Read The Wanderers; Or, Adventures in the Wilds of Trinidad and Orinoco Page 13



  Our manufactures of various sorts went on with unabated vigour. We hadalready gained considerable skill in mat-making, and had tried varioussubstances,--some produced from different species of palms, and othersfrom grass and sedges growing on the banks of the neighbouring stream orlake. We had also made a quantity of string, or what sailors callsennit, which, twisted together, would serve as cordage for the vessel.One of our great wants had been hammocks in which to sleep, they beingfar cooler and more healthy than standing bed-places. There was anobjection, also, to sleeping on the ground: for we were liable to bestung by insects; and indeed venomous snakes might enter and remainundiscovered, coiled in the heaps of grass and dry leaves which formedour mattresses.

  After we had made a quantity of sennit, Peter cut out some nettingneedles and pins, and set to work to net a hammock for himself. Othersfollowed his example, and soon each of us had a hammock slung in thehut; which being stowed away in the daytime, gave us far more room thanwe had before enjoyed. Arthur and I made a sort of cot for Marian, inwhich she was able to sleep with more comfort than in the confined bunkthe kind captain had at first made for her.

  Uncle Paul had not forgotten his intention of trying to supply us withgarments; but as we had so many things to attend to, he had not as yetbegun to make them. We had all, however, been supplied with straw-hats;which, working as we were in the sun, were absolute necessities. TheIndians had also to make frequent excursions in search of game and fruitto supply the community with food, so that we were never without anabundance of what we considered the necessaries of life. Kallolo hadalso manufactured some palm-wine and several refreshing beverages fromfruit, chiefly of palms. Occasionally, too, Uncle Paul with a companionlaunched out into the lake on the smaller raft with hooks and lines, andinvariably returned with a good supply of fish.

  One day when he and Arthur had gone out for that purpose, Marian askedme to accompany her in search of a peculiarly elastic grass called the"capim grass," and two or three other sorts which grew on the banks ofthe stream. Tim and Sambo followed, to assist us in bringing back whatwe might collect; and Kallolo and Maco, wishing to shoot some birds,came with their blowpipes and bows and arrows.

  We had got nearly to the mouth of the stream, where there was some openground, the trees not growing so closely down to the edge of the wateras in other places. Tim and Sambo were together. I had gone a littleway on, when Marian saw some of the grass of which she was in search.The Indians, who had just shot a toucan, were a little way behind me,waiting for the bird to drop. The waters having by this timeconsiderably subsided, the stream was running much more rapidly than atfirst. I stopped to watch a log which was floating down, and I thoughthow convenient it would be to get hold of it and tow it on shore, as itwould save us several hours' labour should it be fit for ourshipbuilding purposes. Just then I caught sight of Uncle Paul andArthur on the raft, they having come to the mouth of the stream; but ofcourse they could not ascend it. I shouted to them, and pointed out thelog.

  At that moment I heard a piercing cry, and to my dismay I saw thatMarian had fallen into the stream from a projecting point on which shehad been standing, and that she was being rapidly hurried down by thecurrent. What also was my unspeakable horror, when, almost at the samemoment I caught sight of a huge alligator, which, with open jaws, roseto the surface, and was making directly for her! I shrieked out toKallolo, who had at the same instant caught sight of the creature.Quick as lightning he fixed an arrow to his bow, which he sent withunerring aim into the monster's eye. It had the effect he hoped for,--it made the alligator turn aside; and apparently blinded, and unable tosee where it was going, it darted up close to the bank. Tim and Sambo,seeing it coming, had sprung on to a tree which overhung the stream.Then Tim, instigated by an impulse for which he himself probably couldnot have accounted, leaped directly down on the creature's back, anddigging the fingers of his left hand into its remaining eye, began sofuriously to belabour it with a thick club he held in his right hand,that the astonished saurian dashed off through the water, madly lashingit into masses of foam with its huge tail. Under other circumstances Ishould have trembled for the gallant Tim's safety, but for the moment Icould think of nothing but the fearful danger to which my dear youngsister was exposed. I am very sure that it was the idea that he mighthelp to save Marian which prompted him to the performance of theunexampled act of heroism. It may, however, be considered an Irish wayof proceeding, as he would certainly have rendered her more service byswimming out and supporting her. As soon as I had recovered from myterror, which for the moment almost deprived me of reason, I leaped intothe current and swam towards her.

  Though at first almost paralysed with fear, she had recovered herpresence of mind, and had begun to strike out, so as to support herselfabove water. I swam with all my might to overtake her, dreading everymoment lest another alligator should appear and seize one or both of us.The shouts and cries of the men, however, and the furious disturbanceof the water caused by the monster Tim bestrode, effectually preventedany other from venturing out of its hiding-place, and therefore Ibelieve Tim rendered us effectual aid.

  Now up the stream, now across from one side to the other, the alligatorand his rider dashed at a tremendous speed. The creature would havedived had not Tim, exerting all his strength, held back its head, thuskeeping its jaws open, and preventing it from plunging. All this timeTim had been shouting to Sambo to come and join him on the creature'sback, and to the Indians to shoot at it again; but Sambo, though a bravefellow, not having been accustomed to steeplechasing in his youth, hadno fancy for such a ride; and the Indians well knew that their arrowswould glance harmlessly off the scaly back of the saurian, or that theywere more likely rather to wound brave Tim himself. Still Tim held onin a way a practised fox-hunter could alone have done, hitting now onthe monster's jaws, now behind him, and now on its side. It was aquestion who would first get tired, the Irishman or the alligator.

  Meantime I had got close to Marian, and knowing the importance ofkeeping up as much noise as possible, I shouted and shrieked, tellingher to do the same, while Uncle Paul and Arthur were making the moststrenuous efforts with their paddles to reach us. It was important,indeed, that they should do so, for Marian's strength, overcome by herterror, was rapidly failing her. I did my utmost to keep her head abovewater; for I am very sure had she been alone she must have sunk. TheIndians, seeing Uncle Paul and Arthur coming to our assistance, andknowing that I was a good swimmer, hastened up the bank with Sambo toaid Tim: for they saw that should the alligator hold out much longer, hewould be compelled to let go its head; in which case it would haveimmediately dived to the bottom, and very probably have given him afatal blow with its tail, or dragged him down along with it.

  As I looked at Marian's countenance, I saw that it was becoming verypale. Her terror and the efforts she had made had completely overcomeher. She fainted away. Still I kept her up, striking the water with myfeet; for I could do no more. The current bore us rapidly down, and asI looked at the raft I feared that we should be swept past it. I knewthat there was no use calling out to my friends, for they were alreadydoing their very utmost. Those were indeed awful moments. The shoutsand shrieks of Tim and the Indians sounding in my ears, I knew that theycould not be far off. I could even hear the noise made by the alligatoras it furiously lashed the water with its tail; and I expected everymoment that it would rush down toward us, and perhaps strike us in itsmad course, or dash against the raft and upset it. I dared not lookaround, but kept my eye on the raft, and with my right hand, (for theleft arm sustained Marian), I endeavoured to direct my course towardsit. My great dread was that the shock she had received would prove toomuch for her, and that she would succumb to it. Every moment shepressed more heavily on my arm. My own strength, too, I felt, wasfailing me. Still I was encourage
d by seeing Uncle Paul and Arthurcoming nearer and nearer; but even close though they were, there wasstill a possibility that Marian would slip from my grasp. My anxietybecame almost greater than I could bear: a dimness came over my eyes--Iwas sinking. Then I felt that Marian was no longer on my arm. The nextmoment my hand was on the side of the raft, and I was safe in UnclePaul's strong grasp. He was kneeling with Marian in his arms. Ipressed my lips to hers to recall her to life. She opened her eyes,--myheart bounded with joy. She was still deadly pale, but she gentlysmiled, saying faintly, "I shall soon be well, Guy."

  "Yes, yes; our little maiden is safe, and will quickly be all right!"exclaimed Uncle Paul, though the tremor in his voice showed that he hadnot even yet recovered from the fearful agitation he had experienced atseeing our danger.

  From the time we had got on board the raft, Arthur had been paddlingwith might and main to regain the shore, where it now floated calmly outof the strength of the current. Having somewhat recovered, I was ableto watch Tim and his strange steed. Whenever the alligator showed aninclination to go either up the stream or down to the lake, Tim turnedit with a fierce blow of his shillelagh; and thus kept it movingbackwards and forwards between the two banks.

  The Indians and Sambo had now got directly opposite the spot itgenerally reached in its rapid circuit, Kallolo carefully watching themovements of the monster while his companions were hastily cutting somelong and tough trailing vines hanging from a neighbouring tree.

  "Bear a hand! bear a hand, or sure I will be after riding to `DavyJones's locker' sooner than will be altogether pleasant!" shouted Tim,gasping for breath.

  "Keep up its head! keep up its head!" cried the Indians in return,--apiece of advice Tim fully intended to follow as long as he had thepower.

  At length the alligator came directly towards Kallolo, who at thatmoment drawing his bow sent a poisoned arrow directly down its throat.The alligator, feeling the pain, turned round, and again dashed acrossthe stream; but once more Tim managed to turn it with his well-dealtblows, and again it dashed back to the bank, close to where Kallolostood. Throwing down his bow and quiver, the Indian, apparentlydoubting whether the poison would produce its usual effects on themonster, sprang forward into the water and drove his knife directly intoits breast. As he did so it gave another fierce lash with its tail, butit was the last. The Indian drew out his knife, ready to repeat theblow, but there was no necessity for him to strike; the alligator rolledover from side to side, its head dropping in spite of Tim's efforts tokeep it up.

  "Jump off, or it will carry you to the bottom!" cried Kallolo; who then,turning round, shouted to his companions to bring the rope. They camehurrying to the spot with a ready-made noose, which they dexterouslyslipped over the monster's head, Tim at the same moment, springing onits back, leaped from thence to the shore.

  "I have mounted many a skittish horse when I was a spalpeen of a lad,but never in all my born days have I ridden so ill-mannered a baste; andsure I hope as long as I live that I may not have to break in suchanother as this one," exclaimed the Irishman.

  The Indians, while Tim was speaking, were getting ready their ropes,which they managed to slip round the monster's forelegs; then, all handshauling away, they dragged it by slow degrees up the bank. As itsstruggles were not over, the task was not so easy as it would have beenhad it been unable to offer any resistance. Its jaws continued to open,showing its captors that it would be wise to keep at a respectabledistance. Kallolo, however, who did not fear to face it in the water,did not hesitate to rush in and give it several additional stabs.

  Tim's mind had been so entirely occupied with the strange situation inwhich he found himself, that he had almost forgotten the cause whichfirst prompted him to leap on the monster's back. As soon, however, ashe was again on his feet, he recollected all about the matter, andseeing Marian and me on the raft, with wild shouts he came rushingtowards us, exhibiting, by the most vehement gestures and extraordinaryantics, his delight at our safety.

  "Sure and she's safe, the darling Miss Marian!" he cried out as hesprang on board the raft; "and the brute of an alligator has not eatenher, as I was fearing he would have been after doing. It's a mightyfine counthry this, but it would be all the better if it was as free ofthem creatures as Ould Ireland is of snakes and sarpents,--blessings onthe head of Saint Patrick who drove them all out."

  After he had calmed down a little, Uncle Paul directed him to take oneof the paddles and to assist in navigating the raft home, while hehimself attended to Marian. He was anxious to get her safely on shore,and placed in her cot, where she might enjoy that rest she so muchrequired. He and I sat by her side chafing her feet and hands. Wewished that we had had some of the skipper's schiedam to give to her;but Uncle Paul had brought none with him, and we could think of no otherremedies than those we were already applying. The sun striking down onus with its usual force, she did not feel any bad effects from beingwet. The colour gradually returned to her cheeks, and we trusted thatshe would not suffer materially from the accident. Arthur and Timexerted themselves to the utmost to urge on the raft. We had nodifficulty in getting out of the river, as the current carried usrapidly down to its mouth. We then made good progress along the shore.

  Uncle Paul felt even more anxious about Marian than I did. I had neverseen him so affected. As she lay in his arms, he bent over her,uttering endearing expressions. "Cheer up, my little maiden," he said;"we shall soon be at home, and you will be all put right. We must notlet you run such a risk again. These wilds are not suited for younggirls to wander through alone, and you must remain in the encampmenttill we get our new craft ready for sea."

  "I am not much frightened, and shall soon be quite myself again, Iassure you," said Marian faintly. "Still I cannot help thinking aboutthat dreadful alligator. It won't come after us, will it?"

  "The young mistress need not be afraid of that, unless the baste hasmore lives than a Kilkenny cat," observed Tim, who had overheard her."It's my belief that I'd have ridden the brute to death, even if Kallolohadn't sent an arrow down its throat and stuck his long knife half adozen times in it. The alligator is hauled up high and dry on shore,and the creature's ugly head is off its body by this time; so you may bepretty sure that it'll not be after troubling you again."

  Tim's account had at all events the effect of banishing from Marian'smind the idea that the alligator would follow us; and Uncle Paul and Idid our best to keep up her spirits too, and prevent her thoughts fromrecurring to the fearful danger she had gone through.

  The time occupied in reaching our camp seemed very long; but Marian wasconveyed much more easily on the raft than she would have been throughthe tangled forest. Our father saw us coming, and hurrying down to thebeach, assisted us in carrying up Marian to her hut. When he heard whathad occurred, he was greatly agitated, and blamed himself for havingallowed her to go on such an expedition. He agreed with Uncle Paul thatshe must not in future be permitted to leave the village without anescort, which must never for a moment quit her side.

  The captain, who had been working at the vessel, hearing of theaccident, came hurrying to the hut with a bottle of schiedam under hisarm. "My little maid! what should we have done had she been seized bythe alligator? We should have lost all heart for work, and left ourbones to whiten on the beach!" he exclaimed in an agitated voice, whichshowed how much he felt. "She must take some of this: it's the greatremedy for all diseases; and I have kept it on purpose, resisting thetemptation, when I felt inclined to take a drop to comfort my heart as Ithought of my home, and my dear frau, and the months and months thatmust pass before I can see her again."

  Uncle Paul gave Marian a small glassful of the schiedam, whichundoubtedly had the good effect of sending her off into a sound sleep.

  In a short time the Indians arrived with the head of the alligator,which they and Sambo proposed to preserve, in order, the latter said, tomake a figurehead for the new vessel!

  "We will think about it," answered Uncle Pau
l. "I doubt whether itwould bring pleasant recollections to the mind of our little maiden. Atany rate, we will carry it with us on board, and perhaps in after yearsshe may be less unwilling to look at it than at present, when she mayexhibit it to another generation as she describes our adventures in thewilds of the Orinoco."