Read The Young Duke Page 20


  _A Complaisant Spouse_

  THE gaieties of the race-week closed with a ball at Dallington House.As the pretty mistress of this proud mansion was acquainted with all themembers of the ducal party, our hero and his noble band were among thosewho honoured it with their presence.

  We really have had so many balls both in this and other as immortalworks that, in a literary point of view, we think we must give updancing; nor would we have introduced you to Dallington House if therehad been no more serious business on hand than a flirtation with a ladyor a lobster salad. Ah! why is not a little brief communion with thelast as innocent as with the first?

  Small feet are flitting in the mazy dance and music winds with inspiringharmony through halls whose lofty mirrors multiply beauty and add freshlustre to the blazing lights. May Dacre there is wandering like a periin Paradise, and Lady Aphrodite is glancing with her dazzling brow, yetan Asmodeus might detect an occasional gloom over her radiant face.It is but for an instant, yet it thrills. She looks like some favouredsultana, who muses for a moment amid her splendour on her early love.

  And she, the sparkling mistress of this scene; say, where is she? Notamong the dancers, though a more graceful form you could scarcely lookupon; not even among her guests, though a more accomplished hostessit would be hard to find. Gaiety pours forth its flood, and allare thinking of themselves, or of some one sweeter even thanself-consciousness, or else perhaps one absent might be missed.

  Leaning on the arm of Sir Lucius Grafton, and shrouded in her cashmere,Mrs. Dallington Vere paces the terrace in earnest conversation.

  'If I fail in this,' said Sir Lucius, 'I shall be desperate. Fortuneseems to have sent him for the very purpose. Think only of the state ofaffairs for a moment. After a thousand plots on my part; after havingfor the last two years never ceased my exertions to make her commitherself; when neither a love of pleasure, nor a love of revenge, nor thethoughtlessness to which women in her situation generally have recourse,produced the slightest effect; this stripling starts upon the stage, andin a moment the iceberg melts. Oh! I never shall forget the rapture ofthe moment when the faithful Lachen announced the miracle!'

  'But why not let the adventure take the usual course? You have yourevidence, or you can get it. Finish the business. The _exposes_, to besure, are disagreeable enough; but to be the talk of the town for a weekis no great suffering. Go to Baden, drink the waters, and it will beforgotten. Surely this is an inconvenience not to be weighed for amoment against the great result.'


  'Believe me, my dearest friend, Lucy Grafton cares very little about thebabble of the million, provided it do not obstruct him in his objects.Would to Heaven I could proceed in the summary and effectual mode youpoint out; but that I much doubt. There is about Afy, in spite ofall her softness and humility, a strange spirit, a cursed courage orobstinacy, which sometimes has blazed out, when I have over-galled her,in a way half-awful. I confess I dread her standing at bay. I am in herpower, and a divorce she could successfully oppose if I appeared to bethe person who hastened the catastrophe and she were piqued to show thatshe would not fall an easy victim. No, no! I have a surer, though a moredifficult, game. She is intoxicated with this boy. I will drive her intohis arms.'

  'A probable result, forsooth! I do not think your genius hasparticularly brightened since we last met. I thought your letters weregetting dull. You seem to forget that there is a third person to beconsulted in this adventure. And why in the name of Doctors' Commons,the Duke is to close his career by marrying a woman of whom, with yourleave, he is already, if experience be not a dream, half-wearied, isreally past my comprehension, although as Yorkshire, Lucy, I should not,you know, be the least apprehensive of mortals.'

  'I depend upon my unbounded influence over St. James.'

  'What! do you mean to recommend the step, then?'

  'Hear me! At present I am his confidential counsellor on allsubjects----'

  'But one.'

  'Patience, fair dame; and I have hitherto imperceptibly, butefficiently, exerted my influence to prevent his getting entangled withany other nets.'

  'Faithful friend!'

  '_Point de moquerie!_ Listen. I depend further upon his perfectinexperience of women; for, in spite of his numerous gallantries, hehas never yet had a grand passion, and is quite ignorant, even at thismoment, how involved his feelings are with his mistress. He has not yetlearnt the bitter lesson that, unless we despise a woman when wecease to love her, we are still a slave, without the consolement ofintoxication. I depend further upon his strong feelings; for strongI perceive they are, with all his affectation; and on his weaknessof character, which will allow him to be the dupe of his first greatemotion. It is to prevent that explosion from taking place under anyother roof than my own that I now require your advice and assistance;that advice and assistance which already have done so much for me. Ilike not this sudden and uncontemplated visit to Castle Dacre. I fearthese Dacres; I fear the revulsion of his feelings. Above all, I fearthat girl.'

  'But her cousin; is he not a talisman? She loves him.'

  'Pooh! a cousin! Is not the name an answer? She loves him as she lovesher pony; because he was her companion when she was a child, and kissedher when they gathered strawberries together. The pallid, moonlightpassion of a cousin, and an absent one, too, has but a sorry chanceagainst the blazing beams that shoot from the eyes of a new lover. Wouldto Heaven that I had not to go down to my boobies at Cleve! I shouldlike nothing better than to amuse myself an autumn at Dallington withthe little Dacre, and put an end to such an unnatural and irreligiousconnection. She is a splendid creature! Bring her to town next season.'

  'But to the point. You wish me, I imagine, to act the same part with thelady as you have done with the gentleman. I am to step in, I suppose,as the confidential counsellor on all subjects of sweet May. I am topreserve her from a youth whose passions are so impetuous and whoseprinciples are so unformed.'

  'Admirable Bertha! You read my thoughts.'

  'But suppose I endanger, instead of advance, your plans. Suppose, forinstance, I captivate his Grace. As extraordinary things have happened,as you know. High place must be respected, and the coronet of a Duchessmust not be despised.'

  'All considerations must yield to you, as do all men,' said Sir Lucius,with ready gallantry, but not free from anxiety.

  'No, no; there is no danger of that. I am not going to play traitressto my system, even for the Duke of St. James; therefore, anything thatoccurs between us shall be merely an incident _pour passer le tempsseulement_, and to preserve our young friend from the little Dacre. Ihave no doubt he will behave very well, and that I shall send him safeto Cleve Park in a fortnight with a good character. I would recommendyou, however, not to encourage any unreasonable delay.'

  'Certainly not; but I must, of course, be guided by circumstances.' SirLucius observed truly. There were other considerations besides gettingrid of his spouse which cemented his friendship with the young Duke. Itwill be curious if lending a few thousands to the husband save our herofrom the wife. There is no such thing as unmixed evil. A man who loseshis money gains, at least, experience, and sometimes something better.But what the Duke of St. James gained is not yet to be told.

  'And you like Lachen?' asked Mrs. Dallington.

  'Very much.'

  'I formed her with great care, but you must keep her in good humour.'

  'That is not difficult. _Elle est tres jolie_; and pretty women, likeyourself, are always good-natured.'

  'But has she really worked herself into the confidence of the virtuousAphrodite?'

  'Entirely. And the humour is, that Lachen has persuaded her that Lachenherself is on the best possible terms with my confidential valet, andcan make herself at all times mistress of her master's secrets. So it isalways in my power, apparently without taking the slightest interest inAfy's conduct, to regulate it as I will. At present she believes that myaffairs are in a distracted state, and that I int
end to reside solely onthe Continent, and to bear her off from her Cupidon. This thought hauntsher rest, and hangs heavy on her waking mind. I think it will do thebusiness.'

  'We have been too long absent. Let us return.'

  'I accompany you, my charming friend. What should I do without such anally? I only wish that I could assist you in a manner equally friendly.Is there no obdurate hero who wants a confidential adviser to dilateupon your charms, or to counsel him to throw himself at your feet; orare that beautiful in face and lovely form, as they must always be,invincible?'

  'I assure you quite disembarrassed of any attentions whatever. But, Isuppose, when I return to Athens, I must get Platonic again.'

  'Let me be the philosopher!'

  'No, no; we know each other too well. I have been free ever since thatfatal affair of young Darrell, and travel has restored my spirits alittle. They say his brother is just as handsome. He was expected atVienna, but I could not meet him, although I suppose, as I made him aViscount, I am rather popular than not with him.'

  'Pooh! pooh! think not of this. No one blames you. You are still auniversal favourite. But I would recommend you, nevertheless, to take meas your cavalier.'

  'You are too generous, or too bold. No, man! I am tired of flirtation,and really think, for variety's sake, I must fall in love. After all,there is nothing like the delicious dream, though it be but a dream.Spite of my discretion, I sometimes tremble lest I should end by makingmyself a fool, with some grand passion. You look serious. Fear not forthe young Duke. He is a dazzling gentleman, but not a hero exactly to mytaste.'