Read The Woman in the Alcove Page 11


  But before I proceed to relate what happened at the end of those twoweeks, I must say a word or two in regard to what happened during them.

  Nothing happened to improve Mr. Durand's position, and nothing openly tocompromise Mr. Grey's. Mr. Fairbrother, from whose testimony many of ushoped something would yet be gleaned calculated to give a turn to thesuspicion now centered on one man, continued ill in New Mexico; andall that could be learned from him of any importance was contained ina short letter dictated from his bed, in which he affirmed that thediamond, when it left him, was in a unique setting procured by himselfin France; that he knew of no other jewel similarly mounted, and thatif the false gem was set according to his own description, theprobabilities were that the imitation stone had been put in place of thereal one under his wife's direction and in some workshop in New York,as she was not the woman to take the trouble to send abroad for anythingshe could get done in this country. The description followed. Itcoincided with the one we all knew.

  This was something of a blow to me. Public opinion would naturallyreflect that of the husband, and it would require very strong evidenceindeed to combat a logical supposition of this kind with one so forcedand seemingly extravagant as that upon which my own theory was based.Yet truth often transcends imagination, and, having confidence in theinspector's integrity, I subdued my impatience for a week, almost fortwo, when my suspense and rapidly culminating dread of some action beingtaken against Mr. Durand were suddenly cut short by a message from theinspector, followed by his speedy presence in my uncle's house.

  We have a little room on our parlor floor, very snug and secluded, andin this room I received him. Seldom have I dreaded a meeting more andseldom have I been met with greater kindness and consideration. He wasso kind that I feared he had only disappointing news to communicate, buthis first words reassured me. He said:

  "I have come to you on a matter of importance. We have found enoughtruth in the suppositions you advanced at our last interview to warrantus in the attempt you yourself proposed for the elucidation of thismystery. That this is the most risky and altogether the most unpleasantduty which I have encountered during my several years of service, I amwilling to acknowledge to one so sensible and at the same time of somuch modesty as yourself. This English gentleman has a reputation whichlifts him far above any unworthy suspicion, and were it not for thefavorable impression made upon us by Mr. Durand in a long talk we hadwith him last night, I would sooner resign my place than pursue thismatter against him. Success would create a horror on both sides thewater unprecedented during my career, while failure would bring downridicule on us which would destroy the prestige of the whole force. Doyou see my difficulty, Miss Van Arsdale? We can not even approach thishaughty and highly reputable Englishman with questions without callingdown on us the wrath of the whole English nation. We must be surebefore we make a move, and for us to be sure where the evidence is allcircumstantial, I know of no better plan than the one you were pleasedto suggest, which, at the time, I was pleased to call quixotic."

  Drawing a long breath I surveyed him timidly. Never had I so realizedmy presumption or experienced such a thrill of joy in my frightened yetelated heart. They believed in Anson's innocence and they trusted me.Insignificant as I was, it was to my exertions this great result wasdue. As I realized this, I felt my heart swell and my throat close. Indespair of speaking I held out my hands. He took them kindly and seemedto be quite satisfied.

  "Such a little, trembling, tear-filled Amazon!" he cried. "Shall youhave courage to undertake the task before you? If not--"

  "Oh, but I have," said I. "It is your goodness and the surprise of itall which unnerves me. I can go through what we have planned if youthink the secret of my personality and interest in Mr. Durand can bekept from the people I go among."

  "It can if you will follow our advice implicitly. You say that youknow the doctor and that he stands ready to recommend you in case MissPierson withdraws her services."

  "Yes, he is eager to give me a chance. He was a college mate of myfather's."

  "How will you explain to him your wish to enter upon your duties underanother name?"

  "Very simply. I have already told him that the publicity given my namein the late proceedings has made me very uncomfortable; that my firstcase of nursing would require all my self-possession and that if he didnot think it wrong I should like to go to it under my mother's name.He made no dissent and I think I can persuade him that I would do muchbetter work as Miss Ayers than as the too well-known Miss Van Arsdale."

  "You have great powers of persuasion. But may you not meet people at thehotel who know you?"

  "I shall try to avoid people; and, if my identity is discovered, itseffect or non-effect upon one we find it difficult to mention will giveus our clue. If he has no guilty interest in the crime, my connectionwith it as a witness will not disturb him. Besides, two days ofunsuspicious acceptance of me as Miss Grey's nurse are all I want.I shall take immediate opportunity, I assure you, to make the test Imentioned. But how much confidence you will have to repose in me! Icomprehend all the importance of my undertaking, and shall work as if myhonor, as well as yours, were at stake."

  "I am sure you will." Then for the first time in my life I was glad thatI was small and plain rather than tall and fascinating like so many ofmy friends, for he said: "If you had been a triumphant beauty, dependingon your charms as a woman to win people to your will, we should neverhave listened to your proposition or risked our reputation in yourhands. It is your wit, your earnestness and your quiet determinationwhich have impressed us. You see I speak plainly. I do so because Irespect you. And now to business."

  Details followed. After these were well understood between us, Iventured to say: "Do you object--would it be asking too much--if Irequested some enlightenment as to what facts you have discoveredabout Mr. Grey which go to substantiate my theory? I might work moreintelligently."

  "No, Miss Van Arsdale, you would not work more intelligently, and youknow it. But you have the natural curiosity of one whose very heart isbound up in this business. I could deny you what you ask but I won't,for I want you to work with quiet confidence, which you would not do ifyour mind were taken up with doubts and questions. Miss Van Arsdale, onesurmise of yours was correct. A man was sent that night to the Ramsdellhouse with a note from Miss Grey. We know this because he boasted of itto one of the bell-boys before he went out, saying that he was going tohave a glimpse of one of the swellest parties of the season. It is alsotrue that this man was Mr. Grey's valet, an old servant who came overwith him from England. But what adds weight to all this and makes usregard the whole affair with suspicion, is the additional fact that thisman received his dismissal the following morning and has not been seensince by any one we could reach. This looks bad to begin with, like thesuppression of evidence, you know. Then Mr. Grey has not been the sameman since that night. He is full of care and this care is not entirelyin connection with his daughter, who is doing very well and bids fairto be up in a few days. But all this would be nothing if we had notreceived advices from England which prove that Mr. Grey's visit here hasan element of mystery in it. There was every reason for his remaining inhis own country, where a political crisis is approaching, yet he crossedthe water, bringing his sickly daughter with him. The explanation asvolunteered by one who knew him well was this: That only his desire tosee or acquire some precious object for his collection could have takenhim across the ocean at this time, nothing else rivaling his interest ingovernmental affairs. Still this would be nothing if a stilettosimilar to the one employed in this crime had not once formed part of acollection of curios belonging to a cousin of his whom he often visited.This stiletto has been missing for some time, stolen, as the ownerdeclared, by some unknown person. All this looks bad enough, but when Itell you that a week before the fatal ball at Mr. Ramsdell's, Mr. Greymade a tour of the jewelers on Broadway and, with the pretext of buyinga diamond for his daughter, entered into
a talk about famous stones,ending always with some question about the Fairbrother gem, you will seethat his interest in that stone is established and that it only remainsfor us to discover if that interest is a guilty one. I can not believethis possible, but you have our leave to make your experiment and see.Only do not count too much on his superstition. If he is the deep-dyedcriminal you imagine, the cry which startled us all at a certaincritical instant was raised by himself and for the purpose yousuggested. None of the sensitiveness often shown by a man who has beensurprised into crime will be his. Relying on his reputation and theprestige of his great name, he will, if he thinks himself under fire,face every shock unmoved."

  "I see; I understand. He must believe himself all alone; then, thenatural man may appear. I thank you, Inspector. That idea isof inestimable value to me, and I shall act on it. I do not sayimmediately; not on the first day, and possibly not on the second, butas soon as opportunity offers for my doing what I have planned with anychance of success. And now, advise me how to circumvent my uncle andaunt, who must never know to what an undertaking I have committedmyself."

  Inspector Dalzell spared me another fifteen minutes, and this lastdetail was arranged. Then he rose to go. As he turned from me he said:


  And I answered with a full heart, but a voice clear as my purpose:
