Read The Yellow Crayon Page 43


  The great room was dimly enough lit, for the windows looking out uponthe street were high and heavily curtained, The man who sat at the deskwas almost in the shadow. Yet every now and then a shaft of sunlightfell across his pale, worn face. A strange combination this of theworker, the idealist, the man of affairs. From outside came the hum ofa great city. At times, too, there came to his ears as he sat here theroar of nations at strife, the fierce underneath battle of the greatcountries of the world struggling for supremacy. And here at thiscabinet this man sat often, and listened, strenuous, romantic, withthe heart of a lion and the lofty imagination of an eagle, he steeredunswervingly on to her destiny a great people. Others might rest, butnever he.

  He looked up from the letter spread out before him. Lucille was seatedat his command, a few yards away. Mr. Sabin stood respectfully beforehim.

  "Monsieur le Duc," he said, "this letter, penned by my illustriousfather to you, is sufficient to secure my good offices. In what mannercan I serve you?"

  "Your Majesty," Mr. Sabin answered, "in the first place by receiving mehere. In the second by allowing me to lay before you certain grave andvery serious charges against the Order of the Yellow Crayon, of whichyour Majesty is the titular head."

  "The Order of the Yellow Crayon," the Emperor said thoughtfully,"is society composed of aristocrats pledged to resist the march ofsocialism. It is true that I am the titular head of this organisation.What have you to say about it?"

  "Only that your Majesty has been wholly deceived," Mr. Sabin saidrespectfully, "concerning the methods and the working of this society.Its inception and inauguration were above reproach. I myself at oncebecame a member. My wife, Countess of Radantz, and sole representativeof that ancient family, has been one all her life."

  The Emperor inclined his head towards Lucille.

  "I see no reason," he said, "when our capitals are riddled with secretsocieties, all banded together against us, why the great families ofEurope should not in their turn come together and display a united frontagainst this common enemy. The Order of the Yellow Crayon has had morethan my support. It has had the sanction of my name. Tell me what youhave against it."

  "I have grave things to say concerning it," Mr. Sahin answered, "andconcerning those who have wilfully deceived your Majesty. The influencesto be wielded by the society were mainly, I believe, wealth, education,and influence. There was no mention made of murder, of an undergroundalliance with the 'gamins' of Paris, the dregs of humanity, prisoners,men skilled in the art of secret death."

  The Emperor's tone was stern, almost harsh.

  "Duc de Souspennier, what are these things which you are saying?" heasked.

  "Your Majesty, I speak the truth," Mr. Sabin answered firmly. "Thereare in the Order of the Yellow Crayon three degrees of membership. Thefirst, which alone your Majesty knows of, simply corresponds withwhat in England is known as the Primrose League. The second knows thatbeneath is another organisation pledged to frustrate the advance ofsocialism, if necessary by the use of their own weapons. The third,whose meetings and signs and whose whole organisation is carried onsecretly, is allied in every capital in Europe with criminals andmurderers. With its great wealth it has influence in America as wellas in every city of the world where there are police to be suborned,or desperate men to be bought for tools. At the direction of this thirdorder Lavinski died suddenly in the Hungarian House of Parliament,Herr Krettingen was involved in a duel, the result of which was assuredbeforehand, and Reginald Brott, the great English statesman, was ruinedand disgraced. I myself have just narrowly escaped death at his hands,and in my place my servant has been driven to death. Of all thesethings, your Majesty, I have brought proofs."

  The Emperor's face was like a carven image, but his tone was cold andterrible.

  "If these things have been sanctioned," he said, "by those who areresponsible for my having become the head of the Order; they shall feelmy vengeance."

  "Your Majesty," Mr. Sabin said earnestly, "a chance disclosure, and allmight come to light. I myself could blazon the story through Europe.Those who are responsible for the third degree of the Order ofthe Yellow Crayon, and for your Majesty's ignorance concerning itsexistence, have trifled with the destiny of the greatest sovereign ofmodern times."

  "The Prince of Saxe Leinitzer," the Emperor said, "is the acting head ofthe Order."

  "The Prince of Saxe Leinitzer," Mr. Sabin said firmly, "is responsiblefor the existence of the third degree. It is he who has connected thesociety with a system of corrupt police or desperate criminals in everygreat city. It is the Prince of Saxe Leinitzer, your Majesty, andhis horde of murderers from whom I have come to seek your Majesty'sprotection. I have yet another charge to make against him. He has made,and is making still, use of the society to further his own privateintrigues. In the name of the Order he brought my wife from America.She faithfully carried out the instructions of the Council. She broughtabout the ruin of Reginald Brott. By the rules of the society she wasfree then to return to her home. The Prince, who had been her suitor,declined to let her go. My life was attempted. The story of the Prince'streason is here, with the necessary proofs. I know that orders have beengiven to the hired murderers of the society for my assassination. Mylife even here is probably an uncertain thing. But I have told yourMajesty the truth, and the papers which I have brought with me containproof of my words."

  The Emperor struck a bell and gave a few orders to the young officer whoimmediately answered it. Then he turned again to Mr. Sabin.

  "I have summoned Saxe Leinitzer to Berlin," he said. "These mattersshall be gone into most thoroughly. In the meantime what can I do foryou?"

  "We will await the coming of the Prince," Mr. Sabin answered grimly.

  * * * * *

  Lady Carey passed from her bath-room into a luxurious littledressing-room. Her letters and coffee were on a small table near thefire, an easy-chair was drawn up to the hearthrug. She fastened thegirdle of her dressing-gown, and dismissed her maid.

  "I will ring for you in half an hour, Annette," she said. "See that I amnot disturbed."

  On her way to the fireplace she paused for a moment in front of a talllooking-glass, and looked steadily at her own reflection.

  "I suppose," she murmured to herself, "that I am looking at my best now.I slept well last night, and a bath gives one colour, and white is sobecoming. Still, I don't know why I failed. She may be a little betterlooking, but my figure is as good. I can talk better, I have learnt howto keep a man from feeling dull, and there is my reputation. Because Iplayed at war correspondence, wore a man's clothes, and didn't shriekwhen I was under fire, people have chosen to make a heroine of me. Thatshould have counted for something with him--and it didn't. I couldhave taken my choice of any man in London--and I wanted him. And I havefailed!"

  She threw herself back in her easy-chair and laughed softly.

  "Failed! What an ugly word! He is old, and he limps, and I--well, I wasnever a very bashful person. He was beautifully polite, but he wouldn'thave anything to say to me."

  She began to tear open her letters savagely.

  "Well, it is over. If ever anybody speaks to me about it I think thatI shall kill them. That fool Saxe Leinitzer will stroke his beastlymoustache, and smile at me out of the corners of his eyes. The Dorsetwoman, too--bah, I shall go away. What is it, Annette?"

  "His Highness the Prince of Saxe Leinitzer has called, milady."

  "Called! Does he regard this as a call?" she exclaimed, glancing towardsthe clock. "Tell him, Annette, that your mistress does not receiveat such an hour. Be quick, child. Of course I know that he gave you asovereign to persuade me that it was important, but I won't see him, sobe off."

  "But yes, milady," Annette answered, and disappeared.

  Lady Carey sipped her coffee.

  "I think," she said reflectively, "that it must be Melton."

  Annette reappeared.

  "Milady," she exc
laimed, "His Highness insisted upon my bringing youthis card. He was so strange in his manner, milady, that I thought itbest to obey."

  Lady Carey stretched out her hand. A few words were scribbled on theback of his visiting card in yellow crayon. She glanced at it, tore thecard up, and threw the pieces into the fire.

  "My shoes and stockings, Annette," she said, "and just a morningwrap--anything will do."

  The Prince was walking restlessly up and down the room, when Lady Careyentered. He welcomed her with a little cry of relief.

  "Heavens!" he exclaimed. "I thought that you were never coming."

  "I was in no hurry," she answered calmly. "I could guess your news, so Ihad not even the spur of curiosity."

  He stopped short.

  "You have heard nothing! It is not possible?"

  She shrugged her shoulders.

  "No, but I know you, and I know him. I am quite prepared to hear thatyou are outwitted. Indeed, to judge from your appearance there can be nodoubt about it. Remember I warned you."

  The Prince was pale with fury.

  "No one could foresee this," he exclaimed. "He has walked into thelion's den."

  "Then," Lady Carey said, "I am quite prepared to hear that he tamed thelion."

  "If there was one person living whom I could have sworn that this mandared not visit, it was our Emperor," the Prince said. "It is only a fewyears since, through this man's intrigues, Germany was shamed before theworld."

  "And yet," Lady Carey said sweetly, "the Emperor has received him."

  "I have private intelligence from Berlin," Saxe Leinitzer answered."Mr. Sabin was in possession of a letter written to him by the EmperorFrederick, thanking him for some service or other; and the letter was atalisman."

  "How like him," Lady Carey murmured, "to have the letter."

  "What a pity," the Prince sneered, "that such devotion should remainunrewarded."

  Lady Carey sighed.

  "He has broken my heart," she replied.

  The Prince threw out his hands.

  "You and I," he cried, "why do we behave like children! Let us startafresh. Listen! The Emperor has summoned me to Berlin."

  "Dear me," Lady Carey murmured. "I am afraid you will have a mostunpleasant visit."

  "I dare not go," the Prince said slowly. "It was I who induced theEmperor to become the titular head of this cursed Order. Of course heknew nothing about the second or third degree members and our methods.Without doubt he is fully informed now. I dare not face him."

  "What shall you do?" Lady Carey asked curiously.

  "I am off to South America," he said. "It is a great undevelopedcountry, and there is room for us to move there. Muriel, you know what Iwant of you."

  "My good man," she answered, "I haven't the faintest idea."

  "You will come with me," he begged. "You will not send me into exile solonely, a wanderer! Together there may be a great future before us. Youhave ambition, you love intrigue, excitement, danger. None of these canyou find here. You shall come with me. You shall not say no. Have I notbeen your devoted slave? Have--"

  She stopped him. Her lips were parted in a smile of good-natured scorn.

  "Don't be absurd, Saxe Leinitzer. It is true that I love intrigue,excitement and danger. That is what made me join your Order, and reallyI have had quite a little excitement out of it, for which I suppose Iought to thank you. But as for the rest, why, you are talking rubbish.I would go to South America to-morrow with the right man, but with you,why, it won't bear talking about. It makes me angry to think that youshould believe me capable of such shocking taste as to dream of goingaway with you."

  He flung himself from the room. Lady Carey went back to her coffee andletters. She sent for Annette.

  "Annette," she directed, "we shall go to Melton to-morrow. Wire Haggisto have the Lodge in order, and carriages to meet the midday train. Idaresay I shall take a few people down with me. Let George go aroundto Tattershalls at once and make an appointment for me there at threeo'clock this afternoon. Look out my habits and boots, too, Annette."

  Lady Carey leaned back in her chair for a moment with half-closed eyes.

  "I think," she murmured, "that some of us in our youth must havedrunk from some poisoned cup, something which turned our blood intoquicksilver. I must live, or I must die. I must have excitement everyhour, every second, or break down. There are others too--many others.No wonder that that idiot of a man in Harley Street talked to me gravelyabout my heart. No excitement. A quiet life! Bah! Such wishy-washycoffee and only one cigarette."

  She lit it and stood up on the hearthrug. Her eyes were half closed,every vestige of colour had left her cheeks, her hand was pressed hardto her side. For a few minutes she seemed to struggle for breath. Thenwith a little lurch as though still giddy, she stooped, and picking upher fallen cigarette, thrust it defiantly between her teeth.

  "Not this way," she muttered. "From a horse's back if I can with the airrushing by, and the hot joy of it in one's heart... Only I hope it won'thurt the poor old gee... Come in, Annette. What a time you've been,child."


  The Emperor sent for Mr. Sabin. He declined to recognise his incognito.

  "Monsieur le Duc," he said, "if proof of your story were needed it ishere. The Prince of Saxe Leinitzer has ignored my summons. He has fledto South America."

  Mr. Sabin bowed.

  "A most interesting country," he murmured, "for the Prince."

  "You yourself are free to go when and where you will. You need no longerhave any fears. The Order does not exist. I have crushed it."

  Mr. Sabin bowed.

  "Your Majesty," he said, "has shown exemplary wisdom."

  "From its inception," the Emperor said, "I believe that the idea was amistaken one. I must confess that its originality pleased me; my calmerreflections, however, show me that I was wrong. It is not for the noblesof the earth to copy the methods of socialists and anarchists. These menare a pest upon humanity, but they may have their good uses. They mayhelp us to govern alertly, vigorously, always with our eyes and earsstrained to catch the signs of the changing times. Monsieur le Duc,should you decide to take up your residence in this country I shall atall times be glad to receive you. But your future is entirely your own."

  Mr. Sabin accepted his dismissal from audience, and went back toLucille.

  "The Prince," he told her, "has gone--to South America. The Order doesnot exist any longer. Will you dine in Vienna, or in Frankfort?"

  She held out her arms.

  "You wonderful man!" she cried.

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