Read The Wishing Well Page 16


  Evver was frantic.

  She had tried all of the normal safe houses where they had previously stayed. Cassius was nowhere to be found. There wasn’t much time. If she didn’t find him soon, then it would be too late for all of them. How she longed for the ability to fly. It would make things so much easier. Her tiny legs could only move so fast. She sat down on a large rock, racking her brain at the options that she hadn’t considered. During the time she had known her, Evver had come to love Aurora like a sister. She knew that Aurora loved Cassius; she could see it on her face whenever she saw him, or spoke about him. Cassius was more vocal about his feelings for Aurora.

  He had loved her from the beginning.

  Her parents had told her about love at first sight.

  She was certain this is what happened with Cassius and Aurora. If only life would stop working against them. Then it hit her. Her parents. Could Cassius be in their home? She hadn’t been there in so long. It was a long shot, but there was nowhere else that she could think of to find him. Taking a deep breath, she jumped up and moved as fast as her little legs would carry her in the direction of home.


  Evver entered the back door to her family home.

  It was silent. It was almost eerily quiet. In the days when her family had lived here there was always laughter and joyous noise coming from every direction. She could see light coming from the back yard. She made her way outside. She saw Cassius lying on one of the benches asleep.


  Cassius was deep in slumber.

  He was relaxed, for the first time in weeks, enough to sleep. Aurora loved him. Now he knew for sure he that was willing to fight any fight to have her. It was a strange sensation, he felt like someone was calling his name. He was being shaken awake. His gaze fell on a figure standing over him.

  “Cassius! Cassius you have to wake up!” She was shouting at him. It was Evver—she never shouted.

  “Evver? What are you doing here?” He forced his eyes to focus on his little sister. Panic overtook him when he realized his sister was off the castle grounds. He sat up so fast that his head spun.

  “Come on, Cassius, we have to go.” She was pulling on his arm, trying to drag him.

  “Evver, stop it! What is going on? You have to tell me, now!”

  He could see the familiar look of fear on his sister’s face. She slumped to the bench and tears started to flow.

  “Cas, I went to get something to drink and I overheard Drayben and Lote talking. They moved up the wedding. Tommit is going to marry Aurora TODAY! We have to go! You can’t let this happen…” Tears overtook her voice.

  He reached over and hugged her gently. Fear and fury raced through him. Today? How could this be happening? Just when they admitted they loved each other—and now Tommit was going to take her forever. He would never let it happen…he would die first!

  “What are we waiting for?”

  “You can’t go alone.” Evver’s tears were starting to dry. Cassius thought about this and realized he needed a way to distract Evver from being in the middle of things.

  “I know. I need you to go and get Abow. He has been in the safe house just past the wishing tree. He will be able to bring help. Go now.” Cassius leaned over and kissed her on the forehead. “Be safe, birdie. I love you.”

  “I love you, too.” She gave him a quick hug and was off.


  Cassius went into his parent’s room.

  Flipping their bed up, he started digging. Buried deep under their bed was the family sword. Most of the weapons in the kingdom had been destroyed or confiscated by Tommit’s Destroyers. His father had hidden this before the uprisings. His hands were raw and bleeding before he found the steel sword. As soon as his fingers wrapped their way around the handle he was determined and on fire. Whistling for his horse, he was already running when the horse caught up with him. He jumped on and they were off. It was a long shot, but Evver would find Abow. Cassius prayed that he would be finished with Tommit and all would be settled before Evver made it anywhere near the castle.

  He was still unsure of what exactly he was going to do when he got there.

  His only plan?

  Well it was simple—storm the castle and rescue Aurora.


  I woke to find Evver gone.

  This was normal. She normally rushed off to get my breakfast and all the things I would need before waking me. Today, I was too excited. I had dreamed of my day with Cassius and couldn’t wait to spend another with him. By the time he brought me home last night, I was actually feeling hope for the future. My face hurt from smiling so much.

  My heart was full, thinking of the promise that our future held. Paradan was turning out to be my idea of a fairy tale after all. I rolled over and looked out my window. The sun was just starting to peek its way above the mountain tops. The door opened, I turned to welcome Evver. My heart dropped when I realized that it wasn’t Evver.

  It was Drayben.

  He held a dress in his hands. It was large and looked suspiciously like a wedding gown. My chest hurt. This couldn’t be happening. He shut the door and skulked toward me with a smarmy smile on his face.

  “Time to wake up, Aurora. It’s a big day for you.”

  “No! Not yet.” My voice was shaking and I could see by the expression on his face that he found it funny. I hated him. “Why now? I thought I still had another week at least?”

  “All I can say is, King Tommit can’t wait to make you his bride. I expect you to be the glowing, blushing bride. I am sending in some of the staff to assist you with your preparations. Don’t make it difficult for them or yourself. I will see you soon.” He dropped my dress on my bed. “I can’t wait to see you in this.”

  The look in his gaze was lustful and made me feel dirty.

  “Where’s Evver?”

  “That isn’t my concern. Now get ready.”

  Drayben turned and headed out the door. I wanted to cry, but I wasn’t going to give him the satisfaction of seeing my tears.

  As the door shut, I crumpled to the floor, tears breaking free.

  Chapter 28

  My mind and body were at war.

  I wanted to run anywhere but here. I’d forced my body to comply with the wishes of those dressing me. If there was any chance that Drayben had Evver held up somewhere, I had to comply willingly. Even the beauty of the gown didn’t warm my cold skin. It was off-white and embroidered from head to toe. The bodice was fitted and tight to my waist, and then it flared out in a large bell shape. The top was open, baring my shoulders; the sleeves opened up in a V-shaped at my wrists. Fairies dressed me methodically and carefully.

  I admit, there was little I did to help the process.

  I felt as if I stood there like the walking dead I felt like.

  They started on my hair. It was gathered in many braids, and then they were placed together, forming roses around my head. Most of my hair was left down and curled. Calla lilies were threaded into the roses. It was a really beautiful effect. My skin was pale, drained of any joy in the moment. It would have been more fitting had I been dressed in all black. After all, I was heading to my own funeral; at least, that is how it felt.

  As I waited for my escort, I walked to the window.

  Dark clouds were starting to encroach upon the light blue sky. It was almost like Mother Nature was feeling the pain of the day before me and wanted to hide all light from the world. I could feel the darkness overtaking me, and I welcomed it.

  If it numbed the pain…

  I had imagined my wedding day a million times before. What little girl hasn’t? Nothing about today was ever in my daydreams—nightmares, possibly. A voice at the door sent a sinking feeling in the pit of my abdomen. Drayben.

  He pushed his way into the room.

  The familiar look of desire filled his beady gaze. “King Tommit will be very pleased.”

  He licked his lips in the vilest way. He always disgusted me, but today he had me wanti
ng to vomit. He reached out his hand for me, and I took it without a thought. If I really thought about where he was leading me, then I wouldn’t have the courage to follow.

  He led me out of my room and down the labyrinth of hallways I had come to know over these past few weeks. With each step, the reality of my new life pushed me closer to the brink of despair. I was silent as I walked. With each step, my body started to go numb. If I had a choice, then this is the way I wanted it.

  It was a simple gift I could give myself.

  “I expect you to put on a happy glow by the time we arrive in the throne room. King Tommit will never know of your—ambivalence. He is expecting a eager bride and he is going to get just that!”

  My pace slowed and my gaze remained frozen on the passing floor. How could I fake the joy he demanded? As I slowed, he roughly dragged me violently down the hall. There was no way my reluctance was going to deter him from his mission. As we arrived at the throne room, the doors were closed. I was hopeful there had been a mistake…maybe, somehow, all of this was just a bad dream. He reached out and pulled on the cumbersome door. With a simple movement the door was open and Drayben was pulling me through. I wanted to fight him. Run, scream, and punch him all at the same time. I even considered pulling one of the mounted swords off the wall and running it through his blackened heart. My tortured gaze was caught by movement near the throne. It was Tommit. He was pacing back and forth. As soon as he heard our entrance, he turned toward us. His anxious gaze found mine. Tommit smiled.

  It disgusted me.

  I felt Drayben’s fingers dig into my flesh. Bruises were already forming from his infuriated grasp. I forced a smile.

  “Ah, finally.” His words of relief were so far from how I felt, I wondered how it could be.

  “Yes. Your lovely bride-to-be is ready.” With one of his hands he pushed me forward so that I was standing in front of the king.

  “My…you look delicious, Aurora.” Tommit salivated as he looked at me from head to toe. I felt grimy. More than anything I wanted Cassius to be standing in Tommit’s place.

  “Come, let’s get on with this.” Tommit reached out and waited for me to put my hand in his. I knew the second I did that any hope for a new destiny went out the window. I felt Drayben’s spindly fingers dig into my back. Realizing I still didn’t know where Evver was, I took a deep breath and complied. I remember the first time my hand entwined with Cassius’ hands; heat coursed through me and caused fever among my nerves.

  Having Tommit’s hand in mine only caused an icy layer of frost to form over my heart. He lead me over to a makeshift arch that someone had hastily decorated with flowers and candles. The fact that we were the only wedding guests surprised me. Tommit always loved a show.

  Drayben took his place in front of us.


  Drayben was going to officiate!?!? The thought had my stomach swaying. There was no one ready to charge these two monsters that held my fate in their hands. Tommit tightened his fingers around my trembling hand. He pulled me toward the salivating Drayben, I lowered my gaze…unable to watch the tragedy as it unfolded.


  Cassius dug his heels deeper into Axis.

  His loyal steed’s pace quickened. There was no telling what he would find when he arrived at the castle. Luck was on his side, Tommit hadn’t called the kingdom to witness their union. There was still hope that he could make it before Tommit sealed their future. His face was scratched and bleeding already. The trees were grabbing at them, as if they were trying to slow their progress. It didn’t matter what he suffered, as long as he made it in time. He rounded the corner and the castle welcomed him. There were many guards surrounding the fortress. They were dressed as if they were prepared for a battle. Cassius decided to take the friendly approach first.

  He slowed as he came close to the awaiting guard.

  “Hoe, boy.”

  “Halt.” Two guards crossed their blades, blocking his access.

  “Morning. I am due for Aurora’s riding lessons.” The guards looked perplexed.

  “Sorry, but we were told no one was allowed entrance.”

  “Everything alright? Do I need to bring Darant to King Tommit? Is he in—danger?” They seemed relieved at my concern. They relaxed their blades.

  “No, everything is fine.”

  Cassius blew a deep breath out. “Thank the heavens. What a relief.”

  He knew he was overreacting, but he was hopeful they would buy into it. “You are all doing a great job here. King Tommit should be proud to have you defending Paradan.”

  Both of their chests puffed out in pride.

  “Thank you.” One of the guards boasted with pride.

  “Well, I better get in there. I would hate to keep King Tommit waiting.” Cassius kept his tone light and friendly.

  “Sure, sure. We would hate to upset his highness.” He stepped aside, allowing Cassius to pass by them. Using all of the control left in him, he moved as slowly as Axis would allow. He had made it past the drawbridge and through the upended gate. With every step he was one step closer to rescuing Aurora.

  Chapter 29

  I wondered if I had blacked out.

  Tommit had his arm around my waist and his grin was a mile wide. Drayben looked like he had won the lottery. I hated that seeing my pain brought them so much joy. They were delusional, if for one second, they thought I was anything but destroyed over what was transpiring in front of my eyes.

  “Your highness, do you take Aurora to be your bride?”

  “I do.”

  “Aurora, do you take Tommit to be your master and husband? Do you promise to do whatever is asked of you? Will you honor, obey and bend your will to his?”

  Before I could answer, there was a loud noise coming from one of the entries to the throne room. We all spun in the direction of the racket. Charging in like one of the Prince’s in one of my favorite fairy tales…was Cassius! He rode in on a black stallion. His eyes were shining with fire. With a simple movement he had dismounted from his horse and charged us, waving a steel sword.

  “Get away from her!” his voice thundered. Every muscle in his body was tense and he looked like he had grown a couple of feet. Drayben and Tommit looked at each other and chuckled.

  “Excuse me, stable boy,” Tommit said with disgust and superiority dripping from his voice. “To whom do you think you’re speaking to?”

  Tommit’s voice was full of amusement. I knew it had to be a rarity, if not a first for him to be spoken to like that.

  “I’m speaking to you—vile monster.”

  My eyes were frozen open in terror. He was going to get himself killed. Our gazes met, mine pleading for him to run. While his was nothing less than unwavering, I knew then that there was nothing I could do to sway him.

  His words sparked anger in Tommit.

  “Why you…” Taking steps toward him, I grabbed his arm to stop him. This angered Drayben who, in turn, tried to release my grip from his king. We must have looked a sight. With my free hand I desperately tried to push Drayben away.

  “Stupid girl!” he spat in my face. His blood was boiling at my insolence. Using both of his spindly—but strong—hands, he tore me from Tommit. My dress was ripped in the process. The sound of the tearing fabric stopped Tommit short. I should have been embarrassed. The tear revealed my corset, but I was grateful for the distraction. I prayed Cassius would use it to slip away, but he never did anything the easy way. He used Tommit’s distraction as a way to encroach upon us.

  For once, I was grateful Tommit’s guards appeared to have the day off. I would deal with Tommit staring at my chest all day, if it gave Cassius the upper hand. Cassius raised his sword. It was in mid-swing when Drayben noticed.


  Tommit turned just in time to duck the oncoming blade. Cassius went rushing past me moving with the momentum of his powerful swing. Drayben, ever-the-coward, stuck his leg out just in time to trip Cassius. He went flying into the marble flo
or. A sickening crack resonated through the room.

  “Well done.” Tommit said with a smug smile.

  I wanted to knock it from his face. Bright red blood sharply contrasted against the white floor. Knowing Cassius was hurt caused bile to rise up my throat. I forced myself to swallow it. Tommit whistled loudly. My gaze was focused on Cassius. Pulling himself off of the now blood splattered ground, he reached up and wiped the blood from his face. I could see it was flowing from a rather large gash above his left eye. It was already swelling. The fire remained blazing violently in his hypnotic blue eyes. He lifted his sword to challenge Tommit.

  Tommit drew his sword, matching Cassius’ movement. Drayben pulled me back to him, holding me tightly against his body. The clank of the steel swords slamming against each other rang in my ears. I wanted to cower, but I couldn’t bring myself to look away. Feeling the familiar sting of threatening tears, I heard one of the rear doors slammed open. Not even the explosion of noise could steal my gaze.

  “Over here, now!” It was Drayben’s voice; I searched for his target. Cronan and several guards were rushed inside. Swords were drawn, each of their faces were contorted in twisted malevolent masks of hate.

  A cry of fear was caught in the back of my throat.

  I thought for sure they were going to take Cassius down, but instead they encircled us. Cronan took over for Drayben—his grimy hands encircled my trembling limbs. The familiar stench of rotted meat assaulted my nostrils. It caused me to sway with nausea. He pulled me closer to his adrenaline filled quaking form. It only made my feelings of terror worse. Tommit raised his sword, aiming at Cassius’ head. My breathing stopped!

  It was blocked by Cassius sword. The sound of the two swords banging against each other jarred my heart. I struggled to free myself from Cronan’s putrid stench. He laughed darkly, enjoying my discomfort…of this I was certain.

  “So, you want to challenge the King, do you?” Tommit sneered at Cassius. Clang, clang…. as the swords traded blows.

  “When we find the rightful king, I would gladly challenge him to a fun little duel.” He said, mocking him. Tommit growled and his brow furrowed with fury. I could see the hatred he held for Cassius. Tommit thought he was above everyone and being mocked by a “stable boy,” as he put it, was more than he would ever tolerate.

  “You will die for your insolence. Then my wedding will conclude before your blood has dried.”