Read The Wreckers of Sable Island Page 9



  Great was the bustle and excitement at the wreckers' quarters. The dayhappened to be particularly favourable for embarking--such a day, infact, as might not come once in a month; and everything must be done tomake the most of it. But the very beauty of the day gave evidence ofapproaching change. It was what the seafaring folk call a"weather-breeder," because such lovely days are always followed bystorm.

  None knew this better than the wreckers. They made all haste totransfer themselves and their booty to the schooner. In keen anxietyEric watched the work going on. No one seemed to notice him, thoughseveral times he caught Evil-Eye regarding him with such a look offiendish triumph as sent a shiver to his heart.

  Ben, who had his own interests to care for, cheered him a little byclapping him on the back as he passed, and saying, in his mostencouraging tone,--

  "Keep up your heart, my lad. We'll manage it somehow."

  But the removal of the booty was almost complete, and still he did notknow his fate. Only another boat-load of stuff remained to be takenoff, and in the boat that came for this were Ben, Evil-Eye, and thecaptain of the schooner. Eric stood near the landing-place with Princebeside him. He knew that his future hung upon what might be decidedwithin a few minutes.

  The boat was loaded, and the crew stood ready to launch her into thebreakers. Now came the critical moment. How far the matter might havebeen discussed already Eric had no idea. He saw Ben draw the captainaside and engage him in earnest conversation, while Evil-Eye hung aboutas though he burned to put in a word.

  His heart almost stopped beating as he watched the captain's face.Evidently he was not unmoved by Ben's arguments. His countenanceshowed he was wavering, and his opposition weakening.

  With rising hope, Eric noted this. Evil-Eye saw it too, but withdifferent feelings. He thought it time to interfere, and, drawingnearer, began, in a loud, half-threatening tone,--

  "Say, now, captain--"

  But before he could get out another word Ben wheeled round, his faceaflame with anger. Rising to his utmost height, he drew a pistol fromhis belt, and pointing it straight at Evil-Eye's breast, roared out,--

  "Hold that tongue of yours, _I_ say, or I'll put a bullet through yourheart before you can wink."

  With a start of terror the ruffian shrank away from the giant whotowered above him, and satisfied that he would not venture to interposeagain, Ben resumed his talk with the captain. For a little longer thedialogue continued. What the arguments were that Ben used, or whatinducements he offered, Eric did not learn until afterwards. But, oh!what a bound his heart gave when Ben left the captain and came towardhim, his face so full of relief as to seem almost radiant.

  "It's all right, my lad," said he, grasping him by the shoulder andpushing him toward the boat. "You're to come. Let's hurry up now andget on board."

  Too overjoyed to speak, Eric hastened to obey, giving Ben a look ofunspeakable gratitude as he clasped his hand with passionate fervour.Evil-Eye scowled terribly when the boy sprang into the boat, and daredonly mutter his protests, for clearly enough Ben was in no mood fortrifling, and the captain was evidently quite on his side.

  Without waiting for an invitation, Prince promptly leaped in beside hisyoung master, at which the men in the boat laughed, and the captainsaid good-humouredly,--

  "Let him come too. He's too good to leave behind."

  In a few minutes more, Eric, with a feeling of glad relief beyond allpower of words to express, stood upon the schooner's deck and lookedback at the island which for well nigh half a year had been hisprison--almost his grave.

  The low, broad, weather-beaten hut was easily visible. "How good Godwas to protect me there!" he thought, as he recalled the many scenes ofviolence he had witnessed. "I wonder what is to become of me. Poorfather must have given me up for dead long ago. Shall I ever get tohim?"

  With many a "Yo! heave ho!" the sailors set about raising the anchor,the schooner's broad wings were hoisted to catch the breeze alreadyblowing, and soon she was speeding away southward toward Boston.

  They had just got well under way when, happening to glance around,Eric, who was standing in the bow enjoying the swift rush of theschooner through the foaming water, noticed a number of the wreckersand the crew gathered about the captain on the poop. They wereexamining something very carefully through his telescope. Followingthe direction of the glass, Eric could make out a dark object risingout of the water, several miles away on the port side. This wasevidently the cause of the men's concern. Almost unconsciously he drewnear the group, in order to hear what they were saying. The captainjust then handed the telescope to Evil-Eye.

  His face darkened with rage as he said, "It's one of those Britishbrigs, and no mistake, and she's running right across our course. Ifwe keep on this way we'll fall right into her clutches. Look you,Evil-Eye, and see if I'm not right."

  Evil-Eye took the glass and looked long and carefully. It was clearenough that he came to the same conclusion as the captain, for one ofhis most hideous scowls overspread his countenance as he growled out,--

  "It's the brig, and no mistake, and we're running straight into herjaws. We'll have to go about and sail off shore, captain."

  At once the captain roared out his orders, and the sailors sprang toobey. There was a rattling of blocks, a creaking of booms, a fierceflapping of canvas. After a moment's hesitation in the eye of thewind, the schooner gracefully fell off, and was soon gliding away onthe other tack, with the brig now almost directly astern.

  Whatever doubt there may have been on board the brig as to thepropriety of pursuing the schooner was dissipated by its sudden changeof course; and, still distant though she was, a keen eye could make outthat they were hoisting additional sails and making every effort toovertake the schooner.

  There were yet three hours of daylight, and the brig was evidently afast sailer. The schooner's chance of escape lay in keeping her wellastern until night came on, and then, by a sudden change of course,slipping away from her in the darkness.

  Every inch of canvas the schooner boasted was clapped on her, and,almost buried in foam, she rushed madly through the water.

  Eric's first feeling, on seeing the brig, and the fear created amonghis captors, was of intense joy, and he watched its steady growth uponthe horizon with eager anxiety. He did not notice the ominous lookscast upon him by Evil-Eye and others, until Ben, whose eyes seemed tomiss nothing, drew him away to his former post near the bows, saying,in a deep undertone,--

  "Come with me, lad. I want a word with you."

  Ben's countenance showed that he was much troubled, and Eric, full ofhope though he was at the near prospect of his own deliverance, couldnot help feeling as though it were very selfish of him, for itcertainly meant that Ben would be placed in danger. He determined inhis own mind that if the brig should capture the schooner, he wouldplead so hard for his kind rescuer that no harm would be done him.

  "Will the brig catch up to us, Ben?" he asked eagerly. "Do you thinkit will?"

  "It'll be a bad business for you, my lad, if it does," answered Ben, inan unusually gruff tone.

  "Why, Ben, what do you mean?" asked Eric, in surprise.

  "Mean what I say," retorted Ben. Then, after a moment's silence, hewent on: "Captain says that brig's been sent from Halifax after us, andnobody else; and if she should catch us, you may be sure the wreckersain't going to leave you round to tell the people on the brig all youknow about them. Before the brig's alongside they'll drop you over thebulwark with a weight that'll prevent your ever showing up on topagain."

  At these words, whose truth Eric realized at once, his heart seemedturned to stone. And now, just as passionately as he had prayed thatthe brig might overtake them, did he pray that the schooner might keepout of its reach.

  In the meantime, the two vessels were tearing through the water withoutmuch change in their relative positions.

  Darkness was drawing n
ear. As the sun went down, the change that thebeauty of the morning foreboded took place. The sky grew cloudy, thewind blew harder, and there was every sign of an approaching storm.

  As luck would have it, this state of affairs suited the schooner farbetter than the brig. With great exultation the wreckers noted thattheir pursuer was shortening sail. The square-rigged bark could notstand a storm as well as could the schooner.

  "Hurrah!" the captain shouted gleefully. "They're taking in some oftheir canvas. They can't stand this blow with so much top-hamper.We'll show them a clean pair of heels yet."

  And so it turned out. With bow buried in foam and decks awash theschooner staggered swiftly onward under full press of sail, althoughevery moment the canvas threatened to tear itself out of the bolts.Before the darkness enveloped her the brig had disappeared behind,completely distanced. Everybody on board breathed more freely.Setting a course that, by a wide detour, would bring him in due time toBoston, the captain took satisfaction by cursing the brig for causinghim the loss of a whole day at least.

  That night Ben, for the first time, told Eric what had been arrangedconcerning him. On their arrival in Boston he was to be kept hidden inthe hold until the time came for the sailing of a ship for England,about which the captain knew. He would be placed on board this ship ascabin boy. When she reached her destination he might make his way tohis friends the best he could. By that time the wreckers (none of whomintended to return to Sable Island) would have disposed of their booty,and scattered beyond all possibility of being caught.

  Ben did not add, as he might have done, that in order to effect thisarrangement he had to bribe the captain, by turning over to himone-half of his own interest in the schooner's cargo.

  After living in peril of death for so many months, this plan filledEric's heart with joy. It might mean many more hardships, but it alsomeant return to those who were now mourning him as dead. He thankedBen over and over again, assuring him he would never forget hiswonderful kindness; and as Ben listened in silence there was a distinctglistening in the corner of his eye that showed he was not unmoved.

  The storm blew itself out during the night, and was followed by asteady breeze, which bore the schooner along so fast that ere the sunwent down on the following afternoon she was gliding up Boston Bay,looking as innocent as any ordinary fishing schooner. The anchorplunged with a big splash into the still water, the chain rattlednoisily through the hawse-hole, and the voyage was ended.

  Without delay a boat was lowered. The captain and Evil-Eye got intoit, inviting Ben to accompany them, but he declined. He intended towatch over Eric until he should be taken to the English ship. The boatrowed off, and before it returned Eric was sound asleep.

  He was awakened by the singing of the men as they toiled at thewindlass, and the sullen rattle of the chain as it rose reluctantlylink by link from the water. Then he heard the waves rippling againstthe bow, and he knew that the schooner was moving.

  As he rightly guessed, she was making her way to her berth at thewharf. During all that day there was continual motion on the deck, andthe boy imprisoned in the hold tried to while away the long hours byguessing what it meant, and what the sailors were about. Ben broughthim a bountiful breakfast, dinner, and tea. He stayed only while Ericate, and did not seem much disposed to talk. He could not say exactlywhen the English ship would sail, but thought it would be soon.

  The schooner became much quieter by nightfall, for the majority of hercrew had gone ashore. Soon there was perfect stillness; the vessel attimes seemed to be completely deserted. There was a tower clock notfar away which rang out the hours loudly, and Eric heard seven, eight,and nine struck ere he fell asleep.

  How long he had slept he knew not, when he was aroused by two mentalking in loud tones on the deck just above him. They were evidentlythe worse for liquor, and had fallen into a dispute about something.Presently one of them exclaimed,--

  "It is there. I know it's there. I'll prove it to you."