Read The Weight of the Crown Page 6



  The two conspirators exchanged uneasy glances. The king seemed to havedropped off again into a heavy sleep, for his chest was rising steadily.Evidently the powerful drug had done its work. Maxgregor had opened thesecond phial, and had already begun to drop the spots at intervals onthe sleeping man's lips.

  "There must be something wrong," the queen said anxiously. "I am sureMiss Galloway is quite to be relied upon. She knew that she had to wait.They--why does she not come?"

  "Watched, probably," Maxgregor said between his teeth. "There are manyspies about. This delay may cause serious trouble, but you must notreturn back by yourself.... Try again."

  Once more the signal was tried, and after the lapse of an anxious momenta knock came at the door. The queen crossed rapidly and opened it.Jessie stood there a little flushed and out of breath.

  "I could not come before," she explained. "A man found me by thefountain. I can hardly tell you why, but I am quite sure that he is yourenemy. If you knew Prince Boris Mazaroff----"

  "You did wisely," the queen said. "I know Mazaroff quite well, andcertainly he is no friend of mine or of my adopted country. You did notlet him see you come?"

  "No; I had to wait till there was a chance to get rid of him, madame. Afriend came to my assistance, and Lord Merehaven was impressed into theservice. Mazaroff will not trouble us for some little time; he will notbe free before you regain the salon. And this gentleman----"

  "Will have to stay here. He has to look after the king. Lock the door,Paul."

  Maxgregor locked the door behind the queen and Jessie. They made theirway quickly into the garden again without being seen. It was well thatno time was lost, for the concert in the salon was just over, and theguests were beginning to troop out into the open air. The night was socalm and warm that it was possible to sit outside. Already a small armyof footmen were coming with refreshments. The queen slipped away andjoined a small party of the diplomatic circle, but the warm pressure ofher hand and the radiancy of her smile testified to her appreciation ofJessie's services.

  The girl was feeling uneasy and nervous now. She was wondering what wasgoing to happen next. She slipped away from the rest and sauntered downa side path that led to a garden grove. Her head was in a maze ofconfusion. She had practically eaten nothing all day; she was feelingthe want of food now. She sat down on a rustic seat and laid her achinghead back.

  Presently two men passed her, one old and grey and distinguished-looking,whom she had no difficulty in recognizing as Lord Merehaven. Nor wasJessie in the least surprised to see that his companion was PrinceMazaroff. The two men were talking earnestly together.

  "I assure you, my lord, I am speaking no more than the truth," Mazaroffsaid eagerly. "The secret treaty between Russia and Asturia over thosepasses is ready for signature. It was handed to King Erno only to-day,and he promised to read it and return it signed in the morning."

  "Provided that he is in a position to sign," Lord Merehaven said drily.

  "Just so, my lord. Under that treaty Russia gets the Southern passes.Once that is a fact, the fate of Asturia is sealed. You can see that, ofcourse?"

  "Yes, I can see that, Prince. It is a question of absorbing Asturia. Iwould give a great deal for a few words now with the King of Asturia."

  "I dare say," Mazaroff muttered. "So would I for that matter. But nobodyknows where he is. He has a knack of mysteriously disappearing when onone of his orgies. The last time he was discovered in Paris in adrinking den, herding with some of the worst characters in Europe. Atthe present moment his suite are looking for him everywhere. You see, hehas that treaty in his pocket----"

  Lord Merehaven turned in his stride and muttered that he must see tosomething immediately. Mazaroff refrained from following, saying that hewould smoke a cigarette in the seclusion of the garden. The light from alantern fell on the face of the Russian, and Jessie could plainly seethe evil triumph there.

  "The seed has fallen on fruitful ground," Mazaroff laughed. "Thatpompous old ass will---- Igon! What is it?"

  Another figure appeared out of the gloom and stood before Mazaroff. Thenew-comer might have been an actor from his shaven face and alert air.He was in evening dress, and wore a collar of some order.

  "I followed you," the man addressed as Igon said. "What am I looking soannoyed about? Well, you will look quite as much annoyed, my friend,when you hear the news. We've lost the king."

  Something like an oath rose to Mazaroff's lips. He glanced angrily athis companion.

  "The thing is impossible," he said. "Why, I saw the king myself at fouro'clock this afternoon in a state of hopeless intoxication. It was I wholured him from his hotel with the story of some wonderful dancing he wasgoing to see, with a prospect of some gambling to follow. I spoke inglowing terms of the marvellous excellency of the champagne. I said hewould have to be careful, as the police have their eyes on the place.Disguised as a waiter the king left his hotel and joined me. I saw himhelplessly drunk, and I came away with instructions that the king was tobe carefully watched, and that he was not to be allowed to leave. Don'tstand there and tell me that my carefully planned coup of so many weekshas failed."

  "I do tell you that, and the sooner you realize it the better," theother man said. "We put the king to bed and locked the door on theoutside. Just before dusk the police raided the place----"

  "By what right? It is a private house. Nothing has ever taken placethere that the police object to. Of course, it was quite a fairy talethat I pitched to the King of Asturia."

  "Well, there it is!" the other said gloomily. "The police raided theplace. Possibly somebody put them up to it. That Maxgregor is a devil ofa fellow who finds out everything. They found nothing, and went offprofessing to be satisfied. And when I unlocked the door to see that wehadn't gone too far with the king, he had vanished. I only found themout a little time ago, and I came to you at once. Not being an invitedguest, I did not run the risk of coming to the house, but I got over thegarden wall from the stables beyond, and here I am. It's no use blamingme, Mazaroff; I could not have helped it--nobody could have helped it."

  Mazaroff paced up and down the gravel walk anxiously. His gloomy browswere knitted into a frown. A little while later and his face clearedagain.

  "I begin to see my way," he said. "We have people here to deal withcleverer than I anticipated. There is no time to be lost, Igon. Comethis way."

  The two rascals disappeared, leaving Jessie more mystified than ever.Then she rose to her feet in her turn and made her way towards thehouse. At any rate, she had made a discovery worth knowing. It seemed tobe her duty to tell the queen what she had discovered. But the queenseemed to have vanished, for Jessie could not find her in the grounds ofthe house. As she came out of the hall she saw Ronald Hope, who appearedto be looking for somebody.

  "I wanted you," he said in an undertone. "An explanation is due to me.You were going to tell me everything. I have never come across a moremaddening mystery than this, Jessie."

  "Don't even whisper my name," the girl said. "I will tell you everythingpresently. Meanwhile, I shall be very glad if you will tell me where Ican find the Queen of Asturia."

  "She has gone," was the unexpected reply. "She was talking to LadyMerehaven when a messenger came with a big letter. The queen glanced atit and ordered her carriage at once. She went quite suddenly. I hopethere is nothing wrong, but from the expression of your face----"

  "I hope my face is not as eloquent as all that," Jessie said. "What Ihave to say to the queen will keep, or the girl I am impersonating cancarry the information. Let us go out into the garden, where we can talkfreely. I am doing a bold thing, Ronald, and---- What is it?"

  A footman was handing a letter for Jessie on a tray. The letter wasaddressed to Miss Galloway, and just for an instant Jessie hesitated.The letter might be quite private.

  "Delivered by the young person from Bond Street, miss," the footmansaid. "The young person informed me that she hoped to c
ome back with allthat you required in an hour, miss. Meanwhile she seemed to be anxiousfor you to get this letter."

  "What a complication it all is," Jessie said as she tore open theenvelope and read the contents under the big electrics in the hall."This is another mystery, Ronald. Read it."

  Ronald Hope leaned over Jessie's shoulder and read as follows:--

  "At all hazards go up to the bedroom where the king is, and warn thegeneral he is watched. Implore him for Heaven's sake and his own to_pull down the blind_!"