Read The World of the Unknowns: The Discovery. Page 8

  Chapter 7. Questions multiply.

  As soon as John was reasonably sure that Bradley was asleep and the Adventurous would not show up till the next day, he decided that he would try flying. If Megan could do it, then he should be able to do it, too. Of course, without letting anyone know about it. John climbed the ladder half way, jumped and fell down like a rock. He tried over and over, but to no avail. He even started thinking that Megan made it all up, when on another try he assumed just a proper position, by accident, and flew around the room once. Encouraged, he kept trying until he could fly from the top step of the ladder and make several circles around the room before reaching the floor. Satisfied, John also went to bed.

  Needless to say that tired after practicing flying for half the night, the next day John slept in. Shortly after he woke up, he was again visited by the Adventurous.

  “How does this guy know when I wake up?” John felt uneasy at the thought. But he did not have time to finish it.

  “Very well, very well!” the Adventurous exclaimed and landed next to John. “Next lesson. Now we are going to learn how to fly up from the floor. It is going to be difficult to show since you knocked me down so hard yesterday that I even lost my ability to fly for some time.”

  After the Adventurous said this, John immediately completed his thought. Of course, how stupid it was to learn to fly! They somehow saw when he was awake, and the same way they could see that he indeed successfully practiced yesterday. Since they knew he could do this, it was late to try to pretend that he couldn’t!

  “You know,” he began, “today I’m not in the mood to do anything. I need some rest. Yesterday was a busy day.”

  To his surprise, the Adventurous did not press him.

  “All right,” he said, climbing up the ladder. “When you are ready, just start flying, and I will come in and give you the next lesson.”

  With that, he disappeared into the ceiling hole.