Read The Way We Live Now Page 55



  Melmotte had got back his daughter, and was half inclined to let thematter rest there. He would probably have done so had he not knownthat all his own household were aware that she had gone off to meetSir Felix Carbury, and had he not also received the condolence ofcertain friends in the city. It seemed that about two o'clock in theday the matter was known to everybody. Of course Lord Nidderdalewould hear of it, and if so all the trouble that he had taken inthat direction would have been taken in vain. Stupid fool of a girlto throw away her chance,--nay, to throw away the certainty of abrilliant career, in that way! But his anger against Sir Felix wasinfinitely more bitter than his anger against his daughter. The manhad pledged himself to abstain from any step of this kind,--hadgiven a written pledge,--had renounced under his own signature hisintention of marrying Marie! Melmotte had of course learned all thedetails of the cheque for L250,--how the money had been paid at thebank to Didon, and how Didon had given it to Sir Felix. Marie herselfacknowledged that Sir Felix had received the money. If possible hewould prosecute the baronet for stealing his money.

  Had Melmotte been altogether a prudent man he would probably havebeen satisfied with getting back his daughter and would have allowedthe money to go without further trouble. At this especial point inhis career ready money was very valuable to him, but his concernswere of such magnitude that L250 could make but little difference.But there had grown upon the man during the last few months anarrogance, a self-confidence inspired in him by the worship of othermen, which clouded his intellect, and robbed him of much of thatpower of calculation which undoubtedly he naturally possessed. Heremembered perfectly his various little transactions with Sir Felix.Indeed it was one of his gifts to remember with accuracy all moneytransactions, whether great or small, and to keep an account book inhis head, which was always totted up and balanced with accuracy. Heknew exactly how he stood, even with the crossing-sweeper to whomhe had given a penny last Tuesday, as with the Longestaffes, fatherand son, to whom he had not as yet made any payment on behalf of thepurchase of Pickering. But Sir Felix's money had been consigned intohis hands for the purchase of shares,--and that consignment did notjustify Sir Felix in taking another sum of money from his daughter.In such a matter he thought that an English magistrate, and anEnglish jury, would all be on his side,--especially as he wasAugustus Melmotte, the man about to be chosen for Westminster, theman about to entertain the Emperor of China!

  The next day was Friday,--the day of the Railway Board. Early in themorning he sent a note to Lord Nidderdale.


  Pray come to the Board to-day;--or at any rate come to me in the city. I specially want to speak to you.


  A. M.

  This he wrote, having made up his mind that it would be wise to makea clear breast of it with his hoped-for son-in-law. If there wasstill a chance of keeping the young lord to his guns that chancewould be best supported by perfect openness on his part. The younglord would of course know what Marie had done. But the young lord hadfor some weeks past been aware that there had been a difficulty inregard to Sir Felix Carbury, and had not on that account relaxed hissuit. It might be possible to persuade the young lord that as theyoung lady had now tried to elope and tried in vain, his own chancemight on the whole be rather improved than injured.

  Mr. Melmotte on that morning had many visitors, among whom one of theearliest and most unfortunate was Mr. Longestaffe. At that time therehad been arranged at the offices in Abchurch Lane a mode of doubleingress and egress,--a front stairs and a back stairs approach andexit, as is always necessary with very great men,--in referenceto which arrangement the honour and dignity attached to each isexactly contrary to that which generally prevails in the world; thefront stairs being intended for everybody, and being both slow anduncertain, whereas the back stairs are quick and sure, and are usedonly for those who are favoured. Miles Grendall had the command ofthe stairs, and found that he had plenty to do in keeping peoplein their right courses. Mr. Longestaffe reached Abchurch Lanebefore one,--having altogether failed in getting a moment's privateconversation with the big man on that other Friday, when he had comelater. He fell at once into Miles's hands, and was ushered throughthe front stairs passage and into the front stairs waiting-room,with much external courtesy. Miles Grendall was very voluble. DidMr. Longestaffe want to see Mr. Melmotte? Oh;--Mr. Longestaffe wantedto see Mr. Melmotte as soon as possible! Of course Mr. Longestaffeshould see Mr. Melmotte. He, Miles, knew that Mr. Melmotte wasparticularly desirous of seeing Mr. Longestaffe. Mr. Melmotte hadmentioned Mr. Longestaffe's name twice during the last three days.Would Mr. Longestaffe sit down for a few minutes? Had Mr. Longestaffeseen the "Morning Breakfast Table"? Mr. Melmotte undoubtedly wasvery much engaged. At this moment a deputation from the CanadianGovernment was with him;--and Sir Gregory Gribe was in the officewaiting for a few words. But Miles thought that the CanadianGovernment would not be long,--and as for Sir Gregory, perhaps hisbusiness might be postponed. Miles would do his very best to get aninterview for Mr. Longestaffe,--more especially as Mr. Melmotte wasso very desirous himself of seeing his friend. It was astonishingthat such a one as Miles Grendall should have learned his businessso well and should have made himself so handy! We will leave Mr.Longestaffe with the "Morning Breakfast Table" in his hands, in thefront waiting-room, merely notifying the fact that there he remainedfor something over two hours.

  In the mean time both Mr. Broune and Lord Nidderdale came to theoffice, and both were received without delay. Mr. Broune was thefirst. Miles knew who he was, and made no attempt to seat him in thesame room with Mr. Longestaffe. "I'll just send him a note," saidMr. Broune, and he scrawled a few words at the office counter. "I'mcommissioned to pay you some money on behalf of Miss Melmotte."Those were the words, and they at once procured him admission tothe sanctum. The Canadian Deputation must have taken its leave, andSir Gregory could hardly have as yet arrived. Lord Nidderdale, whohad presented himself almost at the same moment with the Editor,was shown into a little private room,--which was, indeed, MilesGrendall's own retreat. "What's up with the Governor?" asked theyoung lord.

  "Anything particular do you mean?" said Miles. "There are always somany things up here."

  "He has sent for me."

  "Yes,--you'll go in directly. There's that fellow who does the'Breakfast Table' in with him. I don't know what he's come about. Youknow what he has sent for you for?"

  Lord Nidderdale answered this question by another. "I suppose allthis about Miss Melmotte is true?"

  "She did go off yesterday morning," said Miles, in a whisper.

  "But Carbury wasn't with her."

  "Well, no;--I suppose not. He seems to have mulled it. He's such ad---- brute, he'd be sure to go wrong whatever he had in hand."

  "You don't like him, of course, Miles. For that matter I've no reasonto love him. He couldn't have gone. He staggered out of the clubyesterday morning at four o'clock as drunk as Cloe. He'd lost a potof money, and had been kicking up a row about you for the last hour."

  "Brute!" exclaimed Miles, with honest indignation.

  "I dare say. But though he was able to make a row, I'm sure hecouldn't get himself down to Liverpool. And I saw all his thingslying about the club hall late last night;--no end of portmanteauxand bags; just what a fellow would take to New York. By George! Fancytaking a girl to New York! It was plucky."

  "It was all her doing," said Miles, who was of course intimate withMr. Melmotte's whole establishment, and had had means therefore ofhearing the true story.

  "What a fiasco!" said the young lord, "I wonder what the old boymeans to say to me about it." Then there was heard the clear tingleof a little silver bell, and Miles told Lord Nidderdale that his timehad come.

  Mr. Broune had of late been very serviceable to Mr. Melmotte, andMelmotte was correspondingly gracious. On seeing the Editor heimmediately began to make a speech of thanks in respect of thesupport
given by the "Breakfast Table" to his candidature. But Mr.Broune cut him short. "I never talk about the 'Breakfast Table,'"said he. "We endeavour to get along as right as we can, and the lesssaid the soonest mended." Melmotte bowed. "I have come now aboutquite another matter, and perhaps, the less said the sooner mendedabout that also. Sir Felix Carbury on a late occasion received a sumof money in trust from your daughter. Circumstances have preventedits use in the intended manner, and, therefore, as Sir Felix'sfriend, I have called to return the money to you." Mr. Broune did notlike calling himself the friend of Sir Felix, but he did even thatfor the lady who had been good enough to him not to marry him.

  "Oh, indeed," said Mr. Melmotte, with a scowl on his face, which hewould have repressed if he could.

  "No doubt you understand all about it."

  "Yes;--I understand. D---- scoundrel!"

  "We won't discuss that, Mr. Melmotte. I've drawn a cheque myself,payable to your order,--to make the matter all straight. The sum wasL250, I think." And Mr. Broune put a cheque for that amount down uponthe table.

  "I dare say it's all right," said Mr. Melmotte. "But, remember, Idon't think that this absolves him. He has been a scoundrel."

  "At any rate he has paid back the money, which chance put into hishands, to the only person entitled to receive it on the young lady'sbehalf. Good morning." Mr. Melmotte did put out his hand in token ofamity. Then Mr. Broune departed and Melmotte tinkled his bell. AsNidderdale was shown in he crumpled up the cheque, and put it intohis pocket. He was at once clever enough to perceive that any ideawhich he might have had of prosecuting Sir Felix must be abandoned."Well, my Lord, and how are you?" said he with his pleasantest smile.Nidderdale declared himself to be as fresh as paint. "You don't lookdown in the mouth, my Lord."

  Then Lord Nidderdale,--who no doubt felt that it behoved him to showa good face before his late intended father-in-law,--sang the refrainof an old song, which it is trusted my readers may remember.

  "Cheer up, Sam; Don't let your spirits go down. There's many a girl that I know well, Is waiting for you in the town."

  "Ha, ha, ha," laughed Melmotte, "very good. I've no doubt thereis,--many a one. But you won't let this stupid nonsense stand in yourway with Marie."

  "Upon my word, sir, I don't know about that. Miss Melmotte has giventhe most convincing proof of her partiality for another gentleman,and of her indifference to me."

  "A foolish baggage! A silly little romantic baggage! She's beenreading novels till she has learned to think she couldn't settle downquietly till she had run off with somebody."

  "She doesn't seem to have succeeded on this occasion, Mr. Melmotte."

  "No;--of course we had her back again from Liverpool."

  "But they say that she got further than the gentleman."

  "He is a dishonest, drunken scoundrel. My girl knows very well whathe is now. She'll never try that game again. Of course, my Lord, I'mvery sorry. You know that I've been on the square with you always.She's my only child, and sooner or later she must have all that Ipossess. What she will have at once will make any man wealthy,--thatis, if she marries with my sanction; and in a year or two I expectthat I shall be able to double what I give her now, without touchingmy capital. Of course you understand that I desire to see heroccupying high rank. I think that, in this country, that is a nobleobject of ambition. Had she married that sweep I should have brokenmy heart. Now, my Lord, I want you to say that this shall make nodifference to you. I am very honest with you. I do not try to hideanything. The thing of course has been a misfortune. Girls will beromantic. But you may be sure that this little accident will assistrather than impede your views. After this she will not be very fondof Sir Felix Carbury."

  "I dare say not. Though, by Jove, girls will forgive anything."

  "She won't forgive him. By George, she shan't. She shall hear thewhole story. You'll come and see her just the same as ever!"

  "I don't know about that, Mr. Melmotte."

  "Why not? You're not so weak as to surrender all your settledprojects for such a piece of folly as that! He didn't even see herall the time."

  "That wasn't her fault."

  "The money will all be there, Lord Nidderdale."

  "The money's all right, I've no doubt. And there isn't a man in allLondon would be better pleased to settle down with a good income thanI would. But, by Jove, it's a rather strong order when a girl hasjust run away with another man. Everybody knows it."

  "In three months' time everybody will have forgotten it."

  "To tell you the truth, sir, I think Miss Melmotte has got a will ofher own stronger than you give her credit for. She has never given methe slightest encouragement. Ever so long ago, about Christmas, shedid once say that she would do as you bade her. But she is very muchchanged since then. The thing was off."

  "She had nothing to do with that."

  "No;--but she has taken advantage of it, and I have no right tocomplain."

  "You just come to the house, and ask her again to-morrow. Or comeon Sunday morning. Don't let us be done out of all our settledarrangements by the folly of an idle girl. Will you come on Sundaymorning about noon?" Lord Nidderdale thought of his position fora few moments and then said that perhaps he would come on Sundaymorning. After that Melmotte proposed that they two should goand "get a bit of lunch" at a certain Conservative club in theCity. There would be time before the meeting of the Railway Board.Nidderdale had no objection to the lunch, but expressed a strongopinion that the Board was "rot." "That's all very well for you,young man," said the chairman, "but I must go there in order that youmay be able to enjoy a splendid fortune." Then he touched the youngman on the shoulder and drew him back as he was passing out by thefront stairs. "Come this way, Nidderdale;--come this way. I must getout without being seen. There are people waiting for me there whothink that a man can attend to business from morning to night withoutever having a bit in his mouth." And so they escaped by the backstairs.

  At the club, the City Conservative world,--which always luncheswell,--welcomed Mr. Melmotte very warmly. The election was coming on,and there was much to be said. He played the part of the big City manto perfection, standing about the room with his hat on, and talkingloudly to a dozen men at once. And he was glad to show the clubthat Lord Nidderdale had come there with him. The club of courseknew that Lord Nidderdale was the accepted suitor of the rich man'sdaughter,--accepted, that is, by the rich man himself,--and theclub knew also that the rich man's daughter had tried,--but hadfailed,--to run away with Sir Felix Carbury. There is nothing likewiping out a misfortune and having done with it. The presence of LordNidderdale was almost an assurance to the club that the misfortunehad been wiped out, and, as it were, abolished. A little before threeMr. Melmotte returned to Abchurch Lane, intending to regain his roomby the back way; while Lord Nidderdale went westward, consideringwithin his own mind whether it was expedient that he should continueto show himself as a suitor for Miss Melmotte's hand. He had an ideathat a few years ago a man could not have done such a thing--thathe would be held to show a poor spirit should he attempt it; butthat now it did not much matter what a man did,--if only he weresuccessful. "After all it's only an affair of money," he said tohimself.

  Mr. Longestaffe in the meantime had progressed from weariness toimpatience, from impatience to ill-humour, and from ill-humour toindignation. More than once he saw Miles Grendall, but Miles Grendallwas always ready with an answer. That Canadian Deputation wasdetermined to settle the whole business this morning, and would nottake itself away. And Sir Gregory Gribe had been obstinate, beyondthe ordinary obstinacy of a bank director. The rate of discount atthe bank could not be settled for to-morrow without communicationwith Mr. Melmotte, and that was a matter on which the details werealways most oppressive. At first Mr. Longestaffe was somewhat stunnedby the Deputation and Sir Gregory Gribe; but as he waxed wroththe potency of those institutions dwindled away, and as, at last,he waxed hungry, they became as nothing to him. Was he not Mr.Longestaffe of Caversha
m, a Deputy-Lieutenant of his County, andaccustomed to lunch punctually at two o'clock? When he had been inthat waiting-room for two hours, it occurred to him that he onlywanted his own, and that he would not remain there to be starved forany Mr. Melmotte in Europe. It occurred to him also that that thornin his side, Squercum, would certainly get a finger into the pie tohis infinite annoyance. Then he walked forth, and attempted to seeGrendall for the fourth time. But Miles Grendall also liked hislunch, and was therefore declared by one of the junior clerks to beengaged at that moment on most important business with Mr. Melmotte."Then say that I can't wait any longer," said Mr. Longestaffe,stamping out of the room with angry feet.

  At the very door he met Mr. Melmotte. "Ah, Mr. Longestaffe," said thegreat financier, seizing him by the hand, "you are the very man I amdesirous of seeing."

  "I have been waiting two hours up in your place," said the Squire ofCaversham.

  "Tut, tut, tut;--and they never told me!"

  "I spoke to Mr. Grendall half a dozen times."

  "Yes,--yes. And he did put a slip with your name on it on my desk.I do remember. My dear sir, I have so many things on my brain, thatI hardly know how to get along with them. You are coming to theBoard? It's just the time now."

  "No;"--said Mr. Longestaffe. "I can stay no longer in the City." Itwas cruel that a man so hungry should be asked to go to a Board by achairman who had just lunched at his club.

  "I was carried away to the Bank of England and could not helpmyself," said Melmotte. "And when they get me there I can never getaway again."

  "My son is very anxious to have the payments made about Pickering,"said Mr. Longestaffe, absolutely holding Melmotte by the collar ofhis coat.

  "Payments for Pickering!" said Melmotte, assuming an air ofunimportant doubt,--of doubt as though the thing were of no realmoment. "Haven't they been made?"

  "Certainly not," said Mr. Longestaffe, "unless made this morning."

  "There was something about it, but I cannot just remember what. Mysecond cashier, Mr. Smith, manages all my private affairs, and theygo clean out of my head. I'm afraid he's in Grosvenor Square at thismoment. Let me see;--Pickering! Wasn't there some question of amortgage? I'm sure there was something about a mortgage."

  "There was a mortgage, of course;--but that only made three paymentsnecessary instead of two."

  "But there was some unavoidable delay about the papers;--somethingoccasioned by the mortgagee. I know there was. But you shan't beinconvenienced, Mr. Longestaffe."

  "It's my son, Mr. Melmotte. He's got a lawyer of his own."

  "I never knew a young man that wasn't in a hurry for his money," saidMelmotte laughing. "Oh, yes;--there were three payments to be made;one to you, one to your son, and one to the mortgagee. I will speakto Mr. Smith myself to-morrow--and you may tell your son that hereally need not trouble his lawyer. He will only be losing his money,for lawyers are expensive. What; you won't come to the Board? I amsorry for that." Mr. Longestaffe, having after a fashion said what hehad to say, declined to go to the Board. A painful rumour had reachedhim the day before, which had been communicated to him in a veryquiet way by a very old friend,--by a member of a private firm ofbankers whom he was accustomed to regard as the wisest and mosteminent man of his acquaintance,--that Pickering had been alreadymortgaged to its full value by its new owner. "Mind, I know nothing,"said the banker. "The report has reached me, and if it be true, itshows that Mr. Melmotte must be much pressed for money. It doesnot concern you at all if you have got your price. But it seems tobe rather a quick transaction. I suppose you have, or he wouldn'thave the title-deeds." Mr. Longestaffe thanked his friend, andacknowledged that there had been something remiss on his part.Therefore, as he went westward, he was low in spirits. Butnevertheless he had been reassured by Melmotte's manner.

  Sir Felix Carbury of course did not attend the Board; nor did PaulMontague, for reasons with which the reader has been made acquainted.Lord Nidderdale had declined, having had enough of the City for thatday, and Mr. Longestaffe had been banished by hunger. The chairmanwas therefore supported only by Lord Alfred and Mr. Cohenlupe. Butthey were such excellent colleagues that the work was got through aswell as though those absentees had all attended. When the Board wasover Mr. Melmotte and Mr. Cohenlupe retired together.

  "I must get that money for Longestaffe," said Melmotte to his friend.

  "What, eighty thousand pounds! You can't do it this week,--nor yetbefore this day week."

  "It isn't eighty thousand pounds. I've renewed the mortgage, and thatmakes it only fifty. If I can manage the half of that which goes tothe son, I can put the father off."

  "You must raise what you can on the whole property."

  "I've done that already," said Melmotte hoarsely.

  "And where's the money gone?"

  "Brehgert has had L40,000. I was obliged to keep it up with them.You can manage L25,000 for me by Monday?" Mr. Cohenlupe said that hewould try, but intimated his opinion that there would be considerabledifficulty in the operation.