Read The Wildest Kind of Pretty Page 11

  Chapter 11

  Evan slides into the car and smiles at me, of course he smiles, “well what did you think?” he looks at little nervous, and I can tell he’s afraid I wouldn’t like it.

  “It was nice; everyone I talked to seemed to be happy that I was there.” And I was surprised at myself that I actually did enjoy myself and wouldn’t object to going again.

  Evan nods, “awesome, I’m really glad to hear that,” he starts the car up and we drive off.

  I wait a while and allow for a hundred or so trees to whir by us before I get the nerve to ask, “so Justin and Blake were telling me about forgiveness and,” I fiddle with my hands in my lap, “I want to do things that are right,” Evan waits for me to continue, “and I can’t completely tell you everything because it’s not all about me, but I need help.” Evan looks at me and then back to the road, “okay someone confided in me that they cheated on their partner.” I look at Evan.

  He’s focused on the road, “that is crazy tough. Cheating is definitely a sin. I understand your dilemma, if you don’t say anything you’re going along with the lie; if you do say something you will cause a lot of drama.” I sigh and look out the window, doesn’t look like Evan has any insightful information; only that he thinks I’m just as in the wrong as they are, “but because I am a Christian, I answer to God and I try to do what he says is right.” I close my eyes and throw my head back in the seat. If I knew the right thing to do, I would do it. Evan laughs at me, “okay so if I were to cheat on you and someone knew would you want to know?”

  My eyes pop open, “yes, of course.”

  Evan nods, “looks like you know what to do.” And after he said that maybe I did know what to do all along and that’s why it made it so hard. Of course Evan didn’t know the complete story like I would be betraying my cousin and best friend.

  Then another thought dawns on me, “does alcohol matter? I mean does it make a difference?”

  Evan looks at me, “Does it to you?” I didn’t even have to answer because to me it was all black and white. Evan slows as he goes around a sharp curve, “the bible talks about how there’ll be no drunkards going to heaven,” he pauses and grips the steering wheel a little tighter and looks at me, “which is why I want to apologize,” I frown up at him, “I know you’ve never been to church and I am sorry for my actions and not leading a good example I hope you can forgive me and accept that I am not perfect and I really want to try to be the best I can,” I lick my lips and swallow a gulp and of course I am confused because what do you say to that, nothing. You say nothing.

  You just sit and take it all in, “so I’m sorry I didn’t do the right thing and I drank, but just know that I don’t plan on drinking anymore, I’m not saying you have to change, or anything, but I’m just not going to be anymore—so yeah.” And then the silence sliced me to the core. I wanted to say something to give him assurance, but I didn’t know what to say. This conversation was making me uncomfortable, it was awkward and confusing.

  “I guess the Bible knows what it’s talking about,” I say in a lame attempt to make things less awkward. Evan laughs at my effort, “because people do things they shouldn’t when they drink.” I finish.

  Evan nods, “it does alter your mind I guess, so what do you plan on doing about your secret?” he asks. Then he says, “I think I would try and talk the people involved into confessing,” he glances at me, “because calling Trevor out can’t be easy.”

  I close my eyes and groan. Of course I’d been stupid to think he wouldn’t be able to know who I was talking about, “yeah, he doesn’t want Kim to break up with him.”

  Evan nods, “kind of surprises me a little, I didn’t think Trevor would do something like that,” he shrugs, “but we all stumble and fall I mean it’s wrong to get drunk and I’ve done it,” Evan looks at me again, “you know you don’t have to worry about me judging because all sins are the same and none of us can cast a stone to condemn another,” and there he goes confusing me all over again.

  I don’t exactly know what he is talking about, but I just need to figure a way to get Trevor to tell Kim. I don’t know how, but I know it needs to come from him instead of Kammie. My stomach churns from the anticipation. Evan pulls up to my house, he barely has time to put it in park before I hop out. I’m almost through the door when I remember him, “Oh do you want to hang out?”

  Evan gets out of the car and meets me at the door. I burst in and see there’s a note on the island from Melissa, “Pizza run,” Evan looks at me confused, “My aunt’s back and it looks like she’s getting us pizza for dinner,” Evan nods and stuffs his hands in his pockets. I wonder if he’s nervous, I kind of get a little ego boost from the thought, not too big of one because I’m not sure if he is or isn’t.

  Trevor runs down the steps with a basketball in his hand, “hey Evan! You going to play ball with me and Blake?”

  Evan looks at me and I wave my hands towards Trevor, “Go on, I’m sure Kim’s here and I’ll have Kammie to talk to,” Evan still doesn’t look convinced. “You’re staying for pizza right?”

  A smile breaks his face and before he can speak Trevor clamps a hand over his shoulder and drags him towards the door, “mom bought a ton because I said we’re having people over, there’ll be plenty.” Evan waves and follows Trevor out the door.

  I jump on the island and sit thinking about how I am going to get Trevor to confess when Kim bounces down the stairs into the kitchen, “Hey! How was youth group?”

  I shrug, “not as bad as I thought it was going to be, how was shopping?”

  Kim laughs, “Why would youth group be bad?”

  I pick at my nails, “just because of the stuff you hear, I’d never been before so I didn’t know what to expect.”

  Kim nods, “Oh I see, well it’s not scary at all. I go to a church with hardly any youth so we don’t really have a youth group.”

  My mouth drops, “you go to church?”

  Kim snorts, “So? Why are you surprised?”

  “Because I just am, I don’t know.”

  Kim narrows her eyes, “I’m not that bad of a person,” and then her voice is silky soft, “am I?”

  I slap a hand over my forehead, “no! I didn’t mean that, I just I don’t know I’ve never been to church so how am I suppose to know who goes or who doesn’t?” Kim’s face brightens and she seems okay with my answer, “anyways what did you get?”

  Kim claps her hands, “Well, I came across an awesome deal and got a new purse!” she holds up her finger and runs out of the room and returns holding up a glorious pink Marc Jacobs. She shoves it in my face and I run my fingers over the buttery soft leather, “awesome right?”

  I ask before I unzip it making sure it’s okay and check out all the zippers and pockets, “this is so pretty I love it!” Kim nods and her smile broadens, “which is why you can have my other purse,” and she shoves a white bag at my chest.

  I open the bag and find a similar light pink Marc Jacobs purse. I take it out and it doesn’t even look like it’s been used. It’s made of the same buttery soft leather with thousands of zippers and pockets, “I can’t take this,” I try to give her the purse back three or four times before she gets a little annoyed.

  She puts her hands on her hips, “I want you to have it! And you better feel special because I never get rid of purses.” I go to open my mouth but she stops me, “I love to switch them out which is why you should feel special. I want you to have it.” She gets quiet, “I really like you,” she shrugs, “I’ve always wanted a sister and well I’m glad Trevor introduced us.” She gives me a hug and I feel like a really bad person. I’m keeping something big from her, and not only could Trevor get hurt, but so could I. I really didn’t want to lose her friendship and it had nothing to do with the designer purse, but everything to do with losing a friend.

  I hug the purse to my chest, “I promise to take care of it,” Kim laughs and tweaks my nose. We both flinch when we here the fridge door slam shut.
br />   Trevor is staring at us holding the jug of orange juice; he has a strange look on his face that even I can’t place, and I am usually good at reading him, “Did you seriously give Lexi one of your beloved purses?”

  Kim rolls her eyes, “oh please, you act like I gave her an heirloom or something,”

  Trevor smiles and walks over to give Kim a kiss, “well you are kind of obsessed with them.” Trevor turns to me, “seriously I know she loves you now because she never gets rid of her purses she always like changing them every day and then she’ll go back to wearing one from like a year ago.” Then Trevor kisses Kim again, “that was really cool of you Kim,” he takes her hand and gives it a squeeze causing her to flush. Then he walks out the door taking the orange juice with him.

  I look at Kim, “I’ll give you one of my purses!” I jump off of the island and drag her upstairs.

  Kim laughs, “seriously you don’t have to.” Her eyes widen and her mouth pops open once I haul her into my closet of purses and shoes, “jackpot!” she squeals.

  I nod, “yup, I love purses too and lucky for me and you that my mom and stepdad make up for time lost by bribing me with expensive things.” Kim is in awe as she eyes the shelves of designer purses. She looks over her shoulder at me, “Go on pick whichever one you want.” I don’t have to ask her twice; she looks them over carefully.

  So she starts modeling different styles over her shoulder and strutting like a runway star for me, then stops to pose in the mirror. We’re giggling and having fun. She squeals every now and then when she can’t believe I have a runway-styled designer bag of this or that, “you can’t be serious!” she is holding up a pink and purple Burberry bag. I smile and wave a hand in her face, “take it if you want it.” She scrunches up her nose and puts it back.

  “I don’t really like it I just couldn’t believe you had it!” I laugh as she models a few more.

  She sheepishly rocks on her heels, “I think I found one.”

  I raise a brow, “well which one is it?”

  She nervously tucks her hair behind her ears, and holds up a Louis, “I’ve always wanted one, but it costs more than my Marc Jacobs.”

  I shake my head, “I don’t remember putting stipulations on anything,” I point my finger at her, “if that’s what you want, take it. I have other Louis.”

  She nods, “I saw it, but it’s a clutch and I’d be taking your only hand bag,”

  I laugh at that, “only hand bag? I have tons in there,” I waggle my eyebrows, “Besides I can ask my mom for another,” I stand up and snatch the clutch, “Take this one too you can use it as a wallet.” Kim jumps up and down and shrieks in delight, “Thanks!” she snatches it from me and tackles me in a hug.

  Trevor thumps on the door before he crashes in, “Well I like the idea of girl on girl, but not with my cousin!” We roll our eyes as we get out of the floor.

  “Yes! High five cuz,” he raises his hand up in the air and I slap it without knowing why. Then he informs me, “Now I don’t have to buy her one of those purses.”

  Kim grins, “I’d never expect you to spend that much money on me,” she gives him a kiss, “but feel free to anytime.”

  Trevor grabs her hand, “hey, after dinner I want to talk to you about something, but I want you to promise me not to make any quick decisions?”

  Kim steps back and looks a little uneasy, “Okay? But you love me right?”

  Trevor looks taken aback, “Do I love you?” he draws her in a tight embrace and kisses her hair, “yes I love you always,” he whispers, “but I’m scared you won’t love me.”

  And then I know. I know what’s about to go down. And though I know it’s not right, part of me wishes he would never tell but that part of me is smaller than the part of me that’s relieved he’s going to tell. Kim steps out of his arms and kisses his nose, “you’re crazy.”

  I clear my throat, “pizza?” Trevor looks at me just before he follows Kim downstairs, then he pauses, “Kim I’ll be down in a sec okay?”

  Then he looks at me with watering eyes, “I have to tell her even if it means I lose her.”

  I bite my jaw and chew my cheek, “what changed your mind?”

  Trevor shrugged, “I don’t know, Evan kept saying random things while we were playing ball that got me to thinking Kim deserves to know and maybe I do have a shot at her forgiving me.” I nod. “I mean and if not then we’re just not meant to be but I definitely don’t want to be a shady person like my dad.”

  I just had to know, “What did he say to you?”

  Trevor thinks for a minute, “nothing really. Just told me that he was sorry for drinking in front of me, which is funny because it’s not like I drank because he drank and I said that and he said something like he knows but he wants to be a better example and he didn’t like how alcohol made him do things he normally wouldn’t,” I hold back a smile, “and he kind of just kept talking about how he wanted to be a better person so he could help people.” Trevor makes a face, “Evan’s lucky I like him, because I don’t like it when people walking around preaching sermons.” We exchange a look, yeah I couldn’t argue there.

  I nod, “doesn’t sound like such a terrible thing.” He nods too. “I mean, at least he’s not saying we need to change, he’s just saying that he needs to.” I chew on my cheek. I didn’t know if I was making things worse or not, but Evan hadn’t preached at us. He just said he wanted to do better, wanted to do things he thought was right. “I don’t know.”

  Trevor laughs, “He even had Blake talking about how he regrets things he’s done.”

  “Blake? Why didn’t Kammie come up here?”

  Trevor shrugs, “Blake came solo, he didn’t bring Kammie.”

  “But why not?”

  Trevor shrugs, “I guess he didn’t want to invite someone to someone else’s house?”

  I nod but then shake my head, “but we don’t care about stuff like that and she’s my best friend. She’s been inviting herself here for years.”

  Trevor heads downstairs, “yeah but I guess he feels weird about stuff like that. I mean would you invite Kammie to Evan’s house without asking him?”

  “Well no, but I mean Blake knows she’s my best friend.”

  Trevor sighs, “I guess he just didn’t think okay? Besides it’d be awkward with Kammie being here when I talk to Kim tonight.”

  I suppose he was right, it was most likely for the best. I head downstairs and sit by Evan at the table. Blake and Evan are telling some funny story about something stupid Trevor did during their game when Melissa arrives with the pizza.

  Trevor grabs the boxes and puts them on the counter. Blake calls him a momma’s boy and Melissa beams, “Damn straight!” She winks at me, “he sure is hell isn’t a daddy’s boy.”

  Trevor nods in agreement, while I get the plates and pass them out. Melissa pops ice from the trays and asks people what they want to drink. At first everyone just sits around the table and looks at the boxes of pizza. Melissa laughs, “stuff your faces already.” And she fills her plate and promises out loud she will do some yoga tomorrow.

  Evan sits next to me and closes his eyes. I am about to ask him if he is okay when I notice Blake is doing the same. I go to ask what’s going on when Kim snaps her fingers and follows suit. I look at Trevor and he just shrugs. Melissa stops eating and waits for the three of them to open their eyes. Kim must notice the look on my face, “I forgot to pray before I ate, I saw Evan doing it and it just reminded me.”

  I frown, “praying before you eat?”

  Melissa stuffs her mouth, “They’re thanking God for their food.” She swallows her mouthful.

  Evan takes a drink of water, “thanks for the dinner I appreciate it.”

  Melissa waves a hand in the air, “you’re welcome to anything here anytime.”

  Trevor smirks, “guess who’s got a boyfriend?” I narrow my eyes at him, but then I don’t get too aggravated because I remember he’s going to tell Kim what he did.

issa looks at Trevor over her glass of coke, “Blake?” she swallows.

  I suck a breath between my teeth making a hissing noise, “Evan,” I say as quickly as I can manage and grab his hand under the table as a way of apologizing, “Evan is my boyfriend.” Then I wonder why she would assume it was Blake? I mean, it’s just was weird she would even think it was him at all.

  Melissa laughs, “Oh Blake, I thought you were dating my son and Kim was his beard,” she winks at Blake and we all laugh. My face floods red with embarrassment from mistaking her teasing Trevor and Blake. Relief washes all over me and I relax and take another slice of pizza. Melissa points a finger at Evan, “There’ll be no sex!” I let my slice slip from my fingers and cover my face in irritation, “seriously you’ll get one of these,” she points at Trevor, he gives me a wicked grin. “And it sucked buying maternity outfits while my friends were shopping for prom dresses.” She cringes at the memory.

  Evan laughs and now he squeezes my hand, “Trevor’s already had a talk with me.” I’m so thankful he doesn’t give her the true love waits speech, there’s no telling what she’d say in response.

  Melissa nods, “Kim make sure he follows the same advice, think about prom and maternity jeans anytime he tries something.” Kim’s face is as red as mine now.

  I decide it’s now or never to change the subject once and for all, “I went to youth group tonight for the first time.” Okay maybe that wasn’t the greatest topic to come up with.

  Melissa’s face falls, she eyes me while she sips her coke and says, “Be careful you could get hurt in a place like that.”

  I expected Evan and Blake to be upset, but instead they laughed with the rest of us. Evan wipes a greasy hand down the front of his shirt causing Melissa to fuss at him and toss him a towel, “not all churches are bad,” he shrugs and tosses the towel onto the table, “sure we got our share of gossipers, but they’re everywhere. You should come and see for yourself sometime.”

  Melissa grunts into her bite of pizza, “Well, I’ve been shooed out of church because I was pregnant at sixteen. Maybe I was in the wrong, but I never got a chance to change my ways because I wasn’t allowed the chance. Those old biddies pointed their crooked fingers at me and damned me to hell,” Melissa closes her eyes as if the memory is as fresh as the pizza on her plate, “they told me church wasn’t for whores.” She opens her eyes to find Evan with a frown on his face.

  He looks mad, he thumps the table with his finger, “I hate that, but it’s just not like that everywhere.” he leans forward across the table, “There will be nasty people who go to church but they’re only casual Christians—no Christians at all. They’re only there on Sunday’s to save a little face and they think just because they dipped in water and sing a song or two and toss a few dollars in the offering that they’re living right,” he licks his lips, “but it’s not right and it’s not everyone. There are good people who live right and treat others good too,” he straightens back up and nods, “just think about what I said and come by sometime. You don’t have to of course, but just think about it.” Trevor and I exchange a look; I’d probably have to tell Evan to back of off the church talk.

  I take another slice of pizza and the silence hanging over us is a little heavy, so I decide to break it, “so Blake,” he cuts his eyes to me, “how many slices have I eaten?”

  Everyone laughs but Melissa because she doesn’t get why I am asking him. He shrugs, “I don’t know little trucker.” And I decided to give in and laugh with them all because Evan likes me and he doesn’t care that I don’t always look so elegant when I eat. And Kim hasn’t even noticed if I eat like some mad man; so I think Blake probably really is just messing with me and I no longer feel self conscience about it.

  Melissa mumbles something about kids being crazy these days as she takes her dishes to the sink, “I would hang out with you guys but I’m a little beat from the road trip,” she waves a hand at us, “but stay as long as you like,” she’s almost out of kitchen when she turns on her heels, “which reminds me, don’t think you pulled one over on me. I noticed the wall has been puttied and the bathroom door is a different color,” she raises her brows and places a hand on her hip. Blake and Evan are silent while me and Trevor laugh, “Threw a rager huh?”

  Trevor shrugs, “you’ll never know and I’ll never tell.”

  Melissa rolls her eyes, “I do know, I’m hardly that old and gullible.” She blows us all a kiss and leaves us to the pizza.

  Kim sighs in relief and I feel so sorry for her, because she won’t feel so relieved after the night’s over, “I’m glad you didn’t get in trouble,” she hugs Trevor’s arm and looks at me.

  I let my pizza slip from my fingers and then my stomach is full of guilt; I no longer feel all that hungry, “she’s pretty awesome like that.”

  Trevor flares his nose and he looks at Kim, “hey you want to take a walk with me or something?”

  She jumps up and kisses his cheek, “sure,” she smiles at me, “I’ll see you when I get back.”

  I smile at her in response and I wait until the two have left the house before I whisper, “I hope so.” Blake whips his head in my direction frowning at me.

  I pick up our dishes, start the dish water. I plop them in the soapy water and start washing them. Evan steps to my side to rinse and dry the dishes. Blake doesn’t say anything he just starts putting them away. We’re all silent except for every so often Blake will ask where something goes. I think Blake must know what’s going on because he’s kind of silent and I know Evan knows. My stomach is turning in knots and tangles as I wait for them to come back. Evan looks at his watch after we’ve finished the dishes, “do you want me to stay?”

  I shrug, “you can always stay but I don’t need anything.”

  He dries his hands and I let out the dish water. He takes my hand and leads me to the door, “my mom doesn’t like me out so late on a school night.” I nod and follow him out to his car.

  He pulls me in for a hug and I burry my nose in his chest, loving how solid it feels when everything around me seems so flimsy and fragile. He holds me for a few minutes and then pulls me away, “I could always call mom and tell her what I am doing,”

  I smile up at him, no I don’t want him to leave, but I also don’t want to get on his mom’s bad side, “it’s fine. I’ll probably talk to Trevor about everything when he’s finished talking to Kim,” I hug him tight again, “thank you so much for helping me.”

  He kisses the top of my head, “I’m happy too,” he kisses me again, “I know it’s crazy, but I’m going to do my best to make you happy.”

  I pull myself away from him just enough to look in his eyes so he can see my smiling face. “I’m glad you asked me to be your girl.” Just when I didn’t think he could smile any bigger than he already was, his smile breaks his face and it gives me butterflies. I inch my face closer to his and he inches a little closer to me. His smile drops and he crushes his mouth against mine. I grab fists full of his shirt and I can feel his smile on my lips which drives me out of my mind crazy. We kiss a little longer until we both break for air. I give him a little nudge, “you better go.”

  He gets in his car and gives me a wave. I watch him until I can no longer see him and walk back in the house to find Blake sitting on the couch watching the TV on mute. I shake my head, “What are you doing?”

  He shrugs, “listening for Trevor.” I nod.

  “You’re not weird at all,” then I decide to change the subject, “why didn’t you bring Kammie?”

  He thought for a few minutes, “I didn’t think it was appropriate to invite someone to someone else’s house.”

  “She’s my best friend!”

  Blake’s eyes bug out of his head, “sorry, I just didn’t think about it like that.”

  I sigh and decide that it’s really not that big of a deal, except I really didn’t want to sleep by myself tonight because I was still scared over the dumb movie. But like Trevor said it all worked out for the bet
ter she wasn’t here anyways, “probably for the best I suppose.”

  I start pacing back and forth in front of Blake, completely aware that he is watching me. With his eyes following me he sinks back into the couch, “yeah Kim probably will scratch her eyes out.”

  I stop mid-paced a little shocked, “Trevor told you?”

  Blake shook his head, “Kammie did on the way to youth group.” Then for the first time, I wonder what Blake must think about this. “Are you okay? I mean about what happened with Kammie and Trevor?”

  I must have looked stunned because he nodded, “we weren’t technically together then so whatever,” he waves a hand in the air. I just look at him. And then I start pacing before I start asking things I’ll regret later.

  Blake laces his fingers behind his head, never taking his eyes off of me, “you’re making me nervous,” I snap at him while his eyes follow my every move.

  He laughs, “Says the girl who is wearing the rug thin,” he smiles at me, “you know I could say the same to you— sit down.”

  I walk over to the couch and plop next to him, “I don’t want them to break up.”

  Blake sighs, “Well I don’t see how they won’t.”

  My head whips in his direction, “you didn’t dump Kammie.”

  Blake closes his eyes, “that’s different.”

  My head starts spinning faster than I can keep up with, “I don’t see how.”

  Blake huffs, “just don’t worry about it.”

  I go to push further when the door rips open with a crazed-looking Kim. She’s got all the markings of a lovelorn goddess. Tears streak her face; her hair’s in every direction probably from tugging at it in bouts of frustration. Trevor follows close behind her looking like a desperate lunatic. My heart pummels my chest and I don’t know what to do; I’m frozen by my indecisiveness. Should I go to Trevor or Kim? So I do nothing and wait for one of them or both of them to say something. Or should Blake and I leave? We should probably leave, but we don’t, we’re both frozen in place watching and waiting.

  Kim sobs and inhales multiple ragged breaths, she looks at me and her eyes are so full of sorrow, “did you know?”

  I stand and reach out to her, “Kim,” I say, unable to think of something that’ll make this better.

  Kim closes her eyes and tears fall from her face and run down her chin, “did you,” she breathes.

  I give her a hug and she stiffens under me, I pull away, “yes,” I whisper.

  Kim shakes her head, “I don’t believe it;” she takes a step from me, “I’d never keep this from you,” she turns to Trevor who steps towards her, but she flinches from his touch, “and I’d never cheat on you,” she screams, “never!”

  Tears fall from my eyes and I don’t bother counting, because they fall and fall, “Kim it should have came from him,” I say lamely.

  She nods, “It should have you’re right,”

  Trevor rubs his hands all over his face, “it was the alcohol.”

  She laughs a bitter laugh, “are you still attracted to her?”

  “I’ve already told you I love you.”

  Kim’s face hardens and she’s no longer crying which I don’t think is a good sign. In fact, I think it’s a bad sign. I think it may mean she’s past the burn and on to the sting, “you know we’re a little young for all this love business,” she shrugs, “What do we really know about love,” she turns to me, “you want advice little girl,” I close my eyes and I don’t know if I want to hear what she has to say, “dump Evan and stick with real friends. Don’t get caught up in boys, enjoy your freedom and worry about settling down later,” she snatches her new bag, “I mean I’ll more than likely meet my future husband in college,” Trevor groans at those last words, but Kim isn’t done giving me advice, “and if you don’t want to become like Kammie you should ditch her and remember you are the company you keep.”

  Kim’s at the door and tells Trevor to move out of her way, “so where does that leave us?” he asks.

  Kim laughs at his face, “what do you think?” Trevor looks like a lost puppy and Kim wavers for a millisecond, “we’re through.”

  Trevor wilts against the door and almost loses his cool, “you promised me you wouldn’t make any decisions tonight.”

  Kim throws her head back and laughs, “that’s when I thought you were going to freaking propose or give me a promise ring.”

  Trevor blinks, “I was looking at promise rings for us.”

  Kim shakes her head, “don’t fool yourself. You’ve already cheated on me which proves to me you’re too young to settle down. And I never want to be the cause of holding you back,” her voice wavers and she barely speaks above a whisper as she adds, “you mean more to me than that,” her lip quivers under the pressure, “ I love you too much,” she straightens her back, ”and because I do love you I’m letting you go. Allowing you to date around and if by some chance you still want me after it’s all said and done. Then we’ll be together if we’re meant to be.” Trevor steps aside and allows her to leave.

  He slides from the wall and drops to the floor burying his head in his hands. He doesn’t care that Blake is watching the entire thing. I walk over to Trevor and put my head on his shoulder, “it’ll be okay.” I say over and over again. Somehow I think if I say it enough times we’ll both believe it.

  Blake stands and walks over to us. He sits on the other side of Trevor in stony silence. It’s a long time before anyone speaks. We didn’t notice that Melissa was sitting on the steps watching us until we hear a creak in the boards, “how long have you been there mom?”

  She wipes tears from her cheeks, “long enough to tell you, you can stay home tomorrow.” She gets up and sits on the couch. She shakes her head, “so did you cheat on her?”

  Trevor looks too ashamed to say it, but he owns up to it, “yeah I kissed Kammie.”

  Melissa nods, “Growing up is a bitch.”

  Trevor flares his nose, “alcohol is evil and I’m the scum of the Earth.”

  Melissa nods, “You’re not the scum of the Earth,” she wipes at her nose, “I would screw her for breaking my baby’s heart, and maybe most moms would,” she laughs, “I’ve never been most moms,” she sighs, “You screwed up kid.” Trevor agrees, I keep my mouth shut. “You can’t do whatever the hell you want and not expect things to get ugly, but you’ll come out on top.” And just like that she works her Melissa magic with her Melissa logic. I don’t know how Trevor will come out on top, but because she said it, I believe it. Trevor’s a lot like her, they have a way with people; getting people to believe in them was effortless.

  Trevor runs a hand through his hair, “I’m like dad huh?”

  Melissa narrows her eyes, “You’re nothing like him. You’ll learn from this mistake and never repeat it. You just have some growing up to do,” she shrugs, “and I would say I got some magic remedy for you but I don’t,” she bites her lip, “I don’t all I can say one day you will get over this,” she throws her head back on the couch, “and what Kim says is true you are so young to be so serious,” she holds up a hand, “I’m not saying you won’t end up together forever but at your age that sort of commitment is a big deal,” she waves her hand around, “be young and live before you make sure decisions like that and if you are meant to be you will end up together and be stronger for it,” she sighs, “give her space and let her think things through and in the meantime you think about what you want.”

  Trevor looks up at Melissa, “you really think this could all work out?”

  Melissa nods, “yes, I think even if you go off to college and have some time apart you could work it all out,” she shrugs, “or you could never get back together. I promise you either way everything will work out like it’s suppose to.”