Read The White Light Page 11

Early the next morning Toni was preparing coffee and just as she finished she reached up in the cabinet and grabbed two cups - the doorbell rang, and when she opened it there stood a man Toni had never seen before. She stepped back and asked him what she could do for him. “I’m Dennis Mays and here to see Tessie.”

  Puzzled at who the man was and why he would appear at her door to see Tessie, she paused and then politely excused herself without inviting him in and went to find Tessie. She was in the bathroom brushing her hair when Toni leaned against the opened door and said, “Do you know a Dennis Mays?”

  Tessie flipped around and said, “Yes, he’s that man I told you about who brought me flowers…you know…those rose buds.”

  “Well, he’s here standing at the door waiting for you,” Toni said and then followed Tessie back to the door.

  Tessie looked at Dennis with a puzzled look and said, “How did you get this address?”

  “There was a message attached on your door that you would be away for a couple weeks and this is the address you left so I thought I’d take it upon myself to pay you a visit here…you know to surprise you.”

  This action did not set well with Tessie and she told him so, and then she told him he was a bit too forward, and to please not contact her again. He frowned, turned to go, and then turned back around, “I’m sorry I followed through on an instinct to surprise you, but you must know I’ve traveled for hours to get here. Won’t you at least have dinner with me tonight before I catch my midnight flight?”

  Tessie took in a deep breath, and the anger broke and scattered. “No, I will not, and furthermore, please leave. I shall have nothing else to do with you.”

  Dennis shot her a forlorn look, leaned over and propped his forearms on the rail sitting in front of the door and said, “Don’t you think you’re being a bit nasty about this whole situation? I mean… I traveled a good distance to see you and you’re treating me this way?”

  Tessie shrugged her shoulders and closed the door feeling a bit concerned about this rude man she meet a week or so ago. It seemed to her that he had taken a turn for the worse since meeting him earlier. At the time she thought he was a gentleman and was kind enough to bring her flowers, but this was too much for him to come here unannounced. She bumped into Toni when she turned to go look for her, and when she did, Toni said, “What was that about?”

  Tessie shrugged. “When I saw him a few days ago and he presented me with flowers, I felt he was a nice man who was simply attracted to me, now I'm not so sure,” she moaned. “I mean, he's good looking, well dressed, and has those qualities one might admire because of the way he carries himself, but something seems missing now, and I can't figure it out. Do you think I should venture out with him to find out what his motive is in wanting to see me?”

  “Boy, this is a tough one, Tess. He did come on strong, but then again - a man pursuing a woman sometimes has to take matters into his own hands and do what he has to do,” Toni responded. “Why don't you hurry out and tell him you’re sorry for being so suspicious about his? Otherwise you may never know what this thing is all about.”

  Tessie nodded and quickly ran to the door, headed to the main entrance, exited the building and spotted Dennis as he was about to get into his car.”Dennis! Dennis! Wait!,” she yelled out, “I'm sorry for being so abrupt… it's just that so many traumatic things have been happening to us lately that we’ve been on edge - not ourselves.”

  “Tessie, I too must apologize for my forwardness, but I couldn't think of any other way to greet you without appearing to be a stalker. I mean, not really a stalker, but a person who could see something wonderful in you and not knowing exactly how to get to meet you. I guess I was a real jerk in my approach; I am sorry. Is there a chance we can start over? I’ll only be here for today and then I must be gone on business for a while. May I at least buy you an early dinner or late lunch right now and we can visit for a short while. I promise to be a better person and not be so forward,” he urged.

  Tessie thought for a brief moment trying to convince herself that this person might not be a bad guy, but just an overambitious one wanting to meet a lady. Thinking that there couldn't be too much involved if they merely sat in a restaurant, in an open area, and enjoyed a meal and conversation she decided to take a chance.

  “Tell you what, Dennis, I guess we both got a little nervous back there, but you not knowing my situation and me not knowing yours caused a little friction and some angry words, so, yes, let's start over. I’ll have late lunch early dinner with you.”

  Tessie told Dennis that she’d need a little time to get ready and Dennis responded likewise, so a mutual time and place were agreed upon and each departed. Tessie was confused on the one hand and intrigued on the other. Who was this guy and where did he come from?

  After Tessie rushed back into the house, Toni was on the phone and seemed to be carrying on with some business at her work. When Toni hung up she turned to Tessie and said, “I have to go back to work tomorrow because it’s urgent that I attend this special meeting and not only that but I have to catch up with a lot of other things.”

  Tessie shook her head agreeing and said, “If you don’t mind, I’ll stay another night and then leave tomorrow.”

  Toni smiled. “Sure another night is fine or more if need be, but enough of my business stuff, how did it go with your friend…ah…Dennis…is that his name?”

  “It went well, in fact, I’m having dinner with him tonight hoping to find out what he’s about. I’m glad you’ll be around in case it doesn’t turn out as I’m hoping. Oh no. I have to get back to Berkley. You know I only took off a couple weeks and that’s just about up.”

  Later that evening Dennis picked up Tessie and they went to a nearby Chinese Restaurant. When they settled in and were sipping on hot tea, Tessie asked Dennis why it was urgent to travel all this way to see her when they hadn’t known one another more than a day. He confessed that he really liked her and thought it might be a good gesture to be forward and surprise her. He explained he liked giving surprises to the one he was attracted to. He continued telling her that was why he presented her with flowers the first time, and then thought that the second surprise was to show her how important she was to him by traveling such a great distance just to have dinner with her. Tessie wasn’t so sure he was being honest, but she thought she’d give him a chance to show who he really was. Time would show her and that’s when she’d make her final judgment of him. After dinner was over and he walked beside her holding her hand, she looked up at him and said, “I do have to get back to Berkley tomorrow so perhaps when you get back from your few days of traveling, you might call me and we can do this again.”

  Dennis was pleased with her suggestion and smiled back at her as he opened the door for her.



  Chapter Eleven