Read The War Journals: Resistance (Screenplay) Page 3


  Be careful, I love you.


  I love you too hun. Hey, see if you can get someone to find me an fm radio and bring me a report of what's going on if you can. Make sure you let them know to keep it on the downlow. They don't need to know how bad it really is until we get out of here.

  Ext- rooftop. Dusk

  Once connor is back up top, the boys start relaying information to him. Most of it was what we have already seen, but one of the boys has found out something crucial. He drags connor over to the edge of the building, both keeping low to where he has been watching a fed ex truck out back. We see that the enemy has set guards around it. After a few moments of watching, a high ranking man walks out. While the door is open we are able to get a look at the inside. It isn't a delivery truck at all. This is their mobile command center.

  We cut to news reports detailing the state of the attacks. we see Various cities across world in various states of devastation.


  This is insanity. The entire country is under attack! The Chinese army has somehow disabled most of the military and are slaughtering anyone who gets close to them. Mayor Adams has ordered an evacuation of the entire metro area.

  Here's what we know so far; Some kind of chemical agent was released at military bases all over the country. The Marine Corps have engaged in a fierce battle to keep control of the San Diego airport. It's almost entirely recruits from the boot camp fighting at this point.

  D.C. is believed to have been completely destroyed. First reports indicated that the White House, The Capitol building with all of congress in session, and the Pentagon were all attacked almost simultaneously. We have no information on the President or his Cabinet at this time. Air force One and Marine One were both shot down earlier today

  Communication is sporadic at best, internet service is almost non existent. The AP tells us that virtually every major city within 300 miles of either coast are under siege. Mexico and Canada have been attacked as well. It seems we are on our own now.

  This is Mike Adams with KLTV Portland, we will attempt to continue updates as long as we safely can.

  Int - department store. Garden area

  Once back inside, Connor has decided to relay as much info as he deems appropriate to the adults who are capable of moving on their own.

  Panic is beginning to set in for the survivors. No one has to say it, but they all know that they don't have much time before the Chinese outside decided to move in.


  We're going to have to get out of here. There are 60 or so of us trapped in here, maybe 15 of you can handle a weapon. When we make our move, we need to be ninja quick. No hesitation or we're all dead. Right quick, real fast, and in a big ol' god damn hurry, got it? I would guess we have maybe an hour and thirty, forty five minutes before reinforcements arrive if we move on these guys.

  Mother from office

  We're never going to get out of here alive. They'll probably kill us as soon as they're done with the cops


  She's right, but we already know that. They are going to kill us soon. If we don't try to make our way out of here they're going to kill every single one of us, including your children. So I need you all to do the impossible and pull yourselves together, we need to act fast.


  How are we going to make it past them?


  There's an RV about 20 yards from the front of the store, once we get a chance we need to get everyone who can't fight into it. We'll have to drop the trailer with the dirtbikes, hopefully the keys will be in the RV. The others will move to military vehicles if any are left. Does anyone have a four wheel drive vehicle?


  My mom's car. It's a Subaru rally edition, I'll go get the keys.

  JESSE is nearly breaking down, as the realization that she was dead finally hits him. LIZ puts her arm around his shoulder.


  I'll go with you sweety.

  As we wait for Jesse and Liz to return, CONNOR goes over the plan to escape with the others. It is risky, McDonnell isn't sure if it will work. CONNOR doesnt seem 100% sure either. If we didn't move fast enough everyone on the roof would be dead and the people inside left defenseless.


  You don't leave much room for error, do you son?


  No, I really haven't. We've got to make these people believe they can do this or we'll never pull it off.


  They're civilians. Almost every single one of them.


  I need you to be strong. Stronger than anyone should ever have to be. Some of you can barely maintain your composure. I don't fault you for being afraid. MCDONNELL is right, you aren't soldiers, you're poor scared soccer moms and dad's with corner offices. You didn't choose to fight for your country and I'm not asking you to now. I need you to fight for yourself. For your friends, for your children, and for the people here who can't get out of here without you.


  Your heard the General. Those men outside want to kill us, let's make it a bit more difficult for them.


  I'll do my best, but you said it yourself, warriors they are not.


  And we're two jarheads who've been away from the field longer than we were ever in it. I need you Sargeant. What do you say, will you do me the honor of dying with me?


  I'm your man, whatever you need. I've seen enough death for one day though.


  You get these people ready. I'm gonna go return the favor.

  Ext. rooftop-department store

  Back up top, The sun has almost set. A thick haze of smoke hangs in the blazing red sky. We see guns set up at different points all around the perimeter. Connor is watching the mobile command unit with a pair of binoculars. We see homes burning in the distance. The parking lot and the airport are battlefields.


  On my signal, not a moment before.


  That's gonna be one hell of a fuckin signal.

  The men on the roof have trained their weapons on expected targets, who have no idea they are being watched from above.

  As CONNOR lays in wait, he tries hard not to concentrate on the fires that have popped up as far as the eye can see. People all over the city are dying, their homes being burnt to the ground. CONNOR picks up an RPG and we watch through it's scope. CONNOR has trained the missile on the Mobile Command Center.

  The world begins to slow down as the truck's door begins to open, CONNOR inhales slowly steadying his aim. We can see the Chinese officer starting to exit the vehicle. Another second, waiting for the door to be opened by another foot. All time on earth slowed down in that moment. Finally we see the Chinese Officer exiting the truck, the doorway fully open.

  CONNOR pulls the trigger. We follow the rocket as it screams out of the chamber, the officer hears it fire but can't move fast enough. He trips and falls at the foot of the truck. The rocket flies within inches of his horrified face. The entire world is just the two of them, each watching the rocket, waiting for the inevitable.

  CONNOR's aim had been perfect. The rocket makes contact inside the vehicle, the explosion lifting the truck off of the ground. A moment later there is nothing left of the officer's body. The truck is on it's side, a smoking hull. CONNOR screams into his radio.


  FIRE! FIRE!! Mow these bastards down!

  Eight turret mounted machine guns scream, sending forth death from all corners of the besieged store. JESSE and three others are hurling grenades at those to close to be hit by the machine guns.

  Two minutes pass and almost all soldiers in the immediate proximity are dead, they don't have time to even fight back. Less than ten are still alive, using cars for cover. Trying in vain to return f

  CONNOR runs toward a line of rocket launchers that he has set aside for stragglers.


  Everyone down now! We're moving people! I'm right behind. Get your asses down or I'll throw you over the edge, goddamnit.


  We move to just outside the front doors. McDonnell has everyone ready to move.

  MCDONNELL, CONNOR, and JESSE come running out first. Behind them, the other armed and able bodied people have formed a wall around the injured who are being carried or helped along. They are taking some fire from the few soldiers who had hidden.

  CONNOR yanks the redneck back into formation as they move toward the RV. A bullet shatters a car's window where we had been running ahead. As they file everyone in, CONNOR signals to his fighters. They break off to return fire using the cars for cover. JESSE lobs grenades toward a nearby mortar setup in order to make sure none of them could fire a rocket or mortar at the people in the RV.

  LIZ and the EMT are frantically tearing through every nook and cranny looking for the keys to the bikes and the RV. They are in luck, the keys are all inside. Unfortunately the owner hadn't been so lucky. LIZ finds the keys on his dead body where he had hid in the tiny bathroom. MCDONNELL is ready to drive the RV as soon as the trailer is detached.


  Get that trailer loose now! If you can't find the keys forget it.


  Got it!

  LIZ throws CONNOR the keys.


  Alright, who can handle a bike?


  We can. I'll take care of it sir, I won't fuck up.

  CONNOR loses six men while trying to secure some jeeps, but all of the Chinese are now dead. There is still a firefight going on between Police/SWAT and the PLA at the road.

  CONNOR has formed a convoy with a Humvee in front and the two dirt bikes directly behind it. CONNOR is up top on the Humvee's machine gun. OMAR is driving. JESSE is in his mother's car ready to break away and lead the Chinese off in the opposite direction of the dirt bikes if needed.


  We're gonna have to punch a hole

  The convoy begins moving. CONNOR begins shooting at the spot he needs OMAR to squeeze through. The police are momentarily relieved as the convoy starts to break free. CONNOR takes out the soldiers nearby. All the rest of the military guarding the perimeter are panicking, unsure of what is happening. The Police/SWAT take advantage and are finally able to break the main lines.

  As they head toward their escape route, some of the Chinese break off and began firing on them. CONNOR and the Jeeps in the rear are able to shut them down, but not before MCDONNELL takes a bullet to his throat. LIZ grabs the wheel, attempting to keep the RV from crashing while the EMT tries to get MCDONNELL out of the chair to help him. LIZ is struggling with the wheel, obviously unfamiliar with a vehicle so large.

  Suddenly, the dirt bikes break off heading away from the battle as planned. The first rider is hit by a grenade, causing the other two to crash. Chinese soldiers swarmed them, emptying their clips as they laid helplessly on the pavement, trying to fire back.

  The jeeps in the rear are slamming over the curb and sidewalk, only losing one of the four jeeps in the process. When all of the jeeps are through, they reformed the caravan around the RV to protect it. Men are firing from the jeeps on both sides. CONNOR has swung his gun around and takes out a weapons cache behind two trucks. They are finally free of the blockade.

  Ext. Road heading through suburbs.

  As the makeshift convoy inches toward the hospital, pockets of fighting can be heard in all directions. Mount Hood can barely be seen past the smoke billowing over Portland. The roads are clogged with people trying to flee the city, anyone not already on the road is hiding or packing essentials into their car. It is nearly impossible to get past a gas station. The convoy has to drive on a median as people are fighting to fill their tanks.

  The morally ambiguous have already begun looting. Who knows what the hell they were going to do with the merchandise they stole.

  Ext. hospital/parking garage

  Dusk has begun to set over this unlikely war zone by the time the convoy pulls into the parking lot of the ER. The police have set up a blockade with the few officers they could spare. The cops seem to have assumed the worst when they see a convoy with PLA vehicles rolling toward them. They don't fire, but all five take cover and train their weapons at the Humvee.

  CONNOR hops down from the Humvee and walks up to an officer.


  We've got at least fifteen injured civilians in that RV, some of them don't have much time left


  How the hell did you manage to get their jeeps?


  We fought our way out of the Mega-Mart, they're trying to set up some kind of base there.


  No shit. I heard dispatch say that the Chinese were taking fire from the roof, that was you guys?


  Yes sir. We managed to take out about two dozen Chinese inside and then made a break for it. Listen, I've got one EMT in there tending to people who could die any second, are you going to let us through or not?

  The cop's face turns bright red.


  Yeah, of course. I don't know if bringing their vehicles in here is such a good idea though.


  We'll get them into the parking garage after we remove the guns from the back, you guys could probably use some better fire power out here in case we were followed. I'll send some men back out as soon as I can.

  With that, the police pull the barrier to the side to let them pass.


  It is chaos inside, people are lying all over the triage room, some with gun shot wounds and others suffering from panic attacks.

  Sarah leaves to try and find some help. She seems to know some of the doctors and nurses. CONNOR is helping to stabilize MCDONNELL. CONNOR has carried him out of the RV while LIZ is applying pressure to his neck. MCDONNELL seems so feeble being cradled in CONNOR's arms.


  They're only allowing surgery on patients who are going to die without it. I need some help getting them organized enough to come in. There are three free rolling beds, we can each take one out and start bringing people in. Let's get him onto this bed so the nurses can prep him for surgery.

  Ext. hospital/parking garage

  JESSE and some of the guys are waiting to help as soon as got back outside.

  JESSE runs up to SARAH, looking panicked.


  Sarah... umm, i think... that lady with the little girls... can you come here?


  Jesse, why dont you take the girls inside ok?

  (to the girls)

  Listen girls, we need to try and help mommy, go with Jesse ok? He's in charge now.

  CONNOR heads back out to help the others after MCDONNELL is wheeled away.


  What's going on back there?


  She's gone. Let's get her in, we can try to revive her, but I don't think it'll do any good. Those poor babies....

  After everyone is safely inside Liz, Jesse, and CONNOR head back to the RV to move it.

  CONNOR starts the RV and pulls into the garage. We can see that the police have already set up the machine guns at their blockade. They look more confident already.


  Hun, why don't you take a look around and see if you can find anything we can use


  Wow, these people were set. They've got maps of every National Park and Forest in the country. Not to mention, what looks like six months worth of freeze-dried food. CONNOR, I think this laptop has a satellite feed. It's pretty heavy duty.


  No shit? See if you can get it running. We need to know just how bad this attack is.


CNN is down, so is MSNBC. I cant find any news sites that are working, yet these idiots are still updating their facebook.


  Try AP or BBC, they may have some updates from overseas. They must know something overseas.

  CONNOR shuts off the RV as he parks it at the back of the garage, blocking the view of the jeeps. LIZ motions for him to look at the computer.


  Hun, you need to see this. They're calling it World War III. It's not just us, the entire east and west coasts are being attacked.

  We move to a streaming video of a news broadcast. We see fighting in the streets as landmarks fall to ruin in the background.

  She wasn't lying, the entire world is at war. Reports of attacks by the Chinese are coming in from every major city within 200 miles of each seaboard. Even worse, are the reports indicating that somehow they have crippled the entire military's ability to mobilize. Hundreds of military bases have been hit with some kind of chemical attack. They are suffering massive casualties without a single shot being fired. The pentagon reported that Ft Hood, the nation's largest base was the first to be hit and it is believed that there are little or no survivors. Within hours hundreds more were hit, the soldiers didn't have time to evacuate and many couldn't get to their gas masks.

  In every major city, the Chinese have encountered some degree of resistance from civilians and paramilitary both. Most have surrendered, but there is still hope. Seattle has managed to completely fend off the PLA and the USMC boot camp in San Diego has successfully regained control over the airport next to it. New York was heavily engaged with the PLA attacking all three major airports outside of NYC. NYC, home to the largest police force in the country, is doing well containing the Chinese at the airports. They had not broken through to the city yet and it looks like they won't be able to. Reports are showing that the PLA is mobilizing toward New York from Boston, which had been taken within two hours of the first attack.