Read The Witch Who Cried Wolf Page 11

  Chapter Ten


  Sitting opposite Ethan at the dinner was horrible. For a while, I wasn’t sure he’d even show up. My mind flashed back to seeing him at my home, seeing his eyes change color for that brief moment.

  God, he was a werewolf. The thing I’d feared had come to pass.

  I looked over at him, but he hadn’t even glanced in my direction the entire time. Maybe he was as worried about what was happening as me. I only wished he wouldn’t shut me out.

  Whatever feelings we’d had before seemed like they were gone. So gone. This wasn’t the Ethan I’d known. He was colder, as if he blamed me for what he had become.

  I wanted to cry so much, but I couldn’t. Not right now. My parents would ask too many questions, and I’d be forced to lie. They could never know. I’d rather run away from home than involve them in my mess.

  If he wanted to act this way, then fine, I didn’t need to be daydreaming about him. Or thinking about him, period. Besides, I had a boyfriend. While I was at my limit with Greg, especially after seeing the bruises he’d left on my arm, I shouldn’t be getting hot and heavy with Ethan, or having emotions for him while I was in a relationship.

  I shoved my food around on my plate. My appetite was long gone. I ate a few bites of the meatloaf and broccoli, but not much. When everyone else was starting to wrap up, I was the first one out of the dining room. I leaned against the kitchen counter and looked out the window into the darkened backyard. Memories of playing there and trying to get Nolan’s and Ethan’s attention came rushing back. But the two boys were older and had had each other, while I’d had no one.

  I had always been the outsider, had always felt like I didn’t belong. Maybe it was coming full circle, that Ethan was forgetting my existence. That was surprising, since the love potion was still in his system. But if he was becoming a werewolf, maybe the potion had burned off faster in him than it had in me. My emotions for him were still raw and aching.

  I had no idea.

  “Mia?” My mom’s voice drew my attention to her. “Is everything okay? You’re so quiet today.” She placed a hand on my shoulder, and I fought not to wince. The healing salve hadn’t done so great for me. Then again, it wasn’t every day that I battled werewolves and got body- slammed into cars.

  “Yeah, Mom. I’m fine. I think I’ll take off a little early. I—”

  “And miss the liquor?” Nolan burst into the room, with Ethan hanging back in the doorway. Ethan’s gaze met mine for the first time since this afternoon, and I froze, feeling a surge of nausea punch me in the gut.

  I returned my attention to Nolan. “Yeah, I think—”

  “Oh, come on, Mia.” Dad smiled in that generously happy way of his. “Don’t miss out on the best part of dinner.” Mom cleared her throat, and he shot her a goofy grin. “You know I’m joking. What’s wrong, sweetheart?” He pulled me in for a bear hug, and my eyes rolled back in my skull.

  Pain shot through my body like an unholy beast. The desire to scream mingled with my body’s need to pass out. I bit my tongue hard, trying not to vocalize my pain and push away.

  “I’m fine. Really.” My voice cracked, and I cleared my throat. Having everyone ask made me even more uncomfortable. I wanted to run from the room. Escape.

  I was used to so little attention with Nolan being the first-born son, the one who could do no wrong. I’d made straight A’s in school, and had done my best to make something of myself. Now with college over, I was at a loss. That jobs were so hard to come by didn’t help, either. What would I do now to try to win their love and attention? Find a wealthy husband? Find an amazing job? Frustration snowballed with the pain building inside me. “I’m heading home. Good night, everyone.”

  I walked out of the house, making my retreat.

  Nolan was at the window of my car before I could get the engine started. “Sis? What’s wrong? Are you still a bit...uh...upset after the mugging?”

  I rested my forehead against the steering wheel. “Please don’t tell Mom and Dad.” I hated the fact Ethan had told Nolan. That was the last thing I needed.

  “It’s okay. I won’t tell them. But just know if you need to talk, I’m here for you, okay?”

  I looked at him, and he flashed a boyish grin, as if that would help. But I guess it did. He had his own way of making me feel better. I knew he cared. However, I refused to get anyone else involved in my problems.

  Jessa had told me what to do, even if the advice had hurt. I needed to let go of my fear and practice my magic. No one else needed to be involved. No one. Not even Jessa. She’d said she would call, but so far, she hadn’t. I guess that could be expected. Maybe we had both mishandled the situation.


  “Thanks, Nolan. I’ll be at home. Tell everyone I’m sorry. I just need my space, I guess.”

  “Don’t be like those people who get really depressed around the holidays though, sis. That mugger was probably looking for money. People are crazier around this time of the year, you know?” He shrugged, then patted me on the shoulder. If one more person touched me, I swore I would hurt them. “Just be careful and stay safe.”

  If only I’d been mugged, then I’d be happier. Random attacks happened all the time. But this had been due to some werewolf, who was pissed off about a potion I’d made. Some human guy who needed money for booze didn’t bother me, but a werewolf? That was serious business.

  “Take care,” I said, pulling out of the driveway and onto the road. I didn’t want to go home. I wanted to go somewhere else. Somewhere far from my usual hangouts. Somewhere safe.

  After driving around the neighborhood a little, I pulled into a fast food restaurant. Inside, I ordered a Coke, then sat in one of the booths trying to collect my thoughts, when the last person in the world I’d suspect to be there showed up.

  Mr. Way-Too-Sexy...Werewolf.

  My heart dropped in my stomach, and real terror bubbled up within me.

  Jessa had warned me about letting go of fear. If I didn’t, I would be crippling my ability to protect myself. However, being in a public place like this would hinder both him and me. He wouldn’t be able to assault me, unless he didn’t care about revealing what he was to the general public, and I couldn’t cast spells. However, that was a lot better than him following me home. But he was here, and that either was a scary coincidence or he knew where my parents lived. How could that be?

  He walked straight to my table, plopping down in the booth across from me.

  “You did something to that potion, didn’t you? It’s not reacting as it was supposed to.” He didn’t sound mad; more, a cold and uncaring vibe came off him.

  I opened my mouth to say something, but he shushed me.

  “Make more. Not the creamy stuff. Make a liquid potion.” His gaze flicked to the people walking by the table. “If you don’t, I’ll kill you and your whole family.”

  “You tried killing me at the airport. How can I expect you not try something, regardless?” I didn’t know for certain if that had been him at the airport, but it was a pretty good guess. He was the only werewolf I knew, and the visit from Jessa had pointed in that direction too.

  “You’ve got it wrong. I wasn’t trying to kill you. If I had, you’d be dead already. Think of it more like I was gaining your attention. Besides, your friend is good stock. Our Pack needs numbers. We’re weak, and we need to remedy that.”

  “By killing off your kind?” I shook my head. “I know why you’re coming to me, and it’s not to heal whoever you were talking about in my friend’s shop. You want to poison them. I’m not stupid.”

  Sliding into my booth before I could react, he blocked my best path of escape. He circled his arm around my shoulders, either to intimidate me or make anyone watching think we were a couple. The desire to elbow him in the ribs rose within me, but he was a freaking werewolf, for crying out loud. The guy could probably crush me with his pinky finger.

  “If you’re not stupid, you’ll do as I sa
y. Because I am not all about talk. If you don’t help me out, then consider yourself and your family...and your werewolf boyfriend...all dead. No way else around it, girlie. Either do what I want, or you’re done for.” He squeezed my shoulder hard.

  A whimper escaped my lips before I could stop it. The pain was truly reaching epic proportions.

  “Fine. When do you need it by?” I asked, hoping he’d let me go on my way.

  “Now.” He stared into my eyes from inches away, intimidating the hell out of me.

  “I can’t right now. My friend’s store isn’t open right now. I can’t get the supplies I need if she’s not there.” I hoped he’d buy that excuse. Really hoped. Maybe if he did, I could reach Jessa between now and then, and we would figure out a way around this, so someone didn’t have to die.

  “Tuesday then. If I don’t have it Tuesday, then expect her to be the first victim.”

  “Um, where do you want to pick it up?”

  He propped his feet on the opposite booth. “At the new age shop, and if you don’t show promptly at 6 pm, there will be consequences. Understand?”

  I nodded, trying to figure out how I was going to get out of this. He wanted it on Christmas Eve. This was hell.

  “Tuesday, at six o’clock. Be there.” He slid out of the booth, his shoes silent against the tile floor.

  I rested my head in my hands, trying to keep my body from violently shivering. The fact he hadn’t been trying to kill me was something I hadn’t anticipated, but the sick feeling that he had changed Ethan into a werewolf on purpose disgusted me. I had to make sure Ethan was okay.

  I grimaced. That meant I’d have to search for him, either at his house that he shared with Nolan, or at my parents’, and I refused to go back there. Mr. Sexy already knew where they were, but that didn’t mean I liked luring him there.

  It didn’t take long to drive there. Nolan’s car wasn’t in the driveway, but maybe he stored it in the garage. Who knew? If I had any chance of talking to Ethan about what was going on, I needed to do it now before I chickened out.

  I knocked on Ethan’s door, not at all feeling like I should be there. If Nolan answered, what would I say? Hey bro, I wanted to talk about getting mugged, after all. Thanks for the brotherly advice, and by the way, stay out of my business in the future? No, that would be—

  The door swung open, and Ethan’s sexy body filled most of the doorframe.

  I stumbled back a few steps. Heat shot through my veins at the sight of him. “Hi. I just....”

  “Your brother isn’t home right now.” He started to shut the door, but I caught it.

  “Please, I want to talk to you. I’m sorry, I didn’t know where else to go.” My mouth kept moving, even though nothing sensible came out. “I’ve just...I don’t know. This whole mess


  Ethan pulled me inside, carefully missing any of the bruised flesh of my arms. “If you’re going to talk, don’t do it out there.” He pressed my back against the now closed door.

  My body reacted to the closeness, and the urge to arch into him overrode all reason. Head out of the gutter! “After dinner, I went to this fast food joint and—” Keys rattled in the door behind me, and I jumped from the door, only to smack into Ethan’s hard chest.

  He held me for a moment, and the heat of his palms warmed me after being out in the cold. “Want something to drink?”

  “I guess so.” Frowning, I didn’t know what to do. Maybe I should escape out the back before Nolan got in here, but that would be awkward since he would see my car out front. How did I get myself into these kinds of situations? I sighed, and headed for the couch.

  “Mia, I’m surprised to see you.” Nolan frowned at me as he came into the room, then glanced over to see Ethan arriving with three cans of beer. He threw one to my brother and set the other two on the coffee table. “What are you doing here?”

  “I...I just didn’t feel safe at my house after the mugging, so I decided to hang out here for a few hours.” I tried to act casual, but my voice shook a little. Casual didn’t define the emotions raging inside me. Especially with both of them staring at me like I’d grown two heads.

  “Yeah, she seemed pretty unnerved when I answered the door. Guess it’s all catching up with her. It’s easy to let it get to you. Just stay strong.” Ethan popped open his can of beer and took a sip.

  Great. A pep talk. Exactly what I needed.

  This was all too weird. I didn’t know what else to say or do. I just took a swing of beer. College football was on television again, so I sat in silence. The two of them went into the kitchen, and I heard their whispered voices, but I couldn’t catch what they were saying.

  Within minutes, they returned with Nolan carrying a bag of tortilla chips and two bowls of salsa. We sat watching sports for what felt like hours. Football wasn’t my idea of a good time, but spending time with the two of them like this relaxed me.

  Nolan glanced in my direction, but I tried to keep my gaze on the TV. I wanted to blend in with the couch. I probably shouldn’t even be here. I hated to think that I’d lured the werewolf to where my brother and Ethan lived too, but I couldn’t say that he didn’t already know, either.

  I rested my head against the arm of the couch, and within minutes, all my cares just faded. The beer had helped relax me, and the delicious scent of Ethan warmed my body. I felt safe for the first time in the past couple days.