Read The World of Broken Dreams. Page 1

World of Broken Dreams.

  By Kade Parsons

  Chapter 1

  Hello reader. My name is Tyler Scott, I live in Dark Wood Oklahoma. When you start figuring out what the world of broken dreams is, you’ll figure out that I’m not just another 16 year old boy, I’m a places last hope, somehow. Keep reading it will save us.

  It was a cool fall day and the start of a beautiful school day. I wake up and do the same school day routine, put clothes on, brush my teeth, deodorant, and hair. I put my clothes on and walk to the bathroom. My dark wood floor is cold beneath my feet.

  When I get there the first thing I do is look at my crazy looking hair. Then I brush my teeth and, you know. So I get my backpack and go to school. I look and there are two people walking towards me. Oh, it’s just Luke and Landon my best friends.

  1 “Hey dude never seen you in a while” That was Luke, the tall blonde headed blue eyed friend of mine. “Yeah it has been a while” I said. The bell rings so we hurry to class through a gigantic crowd. It took us awhile just to get in the class room.

  “Wonder what the teachers name is.” I thought to myself. Ah, it’s Miss. Smith (she’s the nicest in the whole High School.) “Hello class, my name is Mrs. Smith. Let’s start our year with some easy algebra to refresh your memory.” She says with a smile.

  Now, just saying I’m not much of a genius at algebra but this stuff was easy. So what we practically did in that class was easy stuff. So we go to our next classes but I’d rather not take forever to tell all that so I’m just going to get you to the part when the “end of the school” bell rings. The bell rings and I’m out of there faster than you can snap. I get on my bus and so does my friends Luke and Landon I told you about before.


  We talked about random stuff the whole way home. I’m kind of glad we get to go home but for some reason don’t. It’s probably since today was like, the best day ever. When I get home happy as ever, I see this mysterious guy following me.

  He was dressed dark he kept his hands in his coat and you couldn’t see his face. I felt very nervous but I kept walking, and he kept following. I stopped and yelled “What do you want?” He doesn’t say anything just keeps walking. I started running.

  Something behind me made this loud sound like a tornado was right behind me. I turn around and the guys standing right behind me. I was so startled I fell to the ground. “W-w-what do you want.” I stuttered with fear. He points his finger at me, his finger looks like just plain bone. He says with a deep scratchy voice “You.” I look at him very confused. “You must save my people. You hold the key to saving our world.” He says, “You’ll figure out soon.”


  Chapter 2

  I start to speak but right as I try to say something he just vanishes. I rub my eyes to make sure I really saw what just happened, I am pretty sure it did though. I get up but can’t get what just happened out of my head. I run home as fast as I can. When I get there I am so sweaty and my lungs feel like they were stabbed 5 times with a sword.

  I open the door and walk inside, my mom is home watching her favorite show “I committed a crime” I walk into the kitchen and eat some cookies and milk. I go to my room to lie down and take a nap.

  I dream of a place that has cracked gray walls and the floors are only cement. This little girl walks up to me.


  She wears dark ripped clothes, and has a lot of dirt on her face. “Help us, please.” She says with tears running down her face. Then the world starts shaking. I wake up like I had a nightmare.

  “Oh, it was only a dream.” I say to myself. I get up and head to my desk. “Man I need to clean off this thing.” I thought to myself. I scoot my stuff over and start drawing what I saw in that dream. I described all that I saw in that dream with great details. I get up and head out to go hang out with Luke and Landon. They live across the street so it’s not a far walk.

  I get there and they already started play Destructor 4. Also know as, my favorite game. So we play multiplayer online and we kicked some butt.


  After that we talk about which girl is the cutest in our switch classes while drinking some Fresh Freezes. After it was getting dark I decided to go home. I get there go straight to my room and fell asleep right as I hit the mattress.

  I wake up late for school. I hurry into the bathroom and I start combing my side-swept dark brown hair out of my eyes. I brush my teeth and almost ran out the door, but I stopped to put on my pants. I run outside, catch up with my friends and we walk to school.

  I get at the school, and we eat breakfast. Today’s food was not so good. Well hope the day gets better as it goes. But it doesn’t. Today at my first class I end up in the Principles.


  I guess you can’t debate who is better at Destructor 4. Oh well. It’s not that much. So I do my 30 minutes (that felt like an hour.) So I head home thinking why it ended up this way. If I think about it, my days go in a pattern, like good, bad, good. I end up at home with my mom asleep on the couch, and no more cookies. I seriously can’t wait for today to end.



  Chapter 3

  It felt like centuries before I fell asleep. For some reason I dreamed the same dream. I wake up this time on time. Get ready, and for the first time, beat my friends out of our houses. We walk to school (me feeling awesome) because we don’t have a car.

  We get there and finally there having something good! Right as we get to class we just review from last year. (Sorry for skipping the other classes, I just don’t want to tell you the long, boring parts.)

  We finish and get home. I leave a note in the kitchen about me hanging with Luke and Landon. This time we played a role playing game called “Land of Monsters” (I’m not a nerd we just get bored.)


  I go home and that man that I met that was all dressed in black appeared out of nowhere. He grabs me and knocks me out with a rag with chloroform. I wake up several minutes later, at a strange place.

  I get up and then start walking. I almost collapse but I caught myself. I start walking, but I pause in my tracks. “This is the place, in my dream?” I say. The man comes out of nowhere and says “Yes, this is.”

  I look at him with a confused face and my heart beating really fast. “How am I? How did you?” I couldn’t finish a sentence. He answers “Welcome to the world of broken dreams.” I try to say something but I just pass out. Well that’s a weird way to answer somebody also an embarrassing way.


  I wake up with a girl staring at me. The one I saw from my dream. “I see you found my dad, did you get my message in your dream?” I nod. “Well my name is Suzie.” She says with a smile. “My names Tyler” I say with a slight smile. “Where am I?” I ask her. “At my house” she says with a smile. I try to get up but can’t so I just lie there until my body starts working again. All there is to say is, man, this is so weird.


  Chapter 4

  They get me up so I can eat this, stuff. “What is this stuff?” I ask. They say “its scroogles.” I take a bite. Man! This was awesome!

  I gulped it down and they look at me surprised. With a full mouth I say “What?” “We haven’t seen anyone eat like that before.” They answer.

  I shrug and keep on eating. After I’m done they take me outside of their house. Wow, this place looks so, dead. It l
ooks like New York but grey and black and cracks everywhere. I look at them and ask “Why have you brought me here?” They answer with “You are the chosen one, you will save our world.” I am very confused it feels like my face is turned upside down.


  I feel like this will not end well, for some reason that is. I am starting to hate this place since what they fed me, does not go down without a fight.


  Part two

  Into the land

  Of dreams

  “I want to go home.” I say. The man says “You can’t, first you have to get our world back to normal.” “I still don’t understand why I have to do it.” I say. “I didn’t choose you our leader sent you here for a reason.” The man says.

  “Why did he choose me? I’m nothing but an average guy.” I say back. “Well, no one knows, maybe he sees something in you.” The man shrugs. “Come, there’s work to do.” The man motions me with his hand. So, I follow into this area that I am pretty sure it’s a library.

  He grabs three books that look like they have 3,000 pages in. “Read, you must know who you really are.” The man says before he slams the door. “Well I guess if I must” I think to myself. So I start reading. After maybe a day or five I finally finish those books. I now know who I am.


  Wow, now I can’t see at all. That’s how tired I am. I fall asleep with my head up then it slamming on the desk wakes me up. I drink ten energy drinks and I finally wake up. Now all that information is pulsing in my head. Well I need some rest, I go to my room they gave me which does not look like a room at all, and I sleep.


  Chapter 6

  I wake up what feels like a morning. I go to the living room of their house and see them already awake. “Hello, what is your name? You never told me.” The man says “Aaron.” I walk down the hallway and see them watching a blank screen. “So, what do you need me to do today?” “Good question, today we start training” He says. That’s a start for me. At least I’m doing something other than reading a 4,802 page (I figured that out.) book. So we start heading that way to wherever.


  So we finally reach something that you would find off a movie. We enter, and it looks like a giant glass looking cube thing. Guess this is where they practice, but maybe a little small. Aaron tells me “Now, you must learn how to battle.” He hands me two metal gloves then says, “Use these to use your magic against three robots that don’t attack.” I feel a little nervous, hope it’s not showing. “Um, I can try.” I say. “Good! Let’s begin shall we?” He pushes me in the cube and shuts the big metal door. I put on the gloves and point my fist at the robots.


  It explodes them into a million pieces. I look at my hands like they just won first place in a race. Aaron and Suzie come running out and Aaron says “You did it son, it may be a first but I am proud of you, even know I’m not your father.” “Ya, and thanks by the way.” I say. We head out of the cube and we get some drinks that I have no idea what they are. But, they are good. We got to their house and Aaron says “You still need to learn how to use those powers without the gloves.” I shrug. “For your reward I’ll let you go home for a couple months.


  He says “Oh and your mom thinks you are sleeping, she doesn’t know you are here.” “Will do” I say and he snaps his fingers, I’m at my home again. I get off my bed and run down the dirty stairs. “Welcome back, Tyler” I thought to myself.



  Chapter 5

  Today was a Saturday so I spend the night with Luke and Landon. Boy have I missed those two.

  All we did is play video games but I didn’t mind. We woke up Sunday morning it was cool to wake up to people I really knew. We get up and go outside to play some basketball. After that we ate some pancakes with some blueberry syrup.

  We hangout till noon then I go home. Well I had fun hope Mondays a good day.


  I wake up feeling very tired. I couldn’t even put my clothes on. But I drink coffee and head to go to Luke and Landon. We head to school talking.

  In the middle of class I get a call from Aaron, so I ask if I may go to the restroom. I pick up and right as I do Aaron sounds like he just ran a mile. “Tyler! We need you to come now! There’s a demon attacking us!” He says. I use the transportation watch I forgot to tell you about, and Aaron gave me it.

  I click a button and I teleport to their house. They were right, there is a monster attacking them. I act quickly and pull out my gloves, put them on and shoot the beams. The beams bounce off it like it was a mirror. “You have to make the beams stronger!” Aaron yells. “How do I do that?” I yell back. He shrugs.


  So I put all my might into the beam I shoot at the monster. The monster turns to flames and turns to ashes. I fall to my knees tired and weak. Aaron runs over to me and says “You did it boy, you really did it.” I nod to say thank you.

  He helps me stand up, “Did that demon destroy anything?” I ask. “No, at least I think.” He says back. “Ok, good.” I start to go back home but right before I leave Aaron stops me, “Hey, thank you kid, you’re doing great.” I nod, and they wave and I teleport home.

  I get back out of the restroom, wondering why the monster attacked them. I might never know. But what I did find out is that I have something inside me, it’s different from everyone else. I just need to save those people.


  Every day now I go to Aaron’s house to practice with the gloves. Today was tough, I had to practice my reflexes which every time it hit me it stung really bad 100 bee stings would feel like a poke. But I did pretty good, but still need to work on it.

  I teleport home. I jump on my bed and fall asleep. In my dream this time, I see 4 giant demons, I am on the ground while they circling me. I wake up sweaty and breathing heavy. I look to see if it wasn’t a dream. But it was a dream. I lay my head down and close my eyes again, and fall asleep.

  I wake up on a Saturday. My phone rings and its Aaron. “Hey Tyler, you need to come over to practice, I figured out something really cool you can do.” I answer, “Fine be right there.”


  I teleport over there and they rush me into the cube. He says, “Ok, so, what you need to do is concentrate on your magic for your beam and you try to make some armor. “How?” But he’s already gone. I start trying to power myself to make it happen but it doesn’t. I keep trying until I’m tired.

  They come out and Aaron says, “Don’t worry, I think it’s a higher concentration thing.” I shrug. “I guess you can try to make a sword and shield if you’d like.” Aaron suggests. “I guess.” I say. He goes across the room, and I start concentrating. I feel something in my hand form, I open my eyes and my eyes go wide.

  I am so happy! Suzie and Aaron come out clapping. “Good job Tyler.” Aaron says. “Yeah, way to go Tyler!” Suzie cheers.


  Well it’s time to go home and get some rest, even though the day isn’t over, I still learned something. So I get home more tired than a dog trying to chase its tail for hours. So I lie down and fall asleep. I wake up a few hours before dark so I call my best friends.

  We go to their house while walking Luke says, “Where were you today? Don’t we always hangout on Saturday?” So, I answer back with “We do I just had some stuff to do.” “Oh, sorry” apologizes Luke. “It’s fine.” I answer.

  We just keep walking and talking. We get to their house and we wrestle and play Luke’s new video game. It was awesome but I can’t tell you what it is, I’m too busy playing a game. So we fell asleep playing the game and I am the first one awake.


  I go into the kitchen and make some breakfast so we can go to the skate park to mess around on our skateboards and probably land on
our faces but we don’t really care. They are so cool, I wish they could help me fight or just cheer me on. Man that would be cool. Oh well.

  One day this will be normal, but not today or maybe in a few years, who may know, it might change soon. Luke just wakes up and so does Landon. We eat and go to the skate park. We try some stuff but we tripped a few times. This is so cool.

  We walk around and we drink some energy drinks. We walked by the creek and some beautiful sights. Then we went back to their house, and played more video games. A little after dark I go home.


  I go to bed, but I can’t sleep. I wonder if I could go train with Aaron and Suzie. I fall asleep finally, I wake up about 10:00. “Crap I am so going to be late” Oh well, I’ll just teleport to their house. I teleport there and they are surprised to see me this early. We train for hours, and then we just sit on the couch and talk.

  You would think Aaron was a bad man but he really isn’t. I still wonder why he hides his face. Well, I stayed until I needed to go home. Luke and Landon won’t be surprised that I over slept. I teleport home feeling super tired from all that training.

  I fall asleep and dream the dream about those weird dressed demons again. It scared me again so I woke up.


  I couldn’t go back to sleep so I thought and thought and thought. I get sad of the thought of my family, I think that’s why my mom’s always on the couch. I get up and go to my bathroom and look at the mirror.

  I look into my eyes thinking about how much I’ve lost and how much I’ve gained. I go back to my desk and draw in my journal. I write some stuff about what I’ve been doing and our missions. I draw my brown eyes my dark brown hair for the fun of it. It turns out I am pretty good at getting details.