Read The White Light Page 15

Chapter Fourteen

  After leaving Dennis at the airport, and doing a little grocery shopping Tessie headed home to cook a big pot of stew, maybe sip on some hot tea and settle down for the rest of the day. Lately she hadn’t had any time to herself with the strange happenings going on in her life and was in dire need of a quiet evening alone. She pulled into her driveway and immediately saw Cecil, an old boyfriend. She blew out a held in deep breath, jumped out of her car, and hurried around behind her car to the trunk. She reached in and grabbed two bags with her handbag hanging from her shoulders. As she neared the door she called out to Cecil and right away he turned around and rushed over to take the two large bags out of Tessie’s arms. Reaching into her handbag she pulled out her house key, opened the door and Cecil followed her inside. Once the bags were placed on the table, Tessie turned around and said, “What can I do for you Cecil? I don’t mean to be rude, but I came home to simply spend time alone since I haven’t been able to do that for weeks.”

  “Oh, lately you’ve been on my mind a lot so since I was in the neighborhood, I dropped by to see you, but since you seem to be so busy, I’ll leave and come another day.”

  For an instant Tessie couldn’t respond but she got control of her emotions and looked Cecil straight in the eyes, and said, “Now why would you want to do that? I mean you told me last year that you didn’t want to see me anymore, and here you stand telling me you were thinking of me so you dropped by? What has changed Cecil?”

  “I don’t understand it myself Tess; all I can say is that while in Washington last week, I thought I saw you standing in line at the government building, and ever since you’ve been on my mind.”

  “Oh, I see. Well, as I said, I really was planning on a day alone and anything else would make me upset, so…”

  “Tess, I’ll go, but would it disturb you if I stayed long enough to share a glass of wine with you? I promise I’ll leave afterward.”

  Tessie shrugged her shoulders, pulled out a bottle of white wine, reached up into the cabinet and pulled out two glasses. “I suppose one glass of wine together would be okay, but you must leave afterward as promised because…”

  Before Tessie could finish her sentence Cecil agreed to leave after finishing his wine. He accepted the glass, began sipping on it and right away commenced telling her about his experience with the FBI - a lifelong passion to be part of that great organization. He said he went through all the training required to become a special agent and met a lot of good people while doing his work to qualify, but in the end decided it wasn’t for him. He told her he befriended a man in another department and after learning about his job, he was more interested in it, but when he checked the job out, he found out he had to go on a long waiting list, be thoroughly checked out, and then go to an in-depth schooling that would take a couple years to complete. Tessie asked him what he was going to do and he told her he needed to get back in touch with his friend, Dennis to see if it was worth the wait. When Cecil mentioned Dennis she became interested and asked if this Dennis had a last name. When he told her it was Mays, she almost dropped to the floor in shock, but instead asked him what department Dennis was in, and when he told her it was the CIA, she became angry and tilted the glass back and emptied the red liquid in one gulp letting it slide down her throat like a raging river. She set the glass down hard, “I’m afraid you’re going to have to go now Cecil.” Cecil frowned with a puzzled look on his face and said, “Did I say something that upset you, Tess?”

  She shook her head no, “I just need for you to leave Cecil. I’m sorry I’m so rude, but I must have you leave now”

  As abruptly as Cecil arrived he departed, but it had to be an act of fate that he should arrive at that time and decide to visit his girl friend of the past. He had to be a messenger sent from some unknown entity. How could this event explained to her be other than an omen? But was it an omen or a blessing? The answer to the question remains to be answered.

  Tessie, now very much on edge in what she thought was going to be a very relaxing evening, could only pace the floor not knowing whether to be happy, sad or angry. She tortured her brain to figure out why Dennis the CPA was now suddenly a CIA Special Agent working for the Federal Government; two very different operations dealing with vastly different situations. Remembering his words, however, made Tessie reflect on her feelings, for he did say that although he was indeed a CPA, he didn’t have an office and that he worked for a government agency and further that he couldn’t tell her specifically which agency, at least not at that time. Such a paradox pondered Tessie’s mind, for although Dennis was telling the truth, he also left out much of the story. Was it really on purpose or was he sworn to secrecy as to what his obligations were with the CIA; that remained the unanswered question? She knew it was a very private organization of the Federal Government and any unwanted information forthcoming from anyone about its members could be very dangerous for those serving in that capacity.

  Tessie had to admit that she admired Dennis and that he proved himself to be quite a gentleman. He was kind and gentle, generous and thoughtful of her needs, but there was something she didn’t feel comfortable about and couldn’t get that feeling out of her mind - that one statement he posed to her about having been to Miami. Did he know for sure she had been there and that she, Toni and Bob had gotten into a whole lot of trouble? If so, then why didn’t he just say so, not having to commit himself by telling how he knew or what he had planned to do about it, if anything? Do I call him again? Should I just drop this developing relationship or know that in his heart he wanted to share things with me but was unable to do so because of a sworn oath? These thoughts were not only puzzling to her but confusing because of her sensual nature for this man. Realizing that he was more than just a casual friend she couldn’t allow her emotions to seep through, but deep down she assumed he understood and felt the same way, otherwise why would he shower her with gifts, when he could have come out and said that he was investigating an event that happened in Florida and he was informed that she was one of the victims? She might have been shocked, but it also might have been easier for her to accept.

  Okay, so now what? Tessie couldn’t blow this whole thing out of proportion and lose a potential lover and soul mate, could she?. Should she swallow her pride and go along with the game until everything is played out? Then she could play the innocent unsuspecting person. Tessie, after much back and forth conversations with her alter ego decided to seek help, and what better help than her best friend Toni. A call was put in and after what seemed like hours, the phone was answered.

  “Toni, is that you? Tess here. I know it’s late in Texas, but something has emerged that you must hear; it is urgent to me and probably will be to you as well.”

  “You know I have all the time you need, and by the tone of your voice it seems like this will be a long and involved one, so shoot.”


  “Okay, but I’ll try to make it short. Remember my old boyfriend, Cecil?” Tessie asked.

  “Why yes, why? Has he contacted you lately?”

  “Yes, in fact he was at my door when I arrived back from taking Dennis to the airport, but that’s not why I mentioned him. During our conversation, he mentioned Dennis and the odd thing about it was that he knew him. But even worse than that, he claims he is a CIA Special Agent, instead of a CPA. Isn’t that strange?”

  “Sort of, but why has it caused you confusion? I mean isn’t it possible he couldn’t or didn’t want you to know just yet? I mean, think about it Tess, that’s something many women would stand back about. You know, like a police officer’s wife feels; all concerned and worried. But in the beginning of a relationship, it might have affected you two developing a relationship, or at least, Dennis may have thought so.” Toni smiled and said, “Plus, have you told him about the wish we made or anything that you might have thought would disturb him?”

  Tess had to sit
down and pause for a moment over Toni’s wise response. “Toni, you always did know how to calm my worries and again, you’ve done that; thank you.”

  “Honey, I’m sure it must have upset you in the first place when you found out Cecil knew Dennis, but then to also learn that he works for the CIA on top of it – that makes a forever moving shock in one day, so don’t be so hard on yourself. But Tessie, do give Dennis a chance.”

  “Oh Toni, you are so smart. Thank you. Listen, I’ll let you go because I know you are dealing with your own stuff and probably very tired. But before we hang up, how is Bob doing?”

  “Oh Tess, he’s doing quite well. I really have faith that he is going to come out of this horrible ordeal. I’ve been so busy at work that I can’t spend as much time as I’d like, but I do go back and read to him as much as I can. Listen to this, he actually squeezed my hand the last time I was with him .”

  “Listen Toni, don’t feel guilty about not being able to spend as much time as you’d like with Bob. I mean after all, you do have a great deal of responsibility with your job and can’t shun from that either, and what incredible news about Bob squeezing your hand; thank you for telling me and please keep me posted should any other amazing events take place.”

  After hanging up from Toni, Tess went to the cabinet, then poured a glass of wine, and sat down in her favorite overstuffed leather chair to ponder on her and Toni’s conversation, as well as the discovery of Dennis working for the CIA. She realized there weren’t any coincidences in life thereby making it a necessary act or omen of sorts, and also feeling connected to Dennis even with all she had just learned from Cecil, but was she just a pawn in this whole plot to catch a criminal and nothing more? She wondered. Still…On the other hand, I know there was sincerity with Dennis. Was he trying to protect me from harm and just trying to eke out just enough information to proceed with his investigation? Or is he even doing an investigation? Tessie turned and hurried to take a hot shower, and afterwards climbed into bed, hung up her dream catcher, and smiled as she drifted off into slumber land. She had been asleep for only a couple hours when her cell phone beeped which jerked her awake. She sat up and reached over on the night table and said, “Hello.” “Hello Tess, did I wake my favorite lady?”

  “Yes,” Tessie confessed, “But since it’s you Dennis, I don’t mind.”

  “Ah, I like that response. Listen, I’m returning next week – will you have dinner with me?”

  “Yes, and hey…It’s different for me, but I like my response too because it is absolutely true.”

  “ Good, because I have some things I’d like to discuss with you.”

  “Oh, what about?” Tessie said smiling.

  “Just something I need to clean up about our last meeting; something that might stand between our relationship.”

  “Will you give me a little hint so I won’t die of curiosity?”

  Tessie heard a chuckle from the end of the receiver and smiled, but nevertheless, Dennis wouldn’t give her a hint. After she placed the cell back on the table she laid her head back on the pillow and hoped what he wanted to tell her was that he was a CIA Agent instead of a CPA. She believed meeting Dennis was meant to be, was fated, especially his arrival after seeing her in the flower shop. Toni also believed it was fated and persuaded Tessie not to be too harsh with Dennis at this point, but it didn’t take much persuasion because she knew it to be true as well. Dennis mentioned once that he felt delivered, guided, and directed to Tessie. He said that he had never sent a woman flowers much less have the courage to deliver them to her without knowing her. She raised her hands up to the ceiling and thanked the Universe and for watching over her and bringing Dennis to her. All was well with the world, she thought. With a lighter heart she knew she wouldn’t have any difficulty falling asleep tonight.



  Chapter Fifteen