Read The White Light Page 9

Chapter Eight

  Meanwhile back in Miami~

  The ‘narc’ who had been assigned by the FBI agent who was willing to help Bob, Toni and Tessie with their quest to resolve an issue with some secret wish made long ago, returned to the origin of their visit, Miami, Florida, where Mapita Castro would be found in her familiar environment and sought her out to talk with her. When he caught up with her and her friends he quizzed her about the visit from Bob, Tessie and Toni. He told Mapita that he had promised the three he would follow up on their visit, knowing that they had come and gone, and was anxious to know whether or not their venture was successful. These words immediately put Mapita on guard because she didn’t expect this visit and wasn’t sure how to respond to the question. If the visitors had done as they promised and left the area and headed back to California then Mapita could tell a lie and say everything turned out well for all concerned. If the visitors had told the truth and revealed the harsh treatment afforded them and the torture of Bob, she would be caught in a lie and not know how to escape. Trying to be clever, she said out of curiosity, “What did those people have to say about me? Were they happy with my services? Did they tell you we had a wonderful meeting and I sent them away with positive thoughts and suggestions on how to resolve their problems?” Mapita questioned.

  The ‘narc’ became suspicious at that point in their conversation and informed Mapita that he was advised to hear her story first before he told her his version. Mappta felt trapped and didn’t know how to worm out of this deception. She thought quickly and responded “I’m sorry I’m not able to discuss the nature of our business because I promised to keep secret all that went on during our session.

  “Mapita, are you trying to hide something from me? You do not impress me with your sincerity in your answers. I have a feeling you’re not telling me everything that happened.”

  Mapita was not sure how to answer, again, so she told the ‘narc’ that the meeting was concluded so the visitors were sent on their way. In addition, she knew they had reported in to their contact, so she was convinced the ‘narc’ was reaching for straws and didn’t know anything other than what was just told to him, so she decided to avoid any further questioning and dismiss herself telling the ‘narc’ she had to go because she had a very important client coming and she needed to prepare herself mentally for the meeting. The ’narc’ knew she was lying and he told her he would be back again, and at that point dismissed himself and was gone as mysteriously as he had arrived.

  “Phillippe! Phillippe! You must come to me now!” Mapita screeched. “It is most important that you carry out my wishes and go on an errand. The ‘narc’ just came to me and wanted to know everything that happened when Bob, Tessie and Toni came to visit. I didn’t tell him much of anything not knowing what was told to him by the visitors, so I tried to avoid any direct answers. I need you to find out anything you can from whatever source you have about what was revealed to the ‘narc’, and don’t come back until you have some answers for me. I need to know what those guys told about what went on so that when he comes back I will be able to tell the story he needs to hear.”

  Phillippe was unable to find out anything about what they revealed to anyone because none of his contacts were in a position to have overheard anything negative nor positive, so he told her she was on her own as to how to respond on the ‘narc’s next visit whenever that might be.

  Mapita summoned all of her workers together for immediate instructions. She told them that she was going to create a Ju Ju and she needed some of the items they had removed from the visitors. When they were gathered she put them into a small bag and placed it in front of her. Surrounding the bag she placed precisely around it special herbs, stones, small bones and pieces of cloth that had been soaked in Bob’s perspiration during the time he was held captive. As Mapita was making preparations, she didn’t feel comfortable with her potions, so she demanded Phillippe to go to a grave site and gather some dust from the soil. She was also going to need some salt and red pepper. Phillippe did as he was told for he knew the wrath that would befall him should he refuse to obey an orders given him. She was a master of sorcery and knew all the tricks of the trade. She also held some dark secrets that could wreak havoc on anyone who happened to get in her way or cross her path in the wrong direction. After studying the new additives brought to her by Phillippe, she felt more comfortable in what she was planning to do. She dismissed everyone so that what she was planning to do could never be copied. Along with the gris gris bag Mapita formed a stick figure or talisman and placed it alongside the other concoctions prepared before her. At this early stage of her procedure she placed herself into a semi-trance and sat motionless for quite a period of time. She stirred and made herself move slightly in order to gather some bird nest materials and horse hair braids. She ignited them along with some incense and dried moss and created a mist of aromas that magnified her power of concentration. Whatever else was placed into the burning embers was not known to anyone. Mapita was not certain either as when she gathered them up she was not fully conscious. Much of what she did was by instinct. As she moved her hands and wafted in the fragrances she was overwhelmed by the mixtures and found herself afloat in her thoughts. She began to chant and move her upper body and arms in strange motions, none repeating themselves. The song was in tongue and it was one designed to bring about Wangas-evil on whomsoever was framed in her mind. The person who dominated her thoughts was Bob. He was not cooperative when held in captivity and he was resistant to follow her orders, so he was a top priority for her Wangas.

  “Seres malos ven a mi! Mas seres malos vena mi!” she chanted. Evil beings come to me. Many evil beings come to me” she repeated in English. She uttered other incantations neither audible nor understandable, but in Mapita’s mind very effective.

  The air surrounding the location encompassing Mapita began to stir in such a manner as to strike fear in anyone who happened to bear witness to what was happening. This was powerful stuff and when put to full effect was devastating.

  “I wish a banging! I wish a clanging! I wish for Bob to be - under the power of only me. I wish for him to now be down – I wish for him to be on the ground. I wish for Bob to be quite still-I know with my wish he truly will,” she commanded.

  No time was set for what would surely befall Bob. The only thing that was certain was that some event would take place that would change his life and satisfy the hurt he had bestowed upon Mapita. That was the nature of her evil; of her power to control and spread her discontent with all who would cross her.

  Mapita placed herself into a deep trance but was still able to move her arms and upper body. She kept herself captive to her own powers until she was satisfied what she had wished would be her final act, and such came to pass, for she awakened herself to a conscious state, looked around and observed the misty air surrounding her. She yelled out “Phillippe! Phillippe! You must come.” And no sooner did she call, than he did arrive ready to serve. “You are now ordered to dispose of all that is here so that no trace remains of what I have created. My work is done for now. When you have completed your task you may leave” And with those final orders Mapita arose, stood silently for a brief moment, and dismissed herself to her chambers; satisfied with her work.


  Chapter Nine