Read The Young Lieutenant; or, The Adventures of an Army Officer Page 10



  Allan Garland, _nee_ Somers, advanced confidently towards the rebelline. As he was to perform the leading part in the exciting drama aboutto be acted, he conducted himself with the utmost caution. Everythingdepended upon the amount of impudence he could bring to bear upon thecase before him, and the skill with which he personated the part he hadchosen. He knew of nothing, short of falling on the Fourth Alabama, whichcould disconcert him. Even if he did, there were only a few who knew thecaptured scout; and his chances were fair, even if the worst shouldbefall him.

  "Stand!" said a rebel sentinel on the breastwork of the line. "Who goesthere?"

  "Friend," replied Somers confidently.

  "What's your name?"

  "Allan Garland. Can you tell me where the Fourth Alabama is?"

  "About four miles from here. Do you belong to the Fourth Alabama?"

  "Well, I did before I was captured; I don't know where I belong now."

  "Where d'ye come from?"

  "Just got away from the Yankees. They gobbled me up about three weeksago."

  "Bully for you! Come in; you can report to the officer of the day."

  Somers was entirely willing, and hastened in the direction indicated bythe sentinel; and was soon ushered into the presence of Major Platner,brigade-officer of the day. He was a very pompous little man, and Somerssaw his weakness as soon as he spoke. With a most profound bow, heanswered the questions of the major, using the utmost deference in histone and manner.

  "How dare you present yourself before an officer of the day with such adirty face?" demanded Major Platner.

  "I hope your honor will pardon me; but I have just escaped from theYankees, and have not had time to wash my face. If you please, sir, Iwill go and do it now. I thought I ought to come to you without anydelay."

  "You did right, young man," replied the major with a consequentialflourish of the hand. "You were out scouting when you were taken?"

  "Yes, sir."

  Major Platner then proceeded to ask a great many questions in regard tothe force and position of the Yankees; all of which Somers answeredentirely in the interest of the Union party. He was very careful not togive a particle of information that could be useful to the rebels; at thesame time avoiding any gross exaggerations which would throw discredit onhis story.

  "You seem to be a very intelligent and patriotic young man," added theofficer. "I have heard some inquiries for a person of your descriptionto-day."

  "I have always endeavored to do my duty to my country," answered Somers,trying to blush under the compliment of the patronizing little major;"and I kept my eyes wide open while I was in the Yankee camps."

  "I see you did. Your information is very definite, and, I doubt not, veryreliable."

  "My only desire has been to serve my country, sir," added Somers verymodestly.

  "Well, go and wash your face, so that we can see what color you are, andI will report your name to the general, who was inquiring for a usefulperson like yourself. I trust that you will have discretion enough not tomention anything that has passed between us."

  "Certainly not, sir. I judge, from what you have said, that my poorservices may be required for some special service."

  "That is the idea which I intended to convey. In a word, the commander ofthis division wants information. You have just come from the Yankeelines, and you know where to look for the intelligence that will be ofthe most value to us."

  "I think I do, sir."

  "The fact that you have just made your way through the Yankee lines showsthat you possess the necessary address."

  "I thank you for your good opinion; and I assure you, sir, that I shouldbe very glad to serve my country in any capacity in which she may requiremy humble labors."

  "Very well, young man."

  "A plan occurs to me now, by which I could easily enter the Yankeelines."

  "Indeed! What is that?"

  "When I ran through the enemy's pickets, they fired upon me, and one ofthem chased me. I brought him down with my pistol," replied Somers,producing the weapon, which he had taken the precaution to bring withhim. "I know just where that Yankee lies now; I could borrow his uniform,and go in among the enemy without suspicion."

  "Very well arranged, young man."

  The major then directed an orderly to attend to the wants of thefugitive, and gave the latter orders to report to him within two hours.Somers washed his face, and partook of some cold bacon and corn bread,which constituted the staple of the rebel rations. He then told theorderly that he wanted to look round a little, and find his regiment, ifhe could; but was informed that the camp regulations did not permit anystrolling about the camps. He suggested that the officer of the day wouldgive him a pass, and he returned to the major to beg this favor. It wasreadily granted; and the time for him to report was extended to fourhours, as his regiment was situated at some distance from the brigadecamp, though it belonged to the same division.

  Thus provided, Somers commenced his tour of observation. Of course, hehad no intention of visiting the Fourth Alabama; for that would have beenputting his head into the lion's mouth. We need only say, that he usedhis time to the best advantage for the country in whose service he hadenlisted. He noted the brigades, regiments, and batteries of artillery,which he saw in his walk; and arranged a little scheme in his mind, bywhich he could remember the number of each.

  In the course of his perambulations, he reached the Williamsburg road,and was on the point of extending his observations in the direction ofthe railroad, when he was stopped by a sentinel. He produced his pass,which the rebel soldier could not read; and he was conducted to thesergeant of the guard, who was listening to a conversation between acaptain and an old man who appeared to be a farmer. They were bargainingabout some forage which the captain wanted, and which the farmer was notdisposed to sell.

  "What have you there?" demanded the officer, as the sentinel brought inthe doubtful case.

  "Man with a pass."

  "Your pass is good up to the Williamsburg road, and no farther," said thesergeant when he had read the document.

  "I didn't know where the lines were," replied Somers, returning the passto his pocket.

  "Where are you going?" asked the officer, apparently not satisfied withthe appearance of the "man with a pass."

  "Looking for my regiment, sir," replied Somers, giving the militarysalute; which excess of politeness, however, was lost on thematter-of-fact captain.

  "What regiment?"

  "The Fourth Alabama."

  "The Fourth Alabama! What are you doing over here, then?"

  "I am a stranger in these parts; and I don't know where to look. I havejust escaped from the Yankees, and don't know much about this part of thecountry."

  "What is your name?"

  "Allan Garland, sir."

  "What!" exclaimed the old farmer, suddenly becoming interested in theconversation.

  "In my opinion, you are a deserter," added the officer in a crabbed tone."I advise you to arrest him, sergeant. That pass is good for nothing onthis road."

  "No, captain, he is not a deserter," interposed the farmer with energy."I know him well; and he is as true and patriotic a young man as there isin the Southern Confederacy."

  Somers looked at the farmer with astonishment. He did not remember tohave seen him before; and he could not account for the interest hemanifested in his case.

  "What do you know of him, Mr. Raynes?"

  Mr. Raynes! That explained the matter; and Somers could not helpshuddering in the presence of the man whose son he had buried in the softmud of the bog.

  "He is my son's friend," replied the farmer. "Both of them belong to theFourth Alabama."

  "That may be, Mr. Raynes; but do you suppose a man looking for the FourthAlabama would be wandering about here?"

  "He is a stranger in Virginia. He came on from Alabama only a few weekssince, and was captured while out on a scouting expedition. I assure you,captai
n, it is all right; I will vouch for him."

  "Very well, Mr. Raynes! If the sergeant is willing to take your word forit, I have nothing further to say. Indeed, it is no business of mine; butour soldiers are allowed to walk over to the enemy, or back into thewoods, without let or hindrance. It's a disgrace to the service. MajorPlatner gives this man a pass to go all over the country. Do as youplease, sergeant."

  "I mean to," replied the sergeant in an undertone; for he was not pleasedat this interference on the part of a commissary of subsistence, who hadnothing whatever to do with the affair. "I am satisfied," he added aloud.

  "Allan, I am very glad to see you; and I thank God that you have beenenabled to escape from the Yankees. Have you seen Owen since you gotback?"

  Somers trembled at the question; and, while he did not dare to tell theold man the truth, the thought of telling him a falsehood was utterlyrepulsive to his nature. It was easy enough to deceive the enemy inwar--his duty called upon him to do this; but to deceive an old, fondfather, in regard to a true and devoted son, seemed terrible to him.

  "He was out on picket when I came through," he replied after somehesitation.

  "Then you did not meet him. He will be delighted to see you again; forreally the boy is as fond of you as he is of his sister."

  Somers found himself unable to answer to the warm congratulations of theold man, or to enter into the spirit of the conversation. The staring,death-sealed eyes of Owen Raynes haunted him; and, when he attempted toreciprocate the friendly sentiments of the doting father, his heartseemed to rise up in his throat, and choke his utterance. The onlyconsolation he could derive from the remembrance of the scene in thewoods was in the fact that he had not taken the life of Owen Rayneshimself. He wore his clothes, and had his diary and letters in hispocket.

  "You are very sad, Allan! I should think you would be happy to escapefrom the Yankees. They would have starved you to death in time."

  "I think not, sir! They are not so cruel as that," added Somers, whodesired to remove such a reproach from the mind of the old man.

  "Perhaps they would not willingly starve their prisoners; but I don't seehow they could avoid it. They say that the people of the North aresuffering terribly for the want of food. In New York, the laboringclasses have attacked the banks and the flour-stores, urged on by hunger.There will be terrible times in the North before many months have goneby. I pity the people there, though it is their own fault. I hope Godwill be merciful to them, and spare them from some of the consequences oftheir own folly. I am thankful that you have escaped from them."

  "I don't think they are quite so badly off as you say," answered Somers,provoked by this view of the condition and resources of the North. "Ihave talked with a great many Yankee soldiers, and they say that plentyabounds in all the Northern States."

  "They would tell you so. They are deceived by their officers."

  "That's the way it is done," added the rebel sergeant, who had beenlistening to the conversation.

  "But I saw what rations these soldiers have. They live like lords."

  "That's the very thing which will starve all the people in the North.Their big armies will eat them out of house and home in a few months,Allan."

  "I think not, Mr. Raynes."

  "A gentleman from New York, who got through the lines last week, says thegrass is a foot high in some of the streets of New York. The people can'tfind anything to do, and are cursing their rulers for plunging them intothis horrid war."

  "I think the gentleman from New York lied," replied Somers with a smile."I saw the New York papers every day while I was in the Yankee lines; andthey are full of advertisements, which look like business. Why, in onepaper I saw four columns of 'Wants,' in which people advertised forfarm-laborers, house-servants, clerks and sailors."

  "Ah! Allan, those papers are printed to sell in the Yankee army. I'm sureI hope they are not so badly off as has been represented. I should notwant my worst enemy to suffer what they are called upon to endure. It isall their own fault; but I hope God will be merciful to them."

  "I think you needn't feel bad about them," added Somers, amused, butindignant at the pitiful stories which were circulated in the South tokeep up the courage of the people.

  "Let that pass, then. Really, Allan, I am very glad to see you. You mustgo to the house with me. Sue will be delighted to meet you. She talksabout you a great deal; and I can insure you a warm welcome."

  "I think I cannot stop to call now; but I will try to come over in a fewdays," replied Somers, embarrassed beyond measure at the idea of facingSue and the rest of the family.

  "Not stop!" exclaimed Mr. Raynes, holding up his hands with surprise.

  "Not now, sir; I am in no condition to appear before ladies," he added,extending his arms so as to display his tattered garments to the fullestadvantage. "You know a young man is rather particular about hisappearance when he is going into the company of ladies, and especiallyinto the presence of _some_ ladies. The fact is, I tore my uniform all topieces after I passed through the Yankee lines."

  "Never mind your uniform, my boy. It looks as though it had seen service;and that is the best recommendation a young man can have to the girls inthese times. You must go, Allan."

  "Indeed, sir, I hope you will excuse me for a few days," pleaded Somers.

  "Come, Allan! this is not kind of you. Sue has been dying to see you fora year. She was terribly disappointed when you did not come up with yourregiment, and again when she heard you had joined without calling uponus. If it had been Owen, she could not have felt worse when you werecaptured. Now you want to disappoint her again."

  "You need not mention that you have seen me, Mr. Raynes," suggestedSomers.

  "Not tell her that you have escaped, when she is fretting about you everyday of her life! That would be too bad."

  "You can tell her as much as you please without informing her that youhave seen me."

  "I could not tell a lie, Allan. It would choke me," said the old mansolemnly. "You must go with me."

  "Let me get another uniform, and it would surprise her when I come."

  "No more words, young man. You must go. It is only a short distance,"replied Mr. Raynes, passing his arm through that of Somers, and walkingtowards his house. "It will be the happiest day for Sue which she hasseen for a year."

  "Happier for her than it will be for me," thought Somers, who wasdisposed to break away from the old man, and make his escape.

  By this time, Sue had become an awful bugbear to the poor fellow. Inthese days of photographs, it is more than probable that she had apicture of the original Allan Garland, and the cheat would be discoveredthe moment he showed his face. He was deliberating a plan for breakingaway from his persistent friend, when a young lady of eighteen steppedout from the bushes by the roadside, and hailed the old man.