Read The White Light Page 13

While Dennis was busy in Los Angeles attending to some very technical issues concerning the Government, he had the urge to check in with Tessie to see whether or not she had any free time coming up. When Tessie got Dennis’ voice message she was surprised that he actually called as he said he would, and also disappointed that she wasn’t around to answer the phone. After settling down from a stressful day of teaching she decided she should return the call, and when she did the phone rang but no one answered, so it seemed the two were playing phone tag. Tessie left a message informing Dennis that she would be in for the rest of the evening should he wish to call. Shortly after the phone rang again but this time Tessie answered. “Hello!”

  “Tessie, is that you? This is Dennis; I tried to call but you were away.”

  “Hi Dennis. Thank you for returning my call. Did you complete your assignment? I understand it was urgent.”

  “Finished what needed to get done, and now I’m just resting in my room wondering how things were going in Berkley. Are you enjoying your teaching?”

  “There are many aspects of the profession that are rewarding, but as with any job, problems arise and one has to be prepared to deal with them.”

  After discussing small matters Dennis finally got up the courage to invite Tessie for another dinner and perhaps this time in San Francisco. He told her he could get a flight at SFO and if she could meet him he wouldn’t have to rent a car. Tessie agreed that it was too much trouble trying to get around the airport to find a car rental and that she would meet him at the designated place. The day arrived and Tessie worked her way from her home in Berkley to South San Francisco and to the airport. She arrived with time to spare allowing her to locate the gate where Dennis would emerge. The flight from LA was on time and Dennis was one of the first to exit. Tessie yelled out to him and began walking over to greet him, exchanged a brief hug, and made their way out to the parking log. Dennis had only a small carry on so he didn’t have to wait for luggage. Once in the car, Dennis directed Tessie up highway 101 into San Francisco. They went directly to the restaurant, pulled up to the front door, exited and had the car parked by a Valet. Dennis escorted Tessie in and was directed to a reserved booth. After being seated the waiter presented them with a bottle of preferred red wine. The menu was presented and orders were taken. “Wow, Dennis, this is some place you chose. Do you take all your girl friends here to impress them?”

  Dennis, with a smile on his face, “Well, I must confess I have no girl friends, and I have been here only once before. It impressed me then and it looks like it will be a success again this time. Tessie. Oh, may I call you Tess?”

  “You may call me Tess, but only if I can call you Dennis,” she said with a giggle.

  “Now that’s what I like, a teacher with a sense of humor” was the comeback “You will note the waiters standing over by the pillars dressed in unusual costumes. You will soon discover who they are and why they are standing around, for this is a most unusual restaurant.”

  No sooner did Dennis complete his sentence than did one of the costumed men begin to walk around. As he began to move music began to play. The waiter, upon hearing his cue began to sing in the most incredible voice, for he was no ordinary waiter, but a member of the San Francisco Opera community. He was receiving some training singing at the facility while at the same time earning some money in his profession. He blurted out the aria Nessum Dorma from Puccini’s Turandot. The music was so beautiful it was difficult to concentrate on the food for wanting to listen, and as one person completed the aria, he moved to the tables to serve food and drinks while another singer moved in to take his place, each expounding on their own special opera and each with a resounding voice that brought shivers to one’s body. Tessie was overwhelmed with joy, not only because of the opera singers but also of the class shown by Dennis in his treatment of her. She enjoyed the food, music, atmosphere, and conversation. During the course of their repast Tessie asked, “Dennis, I understand that you are a CPA? Do you have an office of your own?”

  “I must confess, Tess that yes I am a CPA, but I don’t work out of an office. I’m sorry that I can’t tell you exactly what I do, but I can say that I work for the Federal Government. Any more than that might get me into trouble, and I know you wouldn’t want to see that happen.”

  “If I knew I would keep it a secret, but if it would get you in trouble, then I certainly wouldn’t press the issue. Do you work in Washington, DC? Or is that top secret?” queried Tessie. “I must be a spy!” she laughed.

  Dennis didn’t respond but laughed and left it at that. During the course of their conversation, Dennis asked as if out of the blue whether she and Toni had known each other for a long time and whether they had ventured out for a vacation or get away. Tessie was not quick enough to catch the nature of the questioning and continued to tell him that she and Toni had been friends since childhood. She told him that they often went out on short trips when they could coordinate their schedules. Dennis asked if she had ever been to Florida. He told her that he went there on special jobs from time to time and liked certain sections of the state. Again Tessie was not onto his questioning and said that she and Toni did visit there not too long ago, but it was on a business trip to Miami. Dennis broke in telling Tessie how he enjoyed it when visiting certain sections, but didn’t venture too far off course, for there were sections of the city that were not too nice. At that point and with that response Tessie got an uneasy feeling about the way the conversation was heading.

  “What would bring you to Miami, Dennis? Do you like the hot climate, or is there some other reason you would venture from wherever you originate all the way to Miami?”

  Dennis decided it was now time to change the nature of his questioning. “I like New York city as well. Have you ever been there? I know a great restaurant there and you must allow me to take you there one day. What do you say?”

  “I haven’t been there, but always enjoy seeing the wonderfully tall buildings. Yes, you might convince me to venture out that far from home when school is out.”

  Time ran out and it was at that juncture that Dennis invited Tess to stay overnight. He had booked her into a nice hotel in the same one where he was staying, and assuring her that she would have her own private room. With such generosity, and dreading the thought of driving from downtown San Francisco to Berkley Tessie accepted the offer, and so Dennis paid the bill and asked to waiter to summon Tessie’s car to meet them outside. As they exited the facility, the car was there for them so Dennis handed the driver a nice tip, then opened the door and assisted Tess inside. It was a short drive to the Hotel where the two checked in, entered the bar for a final repast, and departed for their individual rooms. Tessie thanked Dennis and promised to meet him near the front desk the next morning at 9am. Following a brief hug each departed for their rooms to enjoy a peaceful night following a wonderful fulfilling evening.

  Tessie left her room all packed and ready to reunite with Dennis. Exiting the elevator she walked to the lounge and headed to the main desk. To her surprise Dennis was waiting, and he walked over, grabbed her bag, led her to the restaurant, and then found a quiet booth and sat down. A waitress came over and handed them a menu.“Nice to see the sun shining in the city at this hour; there is usually a fine mist, but not this morning. It must be you who brought the sunshine Tessie.”

  “You’re sweet. The weatherman knew we had to drive and fly back this morning, so he was nice to us; he knows how I hate to drive over the Oakland-Bay Bridge to Berkley.” Tessie chuckled.

  Dennis and Tessie’s conversation was interesting and with a good meal under their belts they were off to a good start developing a relationship that might build into something lasting. However, something kept reappearing in Tessie’s mind all the while she was visiting with Dennis. She was bothered about the inquiry about her visiting Miami, and although he didn’t come right out and say so, the implication w
as clear. Of all the cities near and far, why ask about Miami? Could Dennis have any possible connection to the mystic Mapita? That would be astounding to Tessie, but yet, stranger things have been happening so she’d let it go for now. Nevertheless she continued to think about it. Do I just ignore my feelings about this Miami thing or should I question Dennis and perhaps put him on guard for something that might prove to be innocent? What if I am wrong and it just happened that Miami came up, after all it is famous for many things? These thoughts were troubling to Tessie, but she didn’t want to spoil a good thing, and it appeared that she was developing a feeling for Dennis, so why blow it on a hunch? Deciding to let it go for now she’d just let nature take its course. Should this episode rear its ugly head again and develop a tie-in, she would be better prepared to deal with it. The atmosphere was too calming to cloud it up with bad thoughts or with probing about Dennis’ work, so only pleasantries were exchanged, and following a wonderful hour in the restaurant, Dennis motioned to the clock and reminded Tessie he had a plane to catch and if she would be so kind as to drive him back to the airport he would forever be indebted to her. Smiling she told him that it would be her pleasure to drive him. Driving out of the city was easy for it was that period in between traffic congestion time; smooth exit to the terminals, and this time Tessie didn’t have to park in the lot, but merely had to drive to the designated area where his airline was located. Exiting the car and retrieving his bag Dennis found himself in a slightly awkward position, not knowing if he should give Tessie a big hug or perhaps a small kiss on her forehead, or a gentle one on her lips. He decided to leave it up to Tessie and see what she wanted to do. After a brief exchange of words preparing for Dennis’ departure, Tessie grabbed hold of him and gave him a big hug, and afterward looked him straight in the eye and gently touched her lips to his, without saying anything she turned and hurried to her car. She sped off to Berkley. Dennis stood there in wonderment because he was not sure if what he was doing was the right thing or not because he did have a hidden agenda, one which he couldn’t discuss at this time with Tessie. Feeling a bit of guilt he snapped up his bag and headed for his boarding location