Read The Way We Live Now Page 82



  Our poor old honest friend John Crumb was taken away to durance vileafter his performance in the street with Sir Felix, and was locked upfor the remainder of the night. This indignity did not sit so heavilyon his spirits as it might have done on those of a quicker nature.He was aware that he had not killed the baronet, and that he hadtherefore enjoyed his revenge without the necessity of "swingingfor it at Bury." That in itself was a comfort to him. Then it was agreat satisfaction to think that he had "served the young man out"in the actual presence of his Ruby. He was not prone to give himselfundue credit for his capability and willingness to knock his enemiesabout; but he did think that Ruby must have observed on this occasionthat he was the better man of the two. And, to John, a night in thestation-house was no great personal inconvenience. Though he wasvery proud of his four-post bed at home, he did not care very muchfor such luxuries as far as he himself was concerned. Nor did hefeel any disgrace from being locked up for the night. He was verygood-humoured with the policeman, who seemed perfectly to understandhis nature, and was as meek as a child when the lock was turnedupon him. As he lay down on the hard bench, he comforted himselfwith thinking that Ruby would surely never care any more for the"baronite" since she had seen him go down like a cur without strikinga blow. He thought a good deal about Ruby, but never attributed anyblame to her for her share in the evils that had befallen him.

  The next morning he was taken before the magistrates, but was told atan early hour of the day that he was again free. Sir Felix was notmuch the worse for what had happened to him, and had refused to makeany complaint against the man who had beaten him. John Crumb shookhands cordially with the policeman who had had him in charge, andsuggested beer. The constable, with regrets, was forced to decline,and bade adieu to his late prisoner with the expression of a hopethat they might meet again before long. "You come down to Bungay,"said John, "and I'll show you how we live there."

  From the police-office he went direct to Mrs. Pipkin's house, and atonce asked for Ruby. He was told that Ruby was out with the children,and was advised both by Mrs. Pipkin and Mrs. Hurtle not to presenthimself before Ruby quite yet. "You see," said Mrs. Pipkin, "she's athinking how heavy you were upon that young gentleman."

  "But I wasn't;--not particular. Lord love you, he ain't a hair thewuss."

  "You let her alone for a time," said Mrs. Hurtle. "A little neglectwill do her good."

  "Maybe," said John,--"only I wouldn't like her to have it bad. You'lllet her have her wittles regular, Mrs. Pipkin."

  It was then explained to him that the neglect proposed should notextend to any deprivation of food, and he took his leave, receivingan assurance from Mrs. Hurtle that he should be summoned to townas soon as it was thought that his presence there would serve hispurposes; and with loud promises repeated to each of the friendlywomen that as soon as ever a "line should be dropped" he would appearagain upon the scene, he took Mrs. Pipkin aside, and suggested thatif there were "any hextras," he was ready to pay for them. Then hetook his leave without seeing Ruby, and went back to Bungay.

  When Ruby returned with the children she was told that John Crumb hadcalled. "I thought as he was in prison," said Ruby.

  "What should they keep him in prison for?" said Mrs. Pipkin. "Hehasn't done nothing as he oughtn't to have done. That young man wasdragging you about as far as I can make out, and Mr. Crumb just didas anybody ought to have done to prevent it. Of course they weren'tgoing to keep him in prison for that. Prison indeed! It isn't him asought to be in prison."

  "And where is he now, aunt?"

  "Gone down to Bungay to mind his business, and won't be coming hereany more of a fool's errand. He must have seen now pretty well what'sworth having, and what ain't. Beauty is but skin deep, Ruby."

  "John Crumb 'd be after me again to-morrow, if I'd give himencouragement," said Ruby. "If I'd hold up my finger he'd come."

  "Then John Crumb's a fool for his pains, that's all; and now do yougo about your work." Ruby didn't like to be told to go about herwork, and tossed her head, and slammed the kitchen door, and scoldedthe servant girl, and then sat down to cry. What was she to do withherself now? She had an idea that Felix would not come back to herafter the treatment he had received;--and a further idea that if hedid come he was not, as she phrased it to herself, "of much account."She certainly did not like him the better for having been beaten,though, at the time, she had been disposed to take his part. She didnot believe that she would ever dance with him again. That had beenthe charm of her life in London, and that was now all over. And asfor marrying her,--she began to feel certain that he did not intendit. John Crumb was a big, awkward, dull, uncouth lump of a man, withwhom Ruby thought it impossible that a girl should be in love. Loveand John Crumb were poles asunder. But--! Ruby did not like wheelingthe perambulator about Islington, and being told by her aunt Pipkinto go about her work. What Ruby did like was being in love anddancing; but if all that must come to an end, then there would be aquestion whether she could not do better for herself, than by stayingwith her aunt and wheeling the perambulator about Islington.

  Mrs. Hurtle was still living in solitude in the lodgings, and havingbut little to do on her own behalf, had devoted herself to theinterest of John Crumb. A man more unlike one of her own countrymenshe had never seen. "I wonder whether he has any ideas at all in hishead," she had said to Mrs. Pipkin. Mrs. Pipkin had replied that Mr.Crumb had certainly a very strong idea of marrying Ruby Ruggles. Mrs.Hurtle had smiled, thinking that Mrs. Pipkin was also very unlikeher own countrywomen. But she was very kind to Mrs. Pipkin, orderingrice-puddings on purpose that the children might eat them, and shewas quite determined to give John Crumb all the aid in her power.

  In order that she might give effectual aid she took Mrs. Pipkin intoconfidence, and prepared a plan of action in reference to Ruby. Mrs.Pipkin was to appear as chief actor on the scene, but the plan wasaltogether Mrs. Hurtle's plan. On the day following John's returnto Bungay Mrs. Pipkin summoned Ruby into the back parlour, and thusaddressed her. "Ruby, you know, this must come to an end now."

  "What must come to an end?"

  "You can't stay here always, you know."

  "I'm sure I work hard, Aunt Pipkin, and I don't get no wages."

  "I can't do with more than one girl,--and there's the keep if thereisn't wages. Besides, there's other reasons. Your grandfather won'thave you back there; that's certain."

  "I wouldn't go back to grandfather, if it was ever so."

  "But you must go somewheres. You didn't come to stay herealways,--nor I couldn't have you. You must go into service."

  "I don't know anybody as 'd have me," said Ruby.

  "You must put a 'vertisement into the paper. You'd better say asnursemaid, as you seems to take kindly to children. And I must giveyou a character;--only I shall say just the truth. You mustn't askmuch wages just at first." Ruby looked very sorrowful, and the tearswere near her eyes. The change from the glories of the music hallwas so startling and so oppressive! "It has got to be done sooner orlater, so you may as well put the 'vertisement in this afternoon."

  "You're going to turn me out, Aunt Pipkin."

  "Well;--if that's turning out, I am. You see you never would besaid by me as though I was mistress. You would go out with thatrapscallion when I bid you not. Now when you're in a regular placelike, you must mind when you're spoke to, and it will be best foryou. You've had your swing, and now you see you've got to pay for it.You must earn your bread, Ruby, as you've quarrelled both with yourlover and with your grandfather."

  There was no possible answer to this, and therefore the necessarynotice was put into the paper,--Mrs. Hurtle paying for its insertion."Because, you know," said Mrs. Hurtle, "she must stay here really,till Mr. Crumb comes and takes her away." Mrs. Pipkin expressedher opinion that Ruby was a "baggage" and John Crumb a "soft." Mrs.Pipkin was perhaps a little jealous at the interest which her lodgertook in her niece, thinking perhaps that all Mr
s. Hurtle's sympathieswere due to herself.

  Ruby went hither and thither for a day or two, calling upon themothers of children who wanted nursemaids. The answers which she hadreceived had not come from the highest members of the aristocracy,and the houses which she visited did not appal her by theirsplendour. Many objections were made to her. A character from an auntwas objectionable. Her ringlets were objectionable. She was a dealtoo flighty-looking. She spoke up much too free. At last one happymother of five children offered to take her on approval for a month,at L12 a year, Ruby to find her own tea and wash for herself. Thiswas slavery;--abject slavery. And she too, who had been the belovedof a baronet, and who might even now be the mistress of a betterhouse than that into which she was to go as a servant,--if shewould only hold up her finger! But the place was accepted, and withbroken-hearted sobbings Ruby prepared herself for her departure fromaunt Pipkin's roof.

  "I hope you like your place, Ruby," Mrs. Hurtle said on the afternoonof her last day.

  "Indeed then I don't like it at all. They're the ugliest children youever see, Mrs. Hurtle."

  "Ugly children must be minded as well as pretty ones."

  "And the mother of 'em is as cross as cross."

  "It's your own fault, Ruby; isn't it?"

  "I don't know as I've done anything out of the way."

  "Don't you think it's anything out of the way to be engaged to ayoung man and then to throw him over? All this has come because youwouldn't keep your word to Mr. Crumb. Only for that your grandfatherwouldn't have turned you out of his house."

  "He didn't turn me out. I ran away. And it wasn't along of JohnCrumb, but because grandfather hauled me about by the hair of myhead."

  "But he was angry with you about Mr. Crumb. When a young womanbecomes engaged to a young man, she ought not to go back from herword." No doubt Mrs. Hurtle, when preaching this doctrine, thoughtthat the same law might be laid down with propriety for the conductof young men. "Of course you have brought trouble on yourself. I amsorry that you don't like the place. I'm afraid you must go to itnow."

  "I am agoing,--I suppose," said Ruby, probably feeling that if shecould but bring herself to condescend so far there might yet be openfor her a way of escape.

  "I shall write and tell Mr. Crumb where you are placed."

  "Oh, Mrs. Hurtle, don't. What should you write to him for? It ain'tnothing to him."

  "I told him I'd let him know if any steps were taken."

  "You can forget that, Mrs. Hurtle. Pray don't write. I don't want himto know as I'm in service."

  "I must keep my promise. Why shouldn't he know? I don't suppose youcare much now what he hears about you."

  "Yes I do. I wasn't never in service before, and I don't want him toknow."

  "What harm can it do you?"

  "Well, I don't want him to know. It is such a come down, Mrs.Hurtle."

  "There is nothing to be ashamed of in that. What you have to beashamed of is jilting him. It was a bad thing to do;--wasn't it,Ruby?"

  "I didn't mean nothing bad, Mrs. Hurtle; only why couldn't he saywhat he had to say himself, instead of bringing another to say it forhim? What would you feel, Mrs. Hurtle, if a man was to come and sayit all out of another man's mouth?"

  "I don't think I should much care if the thing was well said at last.You know he meant it."

  "Yes;--I did know that."

  "And you know he means it now?"

  "I'm not so sure about that. He's gone back to Bungay, and he isn'tno good at writing letters no more than at speaking. Oh,--he'll goand get somebody else now."

  "Of course he will if he hears nothing about you. I think I'd bettertell him. I know what would happen."

  "What would happen, Mrs. Hurtle?"

  "He'd be up in town again in half a jiffey to see what sort of aplace you'd got. Now, Ruby, I'll tell you what I'll do, if you'llsay the word. I'll have him up here at once and you shan't go to Mrs.Buggins'." Ruby dropped her hands and stood still, staring at Mrs.Hurtle. "I will. But if he comes you mustn't behave this time as youdid before."

  "But I'm to go to Mrs. Buggins' to-morrow."

  "We'll send to Mrs. Buggins and tell her to get somebody else. You'rebreaking your heart about going there;--are you not?"

  "I don't like it, Mrs. Hurtle."

  "And this man will make you mistress of his house. You say he isn'tgood at speaking; but I tell you I never came across an honester manin the whole course of my life, or one who I think would treat awoman better. What's the use of a glib tongue if there isn't a heartwith it? What's the use of a lot of tinsel and lacker, if the realmetal isn't there? Sir Felix Carbury could talk, I dare say, but youdon't think now he was a very fine fellow."

  "He was so beautiful, Mrs. Hurtle!"

  "But he hadn't the spirit of a mouse in his bosom. Well, Ruby,you have one more choice left you. Shall it be John Crumb or Mrs.Buggins?"

  "He wouldn't come, Mrs. Hurtle."

  "Leave that to me, Ruby. May I bring him if I can?" Then Ruby in avery low whisper told Mrs. Hurtle, that if she thought proper shemight bring John Crumb back again. "And there shall be no morenonsense?"

  "No," whispered Ruby.

  On that same night a letter was sent to Mrs. Buggins, whichMrs. Hurtle also composed, informing that lady that unforeseencircumstances prevented Ruby Ruggles from keeping the engagement shehad made; to which a verbal answer was returned that Ruby Ruggleswas an impudent hussey. And then Mrs. Hurtle in her own name wrote ashort note to Mr. John Crumb.


  If you will come back to London I think you will find Miss Ruby Ruggles all that you desire.

  Yours faithfully,


  "She's had a deal more done for her than I ever knew to be done foryoung women in my time," said Mrs. Pipkin, "and I'm not at all sosure that she has deserved it."

  "John Crumb will think she has."

  "John Crumb's a fool;--and as to Ruby; well, I haven't got nopatience with girls like them. Yes; it is for the best; and as foryou, Mrs. Hurtle, there's no words to say how good you've been. Ihope, Mrs. Hurtle, you ain't thinking of going away because this isall done."