Read The Will Page 41

  “Henry came to Lavender House today and fired me,” I blurted.

  Jake blinked.

  Then he leaned back, far back, resting his behind against the edge of the desk, clipping out, “That fuckin’ dick.”

  “I was going to resign anyway, Jake,” I reminded him.

  “That doesn’t make him any less of a dick,” Jake returned and continued, “Fuck him. Sue him. You were gonna resign or not, you gave him no reason to terminate you. No way around it, it’s wrongful dismissal. Take his ass to the cleaners.”

  “He’s giving me nearly two years of wages as a severance package,” I explained.

  “Go for double that,” Jake shot back.

  “It needn’t be any more unpleasant than it already is, darling,” I said gently. “We talked further and although it started hostile, it didn’t end that way. Instead, it was distressing. He cares for me a great deal—”

  “If he did, he wouldn’t fire you.”

  “Please listen,” I whispered.

  Jake clamped his mouth shut.

  “We…well, we shared quite a bit and with our history, I assume you can understand that we both missed an opportunity and wasted a good deal of time and obviously coming to that understanding is going to be painful for us both. And now, for Henry, with me moving on, being happy, it’s difficult to take. He’s simply losing me. I’m losing him too, which hurts, but I’m also gaining something else, which makes it easier. He doesn’t have that.”

  Jake had nothing to say to that and I decided to take that as agreement he understood.

  “So, although the conversation started on a difficult note, it ended on a sorrowful one. I do believe that given some time, we can resurrect a bit of what we had. However, we’ve agreed we won’t be doing that with me in his employ. That would be too hard on both of us.”

  “Good,” Jake grunted.

  I pressed my lips together and rolled them.

  Jake’s eyes narrowed on my mouth then cut to my eyes. “Is there more?”

  “Well…” I said and trailed off.

  “Fuck me,” Jake muttered then asked sharply, “What?”

  “Well, I would…I mean, I think…um, truthfully, I don’t know—”

  “Josie, babe, what?” Jake bit out.

  “I think he just wanted to see, to try, one last shot but…” I pulled in a deep breath and announced, “He kissed me.”

  Jake’s anger filled the room and I watched with some concern as his body, from top to toe, even resting against the desk, went completely still in a very disquieting way.

  “What?” he whispered.

  “It was really a good-bye kiss,” I shared quickly.

  “If it was, you wouldn’t feel the need to tell me,” he retorted then asked, “He get inside?”

  I pressed my lips together.

  Jake’s brows shot together.

  “You let him inside?” he pushed on a sinister whisper.

  Perhaps Alyssa was right. At least about this part.

  “It was a good-bye, Jake.”

  He stared at me.

  I stood there and let him.

  I didn’t like the look on his face. It frightened me and not because it was frightening. Because it was angry and Jake had told me just the day before that when a man gets hurt, that comes out as angry.


  “Never do that again,” he said quietly.

  I swallowed.

  “That mouth’s mine,” he went on just as quietly.

  I nodded.

  “Never again, Josie. Don’t give a shit who it is, what history you got, how intense the situation, how bad you feel for the guy. That mouth is mine.”

  I didn’t think it would be sensible to point out that Henry was the only man who I would allow to do that and only in that time, that situation, and never again.

  I also thought it sensible to agree.

  “Okay, darling,” I whispered.

  “Come here,” he ordered.

  I felt it prudent to go there and do it immediately.

  So I did.

  When I did, he separated his legs and leaned in, yanking me between them so my body collided with his and his arms clamped around me.

  I tipped my head back to look at him.

  “Never keep anything from me, I don’t give a shit how you think I’m gonna react. I’ll react how I react. I will never harm you doin’ it. But I got enough experience with what doesn’t work between a man and a woman to know that keepin’ shit from each other is a big fuckin’ part of that.”

  “Okay,” I agreed.

  “So, that guy contacts you again, you tell me.”

  “Okay,” I repeated.

  “Anyone fucks with you, upsets you, whatever, you tell me that too. I don’t give a shit if you think it’s nothing, like someone givin’ you a dirty look at the grocery store that gives you the willies. You fuckin’ tell me.”

  “Okay, Jake.”

  His arms tightened and he dipped his face close. “Every inch of you, outside and any way you can get inside, baby, physically or emotionally, is mine. You don’t share that. Ever.”

  I’d already agreed to that (essentially, he’d added new things) but it was clear he needed further assurances so I again said, “Okay, darling.”

  “Alyssa’s a good woman and I know she had your best interests at heart when she advised you, honey. But we gotta find our own way and no way to do that but together. We start drifting apart to figure that shit out, we’re fucked. You with me?”

  “I’m with you, Jake.”

  When these words came out of my mouth, his arms convulsed and he whispered, “You’re with me.”

  I had a feeling his words were profound in more ways than him knowing I understood what he was saying. A significant kind of profound. A kind of profound that changed lives and mended hearts and rocked worlds. And I liked that profound so I melted into him, sliding my hands up his chest.

  “Are you angry with me?” I asked.

  “No, because you shared that shit. You didn’t and I found out, I would be pissed.”

  I nodded, sliding my hands up to his neck, at the same time sliding my body up his and tipping my head back further.

  One of his hands slid down to cup my bottom and his eyes dropped to my mouth.

  “You gonna take my mind off this shit by kissing me or are you gonna take my mind off this shit by kissing me then letting me fuck you on my desk?” he asked.

  I melted further into him because his words made my legs tremble so deeply they no longer were holding me up as I replied breathily, “I’m going to kiss you then let you fuck me on your desk.”

  His mouth touched mine and he muttered, “Good answer, Slick.”

  I smiled against his lips.

  Then I kissed him.

  After that, Jake fucked me on his desk.

  And much later, when I was back on the stool at the bar, Jake close, only half-listening as he talked to one of his bouncers, I smiled into the fresh martini Adam had made me thinking in the end, Alyssa was right.

  I had to learn to handle Jake.

  It was just that the way she handled Junior was different than the way I needed to handle Jake.

  And she might argue, though I couldn’t imagine how she could, the way I needed to handle Jake was better.

  By far.

  Chapter Sixteen


  My thumb at Jake’s nipple rubbing, my other hand wrapped around the side of his neck, my forehead to his, our heavy breaths mingling, his hand at my breast, thumb rubbing, other hand at my hip gripping, his back up against his headboard, knees cocked behind me, I was riding him and doing it fast.

  “Jake,” I whispered urgently because it was building.

  “Hurry, baby,” he whispered back.

  “Jake,” I breathed.

  “Faster, Josie,” he grunted.

  I went faster.


  Oh yes.

  That was better.
r />   He rolled my nipple with his thumb and forefinger, tugging it gently at the same time.

  I gasped as that shot straight from my breast to between my legs and moved faster.


  Oh yes.

  It was building.

  “Darling,” I panted.

  “Fuck me,” he groaned. “Give me that pussy.”

  I did, grinding down and his hand at my breast squeezed as my head shot back, my hand clenched his neck and my climax powered through me.

  Jake wrapped an arm around my waist, holding me down and his hand at my breast slid up my chest, around my neck and into my hair. He forced my face in his neck as he buried his in mine just before I heard his deep groan.

  I breathed against his skin, feeling his breaths whisper against mine, the sensation tingling along my skin, down my spine, over my bottom and between my legs. I liked the feel so much I squeezed him with my sex.

  Jake emitted another soft groan as his arm around me tightened.

  “Love that pussy,” he whispered against my neck.

  I was so glad he did.

  We stayed close, connected for long moments as our breaths quieted. Then I kissed his neck.

  Jake wrapped both arms around me and slid me off, lifting me and turning me so I had my back to the bed, head to the pillows. He stayed leaned in deep, kissing me above the hair between my legs, then my belly, up between my breasts, up and again at my throat, under my chin then he brushed his mouth against mine before he whispered, “Be back.”

  “All right.”

  I watched his sated eyes smile before he touched his mouth to mine again and rolled away, tossing the covers over me when he did and then I watched him walk to the bathroom.

  I was in his bed.

  It was the morning after he showed me around the club.

  We were at his house because I’d set my alarm criminally early but I did it so I could be waiting outside the back door at the gym when he arrived.

  I’d watched his truck pull in and marveled how he parked, doing it with his eyes on me the entire time.

  He got out and when he was walking to me, I called haughtily, “See? I can get up early and open the gym.”

  He didn’t reply. He didn’t even say hello.

  He swept me in his arms and I saw his huge, white smile before he took my mouth in a deep, long, wet kiss.

  Then he took us into the gym, opened up, turned on the lights (all of this I watched closely for when it was my turn) and when the first man walked through the doors, he stated, “On your own, John. You need anything, call,” and we were out the door, in his truck and headed to his house.

  The kids were still there when we arrived.

  Ethan was ecstatic to see us return. It was then I learned the alarming news that the high school started at eight o’clock, Ethan’s school at eight thirty so he had to “hang” with this teacher who was “lame” and some other kids who were “losers” for a half an hour when Conner or Amber had to take him to school. He was delighted he didn’t have to do that.

  He didn’t. Jake and I took him to school.

  But when I learned this news, I turned to Jake and raised my brows.

  He burst out laughing.

  Ethan, Amber and Conner looked between us, all their expressions confused.

  Jake didn’t explain.

  Neither did I.

  After dropping Ethan, Jake took me back to his house whereupon he pulled me up two flights of stairs, right to his bed, and started the festivities.

  Culminating just now.

  I watched him saunter back into the room, lift up the covers and then he was sliding in beside me. Half a second later, he was sliding my body on top of his and gliding one hand down to cup the cheek of my behind while he wrapped the other arm around me.

  “Right,” he began, “I dig the demonstration you can meet me at the gym but only so I can drag your ass back here, take my kid to school then drag your ass up here and fuck you in my bed.”

  “Hmm,” I mumbled, finding my demonstration important for other reasons he should get.

  “So how about we plan on doin’ that every day?” he suggested.

  “That would negate you being able to sleep in, Jake,” I pointed out.

  “Babe, you give me the choice of sleepin’ or fuckin’ you, I’m gonna pick fuckin’ you.”

  Although I liked his choice, I still glared at him.

  “You don’t like that plan?” he asked.

  “I’m trying to be helpful.”

  His arm around me slid up until his hand was in my hair. He used it to bring my face closer to his and said, “You are, baby. We’re gonna take a nap right about now and after comin’ hard with you ridin’ me hard and fast, I’m gonna sleep fuckin’ great.”

  I perked up.

  “We’re going to take a nap?”


  I could use a nap. We’d left the club after one in the morning and I was up at five thirty to shower, dress and get to the gym.

  “I could nap,” I told him and he smiled.

  Then he rolled me, kissing my throat before he lifted his head. “Right. Nap. Up. Shower. Lunch. Then I gotta get to the gym to make sure no one came in and cleaned me out.”

  Again, I was alarmed. “Is that a worry?”

  He chuckled and said, “No, babe.”

  “Oh,” I replied. Then I told him, “I’ve already taken a shower.”

  “You’re gonna take another one.”

  “I don’t need another one.”

  He pressed into me, his face got close and his voice got low. “You’re gonna take another one.”

  “Oh,” I repeated. “Okay.”

  “Okay,” he replied, then commanded audaciously, “Now shut up and sleep.”

  My eyes narrowed. “Telling someone to shut up is rude.”

  “Babe,” he returned.

  “And ordering an adult to sleep is preposterous,” I went on.




  “Is that your response?” I asked.

  “No, my response is, babe, shut up and sleep but I already said that so I condensed it to just babe ‘cause that’s easier to say and might not piss you off.”

  “I can’t read all that in babe, Jake.”

  “You’ll learn to read my babes.”

  Annoyingly, I was looking forward to doing that.

  I didn’t share that with Jake.

  I kept glaring at him.

  His eyes were smiling when he bent in and kissed me, not a mouth brush this time, it was deeper, sweeter and much, much longer.

  Jake ended it having turned us to our sides. We were pressed close with legs tangled in a delicious way. And after he ended it, he pulled me down and pressed my face into his throat.

  “Now, babe, sleep,” he ordered.

  “All right,” I gave in.

  He kissed the top of my head.

  I cuddled closer, held on tighter and within moments, I slept.

  * * * * *

  I was sitting on the counter watching Jake warm up a can of soup when my phone in my purse rang.

  Jake twisted, grabbed my purse off the counter of the island, twisted back and plopped it in my lap.

  I dug out my phone on a murmured, “Thank you, darling,” and saw the call was from Amber.

  My eyes went to his.

  “Amber,” I told him, taking the call, looking at my purse in my lap and putting the phone to my ear. “Hello, sweetheart,” I greeted.

  Instantly, I yanked the phone from my ear when she shrieked, “You’ll never guess what just happened!”

  When I felt it was safe, I put my phone back to my ear and asked, “What?”

  But I heard nothing but strange muffled noises and my eyes shot to Jake.

  His brows drew together.

  “Amber?” I called.

  “Hey, Josie,” boy Taylor said. “Amber’s busy hyperventilating and we don’t have a lot of t
ime since lunch is over and we have to be in class, but she wants you to know that Alexi sat with us at lunch today.”

  My heart skipped a beat.

  It had been a long time but I remembered how that felt.

  And how it felt was wonderful.

  “He did?” I whispered.

  “The entire time,” boy Taylor told me.

  “Really?” I asked.

  “Totally,” he answered. “And you should know she was totally cool. Sweet and nice to him, a little shy, but she waited to screech and hyperventilate until after he was long gone.”

  I smiled at a Jake who still had brows drawn. “Tell her I’m proud of her.”

  “Will do,” he replied. “Gotta go, though. We have to get to class.”

  “Okay, sweetheart. Have a good day,” I said.

  “You too. Later.”


  He disconnected.

  Jake asked, “What?” the instant I took the phone from my ear.

  My heart skipped another beat for an entirely different reason.


  “Well…” I began and trailed off.

  “What?” he repeated.


  He leaned toward me and said a warning, “Josie.”

  “Alexi sat with Amber at lunch today.”

  Instantly, he tipped his head back and muttered, “Christ almighty.”

  “She’s quite excited,” I told him.

  He tipped his head forward and scowled at me.

  I lifted a hand and curled it around his neck, leaning close and sharing, “She’s happy.”

  “He asks her out and comes on that bike to pick her up, I’m shooting him.”

  I dropped my hand and leaned back, my brows lifting. “You own a firearm?”

  “No,” he answered, turning his focus back to our soup. “But today, I’m buyin’ one.”

  I let out a little giggle that I swallowed before it could bloom when Jake’s eyes cut to me.

  “I’m not joking.”

  “Okay, darling,” I said soothingly.

  He looked back at the soup, muttering, “Fuck me.”

  I jumped off the counter and put my purse back on the island, stating, “I’ll get drinks. What do you want?”

  “Coke,” he answered.

  I didn’t get him a Coke.

  I moved to him, fit my front to his back, wrapped my arms around his stomach and put my chin to his shoulder blade, whereupon I whispered, “You’re a good dad.”