few minutes, she was visited by Selina, w
ho, rapturously embracingher, declared that she could not stay away from her any longer; andvolubly began her usual babble of news and tales; to all which Julietgave scarcely the coldest attention; till she had the satisfaction ofhearing that the health of Elinor was re-established.

  Selina then owned that she had been sent by Mrs Ireton, to desire thatMiss Ellis would make more haste.

  Juliet worded a civil excuse; which Selina, with hands uplifted, fromamazement, carried back to the breakfast-room.

  Soon afterwards, peals of laughter announced the vicinity of the MissCrawleys; who merrily called aloud upon Ireton, to come and help themto haul The Ellis, will ye, nill ye? to the piano-forte, to play andsing.

  Happy in this intimation of their purpose, Juliet bolted the door; andwould not be prevailed upon to open it, either by their vociferousprayers, or their squalls of disappointment.

  But, in another minute, a slight rustling sound drawing her eyes to awindow, she saw Ireton preparing to make a forced entry.

  She darted, now, to the door, and, finding the passage clear, as theMiss Crawleys had gone softly round, to witness the exploit of Ireton,seized the favourable moment for eluding observation; and was nearlyarrived at the house, before the besiegers of the cage perceived thatthe bird was flown.