Read The Young Castellan: A Tale of the English Civil War Page 11



  "You're quite turning everything into military style, Ben," said Roy, asthey left the armoury.

  "Yes, sir; nothing like it. Keep the men up to the mark."

  "But isn't it comic to speak of the people as the troops?"

  "No, sir; not a bit. Troops are troops whether there's many or few.It's serious work is fighting, and, with due respect to you, sir,there's nothing comic in treating our new levies as if they wereseasoned men."

  All the same, though, Roy felt that he could not agree with hiscompanion, when they reached the great gate-way, now, for the timebeing, made the parade ground. To his eyes the aspect of the place wasdecidedly comic, and his first impulse upon seeing the familiar figuresof butler, footman, grooms, and gardeners, looking stiff and awkward intheir heavy buff coats, creased and angular for want of use, was toburst out laughing.

  But he did not even smile, for he could see that the men were glancingat him consciously, and he knew that any such display of mirth at theirpersonal appearance would have had a most disastrous effect. As it was,he behaved very wisely, for when Ben shouted out an order for them tofall into line, Roy advanced to the men at once with a few encouragingremarks.

  "The accoutrements and things have been lying by so long," he said,"that they must be very uncomfortable and stiff."

  "Yes, sir, they really are," said the butler, shaking his head. "Youfeel as if you can't move in them; and my steel cap is terribly heavy."

  "You'll find them grow more easy to wear after a bit," said Roy, at aventure. "I see you are pretty well fitted, and--What's that, Ben?"

  For voices came from the gate-way beyond the drawbridge, a hundred yardsfrom where they were standing.

  "I'll see, sir," said Ben, importantly, as he drew himself to thesalute. "Beg pardon, sir," he added in a low tone; "be better now ifyou'd make everything soldierly and speak to me as sergeant. Don't seewhy my old rank shouldn't tell now, and it will help me with the threetroopers, for one of 'em's a corporal."

  Roy nodded, and directly after followed his sergeant, for he began tohave an inkling of what was going on.

  As he crossed the drawbridge, it was in time to hear Master Pawson say,in his high-pitched voice and in a tone of anger that was quite new--

  "Oh, there you are, Martlet! What is the meaning of all this folly?Rogers dressed up, and telling me I can't come in without an order fromher ladyship."

  "Quite right, sir," said Ben, steadily; "only he didn't know he was tolet in any one belonging to the place."

  "But what does it mean? I've been out since morning, and I return tofind the gate locked, and a man playing at being a sentry. Why, Roy, mydear boy, surely this is not some bad joke of yours?"

  "Unfasten the gate, Rogers, and let Master Pawson in," said Roy, withhis face turning scarlet; and, seeing his look of confusion, thesecretary continued--

  "Oh, I see; it is playing at soldiers. And gracious me! who are thoseunder the gate-way? Surely troops have not arrived in my absence. Mydear Roy, surely her ladyship does not countenance this? It is tooabsurd."

  Annoyance made the boy feel indignant, and he knew that those near himexpected him to speak on their behalf.

  "It is not absurd, Master Pawson," he replied, sharply. "The castle isbeing placed under military rule now, and will be put in a state ofdefence as soon as possible."

  "That's so!" growled Ben, whose face was black as a thunder-cloud.

  Master Pawson gave him a quick look, but he did not speak to him, but toRoy.

  "A state of defence!" he said, in a tone of raillery; "what nonsense!and pray, why?"

  "On account of the troubled times, sir."

  "Troubled times! What troubled times?"

  "Surely you know, sir, who have been bringing my mother news of therevolution."

  Master Pawson's eyes opened a little more widely, for he was astonished.The boy addressing him seemed no longer the quiet, sport-loving pupilwho came up into the tower to read with him and listen patiently whilehe played on his violoncello, but one who had suddenly been transformed.

  "Ah, you mean the tidings of those people who object to some of theking's orders? But really that has nothing to do with us out here inthis quiet, retired place. And you are making it an excuse for all thisfolly? For shame, Roy! Dressing up the servants, and putting on asword! Go and take it off, boy, and do not make yourself ridiculous."

  Ben glanced at his young master, whose face was redder than ever, andwaited impatiently for him to speak, while Master Pawson turned towardshis pupil smilingly, extending one hand to lay upon his shoulder, theother to lay hold of his sword.

  "There is nothing absurd or nonsensical about it, Master Pawson," hesaid, firmly. "As I have told you, the castle will be put in a state ofdefence."

  "You mean repair, my dear boy," said the secretary, mockingly.

  "Yes, repair if you will, as to the weak parts, sir. And as to playingat soldiers, we may look a little awkward at first, as we are not usedto our weapons and arms; but that will soon pass off, and you will haveto join us, and do your best."

  "That's so!" growled Ben, whose face began to lighten up a little as Royspoke out so firmly.

  Master Pawson turned upon the old soldier with his eyebrows raised in alook of surprise.

  "My good man," he said, "will you please to recollect your positionhere."

  Ben saluted, and drew himself up as stiff as a pike.

  "Nonsense, my dear boy!" continued Master Pawson; "this is all foolishvanity, and I am sure that, when you have thought it over coolly, youwill see that it is childish for you, a boy, to imagine that you can doany good by making this silly display. Why, you must have been readingsome old book of chivalry and warlike adventure. If you only knew howridiculous you look with that long sword buckled on, you would soon takeit off. You look almost as absurd as Rogers here; I thought somescarecrow had been stuck up by the gate."

  "Yes, sir; that's right," growled Ben. "Scarecrows who were going toscare off all the crows as try to peck at his majesty the king."

  "Silence, Martlet!" cried Roy, sharply. "It is not your place to speakto Master Pawson like that."

  "I should think not," said the secretary, with his face flushingslightly.

  "Beg pardon, sir, a slip: not mutiny," said Ben.

  "No, but insolence on the part of a menial," cried Master Pawson; "andif it is repeated, I shall ask Lady Royland to dismiss you, sir, atonce."

  "And my mother would refuse to dismiss so old and faithful a servant,"said Roy, warmly.

  The secretary looked at the boy wonderingly again, and his eyesdarkened; but he smiled the next moment.

  "Come, come, Roy!" he said. "Pray leave off this nonsense, and have thegate left open. Send the men back to their work. You will thank me forgiving you this advice to-morrow."

  "No, Master Pawson, I shall not," said Roy, firmly. "The gate will bekept locked; no one will be allowed to pass without the word, andto-night the drawbridge will be raised; by to-morrow, I dare say, weshall be able to lower the portcullis."

  "Are you mad, my boy?"

  "I hope not, sir."

  "Do you mean to tell me that you will not listen to my advice?"

  "Yes, sir; I cannot."

  "Then, my good lad, I must be severe. I have tried gentle means. Asyour tutor, in whose charge you have been left by your father, I commandyou to give up all this silly mummery. You have something better to dothan to waste time over such childish tricks. Go to your room, and staythere for a while before you come to mine with an apology. Quick! Atonce!"

  He stood, looking very important, as he gave a quick stamp and pointedtowards the castle.

  "You, Jenkin, go and put that sword away! Rogers and Martlet, go backto your work at once!"

  "Stop!" said Roy, firmly, as the men looked at him for help. "Keep asyou are. Master Pawson is my tutor, but he has no right to give you anyorders.--I must
ask you, sir, to go to your room, and not to interferewith what is going on around."

  "Hah!" ejaculated Ben, expelling a tremendous pent-up breath, and heturned and winked at Rogers and Jenk, though the poor old gate-keepercould not see.

  "The boy is mad," cried Master Pawson, flushing angrily now. "This isbeyond bearing. An act of rebellion. Once more, sir, will you obeyme?"

  "Obey you, Master Pawson? In my studies, yes. Over the business of thecastle, no!"

  "I am striving to save you from being ridiculed by the whole district,sir, and I appeal to you not to force me to have you humbled by going into complain to Lady Royland."

  "You will not humble me, sir, by going in to complain to my mother, forshe endorses everything I have done."

  "Her ladyship does!" cried Master Pawson, looking quite aghast.

  "Of course. All this is by my father's orders."

  "Absurd, boy! Your father has given no such orders."

  "Indeed!" said Roy, flushing angrily at the contradiction. "You havenot been at home, sir, or you would have seen his messengers, threetroopers, ride up this morning, from his regiment, who will stay to helpus strengthen the place. There they are! I hope you don't think theylook ridiculous in their uniforms."

  For, as he was speaking, the three men, rested now and refreshed, hadmarched from the servants' hall to where the new recruits were drawn up,and stood there waiting for their captain to return.

  For a few moments Master Pawson's face dropped, and he stared in hisutter astonishment.

  But he recovered himself quickly, and said, with a smile--

  "Of course I did not know of this, my dear boy, especially as it all waswhile I have been away. As your father has given the orders in hisletter,--and I am very glad that your mother has heard at last,--ofcourse there is nothing to be done, unless her ladyship can be broughtto see how unnecessary it all is, and likely to cause trouble andmisconstruction among the neighbours. I am sure that if Sir Granbycould be here now, he would see that it was needless. Whatever troublesmay arise, nothing can disturb us in this secluded spot. There, I willgo now to attend to my reading. When you have done playing atsoldiers," he added, with a slightly mocking emphasis upon the"playing", "perhaps you will join me, Roy. You will get tired ofhandling swords too large for your hand, but of studies you can neverweary. _Au revoir_. I am sorry we had this little misunderstanding."

  He patted Roy on the shoulder and walked on across the drawbridge, as ifnot perceiving that his pupil followed him; and as he drew near theservants, ranged rather awkwardly in their fresh habiliments, he smiledin a way which made every man shrink and feel far more uncomfortablethan he had been made by his stiff buff coat. But as he passed thethree troopers,--fine, manly-looking, seasoned fellows, who wore theiruniforms as if to the manner born, and who drew themselves up andsaluted him, evidently looking upon him as one of the importantpersonages of the house,--he ceased to smile, and went on to his studyin the north-west tower, looking very serious and much disturbed inmind.