Read The Young Duke Page 3


  _The Duke Returns_

  A SORT of scrambling correspondence had been kept up between the youngDuke and his cousin, Lord St. Maurice, who had for a few months been hisfellow-traveller. By virtue of these epistles, notice of the movementsof their interesting relative occasionally reached the circle atFitz-pompey House, although St. Maurice was scanty in the much-desiredcommunications; because, like most young Englishmen, he derivedsingular pleasure from depriving his fellow-creatures of all that smallinformation which every one is so desirous to obtain. The announcement,however, of the approaching arrival of the young Duke was duly made.Lord Fitz-pompey wrote and offered apartments at Fitz-pompey House. Theywere refused. Lord Fitz-pompey wrote again to require instructions forthe preparation of Hauteville House. His letter was unanswered. LordFitz-pompey was quite puzzled.

  'When does your cousin mean to come, Charles?' 'Where does your cousinmean to go, Charles?' 'What does your cousin mean to do, Charles?' Thesewere the hourly queries of the noble uncle.

  At length, in the middle of January, when no one expected him, the Dukeof St. James arrived at Mivart's.

  He was attended by a French cook, an Italian valet, a German jaeger, anda Greek page. At this dreary season of the year this party was, perhaps,the most distinguished in the metropolis.

  Three years' absence and a little knowledge of life had somewhat changedthe Duke of St. James's feelings with regard to his noble relatives.He was quite disembarrassed of that Panglossian philosophy which hadhitherto induced him to believe that the Earl of Fitz-pompey was thebest of all possible uncles. On the contrary, his Grace rather doubtedwhether the course which his relations had pursued towards him wasquite the most proper and the most prudent; and he took great creditto himself for having, with such unbounded indulgence, on the wholedeported himself with so remarkable a temperance. His Grace, too, couldno longer innocently delude himself with the idea that all the attentionwhich had been lavished upon him was solely occasioned by the impulseof consanguinity. Finally, the young Duke's conscience often misgave himwhen he thought of Mr. Dacre. He determined, therefore, on returning toEngland, not to commit himself too decidedly with the Fitz-pompeys, andhe had cautiously guarded himself from being entrapped into becomingtheir guest. At the same time, the recollection of old intimacy, thegeneral regard which he really felt for them all, and the sincereaffection which he entertained for his cousin Caroline, would havedeterred him from giving any outward signs of his altered feelings, evenif other considerations had not intervened.

  And other considerations did intervene. A Duke, and a young Duke, isan important personage; but he must still be introduced. Even ourhero might make a bad tack on his first cruise. Almost as importantpersonages have committed the same blunder. Talk of Catholicemancipation! O! thou Imperial Parliament, emancipate the forlornwretches who have got into a bad set! Even thy omnipotence must failthere!

  Now, the Countess of Fitz-pompey was a brilliant of the first water.Under no better auspices could the Duke of St. James bound upon thestage. No man in town could arrange his club affairs for him withgreater celerity and greater tact than the Earl; and the marrieddaughters were as much like their mother as a pair of diamond ear-ringsare like a diamond necklace.

  The Duke, therefore, though he did not choose to get caged inFitz-pompey House, sent his page, Spiridion, to the Countess, on aspecial embassy of announcement on the evening of his arrival, and onthe following morning his Grace himself made his appearance at an earlyhour.

  Lord Fitz-pompey, who was as consummate a judge of men and manners as hewas an indifferent speculator on affairs, and who was almost as finisheda man of the world as he was an imperfect philosopher, soon perceivedthat considerable changes had taken place in the ideas as well as in theexterior of his nephew. The Duke, however, was extremely cordial, andgreeted the family in terms almost of fondness. He shook his uncle bythe hand with a fervour with which few noblemen had communicated fora considerable period, and he saluted his aunt on the cheek with adelicacy which did not disturb the rouge. He turned to his cousin.

  Lady Caroline St. Maurice was indeed a right beautiful being. She, whomthe young Duke had left merely a graceful and kind-hearted girl, threeyears had changed into a somewhat dignified but most lovely woman. Alittle perhaps of her native ease had been lost; a little perhaps of amanner rather too artificial had supplanted that exquisite addresswhich Nature alone had prompted; but at this moment her manner was asunstudied and as genuine as when they had gambolled together in thebowers of Malthorpe. Her white and delicate arm was extended withcordial grace, her full blue eye beamed with fondness, and the softblush that rose on her fair cheek exquisitely contrasted with theclusters of her dark brown hair.

  The Duke was struck, almost staggered. He remembered their infantloves; he recovered with ready address. He bent his head with gracefulaffection and pressed her lips. He almost repented that he had notaccepted his uncle's offer of hospitality.