Read The Witch's Vampire Page 17

  “The council won’t grant them access. It is their job to keep them from the power source and the gateway.” Thanatos answered Sophie’s question.

  “That hardly seems fair since you are ‘gods’...”. She used air quotes to enunciate the last word. “…and we are humans with supernatural abilities.”

  “You have the blood of the gods running through your veins. They created you all for a different purpose; power during a great war that only recently ended.” Thanatos explained.

  “Some believe the war has not ended.” Deimos spoke in low dangerous tones.

  “But it has, Deimos. The treaties have been signed and peace is expected to be maintained.” Thanatos chided. “The consequences of re-igniting that battle are far too great for all sides.”

  “Your duty as the deliverer of souls to the gateway has really made you dense in what is happening on earth, brother.” Hypnos spit his angry words.

  “Be that as it may, the consequences of starting another war are disastrous for all sides involved.”

  “Wouldn’t what they are doing now be considered an act of war?” Sophie asked. She was getting more confused by the minute.

  “There are no rules about fighting against the supernaturals and humans, only the rule about fighting against other gods.” Nike spoke up. The sad look behind her eyes made Sophie wonder how on board she was with all of this.

  “So the gods have abandoned us?” Sophie asked knowing the answer but hoping to shame them into understanding.

  “I’ll stand in as protector of this town.” Thanatos stated loudly.

  Hypnos laughed. “You have no time to protect this town. Even as we speak your duties are piling up on you.”

  “I have reapers to handle the soul gathering. The souls can wait in purgatory for a few hours while I manage issues here. You think because I choose not to spend time with you that I’m incapable of protecting a town?”

  “So you are claiming Mystery Springs under your domain?” Hypnos asked once again for confirmation.

  Thanatos paused for only a moment. Sophie silently wondered why he would pause at such a question. There was obviously more to claiming a town for a god then she understood. “As long as the town accepts me as their protector I’ll claim them as under my domain.”

  Giovanni allowed a smile to spread across his cold lips. “I’ll call a council meeting as soon as we wake up. But as a representative of the council I’m sure there will be little problem with the claim.” Giovanni didn’t show his worry. Having death claim their town would be harder than one would think. The fact that he represented death didn’t help, but the council was also very much opposed to godly intervention since their job was to protect the nexus from the gods and the supernatural forces.

  “Until then, we’ll keep her mother and the human as collateral.” Deimos spoke his terms.

  “And we’ll continue our attack on the town.” Hypnos added. “It’s a race, dear brother. Who do you think will win? If history is any witness, that winner will be me.” A wicked grin spread across his boy-like face. It made the young god look evil.

  “You can’t have my mother and Tiffany.” Sophie stated simply. Gio’s grip tightened on her and she pushed him off. “If you must keep someone, take me.”

  If Gio had a heart that beat it would’ve stopped in that moment. “No.”

  “The healer has made her choice.” Eros smiled as he took Sophie’s arm and pulled her toward them.

  “Then I’ll go...” Giovanni tried to speak, but Thanatos interrupted him.

  “…go get the council ready.” Thanatos said. “You’ll prepare them for the talks.”

  “I’ll keep an eye on my daughter until you return to free her.” Regina spoke up, all eyes turned toward her voice. She was standing behind the ninja circle that wound around them with Tiffany at her side.

  “Yes, we’ll keep her safe.” Tiffany added.

  Sophie noticed a light behind the girl’s eyes that wasn’t there before. She could feel Tiffany’s hope returning. Sophie wasn’t sure what her mother had done, but she was thankful for whatever it was.

  Gio fought the urge to rip Eros’ head off his shoulders and take his girl back. It was logic that kept him in check. He knew he wasn’t strong enough to defeat a god. He wasn’t stupid. He also knew Thanatos and her mother would keep her safe. And if something happened to her he was going to rain holy terror down on anyone who hurt Sophie. “If any harm comes to her I’ll personally kill you all myself.” His voice was low and dark his eyes reinforced his promise.

  The gods turned angry glares in his direction, but he was not the first to look away. Regina walked up to him and tilted her head while she examined the dangerous man that was ready to take on powerful gods to protect her daughter. She placed a gentle hand on his arm and smiled. “A vampire and a witch, now that is an interesting match-up. We’ll keep her safe.” She reassured him and offered a brilliant smile. In a softer voice she moved closer to his ear and whispered. “Thank you for loving my daughter.”

  “Fine. The race is on, Hypnos.” Thanatos walked over to Giovanni. “It’s time to go.” He placed his hand on Gio’s shoulder and they disappeared. The last thought Gio had was how he wanted one last kiss before his insides were twisted and pulled. He felt as though the world disappeared around him and began to free fall back into the human realm.

  Chapter Sixteen

  It took Gio a little longer than the first time to recover from the transport. It was pretty obvious he wasn’t built for inter-dimensional travel to different realms. He’d make that trip a thousand times over to rescue his true mate. When he recovered, he started making calls to bring the council together for an emergency meeting. He didn’t expect the search for the missing nephilim, Luke, and Gregor would be more important than his issue, but after speaking to two council members he quickly discovered that took precedence in their book.

  “No, Harmony, we need to get together now! Things are getting serious, and I have to address the new information I have with the council.” He snarled into the phone. Harmony was usually a voice of reason and tried to stay neutral along with the witches. But when a challenge is given to the Amazons, they don’t back down. When their duty comes into question they find a way to win back their honor. It was the amazon’s that delivered the prisoners to the jail, and they were taking the escape personally. Damn! Talk about shooting myself in the foot.

  “I’m sorry, Giovanni. I’m leading the search for the prisoners. The nephilim must be caught. The telepath is here waiting to interrogate him.”

  Shit! Giovanni didn’t know where Christopher was. He was so preoccupied with Thanatos and his news about Sophie that he didn’t think to check with Gregor or Luke to see if he was with them. It wouldn’t matter because he wouldn’t know where they were hiding anyway. His father wouldn’t have a cell phone on him for fear of being tracked. Luke would definitely know how to keep their scent covered so the wolves wouldn’t be able to track them either. Those two would be undetectable. Once respectable enemies, and now allies, it was a unique relationship. He only hoped they had Christopher with them. Otherwise the angel-hybrid would be hightailing it back across enemy lines.

  The blood in Gio’s veins was boiling with anger as he said his good-byes. The fleeting thankful thought that no one knew he was responsible for the breakout was his only saving grace, otherwise he thought he’d snap. He’d be of little help to Sophie if he was incarcerated for springing the prisoners from jail. He really should’ve thought that move through. He wasn’t the kind of person to act impulsively, but he was fast realizing he’d do just about anything to keep that look of happiness and respect for him in her bewitching eyes. Now he had another thing to worry about. If he was caught, he’d have a hard time explaining his motives and would be punished severely. He fought off the urge to throw the cell phone across the room and decided to keep trying. There had to be someone who wasn’t wrapped up in the manhunt.

  Sophie narrowed her eyes on
Eros and pulled her arm out of his grasp. “So what do you plan to do with us now?” she crossed her arms over her chest defiantly. If she was smart she’d mind her tongue. She was talking to ancient gods, but knowing they were actually aliens made her defiance a little easier. Not to mention, their motive for hurting people was terribly selfish, and if she was going to die she was going to make sure she let them know her thoughts on the matter.

  Regina pulled Sophie back towards her and Tiffany, warning in her eyes. Sophie ignored the warning. “Holding us hostage to get your way may give you an upper hand, but from my experience with that council it’ll do you no good.”

  “But holding you in our control keeps your boyfriend weak.” Eros grinned. “Coming between true love is always a powerful tool – trust me, I know. He’ll get the council to bend to our way of thinking long before he helps Thanatos gain control over your town. He knows it’s the only way to save you.”

  Sophie frowned. “I’m confused. Thanatos said he was going to claim the town under his protection so as not to give you access to the gateway.”

  “Right. But when Gio realizes you won’t be freed until we get access to the gateway he’ll turn on his friend and help us.” The girl with dark skin and curly hair chimed in.

  “He won’t.” but even as Sophie defended Gio she had doubt enter her mind. They were right, his best move was to help them now, not Thanatos.

  “You have greater faith in your vampire than he deserves.” Eros enjoyed the sparring match between him and the spunky little witch doctor. He actually liked her more than he should, and secretly hoped Sophie and Giovanni reignited their love. He was cupid, after all, and really did enjoy his job. But he was also tired and wanted to go home.

  “And if he doesn’t help?”

  “He’ll be sacrificing you.” Deimos answered for Eros. His dark eyes narrowing on her, and fear climbed up her spine. She shivered against his power and took a step back bumping into Tiffany.

  Tiffany offered a weak smile. “They’ll rescue us.” Her reassuring tone brought joy to Sophie’s heart.

  “So you changed your mind?”

  Tiffany nodded, “yes.”


  “Because you and your mother reminded me there are good people out there and there are reasons to fight. You sacrificed yourself multiple times to save me and now I owe you. When I get out of here I’ll make sure Christopher starts making better choices and fights for the right side.”

  Sophie was so excited she hugged Tiffany. An electric current of power passed between her and Tiffany, and one minute her patient was in her arms, and the next minute she was gone.

  “Where the hell did she go?” Deimos snarled.

  “I… I don’t know.” Sophie stared at the emptiness in front of her. “Is she alright, mother?”

  Regina smiled brilliantly. “Yes dear. It looks like your powers are back in check and you discovered your trigger – love.” The pride that beamed from her mother’s eyes was overwhelming and managed to pull Sophie’s attention from the situation for a moment. Holy crap! I healed her!

  “Now you need to find a way to wake up and leave, too.” Regina whispered as the ninja’s moved forward. They went to grab the two remaining prisoners, but Sophie and Regina slipped out of their grasps. “Don’t let them touch you. Dream weavers can keep you in the dream world with a touch. Run!”

  “Not without you.” Sophie refused.

  The ninjas and gods took a few torturous steps toward them as they took a few steps back. “Don’t make me force you.” Regina chided her daughter.

  “You can’t make me leave you.” Sophie insisted. “They’ll kill you.”

  Regina chuckled, “I’m already dead, sweetheart. But there is one thing I need you to do for me.” They continued to step back while their enemies moved in, slowly, methodically. There was no escape, even if they wanted to run.


  “I need you to find your cousin Scarlet and help her with her mind madness. Your powers are far stronger than mine ever were. Maybe you can help heal her mind.”

  “I’ve never heard of Scarlet before. I never knew you had siblings?”

  “I have two brothers. Your father will be able to help you track her down.”

  “You’re talking like I’ll never see you again.” Tears pricked the back of her eyes. She took another step back and Sophie felt the earth give way under her feet and she knew they were backed against a cliff. “Please, mother, no.” She knew what she was going to do, but it was too late to stop it.

  Regina grabbed both of Sophie’s arms in a death grip. “I love you, honey. Please forgive me.” She threw her daughter over the cliff and Sophie screamed as she woke up.

  She was in the recliner in Tiffany’s room. Tiffany was awake, but she was choking on the ventilator that was lodged in her throat.

  Sophie found feeling in her feet and rushed to Tiffany’s side. She placed a calming hand on her patient and locked eyes with her new friend. “It’s okay, Tiffany. I’m going to unhook you from the machines.”

  Tiffany relaxed and stopped thrashing around. Fear had her eyes wide open. Sophie knew it was because of the healing effect she had on her that Tiffany was able to relax at all. Her body was being flooded with a feeling of euphoria similar to that one got on morphine. She was grateful Delia had shown her how to disconnect the machines before she kicked her out of the house. Now she needed to get Tiffany settled, find Gio and Thanatos, and go back into the dream realm to save her mother.

  Chapter Seventeen

  Giovanni had contacted everyone but Mariah and Eric; no one had time to attend an emergency meeting. “Thanatos, I’m beginning to think my half-baked idea to save Christopher from the telepath is going to keep us from meeting with the council members.” The sun was on the verge of rising in the next hour, he could feel it under his skin. That urgent need to sleep was beginning to take precedence in his mind and body. Even if he could get some of the council members to agree to meet he wouldn’t be able to attend until night fall. With the way Hypnos and his group was moving there’d be another attack by that time. With two factions down and a third on the verge, his mate in the enemy’s clutches, and no one helping, he was getting nervous. If he was logical he’d turn on his friend and help those who had Sophie, but logic wasn’t the right direction and Sophie would never forgive him for the betrayal to Thanatos.

  His phone rang and he flipped it open without looking at the caller id. “What?” he barked.

  Carter cleared his throat. “Everything alright, Gio?”

  “No.” Gio grumbled sourly. “I’m sorry for snapping.”

  “You should be. Especially after everything I’ve done to cover up your mess.” His friend chided him through the phone.

  “What do you mean?” Gio was afraid to ask.

  “I mean your little breakout stunt. By the Gods, Gio what were you thinking?”

  Gio looked over at Thanatos who was paying close attention to the phone conversation. He had no doubt Thanatos could hear both sides of the chat.

  “You know damn well what I mean! Quit playing games with me, old friend. I need to know where they are. This whole town is searching for them and sun rise will be in an hour. Your father has no protection from the enemies he’s with or those searching for him.”

  Gio knew he was right, “Damn.” Why didn’t I just rescue Christopher and leave Luke and Gregor in their cells? Because he didn’t want any witnesses. He trusted his father, but wasn’t to sure of that level of trust with Luke.

  “Yeah, damn. Now cough them up so I can clean up your mess, and put this whole thing behind us.”

  “I can’t.” Giovanni was beginning to get concerned. Carter was right. Gregor would be helpless in an hour, and if Luke and Christopher chose to hurt him that would be a good time. Damn vampire curse. He hated the weakness it created in them.

  “Why not?”

  “Because I don’t know where they are.”

  “Yeah, rig
ht.” Carter snorted. “Listen, Gio, I need them back. I can’t cover for you forever. They’re talking about using the telepath on my men and even me. You need to get them here ASAP.” The phone went dead.

  “Thanatos, I’m at a loss here.” He was running out of time and they both knew it.

  “I’ll send the reapers out to locate them.” Thanatos picked up his own phone and started calling his generals.

  Giovanni hoped his generals would have better luck finding them than he would. If he knew his father, they’d be well hidden. Gio went to dial Mariah’s phone when another call came in. This time he looked at the caller id and was surprised to see it was unknown. “Yes?” His answer was short into the phone receiver.

  “Hey, baby.” Sophie’s voice poured through the phone like sugar.